# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2020 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2020 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Gautier Stoll, Guido Kroemer, #
# Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# INSERM, UPD, CHU Amiens #
# #
# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
# -We do not guarantee privacy nor confidentiality. #
# -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall the copyright holders or #
# contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, #
# exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, #
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# advised of the possibility of such damage. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with IFC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
#' @title IFC Graph Coercion
#' @description
#' Helper to build a list to allow graph export.
#' @param type Graph's type. Either "histogram", "scatter" or "density". Default is "density".
#' @param xlocation Integer. Graph's x location. Default is 0.
#' @param ylocation Integer. Graph's x location. Default is 0.
#' @param f1 Character. Graph x axis parameter. Default is "Object Number".
#' @param f2 Character. Graph y axis parameter. Default is "Object Number". Only used when 'type' is not "histogram".
#' @param scaletype Integer. Graph scale. Either 0 (auto), 1 (manual). Default is 1.
#' @param xmin Double. Graph's xmin. Default -1.
#' @param xmax Double. Graph's xmax. Default 1.
#' @param ymin Double. Graph's xmin. Default 0.
#' @param ymax Double. Graph's xmax. Default 1.
#' @param title Character. Graph title label. Default will use names of BasePop collapse with ', '.
#' @param xlabel Character. Graph x axis label.
#' @param ylabel Character. Graph y axis label.
#' @param axislabelsfontsize Integer. Axis label font size. Default is 10. Allowed are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28.\cr
#' Checked but not yet implemented.
#' @param axistickmarklabelsfontsize Integer. Axis tick font size. Default is 10. Allowed are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28.\cr
#' Checked but not yet implemented.
#' @param graphtitlefontsize Integer. Axis title font size. Default is 12. Allowed are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28.\cr
#' Checked but not yet implemented.
#' @param regionlabelsfontsize Integer. Axis region font size. Default is 10. Allowed are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28.\cr
#' Checked but not yet implemented.
#' @param bincount Integer. Histogram bin count. Default is 0. Allowed are: 0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024.
#' @param freq Character. Histogram with frequency normalization of not. Default is "T", allowed are "T" or "F".
#' @param histogramsmoothingfactor Integer. Histogram smoothing factor. Allowed are [0-20]. Only partly implemented, default is 0 for no smoothing other values will produce same smoothing.
#' @param xlogrange determines transformation instruction for x-axis. Default is "P" for no transformation.
#' @param ylogrange determines transformation instruction for y-axis. Default is "P" for no transformation.
#' @param maxpoints determines the maximum number of points to display. Default is +Inf to display all points.\cr
#' If provided, values from ]0,1] will be used as a proportion of the total number of points to show.\cr
#' While values values superior to 1 will be interpreted as the maximal number of points to show.\cr
#' It only applies to 2D graphs. When 'type' is "histogram", +Inf will be used whatever the value provided as input.
#' @param stats Character. Either "true" or "false" to display stats. Default is "false".
#' @param xsize Integer. Graph's x size. Default is 320 for small. Regular are: 320 (small), 480 (medium), 640 (big).
#' Checked but not yet implemented.
#' @param ysize Integer. Graph's y size. Default is 'ysize' + 'splitterdistance' when 'stats' is set to "true".
#' Checked but not yet implemented.
#' @param splitterdistance Integer. Default is 120.
#' Checked but not yet implemented.
#' @param xstats Character. x stats to be computed. Default is 'Count|\%Gated|Mean'.
#' It has to be a filled with the concatenation of 'Count', '\%Total', '\%Gated',
#' '\%Plotted', 'Objects/mL', 'Mean', 'Median', 'Std. Dev.', 'MAD', 'CV',
#' 'Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Geo. Mean', 'Mode', 'Variance' and /or 'NaN', collapse with '|'.
#' Checked but not yet implemented.
#' @param ystats Character. y stats to be computed. Should be identical to 'xstats'. Default is xstats.
#' Checked but not yet implemented.
#' @param order Character. Order to display populations.
#' When 'type' is "density" it will be BasePop[[1]]$name.
#' When 'type' is "histogram" or "density" 'ShownPop' are not allowed
#' Otherwise, it will use each of 'GraphRegion', 'BasePop' and 'ShownPop' names, collapse with '|'.
#' @param xstatsorder Character. Order of stat rows.
#' It will use each of 'GraphRegion' names & each of 'BasePop' names, reverted and collapse with '|'.
#' @param Legend Default is list(list(onoff='false',x='0',y='0',witdh='96',height='128')).
#' Not yet implemented.
#' @param BasePop Default is list(list()). See details.
#' @param GraphRegion Default is list(list()). Only allowed member are sub-list(s) with only one character component named 'name'.
#' @param ShownPop Default is list(list()). Only allowed member are sub-list(s) with only one character component named 'name'.
#' @details Many parameters are not used or are only partly implemented, but most are checked in order to be compatible for further export.\cr
#' For 'BasePop', if left as is "All" will be used as default.\cr
#' This parameter will be built / checked according to 'type' argument.\cr
#' 'BasePop' has to be a list of list(s) and each sub-list should can contain several elements, but only "name" is mandatory.\cr
#' The sublist members are:\cr
#' -"name", "linestyle", "fill",\cr
#' and only when 'type' is "density"\cr
#' -"densitybincount", "densitymin", "densitymax",\cr
#' -"densitycolors", "densitycolorslightmode", "densitycolorsdarkmode",\cr
#' -"densitylevel", "densitytrans".\cr
#' Each sub-list will be created automatically with the following default values (except if explicitly provided):\cr
#' -linestyle="Solid",\cr
#' -fill="true",\cr
#' -densitybincount="128",densitymin="0",densitymax="0",\cr
#' -densitycolors="-16776961|-13447886|-256|-23296|-65536|",\cr
#' -densitycolorslightmode="-16776961|-13447886|-256|-23296|-65536|",\cr
#' -densitycolorsdarkmode="-16776961|-13447886|-256|-23296|-65536|",\cr
#' -densitylevel="",\cr
#' *when provided it has to be in a format of "fill[true,false]|lines[true,false]|nlevels[integer>1]|lowest[numeric[0-1[]|"
#' *describing how the levelplot should be drawn.\cr
#' *Besides, 'densitrans' will not be used.
#' -densitytrans="asinh"\cr
#' *it can take a function to be applied to the 2D local densities\cr
#' *or a name of a feature within `IFC_data` object to draw a gradient against this feature\cr
#' Note that when 'type' is "density", 'BasePop' should be of length one.\cr
#' and fill will be overwritten to "true".
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed.
#' @return a list containing all graph information.
#' @export
buildGraph <- function(type=c("histogram","scatter","density")[3], xlocation=0, ylocation=0,
f1="Object Number", f2="Object Number", scaletype=1,
xmin=-1, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1,
title=paste0(unlist(lapply(BasePop, FUN=function(x) x$name)),collapse=", "),
xlabel=f1, ylabel=f2,
axislabelsfontsize=10, axistickmarklabelsfontsize=10, graphtitlefontsize=12, regionlabelsfontsize=10,
bincount=0, freq=c("T","F")[1], histogramsmoothingfactor=0,
xlogrange="P", ylogrange="P", maxpoints=+Inf,
stats=c("true","false")[2], xsize=c(320,480,640)[1], ysize=xsize+ifelse(stats=="true",splitterdistance,0),
splitterdistance=120, xstats="Count|%Gated|Mean", ystats=xstats,
order, xstatsorder, Legend,
ShownPop=list(list()), ...) {
dots = list(...)
assert(type, len=1, alw=c("histogram","scatter","density"))
xlocation = na.omit(as.integer(xlocation)); assert(xlocation, len=1)
ylocation = na.omit(as.integer(ylocation)); assert(ylocation, len=1)
assert(f1, len=1, typ="character")
assert(stats, len=1, alw=c("true","false"))
if(missing(Legend)) Legend=list(list(onoff="false",x="0",y="0",witdh="96",height="128"))
xmin=na.omit(as.numeric(xmin)); assert(xmin, len=1)
xmax=na.omit(as.numeric(xmax)); assert(xmax, len=1)
ymin=na.omit(as.numeric(ymin)); assert(ymin, len=1)
ymax=na.omit(as.numeric(ymax)); assert(ymax, len=1)
xsize=na.omit(as.integer(xsize)); xsize = xsize[xsize>=0]; assert(xsize, len=1)
ysize=na.omit(as.integer(ysize)); ysize = ysize[ysize>=0]; assert(ysize, len=1)
splitterdistance=na.omit(as.integer(splitterdistance)); splitterdistance = splitterdistance[splitterdistance>=0]; assert(splitterdistance, len=1)
if(length(title) == 0) title = ""
assert(title, len=1, typ="character")
if(length(xlabel) == 0) xlabel = ""
assert(xlabel, len=1, typ="character")
assert(freq, len=1, alw=c("T","F"))
font_size_avl = as.integer(c(8:11,(6:14)*2))
if(length(axislabelsfontsize)==0) axislabelsfontsize = font_size_avl[1]; axislabelsfontsize = as.integer(axislabelsfontsize); assert(axislabelsfontsize, len=1, alw=font_size_avl)
if(length(axistickmarklabelsfontsize)==0) axistickmarklabelsfontsize = font_size_avl[1]; axistickmarklabelsfontsize = as.integer(axistickmarklabelsfontsize); assert(axistickmarklabelsfontsize, len=1, alw=font_size_avl)
if(length(graphtitlefontsize)==0) graphtitlefontsize = font_size_avl[1]; graphtitlefontsize = as.integer(graphtitlefontsize); assert(graphtitlefontsize, len=1, alw=font_size_avl)
if(length(regionlabelsfontsize)==0) regionlabelsfontsize = font_size_avl[1]; regionlabelsfontsize = as.integer(regionlabelsfontsize); assert(regionlabelsfontsize, len=1, alw=font_size_avl)
if(length(histogramsmoothingfactor)==0) histogramsmoothingfactor = as.integer(0); histogramsmoothingfactor = as.integer(histogramsmoothingfactor); assert(histogramsmoothingfactor, len=1, alw=as.integer(0:20))
bincount = as.integer(bincount); assert(bincount, len=1, alw=as.integer(c(0,2^(3:10))))
xlogrange = as.character(xlogrange); assert(xlogrange, len=1)
ylogrange = as.character(ylogrange); assert(ylogrange, len=1)
if(xlogrange != "P") {
tmp = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(xlogrange))
if(is.na(tmp)) stop("'xlogrange' should be either \"P\" or coercible to a positive numeric")
if(tmp<0) stop("'xlogrange' should be either \"P\" or coercible to a positive numeric")
xlogrange = as.character(tmp)
if(ylogrange != "P") {
tmp = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(ylogrange))
if(is.na(tmp)) stop("'ylogrange' should be either \"P\" or coercible to a positive numeric")
if(tmp<0) stop("'ylogrange' should be either \"P\" or coercible to a positive numeric")
ylogrange = as.character(tmp)
stats_alw = c("Count","%Total","%Gated","%Plotted","Objects/mL","Mean","Median","Std. Dev.","MAD","CV","Minimum","Maximum","Geo. Mean","Mode","Variance","NaN")
assert(xstats, len=1, typ="character"); stopifnot(strsplit(xstats, split="|", fixed=TRUE)[[1]] %in% stats_alw)
assert(ystats, len=1, typ="character"); stopifnot(xstats == ystats, strsplit(ystats, split="|", fixed=TRUE)[[1]] %in% stats_alw)
BasePop_name_alw = c("name", "linestyle", "fill", "densitybincount", "densitymin", "densitymax", "densitycolors", "densitycolorslightmode", "densitycolorsdarkmode", "densitylevel", "densitytrans")
# starts building args
args=list(type=type, xlocation=xlocation, ylocation=ylocation, f1=f1)
# clean-up BasePop, GraphRegion, ShownPop
BasePop = lapply(BasePop, FUN=function(x) { # removes BasePop where name is missing
if("name"%in%names(x)) {
if(length(BasePop)==0) BasePop = list(list("name"="All"))
GraphRegion = lapply(GraphRegion, FUN=function(x) { # removes GraphRegion where name is missing
if("name"%in%names(x)) {
ShownPop = lapply(ShownPop, FUN=function(x) { # removes ShownPop where name is missing
if("name"%in%names(x)) {
BasePop_style_alw = c("Dash","DashDot", "DashDotDot", "Dot", "Solid")
BasePop_fill_alw = c("true", "false")
if(type=="histogram") {
BasePop_name_alw = BasePop_name_alw[1:3]
if(freq=="T") ylabel = "Normalized Frequency"
if(freq=="F") ylabel = "Frequency"
} else {
BasePop_style_alw = "Solid" # forced for non histogram
BasePop_fill_alw = "true" # forced for non histogram
if(type=="density") {
if(length(BasePop)>1) {
BasePop = BasePop[1]
order = paste0(rep(BasePop[[1]]$name, 5), collapse = "|")
warning("Density graphs can only display one BasePop population", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
if(length(ShownPop)!=0) if(length(ShownPop[[1]])>0) {
ShownPop = list(list())
order = paste0(rep(BasePop[[1]]$name, 5), collapse = "|")
warning("Density graphs can't display ShownPop population", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
} else {
if(type=="histogram") if(length(ShownPop)!=0) if(length(ShownPop[[1]])>0) stop("Histogram graphs can't display ShownPop population", call.=FALSE)
BasePop_name_alw = BasePop_name_alw[1:3]
assert(f2, len=1, typ="character")
if(length(ylabel) == 0) ylabel = ""
assert(ylabel, len=1, typ="character")
args = c(args, list(f2=f2)) # adds f2 to args for non histogram
BasePop_default = list(name="All", linestyle="Solid", fill="true",
densitybincount="128", densitymin="0", densitymax="0",
if(type!="density") BasePop_default = BasePop_default[1:3]
BasePop = lapply(BasePop, FUN=function(x) {
tmp = BasePop_name_alw %in% names(x)
BasePop_default[tmp] = x[BasePop_name_alw[tmp]]
if(type=="density") {
# checks that densitybincount is ok
densitybincount = na.omit(as.integer(BasePop_default$densitybincount)); assert(densitybincount, len=1, alw=c(128,256,512,1024))
# checks that densitymin is ok
densitymin = na.omit(as.integer(BasePop_default$densitymin)); assert(densitymin, len=1, alw = 0:10)
# checks that densitymax is ok
densitymax = na.omit(as.integer(BasePop_default$densitymax)); assert(densitymax, len=1, alw = 0:10)
# checks that density colors are correct
lapply(BasePop_name_alw[7:9], FUN=function(i) {
denscols = colConv(BasePop_default[[i]])
assert(denscols, len=5, typ="character")
# overwrites fill
BasePop_default$fill = "true"
# checks levelplot
if(BasePop_default$densitylevel != "") {
densitylevel = strsplit(BasePop_default$densitylevel, split="|", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
assert(densitylevel, len = 4)
levelplot.fill = densitylevel[1]; assert(levelplot.fill,alw=c("true","false"))
levelplot.lines = densitylevel[2]; assert(levelplot.fill,alw=c("true","false"))
levelplot.nlevels = as.integer(densitylevel[3]); levelplot.nlevels=na.omit(levelplot.nlevels[levelplot.nlevels>0]); assert(levelplot.nlevels,len=1)
levelplot.lowest = as.numeric(densitylevel[4]); levelplot.lowest=na.omit(levelplot.lowest[levelplot.lowest >=0 & levelplot.lowest < 1]); assert(levelplot.lowest,len=1)
} else { # checks transformation
assert(BasePop_default$densitytrans, len=1, typ="character")
# checks that linestyle is ok
assert(BasePop_default$linestyle, len=1, alw=BasePop_style_alw)
# checks that fill is ok
assert(BasePop_default$fill, len=1, alw=BasePop_fill_alw)
# defines default order and xstatsorder
b_names = unlist(lapply(BasePop, FUN=function(x) x$name))
g_names = unlist(lapply(GraphRegion, FUN=function(x) x$def))
s_names = unlist(lapply(ShownPop, FUN=function(x) x$name))
# xstatsorder_tmp = gsub(" & All","", unlist(lapply(b_names, FUN=function(n) {
# if(length(g_names)!=0) {
# return(c(n,paste(g_names, n, sep=" & ")))
# }
# return(n)
# })))
xstatsorder_tmp = unique(c(g_names, b_names))
if(type=="histogram") {
order_tmp = xstatsorder_tmp
maxpoints = +Inf
} else {
maxpoints = as.numeric(maxpoints)
maxpoints = na.omit(maxpoints[maxpoints>0])
if(length(maxpoints) != 1) maxpoints = +Inf
if(type=="density") order_tmp = rep(b_names,5)
if(type=="scatter") {
# order_tmp = gsub(" & All","", unlist(lapply(rev(g_names), FUN=function(n) {
# paste(n, rev(b_names), sep=" & ")
# })))
# order_tmp = c(s_names, order_tmp, b_names)
order_tmp = unique(c(s_names, g_names, b_names))
# checks order is possible
# note that xstatsorder is not deeply checked ... TODO ???
if(missing(order)) {
order = paste0(order_tmp, collapse = "|")
} else {
assert(order, len=1, typ="character")
operators = c("And","Or","Not","(",")")
all_names = c(b_names, g_names, s_names, "Selected Bin")
alt_names = gen_altnames(all_names)
displayed_n = splitn(definition = order, all_names = all_names, alt_names = alt_names, operators = operators)
displayed_n = setdiff(displayed_n, "Selected Bin")
if(type == "histogram") { # fix for graphs created with INSPIRE
displayed_n = setdiff(displayed_n, setdiff(g_names, b_names))
order = paste0(displayed_n, collapse = "|")
tmp = displayed_n %in% c(order_tmp)
if(!all(tmp)) stop(paste0("trying to display a population not found in supplied ShownPop, BasePop, GraphRegion names: ", paste0(displayed_n[!tmp], collapse=", ")))
if(missing(xstatsorder)) {
xstatsorder = paste0(xstatsorder_tmp, collapse = "|")
} else {
assert(xstatsorder, len=1, typ="character")
Xtrans = dots$xtrans; parseTrans(Xtrans)
Ytrans = dots$ytrans; parseTrans(Ytrans)
args = c(args, list(scaletype=scaletype,
xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax,
title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
axislabelsfontsize=axislabelsfontsize, axistickmarklabelsfontsize=axistickmarklabelsfontsize, graphtitlefontsize=graphtitlefontsize,
regionlabelsfontsize=regionlabelsfontsize, bincount=bincount,
freq=freq, histogramsmoothingfactor=histogramsmoothingfactor, xlogrange=xlogrange, ylogrange=ylogrange,
xtrans=Xtrans, ytrans=Ytrans, maxpoints=maxpoints,
stats=stats, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, splitterdistance=splitterdistance,
xstats=xstats, ystats=ystats, order=order, xstatsorder=xstatsorder,
Legend=Legend, BasePop=BasePop, GraphRegion=GraphRegion, ShownPop=ShownPop))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.