# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2021 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2020 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Gautier Stoll, Guido Kroemer, #
# Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# INSERM, UPD, CHU Amiens #
# #
# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
# -We do not guarantee privacy nor confidentiality. #
# -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall the copyright holders or #
# contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, #
# exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, #
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# whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or #
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# advised of the possibility of such damage. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with IFC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
# functions described hereunder are experimental #
# inputs and outputs may change in the future #
#' @title Gating Strategy File Reader
#' @description
#' Extracts Gating Strategy from files.
#' @param fileName path to file. It should be a .ast, .cif, .daf, .ist, .rif or .xml file.
#' @return A named list of class `IFC_gating`, whose members are:\cr
#' -spillover, a list of spillover matrices found,\cr
#' -graphs, a list of graphical elements found,\cr
#' -pops, a list describing populations found,\cr
#' -regions, a list describing how regions are defined.
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed.
#' @keywords internal
readGatingStrategy <- function(fileName, ...) {
if(missing(fileName)) stop("'fileName' can't be missing")
file_extension = getFileExt(fileName)
assert(file_extension, len = 1, alw = c("daf","cif","rif","xml","ast","ist"))
if(!file.exists(fileName)) stop(paste("can't find",fileName,sep=" "))
title_progress = basename(fileName)
fileName = enc2native(normalizePath(fileName, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE))
if(file_extension == "xml") return(readGatingML(fileName, ...))
if(file_extension %in% c("daf", "ast")) {
assay = switch(file_extension,
daf = "/Assay",
ast = "/AssayTemplate")
toskip=cpp_scanFirst(fileName, charToRaw(paste0('<',assay,'>')), start = 0, end = 0)
if(toskip==0) stop(paste0(fileName, "\ndoes not seem to be well formatted: <",assay,"> not found"))
toskip = toskip + nchar(paste0("<",assay,">")) - 1
tmp=read_xml(readBin(con = fileName, what = "raw", n = toskip), options=c("HUGE","RECOVER","NOENT","NOBLANKS","NSCLEAN"))
} else {
if(file_extension %in% c("cif", "rif")) {
IFD = getIFD(fileName = fileName, offsets = "first", trunc_bytes = 8, force_trunc = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, verbosity = 0, bypass = TRUE)
tmp=read_xml(as_list(xml_find_first(read_xml(getFullTag(IFD = IFD, which = 1, tag = "33027", raw = TRUE),
options=c("HUGE","RECOVER","NOENT","NOBLANKS","NSCLEAN")), "//Imaging//DafFile"))[[1]],
} else { # for ist
options=c("HUGE","RECOVER","NOENT","NOBLANKS","NSCLEAN")), "//Imaging//DafFile"))[[1]],
assay = "/AssayTemplate"
##### extracts graphs information
plots=lapply(xml_attrs(xml_find_all(tmp, "//Graph")), FUN=function(x) as.list(x))
if(length(plots)!=0) {
plots_tmp=lapply(plots, FUN=function(plot) {
sapply(c("Legend","BasePop","GraphRegion","ShownPop"), simplify=FALSE, FUN=function(i_subnode){
lapply(xml_attrs(xml_find_all(tmp, paste(pat,i_subnode,sep="//"))), FUN=function(x) as.list(x))
plots=mapply(plots, plots_tmp, FUN = append, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
plots=lapply(plots, FUN=function(x) {plots_tmp = plots_tmp[plots_tmp %in% names(x)]; replace(x, plots_tmp, lapply(x[plots_tmp], as.numeric))})
plot_order=sapply(plots, FUN=function(i_plot) as.numeric(i_plot[c("xlocation", "ylocation")]))
rm(list=c("plots_tmp", "plot_order"))
class(plots) <- "IFC_graphs"
##### extracts regions information
regions=lapply(xml_attrs(xml_find_all(tmp, "//Region")), FUN=function(x) as.list(x))
if(length(regions) != 0) {
names(regions)=lapply(regions, FUN=function(x) x$label)
regions=lapply(regions, FUN=function(x) {
N = names(x)
##### changes unknown color names in regions
if("color" %in% N) x[["color"]] <- map_color(x[["color"]])
if("lightcolor" %in% N) x[["lightcolor"]] <- map_color(x[["lightcolor"]])
##### convert label position to numeric
if("cx" %in% N) x[["cx"]] <- as.numeric(x["cx"])
if("cy" %in% N) x[["cy"]] <- as.numeric(x["cy"])
regions_tmp=lapply(regions, FUN=function(i_region) {
axy=do.call(cbind, args = xml_attrs(xml_find_all(tmp, pat)))
list(x=as.numeric(axy["x",]), y=as.numeric(axy["y",]))
regions=mapply(FUN = append, regions, regions_tmp, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
class(regions) <- "IFC_regions"
##### extracts populations information
pops=lapply(xml_attrs(xml_find_all(tmp, "//Pop")), FUN=function(x) as.list(x))
if(length(pops)>0) {
names(pops)=lapply(pops, FUN=function(x) x$name)
if((length(dots$display_progress) != 0) && dots$display_progress) {
pb_pops = newPB(min = 0, max = length(pops), initial = 0, style = 3)
pops_=lapply(1:length(pops), FUN=function(i_pop) {
setPB(pb_pops, value = i_pop, title = title_progress, label = "extracting tagged population objects")
list(obj=as.integer(unlist(xml_attrs(xml_find_all(tmp, pat)))))
}, error = function(e) {
}, finally = endPB(pb_pops))
} else {
pops_=lapply(1:length(pops), FUN=function(i_pop) {
list(obj=as.integer(unlist(xml_attrs(xml_find_all(tmp, pat)))))
pops=mapply(FUN = append, pops, pops_, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
class(pops) <- "IFC_pops"
ans = list("graphs"=plots, "pops"=pops, "regions"=regions)
attr(ans, "class") <- c("IFC_gating")
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