#' Categorical distributions
#' Class to describe cateogrical distributions such as multi-variate ladders.
#' @docType class
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with no methods.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @field k number of categories
#' @field R vector of length \code{k} with the associated probabilities (may not be normalized)
DiscreteDist <- R6::R6Class("DiscreteDistribution",
public = list(
get.k = function() {private$k},
get.R = function() {private$R}
private = list(
k = NULL, #Number of categories
R = NULL #k long vector of R_i. These are not the associated probabilities, but it is used for disaggregations.
#' Ladders
#' Class to describe both univariate and multivariate ladders.
#' @docType class
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods to construct connected and fine ladders as well as sampling from them.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @details A multivariate ladder is a categorical distribution where the probability of each outcome is of the form
#' \deqn{\pi_i(p) = R_i\frac{\prod_{j=1}^m p_j^{n_{i,j}}}{C(p)}}
#' where \eqn{C(p)} is a polynomial with real coefficients not divisible by any \eqn{p_j},
#' \eqn{R_i} is a strictly positive constant, \eqn{n_{i,j}} are possibly null positive integers and \eqn{|n_i| = d}.
#' A ladder is fine if there are no redundant \eqn{n_{i,j}} and it is connected if for any \eqn{\pi_i} there exists
#' a \eqn{\pi_k} where only one of the \eqn{n_{i,j}} is increased by one and another one is decreased by one.
#' @examples
#' Ladder$new(M=matrix(c(0,3,2,1,3,0), ncol = 2, byrow=TRUE),R=c(3,2,sqrt(2)))
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{new(M,R)}}{Construct an object of the class \code{Ladder}.
#' M is a \eqn{m \times k} matrix describing the powers of \eqn{p_1,p_2,...,p_k} and
#' R is a \eqn{k}-long vector of coefficients.}
#' \item{\code{print}}{Print information about the ladder, such as if it is a valid/connected/fine ladder.}
#' \item{\code{get.connected}}{Return \code{TRUE} if the ladder is connected.}
#' \item{\code{update.fun(i,B,U)}}{Update function for the Markov chain. \code{i} is the current state,
#' \code{B} is a vector of rolls of the original die, \code{U} is a vector of uniform random variables.}
#' \item{\code{update.fun.R(i,B,U)}}{Same as \code{update.fun}, but implemented in R rather than in C++. Generally slower.}
#' \item{\code{update.fun.global(i,B,U)}}{Update function for the Markov chain. This update function is defined using
#' global properties of the chain. Albeit being valid, it leads to a slow CFTP implementation and it is thus deprecated.
#' Use \code{update.fun} instead.}
#' \item{\code{update.fun.slow(i,B,U)}}{Update function for the Markov chain. Albeit being valid, it's a slower
#' implementation than \code{update.fun.R} and \code{update.fun} and it is thus deprecated. Use \code{update.fun} instead.}
#' \item{\code{sample(n,roll.fun,true_p=NULL,num_cores=1,verbose=FALSE,global=FALSE,double_time=FALSE,...)}}{Get a sample from a
#' fine and connected ladder via Coupling From The Past (see \code{CFTP}).
#' \code{n} is required size of the sample, \code{roll.fun} is a user defined R function that rolls the original die (optional parameters
#' can be passed). Instead of \code{roll.fun}, the user can defined a fixed value of probabilites of the original die via \code{true_p} for
#' debug purposes. \code{num_cores} sets the numbers of cores used (supported only on Linux and Mac OS). If \code{verbose = TRUE} a list is
#' returned where the first element is the sample and the second element are the rolls required to get such sample. When
#' \code{global = TRUE}, \code{update.fun.global} is used instead of \code{update.fun}, leading to a valid but slower implementation and should not
#' be used. When \code{double_time = TRUE} at each iteration of the CFTP algorithm, time is doubled instead of increased by 1 leading
#' to a slower implementation if rolling the die is costly.}
#' \item{\code{evalute(p)}}{Evaluate the ladder when the true probability of the original die is given. Useful for debug purposes.}
#' \item{\code{impose.fineness}}{Returns a list where the first object is a new fine ladder and the second object is
#' a vector that can be used to transform a sample from the new ladder in a sample from the original one. If the original ladder is
#' connected, so it is the new one. See \code{disaggregation.sample}.}
#' \item{\code{impose.connected}}{Returns a list where the first object is a new connected ladder and the second object is
#' a vector that can be used to transform a sample from the new ladder in a sample from the original one. See \code{disaggregation.sample}.}
#' \item{\code{get.a}}{Returns the global constant \eqn{a} used to define \code{update.fun.global}. Useful for debug purposes.}
#' \item{\code{get.P}}{Returns the transition matrix of the chain. Contains only the coefficients and not the values of the \eqn{p_i}s.}
#' \item{\code{get.P.moves}}{Returna a \eqn{k \timex k} matrix, where \eqn{k} is the number of states, describing which roll is necessary
#' for the chain to move from state \eqn{i} to \eqn{j}.}
#' \item{\code{get.P.cumsum}}{For internal use. Returns a a doubled indexed list.
#' The first index is the current state, the second is the current roll. Returns the cumulative sum of the coefficients.}
#' \item{\code{get.P.moves.list}}{For internal use. Returns a a doubled indexed list.
#' The first index is the current state, the second is the current roll. Returns the index of the possible moves.}
#' }
Ladder <- R6::R6Class("Ladder",
inherit = DiscreteDist,
public = list(
initialize = function(M,R) {
private$m <- ncol(M)
private$k <- nrow(M)
private$M <- M
private$R <- R
private$degree <- sum(M[1,])
private$is.ladder() #Check it is valid
if(private$valid) {
private$is.fine() #Check fineness
private$define.neighbourhoods() #Compute neighbourhoods
private$is.connected() #Check connected
private$compute.constant() #Compute constant a
if(private$connected && private$fine) {
private$compute.transition.matrix() #Compute transition matrix for the update function
if(private$m == 2){ #Save minimum and maximum states
private$min_state <- which.min(private$M[,1])
private$max_state <- which.max(private$M[,1])
} else {
stop("The ladder is not valid.")
print = function() {
cat("Ladder Delta^",private$m," -> Delta^",private$k," of degree ",private$degree,"\n", sep="")
cat("Valid ladder:",private$valid,"\n")
cat("Fine ladder: ",private$fine,"\n", sep="")
cat("Connected ladder: ",private$connected,"\n", sep="")
cat("Constant a = ",private$a,"\n",sep="")
get.connected = function() {private$connected},
get.fine = function() {private$fine},
update.fun.global = function(i,B,U) {
#Update function for the ladder using the global constant a (NOT EFFICIENT)
stopifnot(private$connected, private$fine, length(B)==length(U))
currentState <- i
for(c in 1:length(B)) {
#Find the move
move <- findInterval(private$a*U[c],cumsum(private$R[private$neigh[[currentState]][[B[c]]]]))+1 #+1 cause they start form 0
if(move > length(private$neigh[[currentState]][[B[c]]])) {
currentState <- currentState #Stay still
} else {
currentState <- private$neigh[[currentState]][[B[c]]][move]
update.fun.R = function(i,B,U) { #This is an R version of the C++ code of update.fun
#Update function for the ladder using local moves (more efficient than the global bersion)
stopifnot(private$connected, private$fine, length(B)==length(U))
currentState <- i
for(c in 1:length(B)) {
coeff_cumsum <- private$P_cumsum[[currentState]][[B[c]]]
if(length(coeff_cumsum) == 0) {
currentState <- currentState #Stay still -> no possible moves
} else {
nextState_index <- findInterval(U[c], coeff_cumsum) + 1 #+1 cause they start from 0
nextState_possibilities <- private$P_moves_list[[currentState]][[B[c]]]
if(nextState_index > length(nextState_possibilities)) {
currentState <- currentState #Stay still -> U > coeff
} else {
currentState <- nextState_possibilities[nextState_index]
update.fun = function(i,B,U) {
return(updateFunCpp(currentState = i,B = B,U = U, connected = private$connected, fine = private$fine,
P_cumsum = private$P_cumsum, P_moves_list = private$P_moves_list))
update.fun.vec = function(states,B,U,current_time,mapped_states=rep(0,private$k),t_mapped_states=0) {
return(updateFunVecCpp(states = states,B = B,U = U, connected = private$connected, fine = private$fine,
P_cumsum = private$P_cumsum, P_moves_list = private$P_moves_list,
mapped_states = mapped_states, k=private$k, t_mapped_states=t_mapped_states, current_time = current_time))
update.fun.slow = function(i,B,U) {
#Update function for the ladder using local moves (more efficient than the global bersion)
#Work as update.fun but the implementation is less efficent
stopifnot(private$connected, private$fine, length(B)==length(U))
currentState <- i
for(c in 1:length(B)) {
#Find which move
move <- which(private$P_moves[currentState,] == B[c])
if(length(move) == 0) {
currentState <- currentState #There are no ways to go given the current roll
} else {
move_coeff <- private$P[currentState,move] #Coefficients of the P_matrix
nextState_index <- findInterval(U[c], cumsum(move_coeff)) + 1 #+1 cause they start from 0
if(nextState_index > length(move)) {
currentState <- currentState #Stay still -> U > coeff
} else {
currentState <- move[nextState_index]
debug.update.fun = function(reps,time_span,roll.fun = NULL, true_p = NULL) {
#This is useful to check if the update function works correctly (just for debug purposes)
#We just track the chain forward for n steps and then we see if it is close
#to the stationary distribution
if(is.null(roll.fun) && is.null(true_p)) {stop("Either declare roll.fun or the true probabilities.")}
if(is.null(roll.fun)) {
cat("True equilibrium: ",self$evaluate(true_p),"\n")
roll.fun <- function(n) {sample(1:private$m, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = true_p)}
res <- numeric(reps)
for(i in 1:reps) {
res[i] <- self$update.fun(1,roll.fun(time_span),runif(time_span))
cat("Empirical equilibrium: ",table(res)/reps,"\n")
sample.AR = function(n,roll.fun = NULL, true_p = NULL, num_cores = 1, verbose = FALSE,...) {
#Sample using accept-reject algorithm
if(is.na(private$fine) || !private$fine) {
stop("Sampling is possible only for fine ladders.")
#Define rolling function
if(is.null(roll.fun) && is.null(true_p)) {stop("Either declare roll.fun or the true probabilities.")}
if(is.null(roll.fun)) {
roll.fun <- function(n) {sample(1:private$m, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = true_p)}
#Compute constant Q = max R_i/choose(d,n) where n is any member of the discrete simplex
discrete_simplex <- discrete.simplex(d=private$degree,m=private$m) #all possible combinations
discrete_simplex_binomial_unique <- unique(as.numeric(apply(discrete_simplex,1,function(vec) {multinomial.coeff(d=private$degree,n=vec)})))
Q <- max(sapply(private$R, function(r) {max(r/discrete_simplex_binomial_unique)}))
if(verbose && !is.null(true_p)) { #Compute C_p is true_p is available
aux <- rep(NA, nrow(private$M))
for(i in 1:nrow(private$M)) {
aux[i] <- prod(true_p^private$M[i,])*private$R[i]
C_p <- sum(aux)
} else {
C_p <- NA
#Sample using A-R
res_AR <- mclapply(1:n, function(rep) {
num_rolls <- 0
num_iter <- 0
while(TRUE) {
num_iter <- num_iter + 1
#Roll the die d times
toss_dice <- roll.fun(n = private$degree)
num_rolls <- num_rolls + private$degree
#Construct vector with the result
result_dice <- numeric(private$m)
for(i in 1:private$m) {
result_dice[i] <- length(which(toss_dice == i))
#Find which R corresponds to the obtained result
R_res <- 0 #if there is no row corresponding -> R is 0
for(i in 1:nrow(private$M)) {
if(isTRUE(base::all.equal(private$M[i,],result_dice, check.attributes = FALSE))) {
R_res <- private$R[i]
categ_output <- i #index of the category of the output
prob_accept <- R_res/(multinomial.coeff(d=private$degree, n=result_dice)*Q)
if(prob_accept > 1) { stop("Something's wrong with the algorithm.")} #Debug
accept <- sample(1:2, size = 1, prob = c(prob_accept, 1-prob_accept))
if(accept == 1) { #Accept drawn point
if(verbose) {
return(list(res = categ_output, rolls = num_rolls, iter = num_iter))
} else {
}, mc.cores = num_cores)
res_AR_sample <- unlist(lapply(res_AR, function(x) {x[[1]]}))
if(verbose) {
res_AR_rolls <- unlist(lapply(res_AR, function(x) {x[[2]]}))
res_AR_iter <- unlist(lapply(res_AR, function(x) {x[[3]]}))
#Produce output
if(verbose) {
return(list(res = res_AR_sample,
empirical_tosses = res_AR_rolls,
empirical_iter = res_AR_iter,
theor_iter = Q/C_p,
theor_tosses = private$degree*Q/C_p,
C_p = C_p,
Q = Q))
} else {
sample = function(n,roll.fun = NULL, true_p = NULL, num_cores = 1, verbose = FALSE, global = FALSE, double_time = FALSE,...) {
#Get a sample from the ladder using CFTP
#If global = TRUE, uses a different update function that makes use of a global constant -> less efficient!
if(is.null(roll.fun) && is.null(true_p)) {stop("Either declare roll.fun or the true probabilities.")}
if(is.null(roll.fun)) {
roll.fun <- function(n) {sample(1:private$m, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = true_p)}
if(private$m > 2) {
monotonic_CFTP <- FALSE
} else {
monotonic_CFTP <- TRUE #Univariate case -> monotonic implementation is possible!
res <- mclapply(1:n, function(i) {
if(global) {
stop("global is not supported anymore as it is less efficient. Use global = FALSE")
#CFTP(k = private$k, roll.fun = roll.fun, update.fun = self$update.fun.global,
# monotonic = monotonic_CFTP, min = private$min_state, max = private$max_state,verbose=verbose, double_time = double_time,...) #min, max are used only in monotonic case, otherwise they are ignored
} else {
CFTP(k = private$k, roll.fun = roll.fun, update.fun = self$update.fun,
monotonic = monotonic_CFTP, min = private$min_state, max = private$max_state,verbose=verbose, double_time = double_time,
update.fun.vec = self$update.fun.vec, ...) #min, max are used only in monotonic case, otherwise they are ignored
}, mc.cores = num_cores)
if(verbose) {
return(list(unlist(lapply(res, function(x) {x[[1]]})), exp_rolls = (unlist(lapply(res, function(x) {x[[2]]})))))
} else {
evaluate = function(p) {
#Return the values of the ladder for a fixed
#vector of probabilities of rolling each face
stopifnot(is.numeric(p), length(p) == private$m, isTRUE(all.equal(1,sum(p))))
aux <- rep(NA, private$k)
for(i in 1:private$k) {
aux[i] <- prod(p^private$M[i,])*private$R[i]
increase.degree = function(d = 1) {
#d = of how many degrees the ladder has to be increased
if(!is.wholenumber(d) || d < 1) {
stop("d must be an integer greater than 1.")
discrete_simplex <- discrete.simplex(d=d,m=private$m) #all possible combinations
new_M_list <- vector("list", private$k)
for(i in 1:private$k) {
new_M_list[[i]] <- data.frame(t(apply(discrete_simplex, 1, function(vec) {vec+private$M[i,]})))
#Construct a ladder with the new M
new_M <- as.matrix(rbindlist(new_M_list))
#Compute the new vector R
discrete_simplex_binomial <- as.numeric(apply(discrete_simplex,1,function(vec) {multinomial.coeff(d=d,n=vec)}))
new_R <- rep(private$R, each=length(discrete_simplex_binomial))*discrete_simplex_binomial
A <- split(1:nrow(new_M), rep(1:private$k, each=length(discrete_simplex_binomial)))
return(list(obj = Ladder$new(M=new_M, R=new_R), A=A))
impose.fineness = function() {
if(private$fine) {
return(list(obj = self$clone(), A = lapply(1:private$k, function(i) {i}))) #The ladder is already fine -> returns a copy of it
new_k <- nrow(unique(private$M))
A <- vector("list", new_k) #initialize partition
#WRONG: indices <- match(data.frame(t(private$M)), data.frame(unique(t(private$M)))) #It may have gaps!
indices <- indices.unique.mat(private$M) #Find unique rows of M and assign them an index.
new_R <- numeric(length = new_k)
new_M <- matrix(NA, ncol = private$m, nrow = new_k)
for(i in 1:new_k) {
#Populate A, M, R
aux <- which(indices == i)
A[[i]] <- aux
new_R[i] <- sum(private$R[aux])
new_M[i,] <- private$M[aux[1],]
return(list(obj = Ladder$new(M = new_M, R = new_R), A = A))
impose.connected = function(increase_degree=NULL) {
if(!is.na(private$connected) && private$connected && is.null(increase_degree)) {
return(list(obj = self$clone(), A = lapply(1:private$k, function(i) {i}))) #The ladder is already connected -> returns a copy of it
#We extend 1 degree at the time until the ladder is connected.
#NOT EFFICIENT: we could precompute the minimum degree necessary
#to have a connected ladder
#If increase_degree is specified, then we just increase of d degree
#Notice that it may not be connected, in case an error is return
if(!is.null(increase_degree)) {
test_ladder_list <- self$increase.degree(d=increase_degree) #Create new ladder that is a disaggregation and has degree increased by increase_degree
#Check if it is connected
if(test_ladder_list$obj$get.connected()) {
} else {
for(d in 1:private$degree) {
test_ladder_list <- self$increase.degree(d=d) #Create new ladder that is a disaggregation and has degree increased by 1
#Check if it is connected
if(test_ladder_list$obj$get.connected()) {
stop("Impossible to create a connected ladder.") #Should never happen.
get.a = function() {private$a},
get.P = function() {private$P},
get.P.moves = function() {private$P_moves},
get.P.cumsum = function() {private$P_cumsum},
get.P.moves.list = function() {private$P_moves_list},
get.M = function() {private$M},
get.degree = function() {private$degree}
private = list(
m = NULL, #Number of faces of the given die
M = NULL, #k x m matrix describing the power of each p_i. The rows must all sum to the same value.
degree = NULL, #degree of the ladder
valid = FALSE, #FALSE if it is not a valid ladder. It is checked after construction.
fine = NA,
connected = NA,
min_state = NA, #Minimum state (used for monotonic CFTP when m=2)
max_state = NA, #Maximum state (used for monotonic CFTP when m=2)
neigh = NULL, #neighbourhood. It is a double indexed list, the first index is the state, the second the roll of the die.
S = NULL, #Sum of the R_i in a neighbourhood. S_b(i) = sum j in N_b(i) of R_j
a = NA, #constant for the Markov chain. It is used in global update function (DEPRECATED)
P = NA, #Transition matrix of the Markov chain. It just contains the cooefficients without the p_i's
P_moves = NA, #Moves in the transition matrix
P_cumsum = NA, #List double indexed. The first index is the current state, the second is the current roll. Returns the cumsum of the coefficients
P_moves_list = NA, #List double index. The first index is the current state, the second is the current roll. Returns the index of the possible moves
is.ladder = function() {
private$valid = TRUE
#Check if all the fields are properly initialized
if(is.null(private$m) || is.null(private$k) ||
is.null(private$M) || is.null(private$R) ||
!is.wholenumber(private$m) || !is.wholenumber(private$k) ||
!is.matrix(private$M) || !is.numeric(private$R) ||
nrow(private$M) != private$k || ncol(private$M) != private$m ||
length(private$R) != private$k ||
length(unique(rowSums(private$M))) > 1 ||
!all(private$R > 0)) {
private$valid = FALSE
is.fine = function() {
#Check for fineneness condition by checking if the rows of M are unique
private$fine = TRUE
if(nrow(unique(private$M)) != nrow(private$M)) {
private$fine = FALSE
define.neighbourhoods = function() {
#Define neighbourhoods
private$neigh <- vector("list", private$k)
private$S <- vector("list", private$k)
for(i in 1:private$k) {
private$neigh[[i]] <- vector("list", private$m)
private$S[[i]] <- vector("list", private$m)
for(b in 1:private$m) {
private$neigh[[i]][[b]] <- numeric()
private$S[[i]][[b]] <- 0
#Scroll through matrix M and fill the neighbourhoods dynamically (not efficient)
for(i in 1:nrow(private$M)) {
dist <- apply(private$M, 1, function(r) {sum(abs(private$M[i,] - r))}) #Compute distance
for(j in which(dist <= 2)) {
if(j != i) { #Different state
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(private$M[i,], private$M[j,]))) {
#The two rows are not equal. If they are equal it means that the ladder is not fine.
aux <- private$M[i,] - private$M[j,]
private$neigh[[i]][[which(aux == -1)]] <- append(private$neigh[[i]][[which(aux == -1)]],j) #SLOW AND TERRIBLE
private$S[[i]][[which(aux == -1)]] <- private$S[[i]][[which(aux == -1)]] + private$R[j]
} else {
#The two rows are equal -> ladder is not fine.
#Neighbourhoods are computed anyway cause they are used to check for connected condition.
#We just put the one with the same number in the first neighbourhood by convention.
#Since for not fine ladders neighbourhoods are used only to check for connected condition
#this does not affect it.
private$neigh[[i]][[1]] <- append(private$neigh[[i]][[1]],j)
is.connected = function() {
#Check for connected condition
private$connected <- all(private$is.connected.aux(1,rep(FALSE,private$k)))
is.connected.aux = function(x,visited) {
#Recursively check if it is connected. Starting from point x, remove its neighbourhoods in C and keep on researching.
if(visited[x]) {
visited[x] <- TRUE
for(y in unlist(private$neigh[[x]])) {
visited <- private$is.connected.aux(y,visited)
compute.constant = function() {
#Compute the constant a = max(max(sum(R_i)))
if(private$fine && private$connected) {
aux <- rep(NA,private$k*private$m)
counter <- 1
for(i in 1:private$k) {
for(b in 1:private$m) {
aux[counter] <- sum(private$R[private$neigh[[i]][[b]]])
counter <- counter+1
private$a <- max(aux)
compute.transition.matrix = function() {
#Fill the entries of the transition matrix.
private$P <- matrix(0, nrow = private$k, ncol = private$k) #Initialize
private$P_moves <- matrix(0, nrow = private$k, ncol = private$k)
#Use algorithm to iteratively fill the entries of the matrix
#At the same time fills which rolls are necessary to move from one
#state to another
N <- private$neigh #Neighbours
S <- private$S
#Initialise weights
W <- vector("list", private$k)
for(i in 1:private$k) {
W[[i]] <- vector("list", private$m)
for(b in 1:private$m) {
W[[i]][[b]] <- 0
#Main loop
while(TRUE) {
#Find b and i such that S_b(i) is maximum
b_max <- NA; i_max <- NA; S_b_i <- 0
for(i in 1:private$k) {
for(b in 1:private$m) {
if(S[[i]][[b]] > S_b_i) {
b_max <- b; i_max <- i; S_b_i <- S[[i]][[b]]
b <- b_max; i <- i_max;
#Stop if all have been done
if(S_b_i == 0) {break}
#For each j in N_b(i)
for(j in N[[i]][[b]]) {
#Assign maximum probability of moving
private$P[i,j] <- private$R[j]/S_b_i
private$P_moves[i,j] <- b
#Find c s.t. i is in N_c(j)
c <- NA
for(b_aux in 1:private$m) {
if(i %in% private$neigh[[j]][[b_aux]]) {
c <- b_aux
#Assign reverse move
private$P[j,i] <- private$R[i]/S_b_i
private$P_moves[j,i] <- c
N[[j]][[c]] <- setdiff(N[[j]][[c]], i)
W[[j]][[c]] <- W[[j]][[c]] + private$R[i]/S_b_i
S[[j]][[c]] <- 0
for(h in N[[j]][[c]]) {
S[[j]][[c]] <- S[[j]][[c]] + private$R[h]
if(W[[j]][[c]] == 1) {
S[[j]][[c]] <- 0
} else {
S[[j]][[c]] <- S[[j]][[c]]/(1-W[[j]][[c]])
#Update N_b(i) and S_b(i)
N[[i]][[b]] <- numeric()
S[[i]][[b]] <- 0
diag(private$P) <- rep(NA,private$k)
#Create the list of the cumulative sums to speed up the update function
private$P_cumsum <- vector("list", length = private$k)
private$P_moves_list <- vector("list", length = private$k)
for(i in 1:private$k) {
private$P_cumsum[[i]] <- vector("list", length = private$m)
private$P_moves_list[[i]] <- vector("list", length = private$m)
for(b in 1:private$m) {
move <- which(private$P_moves[i,] == b) #Find where it can move from i having rolled b
if(length(move) == 0) {
private$P_cumsum[[i]][[b]] <- numeric(0)
private$P_moves_list[[i]][[b]] <- numeric(0)
} else {
move_coeff <- private$P[i,move]
private$P_cumsum[[i]][[b]] <- cumsum(move_coeff)
private$P_moves_list[[i]][[b]] <- move
compute.transition.matrix.suboptimal = function() {
#Fill the entries of the transition matrix.
#P_ij is equal to R_j/max(sum h in neighbour of j given the roll sum R_h,
#sum h in neighbour of i given the roll and that contains j R_h)
private$P <- matrix(0, nrow = private$k, ncol = private$k) #Initialize
private$P_moves <- matrix(0, nrow = private$k, ncol = private$k)
for(i in 1:private$k) {
for(b in 1:private$m) {
neigh <- private$neigh[[i]][[b]]
private$P_moves[i,neigh] <- b
for(j in neigh) {
num <- private$R[j] #numerator
#Find in which neighbour of j there is i
for(b_aux in 1:private$m) {
if(i %in% private$neigh[[j]][[b_aux]]) {
den_aux <- sum(private$R[private$neigh[[j]][[b_aux]]])
den <- max(den_aux,sum(private$R[neigh]))
private$P[i,j] <- num/den
diag(private$P) <- rep(NA,private$k)
#Create the list of the cumulative sums to speed up the update function
private$P_cumsum <- vector("list", length = private$k)
private$P_moves_list <- vector("list", length = private$k)
for(i in 1:private$k) {
private$P_cumsum[[i]] <- vector("list", length = private$m)
private$P_moves_list[[i]] <- vector("list", length = private$m)
for(b in 1:private$m) {
move <- which(private$P_moves[i,] == b) #Find where it can move from i having rolled b
if(length(move) == 0) {
private$P_cumsum[[i]][[b]] <- numeric(0)
private$P_moves_list[[i]][[b]] <- numeric(0)
} else {
move_coeff <- private$P[i,move]
private$P_cumsum[[i]][[b]] <- cumsum(move_coeff)
private$P_moves_list[[i]][[b]] <- move
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