
#' Brass's Relational Gompertz Model of Fertility
#' Brass' relational Gompertz model of fertility makes use of a standard fertility schedule that is linearised using
#' \deqn{Y_s(x) = -ln [ -ln( F_s(x) ) ]}
#' where \eqn{\Y_s(x)} is the standardised transformed age schedule and \eqn{F_s(x)} is the culmative fertility function of the standardised model schedule, scaled to sum to 1.
#' The modified transformed age schedule is formed by adjusting the standardised transformed age schedule into an alternative other straight line
#' \deqn{Y_m(x) = \alpha + \beta Y_s(x)}
#' where \eqn{\beta} changes the slope and \eqn{\alpha} the intercept.
#' The modified transformed age schedule is converted back into a fertility schedule by applying the anti-function used to linearise the standard schedule.
#' @param tfr Numeric value for total fertitliy rate of the returned age schedule.
#' @param x Vector for the sequence of ages.
#' @param model Vector of a `model` age specific fertility rates. Will be used to derive the standardised transformed age schedule, \eqn{\Y_s(x)} above.
#' @param alpha Numeric value for intercept adjustment to the standardised transformed age schedule
#' @param beta Numeric value for slope adjustment to the standardised transformed age schedule
#' @param start_fertage Numeric value for the start of the fertility age range.
#' @param width_fertage Numeric value for the width of the fertility age range.
#' @param model_age String value to indicate if model is for fertility age range only or all ages.
#' @return Returns the f(x) values from a relational model schedule of age specific fertility. The age range for the calculation can take any sequence of positive numbers, such as ages in single or 5-year intervals. The function is primarily intended for use in decomposing a total fertility rate into an age-specific values.
#' The \code{alpha} and \code{beta} parameters relate a modified schedule to the schedule provided by the \code{model} argument. The arguments for the start and width of the fertility age range (\code{start_fertage}, \code{width_fertage}) are used to select where the model distribution is applied over the range of ages given in \code{x}. Ensure that these match those of the model age schedule.
#' If the model schedule covers both fertility and non-fertility age ranges, set \code{model_age} to \code{all} to ignore the values passed to \code{start_fertage}, \code{start_fertage}, \code{x}. The \code{auto} option attempts to guess, based on the length of the vetor passed to \code{model} and the age groups used in \code{x}.
#' @author Guy J. Abel
#' @seealso \code{\link{gage}} \code{\link{romainuk}} \code{\link{hadwiger}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #single year
#' f0 <- subset(austria, Year == 2014)$Fx
#' plot(f0, type = "l")
#' sum(f0)
#' f1 <- brass_fert(tfr = 2.1, model = f0, alpha = 0.1, beta = 1.1)
#' sum(f1)
#' plot(f1, type = "l")
#' lines(f0, col = "red")
#' #five year
#' f1 <- brass_fert(tfr = 3, x = seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 5), model = un1956$high, alpha = -0.1, beta = 0.9)
#' plot(f1, type = "l")
brass_fert <- function(tfr = NULL, x = seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 1),
                       model = NULL, alpha = 0, beta = 1,
                       start_fertage = 15, width_fertage = 35, model_ages = "auto"){
  if(!(model_ages %in% c("auto", "fertage", "all")))
    stop("model_ages must be set to either `auto`, `all` or `fertage`")
  s <- start_fertage
  w <- width_fertage
  a <- unique(diff(x))
  xx <- seq(from = s, by = a, length.out = w/a)

  f0 <- model
  f1 <- f0/sum(f0)
  F0 <- cumsum(f1)
  F1 <- -log(-log(F0))
  F2 <- alpha + beta*F1
  F3 <- exp(-exp(-F2))
  f2 <- c(0,diff(F3)*tfr)

  f3 <- NULL
  if(model_ages == "auto"){
    if(length(model)>50 & a == 1)
      f3 <- f2
    if(length(model)>9 & a == 5)
      f3 <- f2
  if(is.null(f3) | model_ages == "fertage"){
    f3 <- rep(0, length(x))
    f3[x %in% xx] <- f2
gjabel/agesched documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:01 a.m.