
Defines functions bt_sa_record_new_source

Documented in bt_sa_record_new_source

#' Checks state acts for URLs and adds them to the tables for scraping later on.
#' Step 1 in source collection process.
#' @param establish.connection If T, opens the DB connection.
#' @param timeframe Search for sources in the last {timeframe} days.
#' @param recheck.existing.sources If T, try to scrape sources for entries which have already been added to gta_url_log.
#' @param ignore.manually.added If T, do not search for sources for measures that have an associated file in gta_files. Note that there is no way to distinguish if a file is present for a particular SOURCE.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
                                 timeframe = NA,
                                 recheck.existing.sources = F,
                                 ignore.manually.added = T,
                                 exclude.data.dump.measures = T,
                                 specific.sa.ids = NA){


# Get sources -------------------------------------------------------------


    # gta_sql_pool_open(db.title="gtamain",
    #                   db.host = gta_pwd("gtamain")$host,
    #                   db.name = gta_pwd("gtamain")$name,
    #                   db.user = gta_pwd("gtamain")$user,
    #                   db.password = gta_pwd("gtamain")$password,
    #                   table.prefix = "gta_")

    #for gtamain
    database <<- "gtamain"

    con <<- dbConnect(drv = RMariaDB::MariaDB(),
                    user = gta_pwd(database)$user,
                    password = gta_pwd(database)$password,
                    dbname = gta_pwd(database)$name,


  #first, see what sources have been added to gta_files since this was last run, and store that accordingly later on
  manually.added = dbGetQuery(con,
                                    "SELECT DISTINCT gf.field_id
                                    FROM gta_files gf
                                    WHERE gf.field_type = 'measure'
                                    AND gf.field_id NOT IN (
                                      SELECT gmu.measure_id
                                      FROM gta_measure_url gmu

  manually.added = manually.added$field_id
  #dummy var for manually added so everything is included in later %in% type comparisons (apart from sa.id #1)
  manually.added = c(1)

  #this will only look for measures that have NEVER been added before

  sa.upd.sql = glue("SELECT gm.id, gm.source
                      FROM gta_measure gm
                      WHERE gm.status_id <> 5 #not archived
                      AND gm.source NOT LIKE '%wind.com.cn%' #the wind dump measures should be excluded")

    sa.upd.sql = glue("{sa.upd.sql}
                      AND gm.creation_date > (SELECT NOW() - INTERVAL {timeframe} DAY) ")

    sa.upd.sql = glue("{sa.upd.sql}
                      AND gm.id NOT IN (SELECT gmu.measure_id
                                        FROM gta_measure_url gmu)")


    sa.upd.sql = glue("{sa.upd.sql}
                      AND gm.id NOT IN (
                        SELECT DISTINCT gf.field_id
                        FROM gta_files gf
                        WHERE gf.field_type = 'measure'


    sa.upd.sql = glue("{sa.upd.sql}
                      AND gm.id NOT IN ( #no dumps
                        SELECT gi.measure_id
                        FROM gta_intervention gi, gta_intervention_dump gid
                        WHERE gi.id = gid.intervention_id) ")


    print("Specific IDs supplied; other filter params will be ignored.")

    specific.sa.ids.sql = paste0(specific.sa.ids, collapse = ", ")
    sa.upd.sql = glue("SELECT gm.id, gm.source
                      FROM gta_measure gm
                      WHERE gm.id IN ({specific.sa.ids.sql})")


  sa.sources.update = dbGetQuery(con, sa.upd.sql)

  rows.updated = 0


# Extract URLs ------------------------------------------------------------

    # extract the URLs
    sources.to.parse = sa.sources.update

    #the below loop constructs the many-to-one relationship between urls and sa ids
    print(glue("constructing URL-SA ID dataframe for {nrow(sources.to.parse)} state acts"))

    for(i in 1:nrow(sources.to.parse)){
      extracted.urls = bt_extract_url(sources.to.parse$source[i])

      extracted.urls = extracted.urls[!grepl(x=extracted.urls, pattern = "\\.{3}$")]

                                stringsAsFactors = F))


    #some sources have duplicated URLs
    new.urls = subset(new.urls, !duplicated(new.urls[,c("state.act.id", "url")]))

    n.new.urls = unique(new.urls$url) %>% length()
    print(glue("{n.new.urls} URLs found."))

# Add URL-SA ID correspondence --------------------------------------------

    #the below is kept for reference. it is how I determined which SA IDs were
    #already present in gta_files after I had done the first round of source
    #collection. the resulting IDs are saved in
    #0 source completion/add status to already existing sources.sql

    # if(F){
    #   already.in.gta.files = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT DISTINCT gf.field_id
    #                     FROM gta_files gf
    #                     WHERE gf.field_type = 'measure';")
    #   already.scraped.ids = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT DISTINCT gmu.measure_id
    #                                     FROM gta_measure_url gmu
    #                                     RIGHT JOIN gta_url_log gul
    #                                     ON gul.id = gmu.url_id")
    #   already.had.source = already.in.gta.files$field_id[!already.in.gta.files$field_id %in% already.scraped.ids$measure_id]
    #   already.had.source = paste(already.had.source, collapse = ",")
    #   sql.query = glue("UPDATE gta_measure_url
    #             SET has_manually_added_file = 1
    #             WHERE measure_id IN ({already.had.source})")
    #   dbExecute(con, sql.query)
    # }

    new.urls$url.log.updated = 0
    new.urls$measure.url.updated = 0


    #must go through the table row by row to ensure that:
    #measures with multiple sources are all added
    #sources with multiple measures are all added
    for(i in 1:nrow(new.urls)){

      url.id = dbGetQuery(con, glue("SELECT id FROM gta_url_log gul
                                        WHERE gul.url  = '{new.urls$url[i]}';")) #will return 0 row df if no results
      ## Adding URL if not already in gta_url_log
      if(nrow(url.id) == 0){

        new.urls$url.log.updated[i] = dbExecute(con, glue("INSERT INTO gta_url_log (url)
                                    VALUES ('{new.urls$url[i]}');"))

        new.urls$url.log.updated[i] = 1

      #add sa id-url id tuple to measure_url table
      #this should be done even if the URL exists in the URL table already, because all the tuples are new

      new.urls$measure.url.updated[i] = dbExecute(con, glue("INSERT INTO gta_measure_url (measure_id, url_id, has_manually_added_file)
                                    VALUES (
                                                            (SELECT gul.id FROM gta_url_log gul WHERE gul.url = '{new.urls$url[i]}'),
                                                            {as.numeric(new.urls$state.act.id[i] %in% manually.added)});"))

      if(i < nrow(new.urls)){
        cat(glue("{i}, "))
      # print(rnds/rnds.max)
      # rnds=rnds+

    problems = subset(new.urls, url.log.updated == 0)
    problems = rbind(problems,subset(new.urls, measure.url.updated == 0))


      print("There was a problem updating the following URL-SA ID tuples, check the SQL. SA IDs affected:")
      print(paste(problems$state.act.id, collapse = ", "))

      print("Recorded all new URLs successfully!")

    dbDisconnect(conn = con)

global-trade-alert/gtabastiat documentation built on June 4, 2023, 6:40 a.m.