
## Set the context
   context("Check the target_encoder function works properly")   
## Load packages and data   
   data(dataCar,package = 'insuranceData')

## tests for target encode
   test_that(desc = "The internal functions work",code = {
      tar = .target_encode(trn_x = dataCar$gender,tst_x = dataCar$gender,trn_y = dataCar$numclaims,trn_w = dataCar$exposure,min_samples_leaf = 0,smoothing = 1,noise_level = 0)
      ref = unique(tar)
      exp = as.numeric(unlist(unique(data.table(dataCar)[, weighted.mean(x = numclaims,w = exposure) , by = gender][,2])))

      ## tests for .add_noise
      expect_equal(.add_noise(series = seq(1,100),noise_level = 0),seq(1,100))
      expect_equal(length(.add_noise(series = seq(1,100),noise_level = 0)),100)
      ## tests for .create_smoothing
      expect_equal(length(.create_smoothing(weights = c(1,2,3),min_samples_leaf = 2,smoothing = 1)),3) 
## Test for main function
   test_that(desc = "The main function works",code = {
             test_frame = dataCar[,c('gender','area','veh_body','numclaims','exposure')]
             test_frame = cbind(test_frame,
                                target_encoder(train_df = dataCar,
                                               test_df = dataCar,
                                               y = 'numclaims',
                                               x = c('veh_body','area','gender'),
                                               w = "exposure",
                                               min_samples_leaf = 0,
                                               smoothing = 1,
                                               noise_level = 0))
             testSummary = data.table(test_frame)[ , list(sack = weighted.mean(x = numclaims,w = exposure)) , by = gender]
             expect_equal(ncol(test_frame),8) })

## Test that leaving the test_df parameter null works
   test_that(desc = "The null test_df arg works",code = {
             tmp = target_encoder(train_df = dataCar,
                                  test_df = dataCar,
                                  y = 'numclaims',
                                  x = c('veh_body','area','gender'),
                                  w = "exposure",
                                  min_samples_leaf = 0,
                                  smoothing = 1,
                                  noise_level = 0)
             tmp2 = target_encoder(train_df = dataCar,
                                   y = 'numclaims',
                                   x = c('veh_body','area','gender'),
                                   w = "exposure",
                                   min_samples_leaf = 0,
                                   smoothing = 1,
                                   noise_level = 0)
             expect_equal(tmp,tmp2) })
gm209/gmtools documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:39 p.m.