addn | add number of occurences in parentheses |
add_rownames | Turn rownames into labelled column for kable |
ak | Auto.key arguments | | fails if an element of the list is a list.... |
assn | Assignment for a pipepline |
basis | Basis for linear space spanned by the columns of a matrix |
chat2xl | Create excel file from Zoom chat file |
coding_function | General coding matrix for factors |
combine_small_categories | Combine small categories |
compare_packages | List functions in all of two or more packages |
desc-set | Add descriptions to variables |
droplists | Remove lists from a data frame |
dropone | Drop one case or cluster |
ev | Evaluate a string |
f2L | Turns a factor of a PD matrix to a left-triangular factor |
f2R | Turns a factor of a PD matrix to a right-triangular factor |
g | Quick grepv |
ga | getAnywhere |
getAll | Get samples and sampler parameters from a stanfit object |
getG | Extract R, G or V matrix in a mixed or GLS model |
gnew-package | New candidate functions for spida2 |
grepf | grep patterns and replace with name |
kb | Collect options for kbl |
kbl_array | Use kableExtra::kbl to print an array. |
list_array | Turn an array into a list of smaller arrays sectioning along... |
main | Presumably to create a heading |
mygitinstall | Custom gitinstall to include vignettes |
myinstall | Custom install to make vignettes |
order_by_freq | Order a factor using the frequency of levels |
overlap_distance | Distance between two strings using weighted overlap of words |
pdConstruct.pdInd | Construct pdInd object |
pdFactor.pdInd | Factor of a pdInd object. |
pdInd | Construct pdInd object |
pdMatrix.pdInd | pdMatrix method for pdInd objects |
pr | Alternative printing for special purposes |
print.summ.lm | Adaptation of print.summary.lm |
printup | Print a nested data frame |
render_this | Render with YAML is separate file |
reorder_first | relevel for character vectors |
rnd | Round numeric values in a a data frame |
slice | Take a slice of an array selecting indices along a margin |
solve.pdInd | solve method for pdInd objects. |
stest | Simple speed tests |
tablemissing | Patterns of missing values by variable |
td_ | Set latice parameters for base (not superpose) elements |
tonum | Turn character or factor to numeric |
tr_gs | tr_gs: special case |
weighted_coding | Weighted coding matrix |
yearsdiff | Difference of two dates in years |
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