pdFactor.pdInd: Factor of a pdInd object.

pdFactor.pdIndR Documentation

Factor of a pdInd object.


Function to compute the upper triangular factor of a pdInd object representing the factorization of the inverse variance matrix.





a 'pdInd' object from which the right-triangular factor of the variance matrix it represents will be extracted


Returns a factor for a right log-Cholesky object for positive-definite inverse variance matrix corresponding to a variance matrix with zero covariances except in the first row and column. i.e. $$ V^-1 = R'R $$ with $R$ a right-triangular matrix.

Then if the upper-diagonal elements of $R$ below the first row are all 0 then the corresponding variance matrix with will have zero covariances except on the first row (and column).


the full right-triangular factor, including zeros in the lower triangle, is returned as a vector in column order

the full right-triangular factor, including zeros in the lower triangle, is returned as a vector in column order


mat <- pdInd(diag(1:4))
Factor of a pdInd object.

Function to compute the upper triangular factor of a pdInd object
representing the factorization of the inverse variance matrix.

Returns a factor for a right log-Cholesky object for positive-definite
inverse variance matrix corresponding to a variance matrix with zero
covariances except in the first row and column. i.e. $$ V^-1 = t(R)R $$ with
$R$ a right-triangular matrix.

Then if the upper-diagonal elements of $R$ below the first row are all 0
then the corresponding variance matrix with will have zero covariances
except on the first row (and column).

mat <- pdInd(diag(1:4))

gmonette/gnew documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 10:18 a.m.