abind | Bind comformable arrays |
acond | Transform a frequency table into relative frequencies... |
adult | The Adult dataset |
anova.lme | anova for lme |
apct | Transform a frequency table to percentages |
approx.Z | Approximation for semi-parametric splines |
aprop | Relative proportions |
arep | Percentages of a column or row sum |
as.data.frame.wald | Transform output of a Wald test into a data frame |
assn | Assign in a pipeline |
atotal | Add all marginal sums to an array |
atotal.rdc | Version of atotal in RDC |
av.frame | Create data frame for added variable plot |
av.frame.lm | lm method for av.frame |
basis | Orthogonal basis for column space of a matrix |
BinarySetOps | Set operators |
brace | Create a brace for a graph |
cap1 | Capitalize first character of each word |
capply | Apply a function within each cluster of multilevel data |
cell | Confidence ellipse |
cell.default | Confidence ellipse |
cell.glh | Confidence ellipse for estimated parameters in Wald test |
center | Centre of an object |
center.ell | Center of an ellipse |
ch | as.character |
change | Replace elements of x with correspondingly named elements of... |
coef.wald | Extract coefficients from Wald object |
coffee | Artificial data set on Coffee Consumption, Heart Damage Index... |
com | Prediction with 'lmer' objects |
comp | Prediction for 'lmer' objects |
comp.bak | Backup of former version of comp |
comp.old | Older version of comp |
cond | Extended svd |
ConjComp | Conjugate complement of span(X) in span(Z) with respect to... |
constant | Generic constant |
constant.data.frame | Identify variables that are constant within levels of a... |
constant.default | Default method to test whether a variable is constant |
Contrasts | Generic function to extend 'contrasts' to 'lmer' objects. |
d | Differentiate with 0th order |
dell | Calculate coordinates of a data ellipse |
describe.vector | Describe a vector |
diags | Generic diagnostics |
diags.lm | Standard diagnostics for lm objects |
diags.lme | Standard diagnostics for lme objects |
DiffI | Difference between current value and lagged value within... |
disp | Display the name and value of an object |
dropone.lme | Refit a model dropping one observation or one cluster at a... |
Drugs | Longitudinal study of schizophrenia symptoms with... |
eg | Attempt at streamlining expand.grid for prediction |
ell | Calculate coordinates of an ellipse |
enc | Read coding tables in RDC |
f2L | Turns a factor of a PD matrix to a left-triangular factor |
f2R | Turns a factor of a PD matrix to a right-triangular factor |
fac | Left square root of X'X |
fill | Create a time-invariant variable by filling in NAs - generic |
fill.data.frame | Fill in missing values to create a time-invariant variable |
fill.Date | Create a time-invariant variable by filling in NAs |
fill.default | Default method to fill in values of time-invariant variable |
fill.factor | Create time invariant variable by filling in missing values |
formatCoefmat | Format a coefficient table |
getFix | Get information on fixed effects from a model object |
gicc | Generalized intraclass correlation coefficient for multilevel... |
ginv | Generalized inverse - using version in MASS |
ginv.1 | Generalized inverse - test version |
glh | General linear hypothesis - now deprecated - use wald instead |
glh.rdc | Test version of glh in RDC |
gpanel.band | Panel functions for predicted values and SE bands |
gpanel.ellipse | Lattice panel function for data ellipse |
grapes-and-grapes | Set operators |
grepl | Mark for deletion since it now exists in base |
grepv | Grep with value = T |
gsp | General regression splines with variable degrees and... |
gspf.1 | Marked for deletion |
gsp.v01 | Gsp - older version |
hsfull | Math achievement and ses in a sample of 160 U.S. schools from... |
hw | Articial data with classical outliers. |
Indonesia | Respiratory infections among Indonesian children.... |
iq | Longitudinal study of IQ after traumatic brain injuries |
Key | Synomym for simpleKey |
labs | Add labels - generic |
labs_- | Add labels - assignment |
labs_-.data.frame | Add labels - assignment to data frame |
labs.data.frame.lab | Add labels - data frame |
labs_-.default | Add labels - default |
labs.default | Add labels - default |
labs-set | Add labels - assignment |
labs-set-.data.frame | Add labels - assignment to data frame |
labs-set-.default | Add labels - default |
Lag | 'Contextual' Lag with respect to time within id |
Lag.0 | Lag within subject: older less efficient version of Lag |
LagI | Lag with respect to time within id with interpolation for... |
Lall | Hypothesis matrix for lmer objects |
Lc | Hypothesis matrix for lmer objects: comparisons with... |
Ldiff | Hypothesis matrix for ... |
Ldiff.old | Older version of Ldiff |
Ldiff.rdc | Version of Ldiff used in RDC |
Leff | Hypothesis matrices for first and higher-order effects |
Lequal | Hypothesis matrix for equality of factor level effects |
Lform | Hypothesis matrix generated by expressions |
Lfx | Hypothesis matrix generated by expressions for each column or... |
lib | Library workaround for RDC |
Lmat | Generate a hypothesis matrix |
Lmu | Estimate predicted response for a factor level. |
long | Create a longitudinal file from a wide file |
Lrm | Construct hypothesis matrix to test repeated measures factor... |
map | Apply a mapping to a vector |
mergec | Stack data frames |
migraines | Effectiveness of migraine treatment |
misscode.default | Turns NAs into a value below the range of non-missing data... |
mscm | Mothers' Stress and Children's Morbidity (MSCM) study:... |
multresp | Create an indicator matrix from a multiple response variable |
na20 | Transform NAs to 0 |
na2f | Transform NAs to FALSE |
na.com | Apply com with NAs |
na.comres | Compute residuals from component with NAs |
na.fitted | Fitted values with NAs |
na.getResponse | Response with NAs |
na.include | Include NAs |
na.pad | Add NAs to match original data frame |
na.pad.default | Add NAs - default |
na.pad.lme | Add NAs - lme |
na.resid | Add NAs - resid |
na.residuals | Residuals with NAs |
old.cell | Old confidence ellipse |
oplot | Indicate number of points overplotted |
OrthoComp | Orthogonal basis for the orthogonal complement of the column... |
orthog | Two by two matrix of orthogonal rotation |
orthog.proj | Orthogonal projection matrix - check possibly poor numerical... |
osculant | Locus of osculation between two families of ellipses |
otab | otab |
p | p - quick paste with sep = " |
pal | Generate a palette of colours - possibly superseded |
pals | Display colors n at a time |
panel.subgroups | Panel function to display subgroups within groups within... |
part | Intersection and symmetric differences of two sets |
pchisq.mix | P-value for a mixed Chi-Square |
pdConstruct.pdInd | Construct pdInd object |
pdFactor.pdInd | Factor of a pdInd object. |
pdInd | Constuctor for Positive-Definite Matrix With Zero Covariances... |
pdMatrix.pdInd | pdMatrix method for pdInd objects |
Poly | Matrix of powers |
pr | Alternative print - generic |
pr.default | Alternative print - should probably use dput |
predict.mer | A tentative version of predict for mer objects |
print.cat | Print method for 'cat' objects |
print.correl | print correlations |
print.data.frame.lab | Print a labeled data frame |
print.glh.rdc | Print a 'glh' object tested in RDC |
print.wald | Print method for wald objects |
Proj | Projection matrix |
Proj.1 | Projection matrix |
Proj.test | Test accuracy of projection method. |
Q | Q matrix of QR decomposion with missing data |
Rbind | Generic rbind that works on data frames |
Rbind.data.frame | Rbind applied to data frames |
Rbind.list | Rbind applied to lists |
Read.dta | read a STATA .dta file |
Read.spss | Read an SPSS file |
reorder.default | Make reorder work on non-factors |
Riesby | Longitudinal response of depressed patients to imipramine and... |
sampler | Show characters, colours, etc. |
sasin | Read a SAS ODS file |
select.first | Find the first non-missing element of a vector and check... |
smspline | Generate a smoothing spline |
smspline.v | smspline.v from library splines with better ginverse |
solve.pdInd | solve method for pdInd objects. |
sortdf | Order the rows of a data frame |
spida | A package with miscellaneous utilities for hierarchical and... |
spida-package | Collection of utility functions for mixed models, etc. for... |
spline.E | Spline estimation function |
spline.T | Spline tranformation matrix |
summ | Special version of summary |
summ.lmer | Summary for lmer objects |
sun | Sunspots |
tab | Table of frequencies or relative frequencies bordered with... |
tablemissing | Tabulate and visualize missing values |
td | Set lattice parameters for multiple groups |
tfun | Utility function |
tolong | Long data set from wide data set |
tr | Translate elements of a character vector |
tran | Translate elements of a vector |
trim | Trim trailing blanks |
trim.character | Trim trailing blanks from character vector |
trim.data.frame | Trim trailing blanks from all variables in a data frame |
trim.default | Trim default - identity |
trim.factor | Trim trailing blanks from a factor object |
up | Create a data frame at a higher level of aggregation |
val2na | Transform selected values to NAs |
varLevel | Identify level of aggregation at which a variable in... |
vbox | Unit box |
Vcor | Correlation matrix of fixed effects |
Vcor.rdc | Version of Vcor used in RDC |
Vcov | Generic 'vcov' extended to 'lmer' objects |
Vcov.rdc | Version of Vcov used in RDC |
vell | Vector around an ellipse |
vif.lme | Variance Inflation Factors for Mixed Models |
vmat | Create a matrix entering vectors column by column |
vobj | Combine ellipse with subtending box |
vplot | Collection of functions to help teach matrix geometry in 2... |
vsquare | Square in 2 dimensions |
wald | General Linear Hypothesis for the 'fixed' portion of a model... |
Write.dta | Write a STATA file |
write.sas | Modified version of write.sas |
Write.spss | Write and SPSS file |
xanova | Extended anova |
xanova.lmer | Modified Anova for lmer objects |
xapply.formula | Apply a function over a ragged array and return a data frame |
xlevels | Create 'derivatives' and 'means' of factors to generate, for... |
xmerge | Extended merge with diagnostics |
xqplot | Extended Quantile Plots |
zork | Just to see if zork.rd gets created |
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