Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also Examples
Tests a general linear hypothesis for the linear fixed portion of a model. The hypothesis can be specified in a variety of ways such as a hypothesis matrix or a pattern that is used as a regular expression to be matched with the names of coefficients of the model. A number of tools are available to facilitate the generation of hypothesis matrices.
1 2 |
fit |
a model for which a |
Llist |
a hypothesis matrix or a pattern to be matched or a list of these |
clevel |
level for confidence intervals |
data |
used for 'data' attribute of value returned |
debug |
maxrows |
maximum number of rows of hypothesis matrix for which a full variance-covariance matrix is returned |
full |
if TRUE, the hypothesis matrix is the model matrix for |
fixed |
if |
invert |
if |
method |
'svd' (current default) or 'qr' is the method used to find the full rank version of the hypothesis matrix. 'svd' has correctly identified the rank of a large hypothesis matrix where 'qr' has failed. |
help |
obsolete |
General Linear Hypothesis with Wald test
for lm, glm, lme, nlme and lmer objects.
Can be extended to other objects (e.g.) 'glm' by writing 'getFix.glm'
wald ( fit, L ) where L is a hypothesis matrix
wald ( fit, 'pat' ) where 'pat' a regular expression (see ?regex)
used to match names of coefficients of fixed effects.
e.g. wald( fit, ':.*:') tests all 2nd and higher order interactions.
wald ( fit, c(2,5,6)) to test 2nd, 5th and 6th coefficients.
wald ( fit, list( hyp1= c(2,5,6), H2 = 'pat')) for more than one hypothesis
There are number of functions to help construct hypothesis matrices:
Lform ( fit, list(expr1, expr2, ..., exprk), data = dframe)
creates an L matrix by evaluating expr1, expr2, ..., exprk in the dframe
environment to generate the k columns of the L matrix. 'dframe' is
model.frame(fit) by default. See the example below to estimate a derivative.
Creates an L matrix using formulas evaluated in 'data' for
each column of the L matrix
fit <- lm( income ~ (education + I(education^2) )* type, Prestige)
. . .
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 891.3 23889.1 0.037 0.97032
education 210.0 5638.8 0.037 0.97037
I(education^2) 38.3 328.3 0.117 0.90740
typeprof 191523.2 63022.0 3.039 0.00312 **
typewc 25692.3 73888.0 0.348 0.72887
education:typeprof -28133.0 10236.0 -2.748 0.00725 **
education:typewc -4485.4 14007.9 -0.320 0.74956
I(education^2):typeprof 1017.5 451.8 2.252 0.02679 *
I(education^2):typewc 170.9 671.6 0.255 0.79967
. . .
# estimate the marginal value of education for each
# occupation in the data set
L <- list( 'marginal value of education' =Lform( fit,
form = list(0, 1, 2 * education, 0, 0,
type == 'prof',
type == 'wc',
2 * education * (type == 'prof'),
2 * education * (type == 'wc')),
data = Prestige))
wald( fit, L )
chat <- coef( wald( fit, L ), se = 2)
xyplot( coef +coefp+coefm ~ education | type, cbind(Prestige,chat)[order(Prestige$education),],
type = 'l')
xyplot( chat~ education | type, Prestige)
# This approach can be used to predict responses with a fitting method that has a
# 'model.matrix' method but does not have a 'predict' method or does not return
# estimated standard errors with its 'predict' method.
datafit <- model.frame(fit) # or just the data frame used for the fit
ww <- wald(fit, model.matrix(fit))
datafit <- cbind(datafit, coef(ww, se =2))
# ...etc as above
# To extend the 'wald' function to a new class of objects, one needs to write a 'getFix'
# method to extract estimated coefficients, their estimated covariance matrix, and the
# denominator degrees of freedom for each estimated coefficient. The getFix method for
# glm objects is:
getFix.glm <- function(fit,...) {
ss <- summary(fit)
ret <- list()
ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
ret$df <- rep(ss$df.residual, length(ret$fixed))
# and for 'mipo' objects in the packages 'mice':
getFix.mipo <- function( fit, ...){
# pooled multiple imputation object in mice
# 'wald' will use the minimal df for components with non-zero weights
# -- this is probably too conservative and should be improved
ret <- list()
ret$fixed <- fit$qbar
ret$vcov <- fit$t
ret$df <- fit$df
An object of class wald
, with the following components
. To extend to
new models see getFix
. To generate
hypothesis matrices for general splines see gsp
and sc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
# The derivative with respect
# to ses could be evaluated at each point in the following:
require( nlme )
fit <- lme( mathach ~ (ses + I(ses^2)) * Sex, hs, random = ~ 1 + ses | school)
wald( fit, 'Sex') # sig. overall effect of Sex
wald( fit, ':Sex') # but no evidence of interaction with ses
wald( fit, '\\^2') # nor of curvature
# but we continue for the sake of illustration
L <- Lform( fit, list( 0, 1, 2*ses, 0, Sex == 'Male', (Sex == 'Male')*2*ses), hs)
(ww <- wald ( fit, L ))
wald.dd <-, se = 2)
head( wald.dd )
xyplot( coef + U2 + L2 ~ ses | Sex, wald.dd,
main= 'Increase in predicted mathach per unit increase in ses')
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