
# hyperinference_utility

# utility functions for inference over the hyperparameters of a gp model
# (the kernel parameters)

nlmlObjective <- function(pars, model) {
  # return the negative log marginal likelihood of a GP model with kernel 
  # parameters pars
  # fit the model with the new parameters
  model_new <- setModelParameters(model, pars)
  # extract the negative log marginal likelihood
  nlml <- -model_new$posterior$lZ
  # return this
  return (nlml)

optimizeModelBFGS <- function (model, restarts = 1, sampling_sd = 10) {
  # optimize the hyperparameters of a model by gradient-free BFGS,
  # optionally with random restarts.
  # Note that the non-convexity of the likelihood means that running this without
  # random restarts is probably a terrible idea (at least without a strong 
  # hyperprior), particuarly on Gaussian-response data.
  # make sure hyperparameter inference is switched off
  model <- updateModel(model,
                       hyperinference = 'none')
  # get current hyperparameters of the model
  pars <- getModelParameters(model)
  # if there are no restarts (only one optimisation)
  if (restarts == 1) {
    # use the current parameters as the satrting point
    pars_list <- list(pars)
  } else {
    # otherwise get a list of random parameters for each restart
    pars_list <- replicate(restarts,
                           pars + rnorm(length(pars), 0, sampling_sd),
                           simplify = FALSE)
  # run the optimiser for each of these start values
  # sequrntially for the time being
  opt_list <- lapply(pars_list,
                     fn = nlmlObjective,
                     gr = NULL,
                     model = model)
  # get the objective functions of these
  objectives <- lapply(opt_list, function(x) x$value)
  # find the best model
  opt <- opt_list[[which.min(objectives)]]
  # put these parameters back in the model
  model_new <- setModelParameters(model, opt$par)
  # and return
  return (model_new)

# return a hyperparameter inference function, given an inference method
getHyperinference <- function (hyperinference) {
  # if inference is default, look up the default for that likelihood
  if (hyperinference == 'default') {
    hyperinference <- defaultHyperinference()
  # get the inference name
  hyperinference_name <- switch(hyperinference,
                                BFGS = 'bfgs_no_restarts',
                                BFGSrestarts = 'bfgs_5_restarts',
                                none = 'none')
  # if the inference method wasn't found throw an error
  if (is.null(hyperinference_name)) {
    stop (paste0('Hyperinference method ',
                 ' not found.'))
  # prepend 'hyperinference' to the name
  hyperinference_name <- paste0('hyperinference_',
  # fetch the function
  hyperinference <- get(hyperinference_name)
  # return this function
  return (hyperinference)

# default hyperparameter inference method
defaultHyperinference <- function () {
  hyperinference <- 'none'
  return (hyperinference)

# utility functions to get and set kernel parameters for gp model objects,
# to facilitate hyperparamter inference
getModelParameters <- function (model) {
  pars <- getParVec(model$kernel)
  return (pars)

setModelParameters <- function (model, pars) {
  # get the model kernel
  kernel <- model$kernel
  # update the parameters
  kernel <- setParVec(kernel, par_vec = pars)
  # fit the model with the new parameters
  model_new <- updateModel(model = model,
                           kernel = kernel)
  # return
  return (model_new)
goldingn/gpe documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:41 a.m.