# --------------------------------------------------------- #
# |                    PROJETO IPEADATA                   | #
# --------------------------------------------------------- #
# |   COORDENADOR: ERIVELTON P. GUEDES                    | #
# --------------------------------------------------------- #
# |   PROGRAMADOR: LUIZ EDUARDO S. GOMES                  | #
# --------------------------------------------------------- #
# |   MLD                                                 | #
# --------------------------------------------------------- #

# MLD -------------------------------------------------------

# -------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Multivariate DLM (Cap. 4)
# Bayesian forecasting and dynamic models (WEST & HARRISON, 1997)
# -------------------------------------------------------------- #

MLD <- function(Y, period, plotar = FALSE, IC = .95,
                namostra = 10000, dataY = NULL,
                Fnivel = TRUE, Ftend = TRUE, Fsaz = TRUE,
                priori = TRUE, logY = FALSE) {

  # ------ Avisos de erro
  if (!is.vector(Y)) {
    warning("A serie deve ser um vetor numerico")

  if (length(Y) == 1) {
    warning("Comprimento da serie deve ser > 1")

  if (length(Y) == 0) {
    warning("Serie vazia")

  if (is.null(period)) {
    warning("Periodicidade da serie deve ser informada: \n 12 - Mensal, 4 - Trimestral, 2 - Semestral, 1 - Outras.")

  # ------ Usando o log da serie***
  if (logY) {
    Y = log(Y)

  # -------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # O uso do log acarreta subestimacao dos ICs
  # Nao afirme acerca do ICs calculados
  # + informacoes:
  # Bayesian forecasting and dynamic models (WEST & HARRISON, 1997)
  # Capitulo 10 --
  # -------------------------------------------------------------- #

  # ------ Ordens
  n <- 1
  T <- length(Y)
  if (!is.null(dataY) & period == 12) {
    r <- 16

  if (!is.null(dataY) & period == 4) {
    r <- 8

  if (!is.null(dataY) & period == 2){
    r <- 6

  if (is.null(dataY)) {
    r <- 5

  #------ Serie temporal
  Yt <- array(NA, dim = c(n, 1, T + 1))
  for (t in 2:(T + 1)) {
    Yt[, , t] <- c(Y[t-1])

  #------ Matriz de evolucao Gt
  Gt <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(1,
                                diag(1, r - 5),
                                matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 1), 2),
                                matrix(c(cos(2 * pi / period), - sin(2 * pi / period),
                                         sin(2 * pi / period),   cos(2 * pi / period)),

  #------ Matriz de descontos
  delta <- c(.99, .99, .99, .99)
  delta <- 1 / sqrt(delta)
  DescMatrix <- array(NA, dim = c(r, r, T + 1))
  for (t in 2:(T + 1)) {
    DescMatrix[,,t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(delta[1],
                                               diag(delta[2], r - 5),
                                               matrix(c(rep(delta[3], 2^2)), 2),
                                               matrix(c(rep(delta[4], 2^2)), 2)))
  DescMatrix <- ifelse(DescMatrix > 0, DescMatrix, 1)

  #------ Fator de desconto sigma2
  delta.sig2 <- .9

  #------ Matriz de design Ft
  Ft <- array(NA, dim = c(r, n, T + 1))
  if (is.null(dataY)) {
    for (t in 2:(T + 1)) {
      Ft[, , t] <- matrix(c(ifelse(Fnivel, 1, 0),
                            ifelse(Ftend, 1, 0), 0,
                            ifelse(Fsaz, 1, 0), 0))

  if (!is.null(dataY) & period == 12) {
    for (t in 2:(T + 1)) {
      Ft[, , t] <- matrix(c(ifelse(Fnivel, 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "01", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "02", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "03", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "04", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "05", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "06", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "07", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "08", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "10", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "11", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "12", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(Ftend, 1, 0), 0,
                            ifelse(Fsaz, 1, 0), 0))

  if (!is.null(dataY) & period == 4) {
    for (t in 2:(T + 1)) {
      Ft[, , t] <- matrix(c(ifelse(Fnivel, 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "01", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "04", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "10", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(Ftend, 1, 0), 0,
                            ifelse(Fsaz, 1, 0), 0))

  if (!is.null(dataY) & period == 2) {
    for (t in 2:(T + 1)) {
      Ft[, , t] <- matrix(c(ifelse(Fnivel, 1, 0),
                            ifelse(substr(dataY[t - 1], 6, 7) == "07", 1, 0),
                            ifelse(Ftend, 1, 0), 0,
                            ifelse(Fsaz, 1, 0), 0))

  # ------ Inicializando os arrays
  mt <- array(data = NA, dim = c(r, 1, T + 1))
  Ct <- array(data = NA, dim = c(r, r, T + 1))
  at <- array(data = NA, dim = c(r, 1, T + 1))
  Rt <- array(data = NA, dim = c(r, r, T + 1))
  ft <- array(data = NA, dim = c(n, 1, T + 1))
  ft2 <- array(data = NA, dim = c(n, 1, T + 1))
  ft2.LI <- array(data = NA, dim = c(n, 1, T + 1))
  ft2.LS <- array(data = NA, dim = c(n, 1, T + 1))
  Qt <- array(data = NA, dim = c(n, n, T + 1))
  Qt2 <- array(data = NA, dim = c(n, n, T + 1))
  At <- array(data = NA, dim = c(r, n, T + 1))
  et <- array(data = NA, dim = c(n, 1, T + 1))
  ht <- array(data = NA, dim = c(r, 1, T + 1))
  Ht <- array(data = NA, dim = c(r, r, T + 1))
  nt2 <- rep(NA, T + 1)
  St2 <- rep(NA, T + 1)

  # ------ Distribuicoes a priori
  mtPrior <- rep(0, r)
  CtPrior <- diag(1000, r)
  ntPrior <- 1
  StPrior <- 1000

  if (priori) {
    mt[, , 1] <- mtPrior
  } else {
    mt[, , 1] <- c(as.numeric(na.exclude(Y))[1], rep(0, r - 1))

  if (!logY) {
    Ct[, , 1] <- CtPrior
    St <- StPrior
  } else {
    Ct[, , 1] <- diag(1, r)
    St <- 1

  nt <- ntPrior

  # ------ Filtro de Kalman ###
  for (t in 2:(T + 1)) {

    # ------ Priori em t
    at[, , t] <- Gt %*% mt[, , t - 1]
    Rt[, , t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(DescMatrix[, , t] * (Gt %*% Ct[, , t - 1] %*% t(Gt)) * DescMatrix[, , t]))
    Rt[, , t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(corpcor::make.positive.definite(Rt[, , t])))

    # ------ Previsao 1 passo a frente
    ft[, , t] <- t(Ft[, , t]) %*% at[, , t]
    Qt[, , t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(t(Ft[, , t]) %*% Rt[, , t] %*% Ft[, , t] + St[t - 1] * diag(1, n)))
    Qt[, , t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(corpcor::make.positive.definite(Qt[, , t])))

    # ------ Posteriori em t
    if (!is.na(Yt[,,t])) {
      At[, , t] <- Rt[, , t] %*% Ft[, , t] %*% Matrix::solve(Qt[, , t])
      et[, , t] <- Yt[, , t] - ft[,,t]
      mt[, , t] <- at[, , t] + (At[,,t] %*% as.matrix(et[,,t]))
      nt[t] <- delta.sig2 * nt[t - 1] + 1
      St[t] <- (1 / nt[t]) * ((delta.sig2 * St[t - 1] * nt[t - 1]) +
                             ((1 / n) * St[t - 1] * (t(et[, , t]) %*% Matrix::solve(Qt[, , t]) %*% et[, , t])))
      Ct[, , t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric((St[t] / St[t - 1]) * (Rt[, , t] - (At[, , t] %*% as.matrix(Qt[, , t]) %*% t(At[, , t])))))
      Ct[, , t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(corpcor::make.positive.definite(Ct[, , t])))
    } else {
      At[, , t] <- NA
      et[, , t] <- NA
      mt[, , t] <- at[, , t]
      nt[t] <- nt[t - 1]
      St[t] <- St[t - 1]
      Ct[, , t] <- Rt[, , t]

  # ------ Analise Retrospectiva ###
  for (t in (T + 1):1) {
    if(t == T + 1) {
      ht[, , t] <- mt[, , t]
      Ht[, , t] <- Ct[, , t]
      nt2[t] <- nt[t]
      St2[t] <- St[t]
    } else {
      Maux <- Ct[, , t] %*% Gt %*% solve(Rt[, , t + 1])
      ht[, , t] <- mt[, , t] + (Maux %*% (ht[, , t + 1] - at[, , t + 1]))
      Ht[, , t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(Ct[, , t] - (Maux %*% Gt %*% Ct[, , t])))
      Ht[, , t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(corpcor::make.positive.definite(Ht[, , t])))
      nt2[t] <- (((1 - delta.sig2) * (nt[t])) + (delta.sig2 * nt2[t + 1]))
      St2[t] <- 1 / (((1 - delta.sig2) * (1 / St[t])) + (delta.sig2 * (1 / St2[t + 1])))

  # ------ Ajuste Suavizado ###
  for (t in 2:(T + 1)) {

    # ------ Ajuste
    ft2[, , t] <- t(Ft[, , t]) %*% Gt %*% ht[, , t]
    Qt2[, , t] <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(corpcor::make.positive.definite(t(Ft[, , t]) %*% (DescMatrix[, , t] * (Gt %*% Ht[, , t - 1] %*% t(Gt)) * DescMatrix[, , t]) %*% Ft[, , t] + St2[t] * diag(1, n))))
    compIC <- mvtnorm::rmvt(n = namostra, sigma = as.matrix(Qt2[, , t]),
                            df = nt2[t], delta = ft2[, , t])
    ft2.LI[, , t] <- matrixStats::colQuantiles(x = compIC, probs = (1 - IC) / 2)
    ft2.LS[, , t] <- matrixStats::colQuantiles(x = compIC, probs = 1 - ((1 - IC) / 2))

  # ------ Previsao 1 passo a frente (fora da amostra) ###
  # ------ Priori em T
  at.k <- Gt %*% mt[, , T]
  Rt.k <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(DescMatrix[, , T] * (Gt %*% Ct[, , T] %*% t(Gt)) * DescMatrix[, , T]))
  Rt.k <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(corpcor::make.positive.definite(Rt.k)))

  # ------ Previsao 1 passo a frente
  ft.k <- t(Ft[, , T]) %*% at.k
  Qt.k <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(t(Ft[, , T]) %*% Rt.k %*% Ft[, , T] + St[T] * diag(1, n)))
  Qt.k <- as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(corpcor::make.positive.definite(Qt.k)))
  compIC2 <- mvtnorm::rmvt(n = namostra, sigma = as.matrix(Qt.k),
                           df = nt2[T], delta = ft.k)
  ftk.LI <- matrixStats::colQuantiles(x = compIC2,probs = (1 - IC) / 2)
  ftk.LS <- matrixStats::colQuantiles(x = compIC2,probs = 1 - ((1 - IC) / 2))

  # ------ Resultado
  if (!logY) {
    resultado <- data.frame(obs = round(Y, 0),
                            prev = round(ft2[, , -1], 0),
                            prev.LI = round(ft2.LI[, , -1], 0),
                            prev.LS = round(ft2.LS[, , -1], 0),
                            indic = ifelse(Y < ft2.LI[, , -1] |
                                           Y > ft2.LS[, , -1], 1, 0),
                            prevk1 = c(round(ft.k, 0), rep(NA,length(Y) - 1)),
                            prevk1.LI = c(round(ftk.LI, 0), rep(NA, length(Y) - 1)),
                            prevk1.LS = c(round(ftk.LS, 0), rep(NA, length(Y) - 1)))
  } else {
    resultado <- data.frame(obs = round(exp(Y), 0),
                            prev = round(exp(ft2[, , -1]), 0),
                            prev.LI = round(exp(ft2.LI[, , -1]), 0),
                            prev.LS = round(exp(ft2.LS[, , -1]), 0),
                            indic = ifelse(exp(Y) < exp(ft2.LI[, , -1]) |
                                           exp(Y) > exp(ft2.LS[, , -1]), 1, 0),
                            prevk1 = c(round(exp(ft.k), 0), rep(NA, length(Y) - 1)),
                            prevk1.LI = c(round(exp(ftk.LI), 0), rep(NA, length(Y) - 1)),
                            prevk1.LS = c(round(exp(ftk.LS), 0), rep(NA, length(Y) - 1)))

  #------ Encontrando posicao do outlier na serie
  loc.out <- which(resultado$indic == 1)

  # ------ Plotando
  if (plotar)
    #------ Grafico dinamico

    print(dygraphs::dySeries(dygraph = dygraphs::dygraph(data = data.frame(x = 1:length(Y),
                                                                           ft.LI = ft2.LI[, , - 1],
                                                                           ft = ft2[, , - 1],
                                                                           ft.LS = ft2.LS[, , - 1],
                                                                           Observado = Yt[, , - 1]),
                                                         main = paste("IC", round(IC * 100),"%")) %>%
                             dygraphs::dyEvent(loc.out, rep("Outlier", length(loc.out)), labelLoc = "top", color="black"),
                             name = c("ft.LI", "ft", "ft.LS"), label = "Previsao"))

gomesleduardo/ipeadataRio documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:30 p.m.