
Defines functions .SimulateROASAnalysis .ROASPreanalysisFitRow .GetPreanalysisSummary .GetPreanalysisSummary.TBRROASAnalysisFit .GetPreanalysisSummary.GBRROASAnalysisFitGbr1 print.ROASPreanalysisFit

Documented in .GetPreanalysisSummary .GetPreanalysisSummary.GBRROASAnalysisFitGbr1 .GetPreanalysisSummary.TBRROASAnalysisFit print.ROASPreanalysisFit .ROASPreanalysisFitRow .SimulateROASAnalysis

# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#' [internal] Performs a ROAS analysis on one simulated data set drawn from
#' the \code{GeoExperimentPreanalysisData} object.
#' @param sim (integer >= 1) number of the simulation; if 'randomize.i' is
#'   \code{FALSE}, 'sim' will be used as the number of the data set to draw.
#' @param randomize.i (flag) if TRUE, the number of the data set will be drawn
#'   at random. If \code{FALSE}, the number of the data set will be set equal
#'   to \code{sim}.
#' @param obj a \code{GeoExperimentPreanalysisData} object.
#' @param response (string) name of the metric column to use as the response
#'   variable.
#' @param prop.to (string) an existing name of the column in proportion to
#'   which the spend change will be distributed across the geos.
#' @param cost (real number) incremental cost, assumed fixed and known.
#' @param models (vector of nonempty strings) one or more analysis model ids.
#'   The simulated data set is apply to simulated data set. By default,
#'   all possible models are fit.
#' @param swap.and.redo (flag) swap groups and redo the analysis? Note: number
#'   of groups must be 2 if this flag is TRUE. Since this produces two
#'   simulations, the indices of simulations that are registered will be
#'   \code{2 * sim - 1} and \code{2 * sim}.
#' @return A \code{ROASAnalysisFit} object, a data frame with one or more
#'   rows.
#' @note
#' This is an internal function, called from another function. No
#' integrity checking of the parameters is done; this must be done by the
#' enclosing function.
#' @rdname SimulateROASAnalysis

.SimulateROASAnalysis <- function(sim, randomize.i, obj, response, prop.to,
                                  cost=1, models=GetModelIds(),
                                  swap.and.redo=FALSE) {
  kClassName <- "ROASAnalysisFit"

  i.max <- GetInfo(obj, "i.max")
  if (randomize.i) {
    i <- sample.int(i.max, size=1)
  } else {
    i <- sim
  if (swap.and.redo) {
    sim <- (2L * sim - 1L)

  obj.ged <- SimulateGeoExperimentData(obj, i=i)
  SetSpendChange(obj.ged, prop.to=prop.to) <- cost

  .AnalyzeOnce <- function(model, obj.ged, sim) {
    # Need only n.sims == 1 since 'cost' is a fixed quantity.
    fit <- DoROASAnalysis(obj.ged, model=model,
                          response=response, cost=kSpendChange,
                          pretest.period=0, intervention.period=1,
                          cooldown.period=2, control.group=1, treatment.group=2,
    geo.assignment <- GetInfo(obj.ged, "geo.assignment")
    summ <- .GetPreanalysisSummary(fit, i=i, geo.assignment=geo.assignment,

  result.list <- lapply(models, FUN=.AnalyzeOnce, obj.ged=obj.ged, sim=sim)

  if (swap.and.redo) {
    # Swap the group numbers and redo the analysis. This works ONLY when
    # n.groups==2. This must be checked in the calling routine.
    MapGeoGroups(obj.ged) <- (2:1)
    SetSpendChange(obj.ged, prop.to=prop.to) <- cost
    more.results <- lapply(models, FUN=.AnalyzeOnce,
                           obj.ged=obj.ged, sim=sim + 1L)
    result.list <- c(result.list, more.results)
  obj.result <- do.call(rbind, args=result.list)
  rownames(obj.result) <- NULL
  class(obj.result) <- c(kClassName, "data.frame")

#' [internal] Constructs a \code{ROASPreanalysisFit}-compatible object with one
#' single row. To be bound together row-wise with other such objects.
#' @param sim (integer >= 0) number of the simulation.
#' @param model (string) model id.
#' @param estimate (real number) point estimate.
#' @param sd (real number > 0) posterior s.d.
#' @param df (integer > 0) degrees of freedom of the t distribution that is the
#'   posterior of the iROAS estimate.
#' @param i (integer >= 1) index of the data set.
#' @param geo.assignment (a \code{GeoAssignment} object) the actual geo
#' assignment used.
#' @return A \code{ROASPreanalysisFitRow} object.
#' @note No integrity checking of the arguments is done.
#' @rdname ROASPreanalysisFitRow

.ROASPreanalysisFitRow <- function(sim, model, estimate, sd, df, i,
                                   geo.assignment) {
  obj.result <- data.frame(sim=sim, model=model, estimate=estimate, sd=sd,
                       df=df, i=i)
  obj.result[["geo.assignment"]] <- list(geo.assignment)
  rownames(obj.result) <- NULL
  class(obj.result) <- c("ROASAnalysisFitRow", class(obj.result))

#' [internal] Derives a short summary of the quantities for the preanalysis.
#' @param obj an object.
#' @param i (integer) index of the data set.
#' @param geo.assignment (a \code{GeoAssignment} object) the actual
#'   geo assignment of the data set.
#' @param sim (integer >= 0) number of the simulation.
#' @return A \code{ROASAnalysisFit} object.
#' @note No integrity checking of the arguments is done.
#' @rdname GetPreanalysisSummary

.GetPreanalysisSummary <- function(obj, i, geo.assignment, sim) {

#' @rdname GetPreanalysisSummary
.GetPreanalysisSummary.TBRROASAnalysisFit <- function(obj, i, geo.assignment,
                                                      sim) {
  info <- GetInfo(obj)
  summ <- summary(obj)
  tbr <- info[["tbr.resp"]]
  # The cost is always a constant, hence obj$cost is a vector.
  incr.estimate <- summ[["estimate"]]
  incr.cost <- summ[["incr.cost"]]
  df.residual <- GetInfo(tbr, "fit")[["df.residual"]]
  sd.estimate <- (summary(tbr)[["se"]] / incr.cost)
  model <- info[["model"]]
  obj.result <- .ROASPreanalysisFitRow(sim=sim, model=model,
                                       sd=sd.estimate, df=df.residual, i=i,

#' @rdname GetPreanalysisSummary
.GetPreanalysisSummary.GBRROASAnalysisFitGbr1 <- function(obj, i,
                                                          sim) {
  fit <- obj[["lmfit"]]
  summ <- summary(fit)
  coeff.fit <- coef(fit)
  incr.estimate <- coeff.fit["incr.cost"]
  if (is.na(incr.estimate)) {
    sd.estimate <- NA
  } else {
    sd.estimate <- coef(summ)["incr.cost", "Std. Error"]
  df.residual <- summ[["df"]][2]
  obj.result <- .ROASPreanalysisFitRow(sim=sim, model=obj[["model"]],
                                       sd=sd.estimate, df=df.residual, i=i,

#' Prints a summary of the \code{ROASPreanalysisFit} method.
#' @param x a \code{ROASPreanalysisFit} object.
#' @param ... arguments passed to the 'summary' method.
#' @return Prints the summary of \code{x} and returns the summary of \code{x}
#' invisibly.

print.ROASPreanalysisFit <- function(x, ...) {
  summ <- summary(x, ...)
google/GeoexperimentsResearch documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:42 a.m.