testthat::test_that('Check DF_joined', {
# targets::tar_load_globals()
# targets::tar_load(c(DF_joined, DICTIONARY_tasks))
# Name of test (should reflect the name of the file) ----------------------
name_of_test = "DF_joined"
# cat(cli::style_underline(cli::col_yellow(paste0("\n\nRunning: ", cli::col_silver(name_of_test, paste(rep(" ", 40), collapse = " ")),"\n\n"))))
# TEST 1: NON canonical names --------------------------------------------------------------------
expected_names = grep("condition_between|condition_within|^.*_RAW$|^.*_DIR$|^.*_DIRt$|^.*_DIRd$|^.*_RELt$|^.*_RELd$|^.*_STDt$|^.*_STDd|^.*DIR_NA$|^.*RAW_NA$", names(DF_joined |> dplyr::select(-id)), ignore.case = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, value = TRUE)
non_canonical_names = names(DF_joined |> dplyr::select(-id))[!names(DF_joined |> dplyr::select(-id)) %in% expected_names]
if (length(non_canonical_names) > 0) cat(cli::col_red(paste0("\nERROR: DF_joined contains non-standard columns: ", cli::col_silver(paste(non_canonical_names, collapse = ", ")), "\n\n")))
# TEST 2: missing tasks ---------------------------------------------------
# Tasks in DF_clean that don't pass to DF_joined
white_list = c("Consent", "Bank", "FONDECYT2022E1")
# Targets
existing_targets_raw = list.files(path = here::here("_targets/objects/"), pattern = "df_.*", full.names = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE)
existing_targets = gsub("df_", "", existing_targets_raw)
# Dictionary
tasks_in_dictionary =
dplyr::distinct(names = `short_name: from trialid`) |>
dplyr::filter(!names %in% white_list) |>
# DF_joined
tasks_joined =
names(DF_joined) |> tibble::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::filter(grepl("DIR_NA", value)) |>
dplyr::mutate(name = gsub("_DIR_NA", "", value)) |>
# Tasks in dictionary (DF_clean) not in DF_joined
missing_from_DF_joined = tasks_in_dictionary[!tasks_in_dictionary %in% tasks_joined]
if (length(missing_from_DF_joined) != 0) cat(cli::col_yellow(paste0("\n[WARNING]: Tasks in DF_clean missing from DF_joined: ", cli::col_silver(paste(missing_from_DF_joined, collapse = ", ")), "\n\n")))
# Existing targets that have not been joined
# - Can be because the name is different (SHOULD CORRECT)
# - Or because we did not include them in create_joined()
# + If on purpose, add them to white_list
targets_joined_temp = existing_targets[!existing_targets %in% tasks_joined]
targets_joined = targets_joined_temp[!targets_joined_temp %in% white_list]
if (length(targets_joined) != 0) cat(cli::col_yellow(paste0("\n[WARNING]: Tasks with _targets missing from DF_joined:"), cli::col_silver(paste(targets_joined, collapse = ", "))), "\n",
"In '_targets.R' file, '_Prepare tasks' section: Target names should be '", cli::style_underline("df_[short_name_scale_str]"), "'\n",
paste0("For example: 'tar_target(df_", cli::bg_green("SBS") ,", prepare_SBS(DF_clean, name_scale_str = 'Supernatural_Belief_Scale', short_name_scale_str = '", cli::bg_green("SBS") ,"'))'\n"),
cli::col_silver(" - existing_targets:", paste(existing_targets, collapse = ", "), "\n",
" - tasks_joined:", paste(tasks_joined, collapse = ", "), "\n\n"))
# TEST 3: Number of 9999 values ------------------------------------------------------------------
DF_999 = DF_joined %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(2:ncol(DF_joined), values_transform = list(value = as.character)) |>
dplyr::filter(value == "9999") |> # Solved the issue below with DIR == 9999 ~ DIR,?
# dplyr::filter(grepl("999", value)) |> # We reverse items after transforming to dir... sometimes the 9999 gets transform to -9993 or others,,,
dplyr::distinct(name, value, .keep_all = FALSE)
# Warning and log ---------------------------------------------------------
if (length(missing_from_DF_joined) > 0 | length(targets_joined) > 0) {
df_missing = missing_from_DF_joined |>
tibble::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::mutate(what = "In dictionary, missing in join") |>
targets_joined |>
tibble::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::mutate(what = "In targets, missing in join")
data.table::fwrite(df_missing, here::here(paste0("outputs/tests_outputs/test-", name_of_test, ".csv")))
cat(cli::col_red("\nERROR in", paste0("test-", name_of_test), "\n"),
cli::col_red(" - Some tasks are in DF_clean but not in DF_joined:"), "", "\n",
cli::col_green(" - # of Issues: "), cli::col_red(nrow(df_missing)), "\n",
cli::col_silver(" - DF with details stored in:", paste0("'outputs/tests_outputs/test-", name_of_test, ".csv'"), "\n\n"))
# Actual expectation -------------------------------------------------------------
testthat::expect_length(non_canonical_names, 0)
testthat::expect_length(missing_from_DF_joined, 0)
testthat::expect_length(targets_joined, 0)
testthat::expect_equal(DF_999 |> nrow(),
label = paste0("Number of 9999 values (errors from RAW to DIR) [", paste(DF_999 |> dplyr::pull(name), collapse = ", "), "] "),
info = "Items with of 9999 values"
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