testthat::test_that('Tests if participants that completed the protocol are missing test results', {
# targets::tar_load(c(DF_raw, DF_joined))
# Name of test (should reflect the name of the file) ----------------------
name_of_test = "missing_data"
# cat(cli::style_underline(cli::col_yellow(paste0("\n\nRunning: ", cli::col_silver(name_of_test, paste(rep(" ", 40), collapse = " ")),"\n\n"))))
white_list = c("AIM_01", "AIM_02", "AIM_04", "AIM_05", "AIM_06", "AIM_07", "AIM_08", "AIM_09", "AIM_10", "AIM_TramoIngreso_DIRd", "AIM_DIRt",
"Report_001_1", "Report_001_2", "Report_alias_DIRd", "Report_SoloContacto_DIRd", "Report_EmailFuturo_DIRd",
"DMW_Vagabundeo_DIRd", "DMW_TipoVagabundeo_DIRd")
# Test: missing data in standardized vars --------------------------------------------------------------
# Selects all STDt, STDd, DIRt and DIRd scales
# all_scales also used in "R/prepare_df_analysis.R"
all_scales = grep(".*_DIRt$|.*_STDt$|.*_DIRd$|.*STDd$", names(DF_joined), value = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
# Use max n of tasks as criteria for completed protocol
ids_completed_protocol =
DF_raw |>
dplyr::count(id, experiment) |>
dplyr::count(id, name = "tasks") |>
dplyr::filter(tasks == max(tasks))
missing_DF_temp =
DF_joined |>
dplyr::filter(id %in% ids_completed_protocol$id) |> # Filter participants that did not complete the protocol
dplyr::select(id, dplyr::all_of(all_scales)) |>
dplyr::select(-matches(white_list)) %>%
# dplyr::select(-matches(white_list)) |>
dplyr::mutate(NAs_id = rowSums(is.na(select(., matches(all_scales)))))
# Get names
DF_missing_vars =
missing_DF_temp |>
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(-id, is.na)) |> # replace all NA with TRUE and else FALSE
tidyr::pivot_longer(-id, names_to = "var") |> # pivot longer
dplyr::filter(value == TRUE) |>
dplyr::group_by(id) |> # group by the ID
dplyr::summarise(Missing_Variables = toString(var), .groups = "keep")
missing_DF =
missing_DF_temp |>
dplyr::left_join(DF_missing_vars, by = "id") %>%
dplyr::select(id, NAs_id, Missing_Variables, colnames(.)[!complete.cases(t(.))]) |>
dplyr::filter(NAs_id > 0)
missing_vars =
missing_DF |> dplyr::select(-id, -NAs_id, -Missing_Variables) |> names()
missing_ids = missing_DF_temp |>
dplyr::filter(NAs_id > 0) |>
dplyr::arrange(id) |>
# Test: missings in any item ----------------------------------------------
missingall_DF_temp =
DF_joined |>
dplyr::select(-dplyr::all_of(all_scales)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(NAs_id = rowSums(is.na(select(., -matches(all_scales)))))
# Get names
DF_missingall_vars =
missingall_DF_temp |>
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(-id, is.na)) |> # replace all NA with TRUE and else FALSE
tidyr::pivot_longer(-id, names_to = "var") |> # pivot longer
dplyr::filter(value == TRUE) |>
dplyr::group_by(id) |> # group by the ID
dplyr::summarise(Missing_Variables = toString(var), .groups = "keep")
missingall_DF = missingall_DF_temp |>
dplyr::left_join(DF_missingall_vars, by = "id") %>%
dplyr::select(id, NAs_id, Missing_Variables, colnames(.)[!complete.cases(t(.))]) |>
dplyr::filter(NAs_id > 0)
# Warning and log ---------------------------------------------------------
if (length(missing_ids) > 0) {
data.table::fwrite(missing_DF, here::here(paste0("outputs/tests_outputs/test-", name_of_test, ".csv")))
data.table::fwrite(missingall_DF, here::here(paste0("outputs/tests_outputs/test-", name_of_test, "_ALL.csv")))
cat(cli::col_red("\n", cli::style_underline("ERROR"), " in ", paste0("test-", name_of_test), "\n"),
cli::col_red(" - Some of the participants are ", cli::style_underline("missing test results:")), missing_ids, "\n",
cli::col_red(" - In the following vars:"), missing_vars, "\n",
cli::col_green(" - # of Issues: "), cli::col_red(length(missing_ids)), "\n",
cli::col_silver(" - DF with details stored in: ", paste0("'outputs/tests_outputs/test-", name_of_test, ".csv'"), "\n\n"))
# Actual expectations -------------------------------------------------------------
testthat::expect_gt(ncol(missing_DF), 2) # Checks that we have some columns in the DF
testthat::expect_length(missing_ids, 0) # Check that there are no id's with missing data
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