
Defines functions OutcomeDist

Documented in OutcomeDist

#' OutcomeDist object
#' This function creates an object of class \code{OutcomeDist} which can be
#' added to an object of class \code{DataModel}.
#' Objects of class \code{OutcomeDist} are used in objects of class
#' \code{DataModel} to specify the outcome distribution of the generated data.
#' A single object of class \code{OutcomeDist} can be added to an object of
#' class \code{DataModel}.
#' Several distribution are already implemented in the Mediana package (listed
#' below, along with the required parameters to specify in the
#' \code{outcome.par} argument of the \code{Sample} object) to be used in the
#' \code{outcome.dist} argument: \itemize{ \item \code{UniformDist}: generate
#' data following a univariate distribution. Required parameter: \code{max}.
#' \item \code{NormalDist}: generate data following a normal distribution.
#' Required parameters: \code{mean} and \code{sd}. \item \code{BinomDist}:
#' generate data following a binomial distribution. Required parameter:
#' \code{prop}. \item \code{BetaDist}: generate data following a beta
#' distribution. Required parameter: \code{a}. and \code{b}. \item
#' \code{ExpoDist}: generate data following an exponential distribution.
#' Required parameter: \code{rate}. \item \code{WeibullDist}: generate data
#' following a weibull distribution. Required parameter: \code{shape} and
#' \code{scale}. \item \code{TruncatedExpoDist}: generate data following a
#' truncated exponential distribution. Required parameter: \code{rate} and
#' \code{trunc}. \item \code{PoissonDist}: generate data following a Poisson
#' distribution. Required parameter: \code{lambda}. \item \code{NegBinomDist}:
#' generate data following a negative binomial distribution. Required
#' parameters: \code{dispersion} and \code{mean}. \item \code{MultinomialDist}:
#' generate data following a multinomial distribution. Required parameter:
#' \code{prob}. \item \code{MVNormalDist}: generate data following a
#' multivariate normal distribution. Required parameters: \code{par} and
#' \code{corr}. For each generated endpoint, the \code{par} parameter must
#' contain the required parameters \code{mean} and \code{sd}. The \code{corr}
#' parameter specifies the correlation matrix for the endpoints. \item
#' \code{MVBinomDist}: generate data following a multivariate binomial
#' distribution. Required parameters: \code{par} and \code{corr}.For each
#' generated endpoint, the \code{par} parameter must contain the required
#' parameter \code{prop}.  The \code{corr} parameter specifies the correlation
#' matrix for the endpoints. \item \code{MVExpoDist}: generate data following a
#' multivariate exponential distribution. Required parameters: \code{par} and
#' \code{corr}. For each generated endpoint, the \code{par} parameter must
#' contain the required parameter \code{rate}.  The \code{corr} parameter
#' specifies the correlation matrix for the endpoints. \item
#' \code{MVExpoPFSOSDist}: generate data following a multivariate exponential
#' distribution to generate PFS and OS endpoints. The PFS value is imputed to
#' the OS value if the latter occurs earlier. Required parameters: \code{par}
#' and \code{corr}. For each generated endpoint, the \code{par} parameter must
#' contain the required parameter \code{rate}.  The \code{corr} parameter
#' specifies the correlation matrix for the endpoints. \item
#' \code{MVMixedDist}: generate data following a multivariate mixed
#' distribution. Required parameters: \code{type}, \code{par} and \code{corr}.
#' The \code{type} parameter can take the following values: \itemize{ \item
#' \code{NormalDist} \item \code{BinomDist} \item \code{ExpoDist} } For each
#' generated endpoint, the \code{par} parameter must contain the required
#' parameters according to the type of distribution. The \code{corr} parameter
#' specifies the correlation matrix for the endpoints. }
#' The \code{outcome.type} argument defines the outcome's type. This argument
#' accepts only two values: \itemize{ \item \code{standard}: for fixed design
#' setting. \item \code{event}: for event-driven design setting. } The
#' outcome's type must be defined for each endpoint in case of multivariate
#' disribution, e.g. \code{c("event","event")} in case of multivariate
#' exponential distribution.
#' @param outcome.dist defines the outcome distribution.
#' @param outcome.type defines the outcome type.
#' @seealso See Also \code{\link{DataModel}}.
#' @references \url{http://gpaux.github.io/Mediana/}
#' @examples
#' # Simple example with a univariate distribution
#' # Outcome parameter set 1
#' outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70)
#' outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70)
#' # Outcome parameter set 2
#' outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70)
#' outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70)
#' # Data model
#' data.model = DataModel() +
#'              OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") +
#'              SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) +
#'              Sample(id = "Placebo",
#'                     outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) +
#'              Sample(id = "Treatment",
#'                     outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment))
#' # Complex example with multivariate distribution following a Binomial and a Normal distribution
#' # Variable types
#' var.type = list("BinomDist", "NormalDist")
#' # Outcome distribution parameters
#' plac.par = list(list(prop = 0.3), list(mean = -0.10, sd = 0.5))
#' dosel.par1 = list(list(prop = 0.40), list(mean = -0.20, sd = 0.5))
#' dosel.par2 = list(list(prop = 0.45), list(mean = -0.25, sd = 0.5))
#' dosel.par3 = list(list(prop = 0.50), list(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5))
#' doseh.par1 = list(list(prop = 0.50), list(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5))
#' doseh.par2 = list(list(prop = 0.55), list(mean = -0.35, sd = 0.5))
#' doseh.par3 = list(list(prop = 0.60), list(mean = -0.40, sd = 0.5))
#' # Correlation between two endpoints
#' corr.matrix = matrix(c(1.0, 0.5,
#'                        0.5, 1.0), 2, 2)
#' # Outcome parameter set 1
#' outcome1.plac = list(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix)
#' outcome1.dosel = list(type = var.type, par = dosel.par1, corr = corr.matrix)
#' outcome1.doseh = list(type = var.type, par = doseh.par1, corr = corr.matrix)
#' # Outcome parameter set 2
#' outcome2.plac = list(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix)
#' outcome2.dosel = list(type = var.type, par = dosel.par2, corr = corr.matrix)
#' outcome2.doseh = list(type = var.type, par = doseh.par2, corr = corr.matrix)
#' # Outcome parameter set 3
#' outcome3.plac = list(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix)
#' outcome3.doseh = list(type = var.type, par = doseh.par3, corr = corr.matrix)
#' outcome3.dosel = list(type = var.type, par = dosel.par3, corr = corr.matrix)
#' # Data model
#' data.model = DataModel() +
#'              OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "MVMixedDist") +
#'              SampleSize(c(100, 120)) +
#'              Sample(id = list("Plac ACR20", "Plac HAQ-DI"),
#'                     outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.plac, outcome2.plac, outcome3.plac)) +
#'              Sample(id = list("DoseL ACR20", "DoseL HAQ-DI"),
#'                     outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.dosel, outcome2.dosel, outcome3.dosel)) +
#'              Sample(id = list("DoseH ACR20", "DoseH HAQ-DI"),
#'                     outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.doseh, outcome2.doseh, outcome3.doseh))
#' @export OutcomeDist
OutcomeDist = function(outcome.dist, outcome.type = NULL) {

  # Error checks
  if (!is.character(outcome.dist)) stop("Outcome: outcome distribution must be character.")
  if (!is.null(outcome.type)) {
    if (!is.character(unlist(outcome.type))) stop("Outcome: outcome must be character.")
    if(!all((unlist(outcome.type) %in% c("event","standard")))==TRUE) stop("Outcome: outcome type must be event or standard")

  outcome = list(outcome.dist = outcome.dist,
                 outcome.type = outcome.type)

  class(outcome) = "OutcomeDist"

gpaux/Mediana documentation built on May 31, 2021, 1:22 a.m.