
##' Subset each element of a chain.
##' @param chain chain to operate on.
##' @param ... passed to the `[` function for each element in chain.
##' @return a new chain
##' @author Grady Weyenberg
##' @export
prune <- function(chain,...){
  x <- lapply(chain,`[`,...)
  class(x) <- oldClass(chain)

##' Iteratively call a function.
##' @param n number of times to iterate.
##' @param fn function to iterate.
##' @param init initial value for chain.
##' @param ... unused for now.
##' @param bar print a progress bar?
##' @return a list of states at each iteration (length n+1).
##' @author Grady Weyenberg
##' @export
iterate <- function(n,fn,init,...,bar=FALSE){
  n <- n+1L
  chain <- vector('list',n)
  chain[[1]] <- init
  i <- 1L
    pb <- txtProgressBar(i,n)
  while((i <- i+1)<=n){
    chain[[i]] <- fn(chain[[i-1L]],...)
    if(bar) setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)
  structure(chain, class="chain")

##' Pretty pictures.
##' each element of chain should be a matrix with each row
##' corresponding to an individual state of the chain and columns
##' containing different variables. Each variable is plotted
##' separately, with multiple individual chains overplotted.
##' @param x a chain to plot. 
##' @param ... unused
##' @author Grady Weyenberg
##' @method plot chain
##' @export
plot.chain <- function(x,...){
  m <- simplify2array(x)
    op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
  } else {
    d <- dim(m)
    op <- par(mfcol=c(2,d[2]))
    xlim <- c(0,d[3])
    ylim <- apply(m,2,range)
    for(i in seq_len(d[2])){
      name <- dimnames(m)[[2]][i]
      plot(1,1,'n',xlim,ylim[,i], xlab='index', ylab=name)
      title(paste("Traceplot of",d[1],"populations"))
      for(j in rev(seq_len(d[1]))) lines(m[j,i,], col=j)
      acf(as.vector(t(m[,i,])), main=paste("Series", name))
##' Create histograms of variables in chain.
##' @param x chain object
##' @param discard number or proportion of samples to discard as burnin.
##' @param ... passed to hist calls.
##' @author Grady Weyenberg
##' @method hist chain
##' @export
hist.chain <- function(x,discard=0.1,...){
  if(discard<1.0) discard <- round(discard * length(x))
  cat("Discarding first",discard,"states.\n")
  x <- x[-seq_len(discard)]
  m <- simplify2array(x)
  } else {
    d <- dim(m)
    op <- par(mfcol=c(1,d[2]))
    for(i in seq_len(d[2])){
      name <- dimnames(m)[[2]][i]
      hist(m[,i,],...,main=paste("Histogram of",name))

##' Basic summary of a chain object.
##' Finds mean, sd, and the q-th quantiles of the chain, optionally
##' discarding a portion of the beginning of the chain. Each element
##' in the list of chain states should be a matrix with variables to
##' be summarized in columns. If there are multiple individual chains
##' in the rows they will be all contribute to the summary statistics.
##' @param object  object to be summarized.
##' @param discard If >=1, remove that many elements from start
##' of chain before summarizing. If <1.0, removes that
##' fraction from the chain. Default is 10\%.
##' @param q quantiles to find.
##' @param ... unused.
##' @param chain list of states to be summarized.
##' @return matrix of summary statistics.
##' @author Grady Weyenberg
##' @method summary chain
##' @export
summary.chain <- function(object,discard=0.1,q=c(0.025,0.975),...){
  if(discard<1.0) discard <- round(discard * length(object))
  object <- object[-seq_len(discard)]
  f <- function(x) c(mean=mean(x), se=sd(x), quantile(x,q))
  m <- simplify2array(object)
  cat("Discarding first",discard,"states.\n")
  if(is.vector(m)) f(m) else apply(m,2,f)

##' You probably don't really want to see the entire list of states.
##' @method print chain
##' @param x chain to summarize
##' @param ... passed to print
##' @export
print.chain <- function(x,...){
  cat("Chain with",length(x),"states.\n\n")
  cat("Final state:\n")

##' Need this to keep the extraction operator from fucking up the
##' class.
##' @author Grady Weyenberg
##' @rdname extract
##' @method [ chain
##' @export
##' @param x object to be extracted
##' @param i index
"[.chain" <- function(x,i){
  val <- NextMethod("[")
  class(val) <- oldClass(x)

##' @rdname extract
##' @method [<- chain
##' @param value value to be assigned
##' @export
"[<-.chain" <- function(x,i,value){
  val <- NextMethod("[<-")
  class(val) <- oldClass(x)

c.chain <- function(...,recursive=FALSE){
  y <- NextMethod()
  class(y) <- oldClass(..1)

##' Transform a chain to an array
##' Not much else to say about this.
##' @param x chain object
##' @param ... passed to simplify2array
##' @return an array (or possibly a matrix, or vector if appropriate)
##' @author Grady Weyenberg
##' @method as.array chain
as.array.chain <- function(x,...) simplify2array(x,...)
grady/evol-mc documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:01 a.m.