ditocord <- function(X, res, nextres, ang, type){
out <- parsebonds(res, nextres)
bond_len <- out$bond_len
bond_ang <- out$bond_ang
v12 <- X[,2] - X[,1]
v12 <- v12/base::norm(v12,"2")
v23 <- X[,3] - X[,2]
v23 <- v23/base::norm(v23,"2")
vector.cross <- function(a, b) {
if(length(a)!=3 || length(b)!=3){
stop("Cross product is only defined for 3D vectors.");
i1 <- c(2,3,1)
i2 <- c(3,1,2)
return (a[i1]*b[i2] - a[i2]*b[i1])
ang_12_23 <- angvec(v12,v23)
na <- vector.cross(v12, v23)
na <- na/base::norm(na,"2")
"PHI" = {d34 <- bond_len[3]
ang_23_34 <- pi - pi*bond_ang[7]/180},
"PSI" = {d34 <- bond_len[2]
ang_23_34 = pi - pi*bond_ang[3]/180})
p_na <- d34*sin(ang_23_34)*cos(ang-pi/2)
p_v12 <- d34*sin(ang_23_34)*sin(ang-pi/2)/sin(ang_12_23)
p_v23 <- d34*cos(ang_23_34) - d34*sin(ang_23_34)*sin(ang-pi/2)/tan(ang_12_23)
v34 <- p_na*na + p_v12*v12 + p_v23*v23
point <- X[,3] + v34
angvec <- function(a,b){
ang <- acos((a %*% b)/norm(a,"2")/norm(b,"2"))
PlaneFinder <- function(X, cur, next_){
out <- parsebonds(cur,next_)
bond_len <- out$bond_len
bond_ang <- out$bond_ang
if(cur == 15){
bond_len[5] <- 1.473
bond_ang[5] <- 125
tX <- matrix(rep(0,3*6), nrow=3)
tX[2,4] <- bond_len[2]
tX[1,2] <- bond_len[1]*cos((bond_ang[2] - 90)*pi/180)
tX[2,2] <- -bond_len[1]*sin((bond_ang[2] - 90)*pi/180)
tX[1,1] <- -bond_len[3]*cos((bond_ang[3] - 90)*pi/180)
tX[2,1] <- -bond_len[3]*sin((bond_ang[3] - 90)*pi/180)
tX[1,6] <- bond_len[4]*cos((bond_ang[4] - 90)*pi/180)
tX[2,6] <- tX[2,4] + bond_len[4]*sin((bond_ang[4] - 90)*pi/180)
tX[1,5] <- -bond_len[5]*cos((bond_ang[5] - 90)*pi/180)
tX[2,5] <- tX[2,4] + bond_len[5]*sin((bond_ang[5] - 90)*pi/180)
talign <- tX[,c(1,3,4)]
out <- procrustesb(X, talign)
R <- out$R
t <- out$t
err <- out$err
if(err > 1e-2){
warning("error is too large")
outX <- R %*% tX + matrix(t, ncol=ncol(tX), nrow=nrow(R))
SidechainFinder <- function(X, index_align, A){
tX <- as.matrix(A$X[,A$first_meta:A$last_meta])
talign <- tX[,index_align]
reflection <- 0
out <- procrustesb(X, talign, reflection)
R <- out$R
t <- out$t
err <- out$err
if(err > 5e-1){
warning("Error is too large")
outX <- R %*% tX + matrix(t, ncol=ncol(tX), nrow=nrow(R))
parsebonds <- function(cur, next_){
bond_len <- rep(0,5)
#C-O bond
bond_len[1] <- 1.231
#C-N bond
if(next_ == 15){
bond_len[2] <- 1.341
bond_len[2] <- 1.329
#C-CA bond
if(cur == 8){
bond_len[3] <- 1.516
bond_len[3] <- 1.525
#CA-N bond
if(cur == 8){
bond_len[4] <- 1.451
}else if(cur == 15){
bond_len[4] <- 1.466
bond_len[4] <- 1.458
#N-H bond
bond_len[5] <- 0.98
## Bond Angles ##
bond_ang <- rep(0, 7)
if(cur == 8){
bond_ang[1] <- 120.8
bond_ang[1] <- 120.8
if(next_ == 15){
bond_ang[2] <- 122
bond_ang[2] <- 123
bond_ang[3] <- 360 - sum(bond_ang[1:2])
if(next_ == 8){
bond_ang[4] <- 120.6
}else if(cur == 15){
bond_ang[4] <- 122.6
bond_ang[4] <- 121.7
bond_ang[5] <- 120
bond_ang[6] <- 360 - sum(bond_ang[4:5])
if(cur == 15){
bond_ang[7] <- 111.8
bond_ang[7] <- 111.2
return(list(bond_len=bond_len, bond_ang=bond_ang))
procrustesb <- function(X,Y,reflection=1){
dx <- nrow(X)
nx <- ncol(X)
dy <- nrow(Y)
ny <- ncol(Y)
if(dx != dy || nx != ny){
stop("X and Y must be the same size")
mx <- rowSums(X)/nx
my <- rowSums(Y)/ny
cX <- X - mx
cY <- Y - my
normX <- 1
normY <- 1
cX <- cX/normX
cY <- cY/normY
M <- cY %*% t(cX)
out <- svd(M)
U <- out$u
S <- out$d
V <- out$v
R <- V %*% t(U)
if(!reflection && det(R) < 0){
V[,ncol(V)] <- -V[,ncol(V)]
R <- V %*% t(U)
t <- mx - R %*% my
err <- base::norm(cX - R %*% cY, "F")
return(list(R=R, t=t, err=err))
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