#' Relaxed Guided Random Search
#'\code{rgrs} Produce a point configuration given the edge lengths of the desired minimum spanning tree
#'In 2-dimensions, when a new point is proposed, the position for the new point is determined by:
#'x <- x0 + r*sin(theta)
#'y <- y0 + r*cos(theta)
#'where (x0,y0) is the base point, and r is the minimum spanning tree distance.
#'theta is generated from a uniform distribution on (-pi,pi). By specifying the theta argument, the
#'proposed theta is restricted, and is then generated from Uniform(theta1,theta2) or Uniform(-theta2,-theta1) with equal probability.
#'This restriction allows the user to introduce striation into their point configuration.
#'@param edges A numeric vector containing the desired edge lengths of the minimum spanning tree. If n is specified, must be NULL.
#'@param d the dimension of the resulting configuration.
#'@param n the desired number of edge lengths to simulate. If edges is specified, must be set to NULL.
#'@param theta Angle restriction during point proposal of the form (theta1,theta2,p), where p represents the probability of confining the proposal to [theta1,theta2]. Only used for d=2, otherwise NULL. See details for more in depth explanation.
#'@param outlying One of "L", "M", or "H", specifying if the simulated edge lengths should have a Low, Medium, or High outlying scagnostic value.
#'@param skew One of "L", "M", or "H", specifying if the simulated edge lengths should have a Low, Medium, or High skew scagnostic value.
#'@param stringy One of "L", "M", or "H", specifying if the simulated edge lengths should have a Low, Medium, or High stringy scagnostic value. A numeric scalar specifying a value of stringy is also accepted.
#'@return An nxd matrix containing the d-dimensional locations of the points.
#' # An example where edge lengths are supplied
#' EL <- runif(100,0,1)
#' rgrs(edges = EL, d = 2)
#' rgrs(edges = EL, d = 3)
#' # An Example where edge lengths are simulated internally
#' rgrs(d=2, n=100)
#' rgrs(d=3, n=100)
#' rgrs(d=2, n=100, outlying="H")
#' rgrs(d=2, n=100, skew = "M")
#' rgrs(d=2, n=100, stringy = "H")
#' # An Example making use of theta
#' rgrs(d=2, n=100, theta=c(pi/4,pi/3,.5))
#'@importFrom stats cmdscale dist optim rexp rgamma rnorm runif
rgrs <- function(edges = NULL,
n = NULL,
stringy = "N"){
#minimum spanning tree tolerance
tol <- 0.0001
################# INPUT CHECKING ####################
#Check that d is numeric and >0
stop("d must be a numeric integer")
}else if(length(d) != 1){
stop("d must be a numeric integer")
}else if(!(d %% 2 == 1 | d %% 2 == 0)){
stop("d must an integer")
#If n is provided, do some error checking
stop("n must be a numeric integer")
}else if(length(n) != 1){
stop("n must be a numeric integer")
}else if(!(n %% 2 == 1 | n %% 2 == 0)){
stop("n must an integer")
#Check that Edge Lengths are numeric and all positive
#edges must be numeric or NULL
if(!(is.null(edges) | is.numeric(edges))){
stop("edges must be NULL or a numeric vector")
#Edge Lengths and n cannot both be specified, they also both can't be NULL
if(is.null(edges) && is.null(n)){
stop("You must supply a vector of edges, or the number of edges desired")
}else if(!is.null(edges) && !is.null(n)){
stop("You may not supply both edges and n")
#Check if d > 2, theta = NULL
if(d > 2 && !is.null(theta)){
stop("theta input is only usable for d=2")
#Check theta Input if it's not NULL
stop("theta input must be numeric in the form (min angle, max angle, probability)")
}else if(length(theta) != 3){
stop("theta input must be numeric in the form (min angle, max angle, probability)")
}else if(theta[1] >= theta[2]){
stop("you must provide angles such that theta[1] < theta[2]")
}else if(theta[1] < 0 | theta[2] > pi){
stop("theta input must be in [0,pi]")
}else if(theta[3] < 0 | theta[3] > 1){
stop("theta[3] must represent a probability in [0,1]")
#Check outlying, skew, stringy
#Only Stringy can be provided if edges are provided
if(!is.null(edges) & (outlying != "N" | skew != "N")){
stop("outlying/skew cannot be provided with edges")
#They must be equal to N,L,M,H
if(outlying != "N" && outlying != "L" && outlying != "M" && outlying != "H"){
stop("outlying must be one of N, L, M, or H")
if(skew != "N" && skew != "L" && skew != "M" && skew != "H"){
stop("skew must be one of N, L, M, or H")
if(stringy != "N" && stringy != "L" && stringy != "M" && stringy != "H"){
stop("stringy must be one of N, L, M, or H")
#Can only have one not equal to N
if(sum(c(stringy != "N", skew != "N", outlying != "N")) > 1){
stop("Only one of outlying, skew, and stringy may be used. The others must be set to N")
################ MAIN FUNCTION START ################
# Generate Edge Lengths to give an approximate value of skew
if(skew == "L"){ #Generate a distribution with LOW skew
Roll <- runif(1,0,.5)
if(Roll < .5){
lambda <- runif(1,.5,2)
edges <- -rexp(n,lambda)
edges <- edges - min(edges) + .1
lambda <- runif(1,.5,2)
edges <- -rexp(n,lambda)^2
edges <- edges - min(edges) + .1
}else if(skew == "M"){ #Generate a distribution with MODERATE skew
Roll <- runif(1,0,1)
if(Roll < .5){
edges <- runif(n,0,1)
alpha <- runif(1,2,4)
beta <- runif(1,2,4)
edges <- rgamma(n,alpha,beta)
}else if(skew == "H"){ # Generate a distribution with HIGH skew
Roll <- runif(1,0,1)
if(Roll < .5){
lambda <- runif(1,1,4)
edges <- rexp(n,lambda)
Power <- runif(1,1,2)
lambda <- runif(1,1,4)
edges <- rexp(n,lambda)^Power
edges <- edges/max(edges)
#Generate Edge lengths with an approximate value of outlying
if(outlying == "L"){ #Generate a sitribution with LOW outlying
edges <- runif(n,0,1)
}else if(outlying == "M"){ #Generate a distribution with MODERATE outlying
sigma <- runif(1,1,3)
edges <- (rnorm(n,0,sigma))^2
edges <- edges/max(edges)
}else if(outlying == "H"){ # Generate a distribution with HIGH outlying
lambda <- runif(1,.5,2)
Power <- runif(1,1,3)
edges <- rexp(n,lambda)^3
edges <- edges/max(edges)
if(outlying == "N" & skew == "N" & is.null(edges)){
edges <- runif(n,0,1)
if(stringy == "N"){
stringy <- NULL
}else if(stringy == "L"){
stringy <- runif(1,0,.33)
}else if(stringy == "M"){
stringy <- runif(1,.33,.66)
}else if(stringy == "H"){
stringy <- runif(1,.66,1)
#Check that Edge Lengths are all positive
if(any(edges < 0)){
stop('Edge Lengths must be strictly non-negative')
IndexMatrix <- matrix(rep(0, (length(edges)+1)^2), nrow=(length(edges)+1))
IndexMatrix[1,2] <- 1
IndexMatrix[2,1] <- 1
#Initialize with Point
Xn <- matrix(runif(d,0,1),nrow=1)
#Add the First point
Xn <- rbind(Xn,rgrsNewPoint(Xn[1,],edges[1],d,theta))
ReducedEdgeLengths <- edges[-1]
for(i in 1:length(ReducedEdgeLengths)){
Accept <- FALSE
while(Accept == FALSE){
RandomPosition <- sample(c(1:length(Xn[,1])),1,replace=FALSE)
XnBase <- Xn[RandomPosition,]
NewStringy <- getStringy(IndexMatrix)
CurrentStringy <- NewStringy[[1]]
RS <- NewStringy[[2]]
if(CurrentStringy < stringy){
Samplers <- which(RS == 1)
RandomPosition <- sample(Samplers,1,replace=FALSE)
XnBase <- Xn[RandomPosition,]
RandomPosition <- sample(c(1:length(Xn[,1])),1,replace=FALSE)
XnBase <- Xn[RandomPosition,]
#Propose a new point in d-dimensions
NewXn <- rgrsNewPoint(XnBase,edges[i+1],d,theta)
XnCheck <- rbind(Xn,NewXn)
Accept <- rgrsCheckMST(XnCheck,edges,i,tol)
Xn <- rbind(Xn,NewXn)
IndexMatrix[RandomPosition,i+2] <- 1
IndexMatrix[i+2,RandomPosition] <- 1
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.