#'Semi-Definite Programming Algorithm
#'\code{sdp} returns a completed Euclidean Distance Matrix D, with dimension d,
#' from a partial Euclidean Distance Matrix using the methods of Alfakih et. al. (1999)
#'This is an implementation of the Semi-Definite Programming Algorithm (sdp)
#' for Euclidean Distance Matrix Completion, as proposed in 'Solving Euclidean
#' Distance Matrix Completion Problems via Semidefinite Programming' (Alfakih et. al., 1999).
#' The method seeks to minimize the following:
#' \deqn{||A \cdot (D - psd2edm(S))||_{F}^{2}}
#' where the function psd2edm() is that described in psd2edm(), and the norm is Frobenius. Minimization is over S, a positive semidefinite matrix.
#' The matrix D is a partial-distance matrix, meaning some of its entries are unknown.
#' It must satisfy the following conditions in order to be completed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{diag(D) = 0}
#' \item{If \eqn{a_{ij}} is known, \eqn{a_{ji} = a_{ij}}}
#' \item{If \eqn{a_{ij}} is unknown, so is \eqn{a_{ji}}}
#' \item{The graph of D must be connected. If D can be decomposed into two (or more) subgraphs,
#' then the completion of D can be decomposed into two (or more) independent completion problems.}
#' }
#'@param D An nxn partial-distance matrix to be completed. D must satisfy a list of conditions (see details), with unkown entries set to NA.
#'@param A a weight matrix, with \eqn{h_{ij} = 0} implying \eqn{a_{ij}} is unknown. Generally, if \eqn{a_{ij}} is known, \eqn{h_{ij} = 1}, although any non-negative weight is allowed.
#'@param toler convergence tolerance for the algorithm
#'\item{D}{an nxn matrix of the completed Euclidean distances}
#'\item{optval}{the minimum value achieved of the target function during minimization}
#'D <- matrix(c(0,3,4,3,4,3,
#' 3,0,1,NA,5,NA,
#' 4,1,0,5,NA,5,
#' 3,NA,5,0,1,NA,
#' 4,5,NA,1,0,5,
#' 3,NA,5,NA,5,0), byrow=TRUE, nrow=6)
#'A <- matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,
#' 1,1,1,0,1,0,
#' 1,1,1,1,0,1,
#' 1,0,1,1,1,0,
#' 1,1,0,1,1,1,
#' 1,0,1,0,1,1), byrow=TRUE, nrow=6)
#'edmc(D, method="sdp", A=A, toler=1e-2)
#'@seealso \code{\link{psd2edm}}
#'@import Matrix
sdp <- function(D,A,toler=1e-8){
########## Input Checking #############
#General Checks for D
if(nrow(D) != ncol(D)){
stop("D must be a symmetric matrix")
}else if(!is.numeric(D)){
stop("D must be a numeric matrix")
}else if(!is.matrix(D)){
stop("D must be a numeric matrix")
}else if(any(diag(D) != 0)){
stop("D must have a zero diagonal")
}else if(!isSymmetric(unname(D),tol=1e-8)){
stop("D must be a symmetric matrix")
}else if(!any(is.na(D))){
stop("D must be a partial distance matrix. Some distances must be unknown.")
#Check that D is connected
Test <- D
Test[which(is.na(D))] <- 0
TestSums <- rowSums(Test)
if(any(TestSums == 0)){
stop("D must be a connected matrix")
#General Checks for A
stop("A must be a numeric matrix")
}else if(!is.matrix(A)){
stop("A must be a numeric matrix")
}else if(any(A < 0)){
stop("All entries in A must be non-negative")
}else if(any(rowSums(A) == 0)){
stop("A must be a connected matrix")
stop("The completion tolerance, toler, must be a numeric object")
}else if(toler <= 0){
stop("The completion tolerance, toler, must be greater than 0")
############ MAIN FUNCTION START ##############
#Function Definition
BaseNorm <- base::norm
#Parameter Initialization
sigmaa <- 1 #centering parameter
alpha <- 1.5 #Initial stepsize
D[is.na(D)] <- 0
A <- Matrix(A, sparse=TRUE)
A <- A/BaseNorm(A, type="2")
#If A has any zero rows or comlumns, remove them (and the corresponding rows from D)
IndRows <- rowSums(A)
IndCols <- colSums(A)
if(any(IndRows == 0)){
A <- A[-which(IndRows == 0),]
D <- D[-which(IndRows == 0),]
if(any(IndCols == 0)){
A <- A[,-which(IndCols == 0)]
D <- D[,-which(IndCols == 0)]
#continue initialization
D[which(A == 0)] <- 0 #set free elements to 0
D <- Matrix(D, sparse=TRUE)
n <- nrow(D)
n1 <- n-1
n2 <- n1^2
tn1 <- n * (n-1)/2
on1 <- matrix(1,n1,n1)
indn1 <- which(upper.tri(on1,diag=TRUE)) #upper triangular indices
#construct orthogonal V s.t. V'e = 0
y <- -1/sqrt(n)
x <- -1/(n + sqrt(n))
Y <- y * rep(1,n-1)
X <- x * matrix(1,n-1,n-1) + diag(n-1)
V <- as.matrix(rbind(Y,X)) # defunct as.matrix(rBind(Y,X))
V <- Matrix(V, sparse=TRUE)
B <- -.5*(t(V) %*% D %*% V)
B <- Matrix(B, sparse=TRUE)
#Initial Estimates
X <- Matrix(B + 1.2 * sdpNormestfro(B) * diag(n1), sparse=TRUE)
#X <- Matrix(B + 1.2 * norm(B,"F") * diag(n1), sparse=TRUE)
Lam <- Matrix(2 * KWs(KW(X-B,V,A),V,A), sparse=TRUE)
#Check that Lam is positive Definite
LamEigs <- eigen(Lam)$values
if(any(LamEigs <= 0)){
Lam <- Lam + 1.2 * BaseNorm(Lam)
XEigs <- eigen(X)$values
if(any(XEigs <= 0)){
X <- X + 1.2 * BaseNorm(X)
gap <- sum(diag(Lam %*% X)) #duality gap
muu <- gap/(2*n1) #conservative decrease for first iteration
normHA <- sdpNormestfro(A*D)
Fd <- Matrix(2 * KWs(KW((X-B),V,A),V,A) - Lam, sparse=TRUE)
Fc <- Matrix(sdpFmerit(muu,Lam,X,B,V,A,sigmaa), sparse=TRUE)
optval <- norm(A * (D-psd2edm(X,V)), type="F")^2
#Construct upper fixed part of operator for lss system F'muu*ds=-r
Result <- sdpFpmuup(V,A,n1)
Ku <- Result[[1]]
lowinds <- Result[[2]]
Kop <- rbind(Ku, matrix(0,nrow=nrow(Ku),ncol=ncol(Ku)))
# defunct rBind(Ku, matrix(0,nrow=nrow(Ku),ncol=ncol(Ku)))
noiter <- 0
while(min((max((gap/(optval+1)), (norm(Fd,'F')/normHA))),optval ) > toler){
noiter <- noiter + 1
#Compute Least Squares Direction
#Find the RHS of the linear system Fd, Fc calculated below during update
rhs <- c(Fd[1:length(Fd)],Fc[1:length(Fc)])
rhs <- Matrix(rhs, ncol=1, sparse=TRUE)
stop("NaN found in RHS")
Kd <- sdpFpmulow(Lam,X,lowinds,V,A)
Kop <- Matrix(rbind(Kop[1:(n1^2),1:(2*tn1)], Kd), sparse=TRUE) # defunct rBind
stop("NaN found in Kop")
#Clean up environment
dir <- -sdpQLS(Kop,rhs)
dir <- Matrix(dir,sparse=TRUE)
stop("NaN found in dir")
#reshape separately
dX <- matrix(0,nrow=n1,ncol=n1)
dX[indn1] <- dir[1:tn1]
dXX <- matrix(0,nrow=n1,ncol=n1)
dXX[upper.tri(dXX)] <- dX[upper.tri(dX)]
dX <- Matrix(dX + t(dXX), sparse=TRUE)
dX <- .5 * Matrix((dX + t(dX)),sparse=TRUE)
dLam <- matrix(0,nrow=n1,ncol=n1)
dLam[indn1] <- dir[(tn1+1):(2*tn1)]
dLamm <- matrix(0,nrow=n1,ncol=n1)
dLamm[upper.tri(dLam)] <- dLam[upper.tri(dLam)]
dLam <- Matrix(dLam+t(dLamm), sparse=TRUE)
dLam <- .5 * Matrix((dLam +t(dLam)), sparse=TRUE)
#Check with the normal operator equation for lss
Result <- sdpFpmu(dLam,dX,Lam,X,V,A)
tFd <- Result[[1]]
tFc <- Result[[2]]
Result2 <- sdpFpmus(tFd,tFc,Lam,X,V,A)
tdX <- Result2[[1]]
tdLam <- Result2[[2]]
check1 <- rbind(tdX,tdLam)# defunct rBind
Result3 <- sdpFpmus(Fd,Fc,Lam,X,V,A)
trhs1 <- Result3[[2]]
trhs2 <- Result3[[1]]
check2 <- rbind(trhs2, trhs1) # defunct rBind
check <- check1 + check2
#normcheck <- sdpnormest(check)/max(1,sdpnormest(check2))
normcheck <- max(svd(check, 0, 0)$d)/(max(1,max(svd(check2,0,0)$d)))
if(normcheck > 1e-10){
Kop <- as.matrix(Kop)
rhs <- as.matrix(rhs)
ANew <- t(Kop) %*% Kop
b <- t(Kop) %*% rhs
dir <- -solve(ANew,b)
#reshape separately
dX <- matrix(0,nrow=n1,ncol=n1)
dX[indn1] <- dir[1:tn1]
dXX <- matrix(0,nrow=n1,ncol=n1)
dXX[upper.tri(dXX)] <- dX[upper.tri(dX)]
dX <- dX + t(dXX)
dX <- .5 * Matrix((dX + t(dX)), sparse=TRUE)
dLam <- matrix(0,nrow=n1,ncol=n1)
dLam[indn1] <- dir[(tn1+1):(2*tn1)]
dLamm <- matrix(0,nrow=n1,ncol=n1)
dLamm[upper.tri(dLam)] <- dLam[upper.tri(dLam)]
dLam <- Matrix(dLam+t(dLamm), sparse=TRUE)
dLam <- .5 * Matrix((dLam +t(dLam)), sparse=TRUE)
#Check with the normal operator equation for lss
Result <- sdpFpmu(dLam,dX,Lam,X,V,A)
tFd <- Result[[1]]
tFc <- Result[[2]]
Result2 <- sdpFpmus(tFd,tFc,Lam,X,V,A)
tdX <- Result2[[1]]
tdLam <- Result2[[2]]
check1 <- rbind(tdX,tdLam) # defunct rBind
Result3 <- sdpFpmus(Fd,Fc,Lam,X,V,A)
trhs1 <- Result3[[2]]
trhs2 <- Result3[[1]]
check2 <- rbind(trhs2, trhs1)# defunct rBind
check <- check1 + check2
#normcheck <- sdpnormest(check)/max(1,sdpnormest(check2))
normcheck <- max(svd(check, 0, 0)$d)/(max(1,max(svd(check2,0,0)$d)))
if(normcheck > 1e-10){
warning("normcheck > 1e-10")
#Symmetrize to avoid complex eigs
X <- .5 * Matrix((X + t(X)),sparse=TRUE)
Lam <- .5 * Matrix((Lam + t(Lam)),sparse=TRUE)
dX <- .5 * Matrix((dX + t(dX)),sparse=TRUE)
dLam <- .5 * Matrix((dLam + t(dLam)),sparse=TRUE)
mineig <- 1
while(mineig > 0){
Xs <- X + alpha * dX
Lams <- Lam + alpha * dLam
LamEigs <- eigen(Lams,symmetric=TRUE)$values
#To avoid computational issues, round eigenvalues in [-1x10^-8,0] to 0
LamEigs[which(LamEigs < 0 & LamEigs > -1e-8)] <- 0
if(any(LamEigs < 0)){
mineig <- 1
mineig <- 0
if(mineig == 0){
XsEigs <- eigen(Xs,symmetric = TRUE)$values
XsEigs[which(XsEigs < 0 & XsEigs > -1e-8)] <- 0
if(any(XsEigs < 0)){
mineig <- 1
mineig <- 0
alpha <- .95*alpha
if(alpha < 10^(-5)){
alpha <- 0
Xs <- Matrix(X + alpha * dX, sparse=TRUE)
Lams <- Matrix(Lam + alpha*dLam,sparse=TRUE)
X <- Xs
Lam <- Lams
gap <- sum(diag(Lam %*% X))
muu <- gap/(2*n1)
Fd <- Matrix(2*KWs(KW((X-B),V,A),V,A)-Lam, sparse=TRUE)
Fc <- Matrix(sdpFmerit(muu,Lam,X,B,V,A,sigmaa), sparse=TRUE)
OptMat <- A*(D-psd2edm(X,V))
optval <- norm(OptMat,type="F")^2
#Update step size
if(alpha < 0.001){
muu <- 2.1*muu
sigmaa <- 1
alpha <- .9
}else if(alpha < .1){
muu <- 2*muu
sigmaa <- 1
alpha <- 1
}else if(alpha < .25){
muu <- 1.8*muu
sigmaa <- 1
alpha <- 1
}else if(alpha < .95){
muu <- 1.5*muu
sigmaa <- 1-.2*min(alpha,1)
alpha <- 1.1
}else if(alpha < 1.15){
muu <- .5*muu
sigmaa <- 1-.3*min(alpha,1)
alpha <- 1.5
muu <- .5 * muu
sigmaa <- .9
alpha <- 2
#verify that a distance matrix was found
D <- psd2edm(X,V)
colnames(D) <- c()
rownames(D) <- c()
D <- as.matrix(D)
return(list(D=D,optval = optval))
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