
Defines functions genleastcost

Documented in genleastcost

#' Least-cost path analysis based on a friction matrix
#' This function calculates the pairwise distances (Euclidean, cost path
#' distances and genetic distances) of populations using a friction matrix and
#' a spatial genind object. The genind object needs to have coordinates in the
#' same projected coordinate system as the friction matrix. The friction matrix
#' can be either a single raster of a stack of several layers. If a stack is
#' provided the specified cost distance is calculated for each layer in the
#' stack. The output of this function can be used with the functions
#' \code{\link{wassermann}} or \code{\link{lgrMMRR}} to test for the
#' significance of a layer on the genetic structure.
#' to be written
#' @param cats a spatial genind object. see ?popgenreport how to provide
#' coordinates in genind objects
#' @param fric.raster a friction matrix
#' @param gen.distance specification which genetic distance method should be
#' used to calculate pairwise genetic distances between populations ( "D",
#' "Gst.Nei", "Gst.Hedrick") or individuals ("Smouse", "Kosman", "propShared")
#' @param NN Number of neighbours used when calculating the cost distance
#' (possible values 4,8 or 16). As the default is NULL a value has to be
#' provided if pathtype='leastcost'. NN=8 is most commonly used. Be aware that
#' linear structures may cause artefacts in the least-cost paths, therefore
#' inspect the actual least-cost paths in the provided output.
#' @param pathtype Type of cost distance to be calculated (based on function in
#' the \code{\link{gdistance}} package. Available distances are 'leastcost',
#' 'commute' or 'rSPDistance'. See functions in the gdistance package for
#' futher explanations. If the path type is set to 'leastcost' then paths and
#' also pathlength are returned.
#' @param plotpath switch if least cost paths should be plotted (works only if
#' pathtype='leastcost'. Be aware this slows down the computation, but it is
#' recommended to do this to check least cost paths visually.
#' @param theta value needed for rSPDistance function. see
#' \code{\link{rSPDistance}} in package \code{gdistance}.
#' @return returns a list that consists of four pairwise distance matrixes
#' (Euclidean, Cost, length of path and genetic) and the actual paths as
#' spatial line objects.
#' @author Bernd Gruber
#' @seealso \code{\link{landgenreport}}, \code{\link{popgenreport}},
#' \code{\link{wassermann}}, \code{\link{lgrMMRR}}
#' @references Cushman, S., Wasserman, T., Landguth, E. and Shirk, A. (2013).
#' Re-Evaluating Causal Modeling with Mantel Tests in Landscape Genetics.
#' Diversity, 5(1), 51-72.
#' Landguth, E. L., Cushman, S. A., Schwartz, M. K., McKelvey, K. S., Murphy,
#' M. and Luikart, G. (2010). Quantifying the lag time to detect barriers in
#' landscape genetics. Molecular ecology, 4179-4191.
#' Wasserman, T. N., Cushman, S. A., Schwartz, M. K. and Wallin, D. O. (2010).
#' Spatial scaling and multi-model inference in landscape genetics: Martes
#' americana in northern Idaho. Landscape Ecology, 25(10), 1601-1612.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(raster)
#' fric.raster <- readRDS(system.file("extdata","fric.raster.rdata", package="PopGenReport"))
#' glc <- genleastcost(cats=landgen, fric.raster, "D", NN=8)
#' wassermann(eucl.mat = glc$eucl.mat, cost.mat = glc$cost.mats, gen.mat = glc$gen.mat)
#' lgrMMRR(gen.mat = glc$gen.mat, cost.mats = glc$cost.mats, eucl.mat = glc$eucl.mat)
#' }
#' @export
genleastcost <- function(cats, fric.raster, gen.distance, NN=NULL, pathtype="leastcost", plotpath=TRUE, theta=1)
### helper mmod function until mmod is updated

pairwise_D2 <- function (x, linearized = FALSE) 
      pops <- seppop(x)
      n.pops <- length(pops)
      allP <- utils::combn(1:n.pops, 2)
      pair <- function(index.a, index.b) {
        a <- pops[[index.a]]
        b <- pops[[index.b]]
        temp <- repool(a, b)
      res <- sapply(1:dim(allP)[2], function(i) pair(allP[, i][1], 
                                                     allP[, i][2]))
      attributes(res) <- list(class = "dist", Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE, 
                              Labels = popNames(x), Size = n.pops)

      if (linearized) res <- res/(1 - res)
  pairwise_Gst_Hedrick2 <-
    function (x, linearized = FALSE) 
      pops <- seppop(x)
      n.pops <- length(pops)
      allP <- utils::combn(1:n.pops, 2)
      pair <- function(index.a, index.b) {
        a <- pops[[index.a]]
        b <- pops[[index.b]]
        temp <- repool(a, b)
      res <- sapply(1:dim(allP)[2], function(i) pair(allP[, i][1], 
                                                     allP[, i][2]))
      attributes(res) <- list(class = "dist", Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE, 
                              Labels = popNames(x), Size = n.pops)
       if (linearized) res <- res/(1 - res)
  pairwise_Gst_Nei2 <-
    function (x, linearized = FALSE) 
      pops <- seppop(x)
      n.pops <- length(pops)
      allP <- utils::combn(1:n.pops, 2)
      pair <- function(index.a, index.b) {
        a <- pops[[index.a]]
        b <- pops[[index.b]]
        temp <- repool(a, b)
      res <- sapply(1:dim(allP)[2], function(i) pair(allP[, i][1], 
                                                     allP[, i][2]))
      attributes(res) <- list(class = "dist", Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE, 
                              Labels = popNames(x), Size = n.pops)
      if (linearized) res <- res/(1 - res)

  if (is.null(NN) & pathtype=="leastcost") 
    stop("NN is not specified!\nPlease specify the number of nearest neighbour to use for the least-cost path calculations (NN=4 or NN=8). If linear features are tested you may want to consider NN=4 otherwise NN=8 is the most commonly used and prefered option. In any case check the actual least-cost paths for artefacts by inspecting the plot on least-cost paths.\n")

if (gen.distance=="D" || gen.distance=="Gst.Hedrick" || gen.distance=="Gst.Nei") dist.type<- "pop" 

if (gen.distance=="Kosman" || gen.distance=="Smouse" || gen.distance=="propShared") dist.type<- "ind" 

if (is.na(dist.type)) 
  {stop("No valid genetic distance type was provided. Please check ?landgenreport for valid options\n")


if (dist.type=="pop")
#calculate the centers if population meassurment is wanted
c.x <- tapply(cats@other$xy[,1],cats@pop, mean)
c.y <- tapply(cats@other$xy[,2],cats@pop, mean)
cp<-cbind(c.x, c.y)
} else 
cp <- cbind(cats@other$xy[,1], cats@other$xy[,2])

eucl.mat <- round(as.matrix(dist(cp)),3)

if (dist.type=="pop") 

  dimnames(eucl.mat) <- list(popNames(cats), popNames(cats)) 
  npop <- length(levels(cats@pop))
} else
  dimnames(eucl.mat) <- list(indNames(cats), indNames(cats)) 
  npop <- length(indNames(cats))

#check if fric.raster is a stack or not...
mats <- list()
mats.names<- NA
mats.pathlength<- list()
mats.paths<- list()

pathlength.mat <- NULL
paths <- NULL

n.mats <- dim(fric.raster)[3] #number of rasters in the stack

for (ci in 1:n.mats)

plot(fric.raster[[ci]], main=paste(names(fric.raster)[ci],":",pathtype,", NN=",NN,sep=""))
 #image(fric.raster, col=fric.raster@legend@colortable, asp=1)

 mapcolor <-   col2rgb(cats@other$mapdotcolor)/255
 if (is.null(mapcolor)) colX= rgb(0,0,1,0.8) else 
 colX = rgb(mapcolor[1,],mapcolor[2,], mapcolor[3,],cats@other$mapdotalpha)
points(cats@other$xy,cex=1, pch=16, col="blue")
# points(cats@other$xy,cex=cats@other$mapdotsize, pch= cats@other$mapdottype, col=colX)
if (dist.type=="pop")  points(cp,cex=cats@other$mapdotsize*1.5 , pch= 16, col="black")

#create friction matrix
fric.mat <- transition(fric.raster[[ci]],function(x) 1/x[2],NN)

# fric.mat <- transition(fric.raster,function(x) 1/(abs(x[1]-x[2])),8)
#set distances to meters  if no projected already
fric.mat@crs<- sp::CRS("+proj=merc +units=m")
fric.mat.cor <- geoCorrection(fric.mat)

if (pathtype=="leastcost") cd.mat <-costDistance(fric.mat.cor, cp, cp)

if (pathtype=="rSPDistance") cd.mat <- rSPDistance(fric.mat.cor, cp, cp, theta=1)

if (pathtype=="commute") cd.mat <-as.matrix(commuteDistance(fric.mat.cor, cp))

  dimnames(cd.mat) <- dimnames(eucl.mat) 

if (pathtype=="leastcost" & plotpath==TRUE)   #only show paths if leastcost otherwise not possible
comb <- t(combn(1:npop,2))

#pathlength matrix
pathlength.mat <- cd.mat
pathlength.mat[,] <- 0
paths<- list()

cols <- rainbow(dim(comb)[1], alpha=0.5)
for (i in 1:dim(comb)[1])

if (dist(rbind(cp[comb[i,1],], cp[comb[i,2],]))==0)
 ll <- Line(rbind( cp[comb[i,1],], cp[comb[i,2],]))
 S1 <- Lines(list(ll),ID="Null")
 sPath <- SpatialLines(list(S1))
} else 
sPath <- shortestPath(fric.mat.cor, cp[comb[i,1],], cp[comb[i,2],], output="SpatialLines")

lines(sPath, lwd=1.5, col=cols[i])
paths[[i]] <- sPath
ll <-  round(SpatialLinesLengths(sPath),3)
pathlength.mat[comb[i,1],comb[i,2]] <- ll
pathlength.mat[comb[i,2],comb[i,1]] <- ll


mats[[ci]] <- cd.mat
mats.names[[ci]] <- names(fric.raster)[ci]
mats.pathlength[[ci]] <- pathlength.mat
mats.paths[[ci]] <- paths

} #end of ci loop

#mats[[n.mats+1]] <- eucl.mat
#mats.names[n.mats+1]<- "Euclidean"
names(mats)  <- names(fric.raster)
#put other calculations here....
# Calculate genetic distances across subpopulations

if (gen.distance=="Gst.Nei")
if (gen.distance=="Gst.Hedrick")
if (gen.distance=="D")

if (gen.distance=="Smouse")
gendist.mat <- as.matrix(gd.smouse(cats,verbose=FALSE))
if (gen.distance=="Kosman")
gendist.mat <-as.matrix(as.dist(gd.kosman(cats)$geneticdist))
if (gen.distance=="propShared")
  gendist.mat <-as.matrix(as.dist(propShared(cats)))


return(list( gen.mat=gendist.mat, eucl.mat=eucl.mat,cost.matnames=mats.names, cost.mats=mats,pathlength.mats= mats.pathlength,  paths=mats.paths))
green-striped-gecko/PopGenReport documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 6:22 a.m.