context("Unit test of functions used by gpapply/gptapply")
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Test preparations
# Need valid 'pivotalr_port' and 'pivotalr_dbname' values
env <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
#.dbname = get('pivotalr_dbname', envir=env)
#.port = get('pivotalr_port', envir=env)
.host <- Sys.getenv('PGHOST', 'localhost')
.dbname <- "rtest"
.port <- strtoi(Sys.getenv('PGPORT'))
if (
stop("PGPORT not set")
.language <- tolower(Sys.getenv('GPRLANGUAGE'))
if (.language != 'plr' && .language != 'plcontainer')
stop(paste0("invalid GPRLANGUAGE:", .language))
## connection ID
cid <- db.connect(host = .host, port = .port, dbname = .dbname, verbose = FALSE)
# drop-create extension
db.q(paste0('DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS ', .language, ' CASCADE;'))
db.q(paste0('CREATE EXTENSION ', .language, ';'))
## data in the database
dat <-, = cid, verbose = FALSE) <- function() {
test_that("Create Type Test", {
basename <-
typeName <-
create_type_str <- .create.type.sql(typeName, signature_list = list("x"="int", "y"="text", "z"="float"))
db.q(create_type_str, verbose=FALSE)
res <- db.q(sprintf("select typname from pg_type where typname=lower('%s');", typeName), verbose=FALSE)
expect_equal(nrow(res), 1)
drop <- paste('DROP TYPE ', typeName, ';', sep='')
db.q(drop, verbose=FALSE)
res <- db.q(sprintf("select typname from pg_type where typname=lower('%s');", typeName), verbose=FALSE)
expect_equal(nrow(res), 0)
test_that(".simplify.signature ", {
res <- .simplify.signature(list("x"="int"))
expect_equal(res$x, 'int')
res <- .simplify.signature(list("x"="int", "y"="text", "z"="float"))
expect_equal(res$x, 'int')
expect_equal(res$y, 'text')
expect_equal(res$z, 'float')
fs <- function() {
function() {
list("x"="int", "y"="text", "z"="float")
res <- .simplify.signature(fs)
expect_equal(res$x, 'int')
expect_equal(res$y, 'text')
expect_equal(res$z, 'float')
res <- .simplify.signature(list("x"="int[]", "y"="text[]", "z"="float"))
expect_equal(res$x, 'int[]')
expect_equal(res$y, 'text[]')
expect_equal(res$z, 'float')
test_that("Test .clear.existing.table", {
# 1. Test if is NULL
.sql <- .clear.existing.table( = NULL, clear.existing = FALSE)
expect_equal(.sql, "") <- sprintf("rand_%s", .unique.string())
db.q(sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s(id int);",, verbose = FALSE)
# 2. is not NULL
.sql <- .clear.existing.table( =, clear.existing = TRUE)
expect_match(.sql, "^DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rand_", all = FALSE)
.sql <- tryCatch({
.clear.existing.table( =, clear.existing = FALSE)
}, error = function(cond) {
return (as.character(cond))
expect_match(.sql, "the output table exists, but clear flag is not set", all = FALSE)
db.q(sprintf("DROP TABLE %s;",, verbose = FALSE)
test_that("Test .distribute.str", {
.dist <- .distribute.str(NULL)
expect_equal(.dist, '')
expect_equal(.distribute.str(NULL), "")
expect_equal(.distribute.str('randomly'), "DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY")
expect_equal(.distribute.str('RANDomly'), "DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY")
expect_equal(.distribute.str('replicated'), "DISTRIBUTED REPLICATED")
expect_equal(.distribute.str('rePLICated'), "DISTRIBUTED REPLICATED")
# randomName is seemed to be an invalid distributed string
randomName <-
.dist <- tryCatch({
.distribute.str('invalid character')
}, error = function(cond) {
return (randomName)
expect_equal(.dist, randomName)
# distributed by (a, b, c)
.dist <- .distribute.str(list("Apple", "Banana", "Cannon"),
case.sensitive = FALSE)
expect_equal(.dist, "DISTRIBUTED BY (Apple, Banana, Cannon)")
# case sensitive
.dist <- .distribute.str(list("Apple", "Banana", "Cannon"),
case.sensitive = TRUE)
expect_equal(.dist, 'DISTRIBUTED BY ("Apple", "Banana", "Cannon")')
test_that("Test .create.r.wrapper", {
basename <-
sqrtFUN <- function(x) sqrt(x[[1]])
.signature <- list("id"="int", "name"="text")
X <-[c(1:4), c(3,2)], = cid, verbose = FALSE)
param_list_str_with_type <- paste(names(.signature), .signature, collapse=", ")
funName <-
typeName <- <- 'plc_r_poison'
language <- .language
Xattr <- attributes(X)
.sql <- .create.r.wrapper2(basename = basename, FUN = sqrtFUN,
selected.type.list = .selected.type.list(Xattr),
selected.equal.list = .selected.equal.list(Xattr$,
user.args.str = ', "Hello"',, language=language)
L <- unlist(strsplit(.sql, split='\n'))
expect_match(L[1], "^CREATE FUNCTION gprfunc_.* RETURNS SETOF gptype_.*")
expect_match(L[2], "# container: plc_r_poison")
expect_match(L[length(L)], paste("LANGUAGE '", language, "';$", sep=""))
# Create Type and Create Function
db.q(.create.type.sql(typeName, signature_list=.signature), verbose=FALSE)
db.q(.sql, verbose=FALSE)
n.type <- db.q(paste("SELECT typname FROM pg_type WHERE typname=lower('", typeName, "');", sep=""), verbose=FALSE)
n.func <- db.q(paste("SELECT proname FROM pg_proc WHERE proname=lower('", funName, "');", sep=""), verbose=FALSE)
expect_equal(nrow(n.type), 1)
expect_equal(nrow(n.func), 1)
db.q(paste("DROP TYPE ", typeName, " CASCADE;", sep=""), verbose=FALSE)
n.type <- db.q(paste("SELECT typname FROM pg_type WHERE typname=lower('", typeName, "');", sep=""), verbose=FALSE)
n.func <- db.q(paste("SELECT proname FROM pg_proc WHERE proname=lower('", funName, "');", sep=""), verbose=FALSE)
expect_equal(nrow(n.type), 0)
expect_equal(nrow(n.func), 0)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# To make the computation results available to later test_that
# need to do the calculation on the upper level
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("Examples of testing string existence", {
tmp <- dat
tmp$new.col <- 1
expect_match(names(tmp), "new.col", all = FALSE)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Same test, different results on different platforms
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("Different results on different platforms", {
res <- as.character(db.q("select version()", = cid, verbose = FALSE))
if (.get.dbms.str(cid)$db.str == "PostgreSQL") {
expect_match(res, "PostgreSQL")
} else {
expect_match(res, "Greenplum")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
db.disconnect(cid, verbose = FALSE)
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