#' @name functions
#' @title functions for greta arrays
#' @description This is a list of functions (mostly from base R) that are
#' currently implemented to transform greta arrays. Also see [operators]
#' and [transforms].
#' @section Usage: \preformatted{
#' # logarithms and exponentials
#' log(x)
#' exp(x)
#' log1p(x)
#' expm1(x)
#' # miscellaneous mathematics
#' abs(x)
#' mean(x)
#' sqrt(x)
#' sign(x)
#' # rounding of numbers
#' ceiling(x)
#' floor(x)
#' round(x, digits = 0)
#' # trigonometry
#' cos(x)
#' sin(x)
#' tan(x)
#' acos(x)
#' asin(x)
#' atan(x)
#' cosh(x)
#' sinh(x)
#' tanh(x)
#' acosh(x)
#' asinh(x)
#' atanh(x)
#' cospi(x)
#' sinpi(x)
#' tanpi(x)
#' # special mathematical functions
#' lgamma(x)
#' digamma(x)
#' trigamma(x)
#' choose(n, k)
#' lchoose(n, k)
#' # matrix operations
#' t(x)
#' chol(x, ...)
#' chol2inv(x, ...)
#' cov2cor(V)
#' solve(a, b, ...)
#' kronecker(X, Y, FUN = c('*', '/', '+', '-'))
#' # reducing operations
#' sum(..., na.rm = TRUE)
#' prod(..., na.rm = TRUE)
#' min(..., na.rm = TRUE)
#' max(..., na.rm = TRUE)
#' # cumulative operations
#' cumsum(x)
#' cumprod(x)
#' cummax(x)
#' cummin(x)
#' # solve an upper or lower triangular system
#' backsolve(r, x, k = ncol(r), upper.tri = TRUE,
#' transpose = FALSE)
#' forwardsolve(l, x, k = ncol(l), upper.tri = FALSE,
#' transpose = FALSE)
#' # miscellaneous operations
#' aperm(x, perm)
#' apply(x, MARGIN, FUN = c("sum", "max", "mean", "min",
#' "prod", "cumsum", "cumprod"))
#' sweep(x, MARGIN, STATS, FUN = c('-', '+', '/', '*'))
#' tapply(X, INDEX, FUN = c("sum", "max", "mean", "min", "prod"), ...)
#' }
#' @details TensorFlow only enables rounding to integers, so `round()` will
#' error if `digits` is set to anything other than `0`.
#' Any additional arguments to `chol()`, `chol2inv`, and
#' `solve()` will be ignored, see the TensorFlow documentation for
#' details of these routines.
#' `sweep()` only works on two-dimensional greta arrays (so `MARGIN`
#' can only be either 1 or 2), and only for subtraction, addition, division
#' and multiplication.
#' `tapply()` works on column vectors (2D greta arrays with one column),
#' and `INDEX` cannot be a greta array. Currently five functions are
#' available, and arguments passed to \dots are ignored.
#' `cospi()`, `sinpi()`, and `tanpi()` do not use the
#' computationally more stable routines to compute `cos(x * pi)` etc.
#' that are available in R under some operating systems. Similarly
#' `trigamma()` uses TensorFlow's polygamma function, resulting in lower
#' precision than R's equivalent.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- as_data(matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
#' a <- log(exp(x))
#' b <- log1p(expm1(x))
#' c <- sign(x - 5)
#' d <- abs(x - 5)
#' z <- t(a)
#' y <- sweep(x, 1, e, "-")
#' }
#' @export
log.greta_array <- function(x, base = exp(1)) {
if (has_representation(x, "log")) {
result <- copy_representation(x, "log")
} else {
result <- op("log", x,
tf_operation = "tf$math$log",
representations = list(exp = x)
#' @export
exp.greta_array <- function(x) {
# if this already has an exp representation, use that
if (has_representation(x, "exp")) {
result <- copy_representation(x, "exp")
} else {
# otherwise exponentiate it, and store the log representation
result <- op("exp", x,
tf_operation = "tf$math$exp",
representations = list(log = x)
#' @export
log1p.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("log1p", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$log1p")
#' @export
expm1.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("expm1", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$expm1")
#' @exportS3Method log10 greta_array
log10.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("log10", x, tf_operation = "tf_log10")
#' @exportS3Method log2 greta_array
log2.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("log2", x, tf_operation = "tf_log2")
#' @export
abs.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("abs", x, tf_operation = "tf$abs")
#' @export
sqrt.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("sqrt", x, tf_operation = "tf$sqrt")
#' @export
sign.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("sign", x, tf_operation = "tf$sign")
#' @export
ceiling.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("ceil", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$ceil")
#' @export
floor.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("floor", x, tf_operation = "tf$floor")
#' @export
round.greta_array <- function(x, digits = 0) {
if (digits != 0) {
"the {.val digits} argument of {.fun round} cannot be set for \\
{.cls greta_array}s",
"{.cls greta_array}s can only be rounded to the nearest integer, so the \\
{.val digits} argument cannot be set"
op("round", x, tf_operation = "tf$round")
# trigonometry functions
#' @export
cos.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("cos", x, tf_operation = "tf$cos")
#' @export
sin.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("sin", x, tf_operation = "tf$sin")
#' @export
tan.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("tan", x, tf_operation = "tf$tan")
#' @export
acos.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("acos", x, tf_operation = "tf$acos")
#' @export
asin.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("asin", x, tf_operation = "tf$asin")
#' @export
atan.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("atan", x, tf_operation = "tf$atan")
#' @export
cosh.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("cosh", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$cosh")
#' @export
sinh.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("sinh", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$sinh")
#' @export
tanh.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("tanh", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$tanh")
#' @export
acosh.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("acosh", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$acosh")
#' @export
asinh.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("asinh", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$asinh")
#' @export
atanh.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("atanh", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$atanh")
#' @export
cospi.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("cospi", x, tf_operation = "tf_cospi")
#' @export
sinpi.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("sinpi", x, tf_operation = "tf_sinpi")
#' @export
tanpi.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("tanpi", x, tf_operation = "tf_tanpi")
#' @export
lgamma.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("lgamma", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$lgamma")
#' @export
digamma.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("digamma", x, tf_operation = "tf$math$digamma")
#' @export
trigamma.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("trigamma", x, tf_operation = "tf_trigamma")
#' @export
t.greta_array <- function(x) {
if (!is_2d(x)) {
"only 2D arrays can be transposed",
"dimension of {.var x} was {dim(x)}"
dims <- rev(dim(x))
dim = dims,
tf_operation = "tf_transpose"
#' @export
aperm.greta_array <- function(a, perm = NULL, ...) {
dimnums <- seq_along(dim(a))
perm <- perm %||% rev(dimnums)
perm <- as.integer(perm)
if (!identical(sort(perm), dimnums)) {
"{.arg perm} must be a reordering of the dimensions: {dimnums}",
"but was: {perm}"
op("aperm", a,
dim = dim(a)[perm],
tf_operation = "tf$transpose",
operation_args = list(perm = c(0L, perm))
#' @title Compute the Cholesky Factor of a Matrix
#' @inheritParams base::chol
#' @param ... further arguments pass to or from methods.
#' @param force_cholesky Whether to force cholesky computation. Currently
#' used as a workaround to ensure cholesky is calculated properly, and may
#' result in code that uses `chol()` to be slow. Default is TRUE. Can change
#' to FALSE, but may encounter issues in
#' \url{https://github.com/greta-dev/greta/issues/585}.
#' @export
chol.greta_array <- function(x, ..., force_cholesky = FALSE) {
if (!identical(list(), list(...))) {
"{.fun chol} options are ignored for {.cls greta_array}s"
if (has_representation(x, "cholesky")) {
result <- copy_representation(x, "cholesky")
} else {
dim <- dim(x)
is_2d_square <- is_2d(x) && dim[1] == dim[2]
if (!is_2d_square) {
## TODO do we need to check for symmetry?
"only two-dimensional, square, symmetric {.cls greta_array}s can be \\
Cholesky decomposed",
"{.code dim(x)} returns: {dim(x)}"
result <- op("chol", x,
dim = dim,
tf_operation = "tf_chol"
if (force_cholesky){
result <- op("chol", x,
dim = dim(x),
tf_operation = "tf_chol"
#' @export
solve.greta_array <- function(a, b, ...) {
# check the matrix is square
# if they just want the matrix inverse, do that
if (missing(b)) {
if (has_representation(a, "cholesky")) {
u <- representation(a, "cholesky")
result <- chol2inv(u)
} else {
result <- op("solve", a,
tf_operation = "tf$linalg$inv"
} else {
# b must have the right number of rows
check_rows_equal(a, b)
# ... and solve the linear equations
result <- op("solve", a, b,
dim = dim(b),
tf_operation = "tf$linalg$solve"
# nolint start
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
chol2inv <- function(x, size = NCOL(x), LINPACK = FALSE) {
UseMethod("chol2inv", x)
#' @export
chol2inv.default <- function(x, size = NCOL(x), LINPACK = FALSE) {
base::chol2inv(x = x, size = size)
#' @export
chol2inv.greta_array <- function(x, size = NCOL(x), LINPACK = FALSE) {
if (isTRUE(LINPACK)) {
"The {.arg LINPACK} argument is ignored for {.cls greta_array}s, and \\
has also been defunct since R 3.1.0"
## TODO shouldn't this be a !/missing() or something?
if (!identical(size, NCOL(x))) {
"{.arg size} is ignored for {.cls greta_array}s"
op("chol2inv", x,
tf_operation = "tf_chol2inv"
# nolint end
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
cov2cor <- function(V) { # nolint
UseMethod("cov2cor", V)
#' @export
cov2cor.default <- function(V) { # nolint
#' @export
cov2cor.greta_array <- function(V) { # nolint
op("cov2cor", V,
tf_operation = "tf_cov2cor"
# sum, prod, min, mean, max
#' @export
sum.greta_array <- function(..., na.rm = TRUE) { # nolint
# combine all elements into a column vector
vec <- c(...)
# sum the elements
op("sum", vec,
dim = c(1, 1),
tf_operation = "tf_sum"
#' @export
prod.greta_array <- function(..., na.rm = TRUE) { # nolint
# combine all elements into a column vector
vec <- c(...)
# sum the elements
op("prod", vec,
dim = c(1, 1),
tf_operation = "tf_prod"
#' @export
min.greta_array <- function(..., na.rm = TRUE) { # nolint
# combine all elements into a column vector
vec <- c(...)
# sum the elements
op("min", vec,
dim = c(1, 1),
tf_operation = "tf_min"
#' @export
mean.greta_array <- function(x, trim = 0, na.rm = TRUE, ...) { # nolint
# sum the elements
op("mean", x,
dim = c(1, 1),
tf_operation = "tf_mean"
#' @export
max.greta_array <- function(..., na.rm = TRUE) { # nolint
# combine all elements into a column vector
vec <- c(...)
# sum the elements
op("max", vec,
dim = c(1, 1),
tf_operation = "tf_max"
#' @export
cumsum.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("cumsum", x, tf_operation = "tf_cumsum")
#' @export
cumprod.greta_array <- function(x) {
op("cumprod", x, tf_operation = "tf_cumprod")
# these primitives are not yet supported:
#' @export
cummax.greta_array <- function(x) {
"{.fun cummax} not yet implemented for {.pkg greta}"
#' @export
cummin.greta_array <- function(x) {
"{.fun cummin} not yet implemented for {.pkg greta}"
# get the incides to reduce over, for colSums, rowSums, colMeans, rowMeans
rowcol_idx <- function(x, dims, which = c("col", "row")) {
invalid_dims <- dims < 1L || dims > n_dim(x) - 1L
if (invalid_dims) {
"invalid {.var dims}"
row = (dims + 1):n_dim(x),
col = seq_len(dims)
# get output dimension for colSums, rowSums, colMeans, rowMeans
rowcol_dim <- function(x, dims, which = c("row", "col")) {
idx <- rowcol_idx(x, dims, which)
dims <- dim(x)[-idx]
if (length(dims) == 1) {
dims <- c(dims, 1L)
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
identity <- function(x) {
UseMethod("identity", x)
#' @export
identity.default <- function(x) {
#' @export
identity.greta_array <- function(x) {
# make a copy
op("identity", x, tf_operation = "tf$identity")
# nolint start
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
colMeans <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
UseMethod("colMeans", x)
#' @export
colMeans.default <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
base::colMeans(x = x, na.rm = na.rm, dims = dims)
#' @export
colMeans.greta_array <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
op("colMeans", x,
operation_args = list(dims = dims),
tf_operation = "tf_colmeans",
dim = rowcol_dim(x, dims, "col")
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
rowMeans <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
UseMethod("rowMeans", x)
#' @export
rowMeans.default <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
base::rowMeans(x = x, na.rm = na.rm, dims = dims)
#' @export
rowMeans.greta_array <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
op("rowMeans", x,
operation_args = list(dims = dims),
tf_operation = "tf_rowmeans",
dim = rowcol_dim(x, dims, "row")
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
colSums <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
UseMethod("colSums", x)
#' @export
colSums.default <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
base::colSums(x = x, na.rm = na.rm, dims = dims)
#' @export
colSums.greta_array <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
op("colSums", x,
operation_args = list(dims = dims),
tf_operation = "tf_colsums",
dim = rowcol_dim(x, dims, "col")
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
rowSums <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
UseMethod("rowSums", x)
#' @export
rowSums.default <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
base::rowSums(x = x, na.rm = na.rm, dims = dims)
#' @export
rowSums.greta_array <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
op("rowSums", x,
operation_args = list(dims = dims),
tf_operation = "tf_rowsums",
dim = rowcol_dim(x, dims, "row")
# nolint end
# nolint start
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
sweep <- function(x, MARGIN, STATS, FUN = "-", check.margin = TRUE, ...) {
# nolint end
if (is.greta_array(STATS)) {
x <- as.greta_array(x)
UseMethod("sweep", x)
#' @export
sweep.default <- base::sweep
# nolint start
#' @export
sweep.greta_array <- function(x,
FUN = c("-", "+", "/", "*"),
check.margin = TRUE, ...) {
# nolint end
# only allow these four functions
fun <- match.arg(FUN)
stats <- as.greta_array(STATS)
margin <- MARGIN
if (!margin %in% seq_len(2)) {
"MARGIN can only be 1 or 2"
# STATS must have the same dimension as the correct dim of x
check_stats_dim_matches_x_dim(x, margin, stats)
op("sweep", x, stats,
operation_args = list(margin = margin, fun = fun),
tf_operation = "tf_sweep",
dim = dim(x)
# nolint start
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom tensorflow %as%
"kronecker", signature(X = "greta_array", Y = "greta_array"),
function(X, Y, FUN = c("*", "/", "+", "-"), make.dimnames = FALSE,
...) {
# nolint end
fun <- match.arg(FUN)
tf_fun_name <- switch(fun,
`*` = "multiply",
`/` = "truediv",
`+` = "add",
`-` = "subtract"
op("kronecker", X, Y,
tf_operation = "tf_kronecker",
operation_args = list(tf_fun_name = tf_fun_name),
dim = dim(X) * dim(Y)
# nolint start
#' @import methods
kronecker, signature(X = "array", Y = "greta_array"),
function(X, Y, FUN = c("*", "/", "+", "-"), make.dimnames = FALSE,
...) {
# nolint end
kronecker(as.greta_array(X), Y, FUN, make.dimnames = FALSE)
# nolint start
#' @import methods
kronecker, signature(X = "greta_array", Y = "array"),
function(X, Y, FUN = c("*", "/", "+", "-"), make.dimnames = FALSE,
...) {
# nolint end
kronecker(X, as.greta_array(Y), FUN, make.dimnames = FALSE)
# nolint start
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
backsolve <- function(r, x, k = ncol(r),
upper.tri = TRUE,
transpose = FALSE) {
# nolint end
UseMethod("backsolve", x)
# nolint start
#' @export
backsolve.default <- function(r, x, k = ncol(r),
upper.tri = TRUE,
transpose = FALSE) {
# nolint end
base::backsolve(r, x,
k = ncol(r),
upper.tri = TRUE,
transpose = FALSE
# define this explicitly so CRAN doesn't think we're using .Internal
# nolint start
#' @export
backsolve.greta_array <- function(r, x,
k = ncol(r),
upper.tri = TRUE,
transpose = FALSE) {
# nolint end
check_x_matches_ncol(x = k, ncol_of = r)
op("backsolve", r, x,
operation_args = list(lower = !upper.tri),
tf_operation = "tf$linalg$triangular_solve",
dim = dim(x)
# nolint start
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
forwardsolve <- function(l, x, k = ncol(l),
upper.tri = FALSE,
transpose = FALSE) {
# nolint end
UseMethod("forwardsolve", x)
# define this explicitly so CRAN doesn't think we're using .Internal
# nolint start
#' @export
forwardsolve.default <- function(l, x, k = ncol(l),
upper.tri = FALSE,
transpose = FALSE) {
# nolint end
base::forwardsolve(l, x,
k = ncol(l),
upper.tri = FALSE,
transpose = FALSE
# nolint start
#' @export
forwardsolve.greta_array <- function(l, x,
k = ncol(l),
upper.tri = FALSE,
transpose = FALSE) {
# nolint end
check_x_matches_ncol(x = k, ncol_of = l)
op("forwardsolve", l, x,
operation_args = list(lower = !upper.tri),
tf_operation = "tf$linalg$triangular_solve",
dim = dim(x)
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
apply <- function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) { # nolint
UseMethod("apply", X)
#' @export
apply.default <- function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) { # nolint
X = X,
# nolint start
#' @export
apply.greta_array <- function(X, MARGIN,
FUN = c(
"sum", "max", "mean", "min", "prod",
"cumsum", "cumprod"
...) {
# nolint end
fun <- match.arg(FUN)
margin <- as.integer(MARGIN)
# permute as in base::apply
d <- dim(X)
ds <- seq_along(d)
s_call <- ds[-margin]
s_ans <- ds[margin]
d_call <- d[-margin]
d_ans <- d[margin]
d2 <- prod(d_ans)
new_x <- aperm(X, c(s_call, s_ans))
dim(new_x) <- c(prod(d_call), d2)
# handle output dimensions
reducing <- !fun %in% c("cumsum", "cumprod")
# set final and intermediate dimensions
if (reducing) {
dim_out <- d[margin]
if (length(dim_out) == 1) {
dim_out <- c(dim_out, 1L)
dim <- c(prod(dim_out), 1)
} else {
dim_out <- c(prod(d[-margin]), d[margin])
dim <- dim(new_x)
tf_fun_name <- fun
if (reducing) {
tf_fun_name <- paste("reduce", tf_fun_name, sep = "_")
out <- op("apply", new_x,
operation_args = list(
axis = -2L,
tf_fun_name = tf_fun_name
tf_operation = "tf_apply",
dim = dim
# need to reshape when margin is a vector, or when not reducing
if (!reducing | length(margin) > 1) {
dim(out) <- dim_out
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
tapply <- function(X, INDEX, FUN, ...) { # nolint
UseMethod("tapply", X)
# nolint start
#' @export
tapply.default <- function(X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ...,
default = NA, simplify = TRUE) {
# nolint end
X = X,
default = default,
simplify = simplify
# nolint start
#' @export
tapply.greta_array <- function(X, INDEX,
FUN = c("sum", "max", "mean", "min", "prod"),
...) {
# nolint end
x <- X
index <- INDEX
fun <- match.arg(FUN)
# convert index to successive integers starting at 0
groups <- sort(unique(index))
id <- match(index, groups) - 1L
len <- length(groups)
op("tapply", x,
operation_args = list(
segment_ids = id,
num_segments = len,
op_name = fun
tf_operation = "tf_tapply",
dim = c(len, 1)
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
eigen <- function(x, symmetric, only.values, EISPACK) { # nolint
# nolint start
#' @export
eigen.default <- function(x, symmetric,
only.values = FALSE, EISPACK = FALSE) {
# nolint end
x = x,
symmetric = symmetric,
only.values = only.values,
# nolint start
#' @export
eigen.greta_array <- function(x, symmetric,
only.values = FALSE, EISPACK = FALSE) {
# nolint end
x <- as.greta_array(x)
if (missing(symmetric)) {
symmetric <- TRUE
dims <- dim(x)
is_square <- dims[1] == dims[2]
is_not_2d_square_symmetric <- !is_2d(x) | !is_square | !symmetric
if (is_not_2d_square_symmetric) {
"only two-dimensional, square, symmetric {.cls greta_array}s can be \\
# they just want the eigenvalues, use that tf method
if (only.values) {
values <- op("eigenvalues", x,
dim = nrow(x),
tf_operation = "tf_only_eigenvalues"
vectors <- NULL
} else {
# if we're doing the whole eigendecomposition, do it in three operations
# a wacky greta array which apparently has the same dimension as x; but in
# fact is a list of the two elements. But that's OK so long as the user
# never sees it
eig <- op("eigen", x,
tf_operation = "tf$linalg$eigh"
# get the eigenvalues and vectors as actual, sane greta arrays
values <- op("values", eig,
dim = c(nrow(eig), 1L),
tf_operation = "tf_extract_eigenvalues"
vectors <- op("vectors", eig,
tf_operation = "tf_extract_eigenvectors"
values = values,
vectors = vectors
#' @rdname overloaded
#' @export
rdist <- function(x1, x2 = NULL, compact = FALSE) {
#' @export
rdist.default <- function(x1, x2 = NULL, compact = FALSE) {
# error nicely if they don't have fields installed
x1 = x1,
x2 = x2,
compact = compact
#' @export
rdist.greta_array <- function(x1, x2 = NULL, compact = FALSE) {
if (isTRUE(compact)) {
"{.arg compact} is ignored for {.cls greta_array}s"
x1 <- as.greta_array(x1)
# like rdist, convert to a column vector if it has too many dimensions
if (!is_2d(x1)) {
x1 <- flatten(x1)
n1 <- nrow(x1)
# square self-distance matrix
if (is.null(x2)) {
op("rdist", x1,
tf_operation = "tf_self_distance",
dim = c(n1, n1)
} else {
# possibly non-square pairwise distance matrix
x2 <- as.greta_array(x2)
if (!is_2d(x2)) {
x2 <- flatten(x2)
# error if they have different number of columns. fields::rdist allows
# different numbers of columns, takes the number of columns from x1,and
# sometimes gives nonsense results
check_ncols_match(x1, x2)
n2 <- nrow(x2)
op("rdist", x1, x2,
tf_operation = "tf_distance",
dim = c(n1, n2)
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