#' Plots the growth chart, optionally including matches
#' @param target A list with elements `"psn"` and `"xyz"`, e.g. as produced by
#' `bdsreader::read_bds()`
#' @param chartcode A string with chart code
#' @param curve_interpolation A logical indicating whether curve
#' interpolation shoud be applied.
#' @param quiet Logical indicating whether chart code should be
#' written to standard output. Default is `quiet = TRUE`.
#' @param con A connection on which the donor data reside. The
#' default (`NULL`) reads from `donorloader` package.
#' @param dnr A string with the name of the donor data
#' (currently available are `smocc`, `terneuzen`,
#' `lollypop`, `pops`, `0-2`, `2-4` and `4-18`). The default (`NULL`)
#' sets the donor data according to `period[2]`.
#' @param period A vector of length 2 with left and right ages
#' (decimal age). If `length(period) == 0L`, then no curve
#' matching is done
#' @param nmatch Integer. Number of matches needed. When
#' `nmatch == 0L` no matches are sought.
#' @param user_model Model number (1-4), indicating type of model the
#' user wants. See details.
#' @param exact_sex A logical indicating whether sex should be
#' matched exactly
#' @param exact_ga A logical indicating whether gestational age
#' should be matched exactly
#' @param break_ties A logical indicating whether ties should broken
#' randomly. The default (`TRUE`) breaks ties randomly.
#' @param show_realized A logical indicating whether the realized
#' growth of the target child should be drawn
#' @param show_future A logical indicating whether the predicted
#' growth of the target child should be drawn
#' @param clip A logical indicating whether clipping is needed
#' @param target_height A list with two elements: `show` (logical)
#' and `alpha` (numeric, e.g. 0.50 or 0.95).
#' @seealso [chartcatalog::create_chartcode()]
#' @details
#' # The meaning of the `user_model` parameter is as follows:
#' \describe{
#' \item{1}{most recent measurement only}
#' \item{2}{sex + growth curve up to current}
#' \item{3}{2 + all complete covariates}
#' \item{4}{3 + growth curves up to current, other measures}
#' }
#' @return A `gTree` that can be rendered by `grid::grid.draw()`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(grid)
#' fn <- system.file("extdata", "bds_v2.0", "smocc", "Laura_S.json", package = "jamesdemodata")
#' target <- bdsreader::read_bds(fn)
#' g <- process_chart(target,
#' chartcode = "NJAA", show_realized = TRUE, show_future = TRUE,
#' dnr = "0-2", period = c(0.5, 1.1667), nmatch = 10)
#' grid.draw(g)
#' # using lollypop for matching
#' g <- process_chart(target,
#' chartcode = "NJAA", show_realized = TRUE, show_future = TRUE,
#' dnr = "2-4", period = c(0.5, 1.1667), nmatch = 10
#' )
#' grid.draw(g)
#' }
#' @export
process_chart <- function(target,
curve_interpolation = TRUE,
quiet = TRUE,
con = NULL,
dnr = NULL,
period = numeric(0),
nmatch = 0L,
user_model = 2L,
exact_sex = TRUE,
exact_ga = FALSE,
break_ties = TRUE,
show_realized = FALSE,
show_future = FALSE,
clip = TRUE,
target_height = list(show = TRUE, alpha = 0.95))
# set the donor data dnr
dnr <- set_dnr(dnr, period)
# load growthchart, return early if there is a problem
g <- load_chart(chartcode)
if (is.null(g) || !is.grob(g)) {
return(placeholder(name = paste(chartcode, "ontbreekt")))
# set the palette
# set green/blue for D-score plots despite their WHOblue and WHOpink defaults
palettes <- chartbox::palettes
parsed <- parse_chartcode(chartcode)
if (parsed$side == "dsc") {
if (parsed$week == "40") palette(palettes["NL", ])
else palette(palettes["PT", ])
} else {
# return empty chart if target is not a list
if (!is.list(target)) {
# return empty chart if time target has zero rows
time <- timedata(target)
if (!nrow(time)) {
# calculate matches, if needed
ynames <- unname(chartcatalog::get_ynames(chartcode))
# return empty chart if there's nothing to plot
if (!length(ynames)) {
if (!nmatch || !length(period) || is.null(dnr)) {
# no matches needed
matches <- vector("list", length(ynames))
names(matches) <- ynames
matches <- lapply(matches, function(x) integer(0))
} else {
# find matches for measurements on chart
matches <- find_matches(
target = target,
con = con,
dnr = dnr,
ynames = ynames,
nmatch = nmatch,
period = period,
user_model = user_model,
exact_sex = exact_sex,
exact_ga = exact_ga,
break_ties = break_ties
if (!quiet) cat("chartcode: ", chartcode, "\n")
# set data points
g = g, target = target, ynames = ynames,
parsed = parsed,
curve_interpolation = curve_interpolation,
nmatch = nmatch,
matches = matches,
dnr = dnr,
period = period,
show_realized = show_realized,
show_future = show_future,
clip = clip,
target_height = target_height
set_dnr <- function(dnr, period) {
if (!is.null(dnr)) {
dnr <- switch(dnr,
"0-2" = "smocc",
"2-4" = "lollypop",
"4-18" = "terneuzen",
} else {
# use period[2] to set dnr
if (length(period) != 2L || !is.numeric(period)) {
dnr <- NULL
} else {
to <- period[2L]
dnr <- "terneuzen"
if (to <= 2) dnr <- "smocc"
if (2 < to && to <= 4) dnr <- "lollypop"
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