
Defines functions is.scalar are_scalar all_scalar is.empty are_empty all_empty has_command are_null are_true are_false is.installed

Documented in all_empty all_scalar are_empty are_false are_null are_scalar are_true has_command is.empty is.installed is.scalar

#' @include ops.R
#' @importFrom assertthat on_failure "on_failure<-"
#' @importFrom RSQLite dbGetInfo

#' Is an object of length one?
#' Which elements in a list are of length one?
#' Are all elements in a list of length one?
#' @param x object to test
#' @family tests
#' @rdname is.scalar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is.scalar(1)
#' is.scalar(NULL)
is.scalar <- function(x) {
  length(x) == 1L
on_failure(is.scalar) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0(deparse(call$x), " does not have length one.")

#' @rdname is.scalar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' are_scalar(list(1,2,3))
#' are_scalar(c(1,2,3))
are_scalar <- function(x) {
  vapply(x, is.scalar, FUN.VALUE=logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)

#' @rdname is.scalar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' all_scalar(list("a", "b", c("c", "d")))
all_scalar <- function(x) all(are_scalar(x))
on_failure(all_scalar) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0("Not all elements in ", deparse(call$x), " are of length one.")

#' Is an object empty?
#' Which elements in a list are empty?
#' Are all elements in a list of empty?
#' @param x object to test
#' @family tests
#' @rdname is.empty
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is.empty(NULL)
#' is.empty(numeric())
#' is.empty(list())
#' is.empty("")
is.empty <- function(x) {
  is.null(x) || length(x) == 0L || ( is.scalar(x) && !nzchar(x) )
on_failure(is.empty) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0(deparse(call$x), " is not empty.")

#' @rdname is.empty
#' @export
#' @examples
#' are_empty(list(1,NULL,3,NA))
are_empty <- function(x) {
  if (is.recursive(x) || length(x) > 1) {
    vapply(x, function(x) is.null(x) || length(x) == 0L,
           FUN.VALUE=logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE) | !nzchar(x)
  } else {

#' @rdname is.empty
#' @export
#' @examples
#' all_empty(NULL)
#' all_empty(list(NULL, NULL, character()))
all_empty <- function(x) all(are_empty(x))
on_failure(all_empty) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0("Not all elements in ", deparse(call$x), " are empty.")

#' Test if an external executable is available
#' Uses \code{\link{Sys.which}} internally, so it should work
#' on Windows and Unix.alikes.
#' @param cmd The exececutable to test for.
#' @param msg Additional message if the test fails.
#' @family tests
#' @export
has_command <- function(cmd, msg = "") {
  unname(Sys.which(cmd) != "")
on_failure(has_command) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0("Dependency ", sQuote(eval(call$cmd, env)), " is not installed\n",
         eval(call$msg, env))

#' Which elements in a list are NULL?
#' @param x object to test
#' @rdname are_null
#' @export
#' @examples
#' are_null(list(1,NULL,3))
are_null <- function(x) {
  vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE=logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)

#' Which elements in a list are TRUE?
#' @param x object to test
#' @export
#' @examples
#' are_true(list(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE))
are_true <- function(x) {
  vapply(x, isTRUE, FUN.VALUE=logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)

#' Which elements in a list are FALSE?
#' @param x object to test
#' @export
#' @examples
#' are_false(list(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE))
are_false <- function(x) {
  vapply(x, function(x) identical(x, FALSE), FUN.VALUE=logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)

#' Is an R Packages installed?
#' @param pkg Package name as character string.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is.installed("methods")
is.installed <- function(pkg) {
  is.element(pkg, .packages(all.available=TRUE))
on_failure(is.installed) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0("Package ", deparse(call$pkg), " is not installed.")

#' Reverse Value Matching
#' Complement of \code{\link{\%in\%}}.
#' @usage x \%ni\% y
#' @param x A vector
#' @param y A vector
#' @rdname ni
#' @export
"%ni%" <- Negate(`%in%`)
gschofl/rmisc documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:54 a.m.