
#' Define stocks
#' define stocks from a file or object
#' Creates stock instruments
#' If \code{file} is given, \code{x} will be ignored, and file will be read by
#' read.csv If \code{file} is not provided, \code{x} will be used.
#' \code{x} can be a vector of stock tickers or a data.frame.
#' The file, or data.frame should contain contain a column for each of
#' sQuotesymbol, sQuotedescription, sQuoteindustry.division,
#' sQuoteindustry.group, and sQuoteindustry.sector.
#' In addition to the information provided by the file or data.frame, if
#' use.yahoo is set to TRUE, other descriptive data will be downloaded from
#' Yahoo Finance via a call to getQuote.  These include: exchange, market.cap,
#' avg.volume, EPS, EPS Estimate Current Year, EPS Estimate Next Year,
#' book.value, EBITDA, and 52 week range.
#' If use.IB is TRUE, it will add descriptive information from Interactive
#' Brokers to the instruments.  Also, it will turn your instruments into
#' twsInstruments, which just means that it will add an IB slot to the
#' instruments and put their twsContracts in them.
#' Currency can be left null if use.IB is true -- if using this package's
#' version of the instrument function -- in which case, the currency will be
#' determined by a call to IB via reqContractDetails.  If called with a
#' currency that does not exist, it will be created.  (be careful, because
#' there is no check to see if it is a valid currency...if you called it with
#' \code{currency="BLAH"} it would create a BLAH currency).
#' A slot will be added to the instrument describing how the instrument was
#' defined, it will the name of the file or data.frame used, or one of
#' sQuoteIB, sQuoteyahoo, or, if only a vector of symbols is given and
#' \code{use.IB=FALSE} and \code{use.yahoo=FALSE} are used, sQuotehand. OR, a
#' combination of those that were used separated by a semi-colon.
#' @param x vector of instrument names, a data.frame, or a file. See details
#' @param file Optional filename including path. if given, file will be read
#' with read.csv. See details.
#' @param use.yahoo Boolean. Should extra descriptive data be dowloaded from
#' yahoo?
#' @param use.IB Boolean. Should extra descriptive data and twsContract be
#' downloaded from IB.
#' @param addIBslot Boolean. Should the twsContract be added to the IB slot of
#' instrument.
#' @param currency the currency of the stocks. Can be left null
#' @return called for its side-effect.
#' @note \code{use.IB} should probably be FALSE if you are defining a large
#' number of stocks. Running this function with \code{use.IB=TRUE} for a large
#' number of stocks may cause a writeBin error
#' @author Garrett See
#' @seealso instrument, stock, update_instruments.yahoo, update_instruments.IB,
#' yahooQF, getQuote, getQuote.yahoo, read.csv
#' @references Yahoo! Finance \url{finance.yahoo.com} gummy-stuff.org
#' \url{www.gummy-stuff.org/Yahoo-data.htm} InteractiveBrokers
#' \url{www.interactivebrokers.com} IB API
#' \url{http://interactivebrokers.com/php/apiUsersGuide/apiguide.htm}
#' @keywords instrument
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' define_stocks(c('S','EE','SE','E'),"USD")
#' #stocks with different currencies
#' define_stocks(c('G','ARR','SEE','GSE'))
#' ls_currencies() #defined for us by define_stocks.
#' define_stocks(use.yahoo=FALSE,use.IB=FALSE,currency="USD") #uses SP500desc data.frame
#' define_stocks(use.IB=FALSE,currency="USD")
#' define_stocks(use.yahoo=FALSE)
#' define_stocks(currency="USD")
#' }
#' @export
define_stocks <-
function(x=SP500desc, currency='USD', file=NULL, use.yahoo=TRUE, use.IB=TRUE, addIBslot=TRUE) { #, ...) {	
    if (is.null(currency)) currency <- ''    
    if (currency != '' && length(currency) == 1) {
        tmpccy <- try(getInstrument(currency,silent=TRUE), silent=TRUE)      
        if (!inherits(tmpccy,'currency') || 
                ( inherits(tmpccy,'currency') && inherits(tmpccy, 'exchange_rate') ) ) 
        #i.e. if it isn't a currency, or it is an exchange_rate
            warning(paste('Created currency',currency)) 
    } else if (!use.IB) stop("Must provide currency if use.IB is FALSE.")
    #the logical thing to do is create a stock without a currency, and let IB figure it out
    #but, FinancialInstrument requires a currency to be defined, so I either have to guess
    #the currency or throw an exception.  For now, I'll use a mix; if use.IB is FALSE, 
    #throw an error, but if use.IB is TRUE I'll use MY instrument.tws function, and then try
    #to get the currency from IB.
	if (is.vector(x) & is.character(x)) {
        symbols <- x
        for (stk in symbols) {
            #stock(stk, currency, defined.by='hand', updated=Sys.time() )
            instrument.tws(primary_id=stk, currency=currency, multiplier=1, tick_size=0.01,
                        identifiers=NULL        , defined.by='hand', updated=Sys.time(),
                        type = "stock", assign_i = TRUE)
    } else {
        if (is.null(file)) {
            if (is.data.frame(x)) {		
                symdesc <- x
	        	file <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)))	
        } else symdesc <- read.csv(file=file)	
        if (is.data.frame(symdesc)) {
          	for (i in 1:length(symdesc[,1])) {
                    currency = currency,
                    multiplier = 1,
                    tick_size = 0.01,
                    identifiers = NULL,
                    type = "stock", 
                    assign_i = TRUE )
        symbols <- as.character(symdesc[,1])
    if (use.yahoo || use.IB) symout <- NULL
    if (use.yahoo) {
        symout <- update_instruments.yahoo(symbols)	    
    if (use.IB) {
        symout <- unique(symout, update_instruments.IB(symbols,addIBslot=addIBslot))
gsee/twsInstrument documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:55 a.m.