
# Estimating heat exchange from thermal images ####
#  The purpose of this file is to provide a brief introduction to using Thermimage
#  It is assumed that the user has thermal imaging experience and has extracted
#  data from thermal images already, or has a means to bring thermal image data 
#  into R.  This package will not replace thermal image analysis software but it 
#  can help in automating some calculations associated with large datasets of thermal
#  images.

# Getting Started: Install Thermimage ####
#  if you don't have Thermimage installed, type: install.packages("Thermimage")
#  which should download Thermimage from the CRAN repository and install it.
#  then simply type library(Thermimage) to call the functions into the working
#  environment


# Minimum required information (units) ####
#  Surface temperatures, Ts (oC - note: all temperature units are in oC)
#  Ambient temperatures, Ta (oC)
#  Characteristic dimension of the object or animal, L (m)
#  Surface Area, A (m^2)
#  Shape of object: choose from "sphere", "hcylinder", "vcylinder", "hplate", "vplate"

# Required if working outdoors with solar radiation ####
#  Visible surface reflectance, rho, which could be measured or estimated (0-1)
#  Solar radiation (SE=abbrev for solar energy), W/m2

# Can be estimated or provided ####
#  Wind speed, V (m/s) - I tend to model heat exchange under different V (0.1 to 10 m/s)
#  Ground Temperature, Tg  (oC) - estimated from air temperature if not provided
#  Incoming infrared radiation, Ld (will be estimated from Air Temperature)
#  Incoming infrared radiation, Lu (will be estimated from Ground Temperature) 

# Ground Temperature Estimation ####
#  For Ground Temp, we derived a relationship based on data in Galapagos that describes
#  Tg-Ta ~ Se, (N=516, based on daytime measurements)
#  Thus, Tg =  0.0187128*SE + Ta
#  Derived from daytime measurements within the ranges:
#  Range of Ta: 23.7 to 34 C
#  Range of SE: 6.5 to 1506.0 Watts/m2
#  Or from published work by Bartlett et al. (2006) in the Tground() function, the 
#  relationship would be Tg = 0.0121*SE + Ta

# Make your Data frame ####
#  Once you have decided on what variables you have or need to model, create a data
#  frame with these values (Ta, Ts, Tg, SE, A, L, Shape, rho), where each row corresponds to 
#  an individual measurement.  The data frame is not required for calling functions, 
#  but it will force you to assemble your data before proceeding with calculations.
#  Other records such as size, date image captured, time of day, species, sex, etc...
#  should also be stored in the data frame.

Ta<-rnorm(20, 25, sd=10)
Ts<-Ta+rnorm(20, 5, sd=1)
RH<-rep(0.5, length(Ta))
SE<-rnorm(20, 400, sd=50)
L<-rep(0.1, length(Ta))
V<-rep(1, length(Ta))
shape<-rep("hcylinder", length(Ta))
c<-forcedparameters(V=V, L=L, Ta=Ta, shape=shape)$c
n<-forcedparameters(V=V, L=L, Ta=Ta, shape=shape)$n
a<-freeparameters(L=L, Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, shape=shape)$a
b<-freeparameters(L=L, Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, shape=shape)$b
m<-freeparameters(L=L, Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, shape=shape)$m
type<-rep("forced", length(Ta))
rho<-rep(0.1, length(Ta))
cloud<-rep(0, length(Ta))

d<-data.frame(Ta, Ts, Tg, SE, RH, rho, cloud, A, V, L, c, n, a, b, m, type, shape)

# Basic calculations ####
#  The basic approach to estimating heat loss is based on that outlined in
#  Tattersall et al (2009)
#  This involves breaking the object into component shapes, deriving the exposed areas
#  of those shapes empirically, and calcuating Qtotal for each shape:

(Qtotal<-qrad() + qconv())

#  Notice how the above example yielded an estimate.  This is because there are default 
#  values in all the functions.  In this case, the estimate is negative, meaning
#  a net loss of heat to the environment.  It's units are in W/m2.
#  To convert the above measures into total heat flux, the Area of each part is required

Area1<-0.2 # units are in m2
Area2<-0.3 # units are in m2
Qtotal1<-qrad()*Area1 + qconv()*Area1
Qtotal2<-qrad()*Area2 + qconv()*Area2
QtotalAll<-Qtotal1 + Qtotal2

#  This approach is used in animal thermal images, such that all component shapes sum to estimate entire
#  body heat exchange: WholeBody = Qtotal1 + Qtotal2 + Qtotal3 ... Qtotaln

#  Qtotal is made up of two components: qrad + qconv
#  qrad is the net radiative heat flux (W/m2)
#  qconv is the net convective heat flux (W/m2)
#  qcond is usually ignored unless large contact areas between substrate.  Additional
#  information is required to accurately calculate conductive heat exchange and are not
#  provided here.

# What is qabs ####
#  Radiation is both absorbed and emitted by animals.  I have broken this down into
#  partially separate functions.  qabs() is a function to estimate the area specific
#  amount of solar and infrared radiation absorbed by the object from the environment:
#  qabs() requires information on the air (ambient) temperature, ground temperature, 
#  relative humidity, emissivity of the object, reflectivity of the object, 
#  proportion cloud cover, and solar energy. 
qabs(Ta = 20, Tg = NULL, RH = 0.5, E = 0.96, rho = 0.1, cloud = 0, SE = 400)
# compare to a shaded environment with lower SE:
qabs(Ta = 20, Tg = NULL, RH = 0.5, E = 0.96, rho = 0.1, cloud = 0, SE = 100)

# What is qrad ####
#  Since the animal also emits radiation, qrad() provides the net radiative heat
#  transfer.
qrad(Ts = 27, Ta = 20, Tg = NULL, RH = 0.5, E = 0.96, rho = 0.1, cloud = 0, SE = 100)
#  Notice how the absorbed environmental radiation is ~440 W/m2, but the animal is also losing
#  losing a similar amount, so once we account for the net radiative flux, it very nearly
#  balances out at a slightly negative number (-1.486 W/m2)

# Ground temperature ####
#  If you have measured ground temperature, then simply include it in the call to qrad:
qrad(Ts = 30, Ta = 25, Tg = 28, RH = 0.5, E = 0.96, rho = 0.1, cloud = 0, SE = 100)

#  If you do not have ground temperature, but have measured Ta and SE, then let 
#  Tg=NULL.  This will force a call to the Tground() function to estimate Tground
#  It is likely better to assume that Tground is slightly higher than Ta, at least 
#  in the daytime.  If using measurements obtained at night (SE=0), then you will have
#  to provide both Ta and Tground, since Tground could be colder equal to Ta depending
#  on cloud cover.

# What is hconv ####
#  This is simply the convective heat coefficient.  This is used in calculating the
#  convective heat transfer and/or operative temperature but usually you will not need
#  to call hconv() yourself

# What is qconv ####
#  This is the function to calculate area specific convective heat transfer, analagous
#  to qrad, except for convective heat transfer.  Positive values mean heat is gained
#  by convection, negative values mean heat is lost by convection.  Included in the 
#  function is the ability to estimate free convection (which occurs at 0 wind speed)
#  or forced convection (wind speed >=0.1 m/s).  Unless working in a completely still
#  environment, it is more appropriate to used "forced" convection down to 0.1 m/s 
#  wind speed.  Typical wind speeds indoors are likely <0.5 m/s, but outside can 
#  vary wildly.  
#  In addition to needing surface temperature, air temperature, and velocity, you 
#  need information/estimates on shape.  L is the critical dimension of the shape, 
#  which is usually the height of an object within the air stream.  The diameter of 
#  a horizontal cylinder is its critical dimension.  Finally, shape needs to be 
#  assigned.  see help(qconv) for details.
qconv(Ts = 30, Ta = 20, V = 1, L = 0.1, type = "forced", shape="hcylinder")
qconv(Ts = 30, Ta = 20, V = 1, L = 0.1, type = "forced", shape="hplate")
qconv(Ts = 30, Ta = 20, V = 1, L = 0.1, type = "forced", shape="sphere")
#  notice how the horizontal cylinder loses less than the horizontal plate which loses 
#  less than the sphere.  Spherical objects lose ~1.8 times as much heat per area as 
#  cylinders.

#  Which is higher: convection or radiation? ####
#  Take a convection estimate at low wind speed:
qconv(Ts = 30, Ta = 20, V = 0.1, L = 0.1, type = "forced", shape="hcylinder")
#  compare to a radiative estimate (without any solar absorption):
qrad(Ts = 30, Ta = 20, Tg = NULL, RH = 0.5, E = 0.96, rho = 0.1, cloud = 0, SE = 0)
#  in this case, the net radiative heat loss is greater than convective heat loss
#  if you decrease the critical dimension, however, the convective heat loss per m2
#  is much greater.  This is effectively how convective exchange works: small objects
#  lose heat from convection more readily than large objects (e.g. frostbite on fingers)
#  If L is 10 times smaller:
qconv(Ts = 30, Ta = 20, V = 0.1, L = 0.01, type = "forced", shape="hcylinder")
qrad(Ts = 30, Ta = 20, Tg = NULL, RH = 0.5, E = 0.96, rho = 0.1, cloud = 0, SE = 0)
#  convection and radiative heat transfer are nearly the same.
#  A safe conclusion here is that larger animals would rely more on radiative heat transfer
#  than they would on convective heat transfer

# Sample Calculations ####
#  Ideally, you have all parameters estimated or measured and put into a data frame.
#  Using the dataframe, d we constructed earlier
(qrad.A<-with(d, qrad(Ts, Ta, Tg, RH, E=0.96, rho, cloud, SE)))
(qconv.free.A<-with(d, qconv(Ts, Ta, V, L, c, n, a, b, m, type="free", shape)))
(qconv.forced.A<-with(d, qconv(Ts, Ta, V, L,  c, n, a, b, m, type, shape)))

qtotal<-A*(qrad.A + qconv.forced.A)

d<-data.frame(d, qrad=qrad.A*A, qconv=qconv.forced.A*A, qtotal=qtotal)

#  Test the equations out for consistency ####
#  Toucan Proximal Bill at 10oC (from Tattersall et al 2009 spreadsheets)
(qrad.A<-qrad(Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, Tg=Tg, RH=RH, E=E, rho=rho, cloud=cloud, SE=SE))
#  compare to calculated value of -28.7 W/m2
#  the R calculations differ slightly from Tattersall et al (2009) since they did not use
#  estimates of longwave radiation (Ld and Lu), but instead assumed a simpler, constant Ta
#  environment.
(qrad.A<-qrad(Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, Tg=Tg, RH=RH, E=E, rho=rho, cloud=0, SE=SE))
#  but if cloud = 0, then the qrad values calculated here are much higher than calculated by 
#  Tattersall et al (2009) since they only estimated under simplifying, indoor conditions
#  where background temperature = air temperature.  In the outdoors, then, cloud presence
#  would affect estimates of radiative heat loss
(qconv.forced.A<-qconv(Ts, Ta, V, L, type=type, shape=shape))
# compare to calculated value of -191.67 W/m2 - which is really close!  The difference lies 
# in estimates of air kinematic viscosity used
(qtotal.A<-(qrad.A + qconv.forced.A))
# Total area specific heat loss for the proximal area of the bill (Watts/m2)
#  Total heat loss for the proximal area of the bill (Watts)
#  This lines up well with the published values in Tattersall et al (2009).
#  This was confirmed in van de Van (2016) where they recalculated the area specifi
#  heat flux from toucan bills to be ~65 W/m2:
qrad(Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, Tg=Tg, RH=0.5, E=0.96, rho=rho, cloud=1, SE=0) + 
  qconv(Ts, Ta, V, L, type="free", shape=shape)

# Estimating Operative Temperature ####
#  Operative environmental temperature is the expression of the "effective temperature" an 
#  object is experiencing, accounting for heat absorbed from radiation and heat lost to convection
#  In other words, it is often used by some when trying to predict
#  animal body temperature as a null expectation or reference point to determine whether 
#  active thermoregulation is being used.  More often used in ectotherm studies, but as an 
#  initial estimate of what a freely moving animal temperature would be, it serves a useful
#  reference.  Usually, people would measure operative temperature with a model of an object
#  placed into the environment, allowing wind, solar radiation and ambient temperature to 
#  influence its temperature.  There are numerous formulations for it.  The one here is from
#  in Angilletta's book on Thermal Adaptations.  Note: in the absence of sun or wind, 
#  operative temperature is simply ambient temperature.

# Operative temperature with varying reflectances:
for(rho in seq(0, 1, 0.1)){
  temp<-Te(Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, Tg=NULL, RH=0.5, E=0.96, rho=rho, cloud=1, SE=SE, V=1, 
           L=0.1, type="forced", shape="hcylinder")
  Toperative<-cbind(Toperative, temp)
rho<-seq(0, 1, 0.1)
Toperative<-data.frame(SE=seq(0,1100,100), Toperative)
colnames(Toperative)<-c("SE", seq(0,1,0.1))
matplot(Toperative$SE, Toperative[,-1], ylim=c(25, 50), type="l", xlim=c(0,1000),
        main="Effects of Altering Reflectance from 0 to 1",
        ylab="Operative Temperature (°C)", xlab="Solar Radiation (W/m2)", lty=1,
for(i in 2:12){
    x<-Toperative[,1]; y<-Toperative[,i]
    b<-coefficients(lm1)[1]; m<-coefficients(lm1)[2]
    if(max(y)>ymax) {xpos<-(ymax-b)/m; ypos<-ymax}
    if(max(y)<ymax) {xpos<-xmax; ypos<-y[which(x==1000)]}
    text(xpos, ypos, labels=rho[(i-1)])

# Operative temperature with varying wind speeds
for(V in seq(0, 10, 1)){
  temp<-Te(Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, Tg=NULL, RH=0.5, E=0.96, rho=0.1, cloud=1, SE=SE, V=V, 
           L=0.1, type="forced", shape="vcylinder")
  Toperative<-cbind(Toperative, temp)
V<-seq(0, 10, 1)
Toperative<-data.frame(SE=seq(0,1100,100), Toperative)
colnames(Toperative)<-c("SE", seq(0,10,1))
matplot(Toperative$SE, Toperative[,-1], ylim=c(30, 50), type="l", xlim=c(0,1000),
        main="Effects of Altering Wind Speed from 0 to 10 m/s",
        ylab="Operative Temperature (°C)", xlab="Solar Radiation (W/m2)", lty=1,
for(i in 2:12){
  x<-Toperative[,1]; y<-Toperative[,i]
  b<-coefficients(lm1)[1]; m<-coefficients(lm1)[2]
  if(max(y)>ymax) {xpos<-(ymax-b)/m; ypos<-ymax}
  if(max(y)<ymax) {xpos<-xmax; ypos<-y[which(x==1000)]}
  text(xpos, ypos, labels=V[(i-1)])

# Operative temperature with varying RH
for(RH in seq(0, 1, 0.1)){
  temp<-Te(Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, Tg=NULL, RH=RH, E=0.96, rho=0.1, cloud=0.5, SE=SE, V=1, 
           L=0.1, type="forced", shape="hcylinder")
  Toperative<-cbind(Toperative, temp)
RH<-seq(0, 1, 0.1)
Toperative<-data.frame(SE=seq(0,1100,100), Toperative)
colnames(Toperative)<-c("SE", seq(0,1,0.1))
matplot(Toperative$SE, Toperative[,-1], ylim=c(30, 50), type="l", xlim=c(0,1000),
        main="Effects of changing RH from 0 to 1",
        ylab="Operative Temperature (°C)", xlab="Solar Radiation (W/m2)", lty=1,
for(i in 2:12){
  x<-Toperative[,1]; y<-Toperative[,i]
  b<-coefficients(lm1)[1]; m<-coefficients(lm1)[2]
  if(max(y)>ymax) {xpos<-(ymax-b)/m; ypos<-ymax}
  if(max(y)<ymax) {xpos<-xmax; ypos<-y[which(x==1000)]}
  text(xpos, ypos, labels=RH[(i-1)])

# Operative temperature with varying cloud cover
for(cloud in seq(0, 1, 0.1)){
  temp<-Te(Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, Tg=NULL, RH=0.5, E=0.96, rho=0.5, cloud=cloud, SE=SE, V=1, 
           L=0.1, type="forced", shape="hcylinder")
  Toperative<-cbind(Toperative, temp)
cloud<-seq(0, 1, 0.1)
Toperative<-data.frame(SE=seq(0,1100,100), Toperative)
colnames(Toperative)<-c("SE", seq(0,1,0.1))
matplot(Toperative$SE, Toperative[,-1], ylim=c(30, 50), type="l", xlim=c(0,1000),
        main="Effects of changing RH from 0 to 1",
        ylab="Operative Temperature (°C)", xlab="Solar Radiation (W/m2)", lty=1,
for(i in 2:12){
  x<-Toperative[,1]; y<-Toperative[,i]
  b<-coefficients(lm1)[1]; m<-coefficients(lm1)[2]
  if(max(y)>ymax) {xpos<-(ymax-b)/m; ypos<-ymax}
  if(max(y)<ymax) {xpos<-xmax; ypos<-y[which(x==1000)]}
  text(xpos, ypos, labels=cloud[(i-1)])

Tg<-Tground(Ta, SE)
(qrad.A<-qrad(Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, Tg=Tg, RH=RH, E=E, rho=0.03, cloud=1, SE=SE))
(qrad.A<-qrad(Ts=Ts, Ta=Ta, Tg=Tg, RH=RH, E=E, rho=0.07, cloud=1, SE=SE))
(qconv.forced.A<-qconv(Ts, Ta, V, L, type=type, shape=shape))
qconv(Ts, Ta, V, L, type="free", shape=shape)
gtatters/Thermimage documentation built on Sept. 28, 2021, 2:02 p.m.