
Defines functions bdef

Documented in bdef

#' Spatial Deformation via tensor product of B-splines
#' This function finds a spatial deformation for the coordinates of data from 
#' a Gaussian process. The deformation is based on the penalized fitting of a 
#' tensor product of B-spline basis functions.
#' @param cov.model A model for the spatial covariance function. See
#'                     \code{\link{RMmodel}} from the RandomFields package
#'                     for details. Defaults to Exponential model with
#'                     unknown variance and scale, without a nugget effect. Right
#'                     now the model doesn't allow space-time covariance models.
#'                     TODO: default RMexp(var = NA, scale = NA) + RMnugget(var = NA)
#' @param x A n times 2 matrix of coordinates for the sampled data points. The
#'                     rows must be unique, corresponding to distinct sample
#'                     locations. Alternatively, a n times 3 matrix with the third
#'                     column corresponding to time. The times must be in a regular
#'                     grid and exist in all spatial locations (TODO generalize).
#' @param y A vector of length n*m with the values taken by the response
#'                     at the corresponding spatial locations in x, for
#'                     each time point t_1, ..., t_m.
#' @param tim A vector of equally spaced time positions, or NULL, in which
#'                     the temporal component of the model is ignored.
#'                     Defaults to NULL. Each time point must have the
#'                     same corresponding locations as rows in x.
#' @param df1 Degrees of freedom for the tensor product of splines along
#'                     the x[,1] coordinate. Defaults to 4.
#' @param df2 Degrees of freedom for the tensor product of splines along
#'                     the x[,2] coordinate. Defaults to 4.
#' @param window A list with two named entries, "x" and "y", each a length 2
#'                     numeric vector with the minimum and maximum values
#'                     taken for the respective coordinate in the sampled
#'                     region. Defaults to the range of the columns in
#'                     argument x.
#' @param maxit The maximum number of iterations between
#'                     optimization of the covariance parameters
#'                     and estimation of the spline coefficients.
#'                     Defaults to 2.
#' @param traceback Whether the function will return each step
#'                     of the optimization iterations, as a list.
#'                     For debugging purposes. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param fullDes Whether the returned object will include a processed
#'                     copy of the dataset. Needed for the
#'                     \code{\link{plotGDdist}} function, but can be set
#'                     to FALSE if the user has no interest in GDdist.
#'                     Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param type Method to fit the deformation model, a choice of "jacobian" (default),
#'                     and "none" (no penalty).
#' @param iterate Keep iterating nonmetric multidimensional scaling using
#'                     variogram function as transformation. Defaults to TRUE. 
#'                     Ignored if method = "likelihood".
#' @param ... Additional arguments for RFfit.
#' @export
#' @return \code{bdef} returns an object of \code{\link{class}} "bdef"
#' containing at least the following components
#'   \item{window}{The rectangular spatial domain in which the
#'                data was sampled}
#'   \item{basis}{list of B-spline basis functions, inherited from
#'                \code{\link{bs}}, with one set for each coordinate}
#'   \item{theta1}{B-spline coefficients for the coordinate x1}
#'   \item{theta2}{B-spline coefficients for the coordinate x2}
#' @examples
#' # Example using artificially generated data
#' set.seed(1)
#' m <- 10
#' x1 <- (0:m)/m
#' x2 <- (0:m)/m
#' x <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x1,x2))
#' n <- nrow(x)
#' F1 <- function(x1,x2, a = 2.5, b = 1.0) {
#' x <- x1 - 0.5; y <- x2 - 0.5
#' angle <- a*exp(-(x*x+y*y)/(b*b)) + 3*pi/2
#' return(cos(angle)*x + sin(angle)*y + 0.5)
#' }
#' F2 <- function(x1,x2, a = 2.5, b = 1.0) {
#' x <- x1 - 0.5; y <- x2 - 0.5
#' angle <- a*exp(-(x*x+y*y)/(b*b)) + 3*pi/2
#' return(-sin(angle)*x + cos(angle)*y + 0.5)
#' }
#' TIME <- 20
#' covModel <- RMexp(var = 1, scale = .25) + RMnugget(var = 1) # Independent in time
#' data <- RFsimulate(covModel, x = F1(x[,1],x[,2]), y = F2(x[,1],x[,2]), 
#'                    T = seq(from = 1, by = 1, len = TIME)) # order ~ expand.grid(x, y, T)
#' y <- as.numeric(unlist(data@data))
#' # Model for spatial dependence, time is assumed independent
#' covModelM <- RMexp(var = NA, scale = NA) + RMnugget(var = NA)
#' # No deformation reference, entries are independent in time
#' test.nondef <- RFfit(covModelM, x = x[,1], y = x[,2], 
#'                      # T = seq(from = 1, by = 1, len = TIME), # slow?
#'                      # data = y)
#'                      data = matrix(y, ncol = TIME))
#' # Calculates deformation, profle likelihood up to maxit times
#' test.def <- bdef(x, y, tim = 1:TIME, cov.model = covModelM, maxit = 10)
#' # Estimated deformation
#' plotGrid(test.def)
#' # Comparison of Variograms
#' plot(test.nondef, ylim = c(0,2), xlim = c(0,0.7),
#'      model = list(`true model` = RMexp(var = 1, scale = .25) + RMnugget(var = 1)))
#' plot(test.def$model, ylim = c(0,2), xlim = c(0,0.7),
#'      model = list(`true model` = RMexp(var = 1, scale = .25) + RMnugget(var = 1)))
#' \dontrun{
#' test.def2 <- bdef(x, y, tim = 1:TIME, cov.model = covModelM, maxit = 10, iterate = TRUE)
#' # Estimated deformation
#' plotGrid(test.def2)
#' # Comparison of Variograms
#' plot(test.def2$model, ylim = c(0,2), xlim = c(0,0.7),
#'      model = list(`true model` = RMexp(var = 1, scale = .25) + RMnugget(var = 1)))
#' }
#' @author Guilherme Ludwig and Ronaldo Dias
#' @references
#'   To add.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RandomFields}}
#' @keywords Spatial Statistics
#' @keywords Functional Data Analysis
bdef <- function(x, y, tim = NULL,
                 cov.model = RMexp(var = NA, scale = NA),
                 type = c("jacobian", "none"),
                 target = c("stress", "likelihood"),
                 df1 = 6, df2 = 6, 
                 window = list(x = range(x[,1]), y = range(x[,2])),
                 maxit = 2, traceback = TRUE, 
                 fullDes = TRUE, 
                 xtol = 1e-4, mxeval = 500, iterate = TRUE,
                 ...) {
  RFoptions(printlevel = 0, warn_normal_mode = FALSE)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  target <- match.arg(target)
  if(maxit < 0){
    maxit <- 1
    message("x coerced to be a matrix, please check input.")
    x <- as.matrix(x)
  # Assuming total separability for now!
  n <- nrow(x)
  m <- length(tim)
    tim <- unique(x[,3])
    x <- x[,-1*(3:ncol(x))]
    x <- unique(x)
  } else {
    # x <- unique(x) # Why I needed this?
    x <- x
  B1 <- bs(range(x[, 1]), df = df1, intercept = TRUE, degree = 1)
  B2 <- bs(range(x[, 2]), df = df2, intercept = TRUE, degree = 1)
  basis <- list(B1 = B1, B2 = B2)
  dB1 <- splineDesign(knots = c(rep(attr(B1, "Boundary.knots")[1],
                                    attr(B1, "degree") + 1),
                                attr(B1, "knots"),
                                rep(attr(B1, "Boundary.knots")[2],
                                    attr(B1, "degree") + 1)),
                      x = x[, 1, drop = FALSE], outer.ok = TRUE,
                      derivs = 1, ord = 2)
  dB2 <- splineDesign(knots = c(rep(attr(B2, "Boundary.knots")[1],
                                    attr(B2, "degree") + 1),
                                attr(B2, "knots"),
                                rep(attr(B2, "Boundary.knots")[2],
                                    attr(B2, "degree") + 1)),
                      x = x[, 2, drop = FALSE], outer.ok = TRUE,
                      derivs = 1, ord = 2)
  B1 <- predict(B1, x[ , 1, drop = FALSE])
  B2 <- predict(B2, x[ , 2, drop = FALSE])
  # matplot(sort(x[,1]), B1[order(x[,1]),], type = "l")
  # matplot(sort(x[,2]), B2[order(x[,2]),], type = "l")
  # matplot(sort(x[,1]), dB1[order(x[,1]),], type = "l")
  # matplot(sort(x[,2]), dB2[order(x[,2]),], type = "l")
  # v <- seq(0,1,0.01)
  # matplot(v, predict(B1, v), type = "l")
  # matplot(v, predict(B2, v), type = "l")
  # Left goes slower, see
  # kronecker(matrix(c("a11","a21","a12","a22"), ncol = 2),
  #           matrix(c("b11","b21","b12","b22"), ncol = 2),
  #           FUN = "paste")
  W <- matrix(0, n, df1*df2)
  for(i in 1:n) W[i,] <- kronecker(B2[i, ], B1[i, ])
  # .001*diag(df1*df2)/max(W) just to guarantee solution, but it 
  # is not necessary really
  theta00 <- as.numeric(solve(crossprod(W) + .001*diag(df1*df2)/max(W), crossprod(W, x)))
  # plot(x[,1], W%*%matrix(theta00[1:(df1*df2)], nrow = df1*df2))
  # plot(x[,2], W%*%matrix(theta00[df1*df2 + 1:(df1*df2)], nrow = df1*df2))
  # all.equal(round(cbind(W%*%matrix(theta00[1:(df1*df2)], nrow = df1*df2), W%*%matrix(theta00[df1*df2 + 1:(df1*df2)], nrow = df1*df2)),2), x)
    model0 <- try(RFfit(model = cov.model, x = x[,1], y = x[,2], 
                        data = matrix(y, nrow = n), ...),
                  silent = TRUE)
  if(target == "likelihood"){
    theta0 <- switch(type, 
                     jacobian = nloptr::auglag(theta00,
                                               fn = likelihoodTarget, # gr = dLikelihoodTarget,
                                               hin = jacobianConstraint, # hin.jac = dJacobianConstraint,
                                               control.outer = list(trace = FALSE,
                                                                    kkt2.check = FALSE),
                                               DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                               b1 = B1, b2 = B2,
                                               db1 = dB1, db2 = dB2,
                                               M = model0, X = x, w = W,
                                               Y = matrix(y, ncol = m))$solution,
                     none = optim(theta00,
                                  fn = likelihoodTarget, # gr = dLikelihoodTarget,
                                  DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                  M = model0, X = x, w = W,
                                  Y = matrix(y, nrow = n))$par)
  } else {
    converted <- matrix(y, nrow = nrow(x))
    # colnames(converted) <- c(paste0("y", seq_len(ncol(converted)-2)),
    #                          "coords.x1","coords.x2")
    Sigma <- var(t(converted)) # RFvariogram(data = converted) # RFcovmatrix(model0, x = x[,1], y = x[,2])
    # Cor <- Sigma/sqrt(diag(Sigma) %o% diag(Sigma))
    # SV <- 2 - 2 * Cor
    SV <- kronecker(matrix(1, nrow = nrow(Sigma)), 
                    matrix(diag(Sigma), ncol = ncol(Sigma))) + 
      kronecker(matrix(1, ncol = ncol(Sigma)), 
                matrix(diag(Sigma), nrow = nrow(Sigma))) +
      -2*Sigma # Sample Variog
    hatf0 <- MASS::isoMDS(SV, trace = FALSE)$points
    theta0 <- switch(type, 
                     jacobian = nloptr::nloptr(theta00,
                                               eval_f = mdsTarget,
                                               ub = rep(Inf, length(theta00)),
                                               lb = rep(0, length(theta00)),
                                               eval_grad_f = dMdsTarget, 
                                               eval_g_ineq = mdsConstraint, 
                                               opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_MMA", #"NLOPT_LN_COBYLA",
                                                           xtol_rel = xtol, 
                                                           maxeval = mxeval), # required
                                               DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                               M = model0, X = x, w = W,
                                               Y = hatf0),
                     none = optim(theta00,
                                  fn = mdsTarget, gr = dMdsTarget,
                                  method = "BFGS",
                                  DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                  M = model0, X = x, w = W,
                                  Y = hatf0))
    if(type == "jacobian" && theta0$status == 5) warning("Maxeval reached, perhaps increase to attain convergence?")
    theta0 <- switch(type,
                     jacobian = theta0$solution,
                     none = theta0$par)
    # Last one should equal
    # theta0a <- as.numeric(solve(crossprod(W), crossprod(W, hatf0)))
  # Traces the deformation map estimation
  if(traceback) {
    trace <- list()
    trace[["model_0"]] <- model0
    trace[["theta_0"]] <- list(theta1 = theta0[1:(df1*df2)],
                               theta2 = theta0[1:(df1*df2) + (df1*df2)])
  f1 <- as.numeric(W%*%theta0[1:(df1*df2)])
  f2 <- as.numeric(W%*%theta0[1:(df1*df2) + (df1*df2)])
    model1 <- try(RFfit(model = cov.model, x = f1, y = f2, # T = tim, 
                        data = matrix(y, nrow = n), ...), silent = TRUE)
  if(!iterate) {
    theta.new <- theta0 # Won't iterate
  } else if(target == "likelihood"){
    theta.new <- switch(type, 
                        jacobian = nloptr::auglag(theta0,
                                                  fn = likelihoodTarget, # gr = dLikelihoodTarget,
                                                  hin = jacobianConstraint, # hin.jac = dJacobianConstraint,
                                                  control.outer = list(trace = FALSE,
                                                                       kkt2.check = FALSE),
                                                  DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                                  b1 = B1, b2 = B2,
                                                  db1 = dB1, db2 = dB2,
                                                  M = model1, X = x, w = W,
                                                  Y = matrix(y, ncol = m))$solution,
                        none = optim(theta0,
                                     fn = likelihoodTarget, # gr = dLikelihoodTarget,
                                     DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                     M = model1, X = x, w = W,
                                     Y = matrix(y, nrow = n))$par)
  } else {
    # hatf1 <- optim(as.numeric(hatf0),
    #                fn = mdsKruskal,
    #                sv = SV, M = model1)$par
    # hatf1 <- matrix(hatf1, ncol = 2)
    hatf1 <- mdsKruskal(sv = SV, M = model1)
    theta.new <- switch(type, 
                        jacobian = nloptr::nloptr(theta0,
                                                  eval_f = mdsTarget,
                                                  ub = rep(Inf, length(theta00)),
                                                  lb = rep(0, length(theta00)),
                                                  eval_grad_f = dMdsTarget, 
                                                  eval_g_ineq = mdsConstraint, 
                                                  opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_MMA", #"NLOPT_LN_COBYLA",
                                                              xtol_rel = xtol, 
                                                              maxeval = mxeval), # required
                                                  DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                                  M = model1, X = x, w = W,
                                                  Y = hatf1),
                        none = optim(theta0,
                                     fn = mdsTarget, gr = dMdsTarget,
                                     method = "BFGS",
                                     DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                     M = model1, X = x, w = W,
                                     Y = hatf1))
    if(type == "jacobian" && theta.new$status == 5) warning("Maxeval reached, perhaps increase to attain convergence?")
    hatf0 <- hatf1
    theta.new <- switch(type,
                        jacobian = theta.new$solution,
                        none = theta.new$par)
  # Traces the deformation map estimation
  if(traceback) {
    trace[["model_1"]] <- model1
    trace[["theta_1"]] <- list(theta1 = theta.new[1:(df1*df2)],
                               theta2 = theta.new[1:(df1*df2) + (df1*df2)])
  it <- 1
  condition <- (target == "likelihood") | iterate # always terates if likelihood, else skip
  while(it < maxit & condition){
    model0 <- model1
    theta0 <- theta.new
    f1 <- as.numeric(W%*%theta0[1:(df1*df2)])
    f2 <- as.numeric(W%*%theta0[1:(df1*df2) + (df1*df2)])
      model1 <- try(RFfit(model = cov.model, x = f1, y = f2, # T = tim, 
                          data = matrix(y, nrow = n), ...), silent = TRUE)
    if(target == "likelihood"){
      theta0 <- switch(type, 
                       jacobian = nloptr::auglag(theta0,
                                                 fn = likelihoodTarget, # gr = dLikelihoodTarget,
                                                 hin = jacobianConstraint, # hin.jac = dJacobianConstraint,
                                                 control.outer = list(trace = FALSE,
                                                                      kkt2.check = FALSE),
                                                 DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                                 b1 = B1, b2 = B2,
                                                 db1 = dB1, db2 = dB2,
                                                 M = model0, X = x, w = W,
                                                 Y = matrix(y, ncol = m))$solution,
                       none = optim(theta0,
                                    fn = likelihoodTarget, # gr = dLikelihoodTarget,
                                    DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                    M = model0, X = x, w = W,
                                    Y = matrix(y, nrow = n))$par)
    } else {
      # debugonce(mdsKruskal); mdsKruskal(as.numeric(hatf0), sv = SV, M = model1)
      # hatf1 <- optim(as.numeric(hatf0),
      #                fn = mdsKruskal,
      #                sv = SV, M = model1)$par
      # hatf1 <- matrix(hatf1, ncol = 2)
      hatf1 <- mdsKruskal(sv = SV, M = model1)
      theta.new <- switch(type, 
                          jacobian = nloptr::nloptr(theta0,
                                                    eval_f = mdsTarget,
                                                    ub = rep(Inf, length(theta00)),
                                                    lb = rep(0, length(theta00)),
                                                    eval_grad_f = dMdsTarget, 
                                                    eval_g_ineq = mdsConstraint, 
                                                    opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_MMA", #"NLOPT_LN_COBYLA",
                                                                xtol_rel = xtol, 
                                                                maxeval = mxeval), # required
                                                    DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                                    M = model1, X = x, w = W,
                                                    Y = hatf1),
                          none = optim(theta0,
                                       fn = mdsTarget, gr = dMdsTarget,
                                       method = "BFGS",
                                       DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2,
                                       M = model1, X = x, w = W,
                                       Y = hatf1))
      if(type == "jacobian" && theta.new$status == 5) warning("Maxeval reached, perhaps increase to attain convergence?")
      hatf0 <- hatf1
      theta.new <- switch(type,
                          jacobian = theta.new$solution,
                          none = theta.new$par)
    tempCon <- abs(theta0 - theta.new)/abs(theta0)
    tempCon <- ifelse(is.nan(tempCon), TRUE, tempCon < 1e-6) # ignores theta0 = 0 entries, keep opt
    condition <- all(tempCon)
    it <- it + 1
    # Traces the deformation map estimation
    if(traceback) {
      trace[[paste0("model_", it)]] <- model1
      trace[[paste0("theta_", it)]] <- list(theta1 = theta.new[1:(df1*df2)],
                                            theta2 = theta.new[1:(df1*df2) + (df1*df2)])
  f1 <- as.numeric(W%*%theta.new[1:(df1*df2)])
  f2 <- as.numeric(W%*%theta.new[1:(df1*df2) + (df1*df2)])
  ret <- list(window = window,
              basis = basis,
              x = x, def.x = cbind(f1, f2), y = y, tim = tim,
              theta1 = theta.new[1:(df1*df2)],
              theta2 = theta.new[1:(df1*df2) + (df1*df2)],
              df1 = df1,
              df2 = df2,
              model = model1, 
              cov.model = cov.model,
              type = type,
              target = target)
  # Traces the deformation map estimation
    ret$trace <- trace
    if((!is.null(m)) && m > 1){
      ret$fullDes <- list(x = cbind(rep(x[,1], m), rep(x[,2], m)),
                          def.x = cbind(rep(f1, m), rep(f2, m)),
                          tim = tim,
                          y = y)
    } else {
      ret$fullDes <- list(x = x,
                          def.x = cbind(f1,f2),
                          tim = tim,
                          y = y)
  class(ret) <- "bdef"
  RFoptions(printlevel = 1, warn_normal_mode = TRUE)
guiludwig/bsplinedef documentation built on May 16, 2020, 10:24 p.m.