Man pages for guokai8/bioAnno
Build Annotation From Online Database

athTAIR10 geneid to ENTREZID
dot-extratGeneextract gene information from NCBI
dot-extratGOextract GO information from NCBI and filter by taxid
dot-getdbnameget database name by using species name
dot-getmartdbget species information in Ensembl
dot-get.species.infomodified from pathview kegg.species.code
dot-show.pathshow the package path
dot-show.tablesshow the package content
fromAnnHubextract annotation database by using AnnotationHub
fromEnsemblbuild annotation from ensembl
fromKEGGmake annotation database from KEGG and GO from NCBI
fromNCBIbuild annotation database from NCBI
fromOwnbuild Own annotation database with user defined annotation...
getTableget annotataion table from temporary package
is_installedcheck package installed or not
listSpecieslist species available in Ensembl
mergeDBmerge two orgDB with keys
simpleCapuppercase the first letter
guokai8/bioAnno documentation built on May 8, 2023, 12:42 p.m.