
# Looker API 3.0 Reference
# ### Authorization  The Looker API uses Looker **API3** credentials for authorization and access control. Looker admins can create API3 credentials on Looker's **Admin/Users** page. Pass API3 credentials to the **/login** endpoint to obtain a temporary access_token. Include that access_token in the Authorization header of Looker API requests. For details, see [Looker API Authorization](https://looker.com/docs/r/api/authorization)  ### Client SDKs  The Looker API is a RESTful system that should be usable by any programming language capable of making HTTPS requests. Client SDKs for a variety of programming languages can be generated from the Looker API's Swagger JSON metadata to streamline use of the Looker API in your applications. A client SDK for Ruby is available as an example. For more information, see [Looker API Client SDKs](https://looker.com/docs/r/api/client_sdks)  ### Try It Out!  The 'api-docs' page served by the Looker instance includes 'Try It Out!' buttons for each API method. After logging in with API3 credentials, you can use the \"Try It Out!\" buttons to call the API directly from the documentation page to interactively explore API features and responses.  ### Versioning  Future releases of Looker will expand this API release-by-release to securely expose more and more of the core power of Looker to API client applications. API endpoints marked as \"beta\" may receive breaking changes without warning. Stable (non-beta) API endpoints should not receive breaking changes in future releases. For more information, see [Looker API Versioning](https://looker.com/docs/r/api/versioning) 
# OpenAPI spec version: 3.0.0
# Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git

#' @title Space operations
#' @description swagger.Space
#' @field path Stores url path of the request.
#' @field apiClient Handles the client-server communication.
#' @field userAgent Set the user agent of the request.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' all_spaces Get All Spaces 
#' create_space Create Space 
#' delete_space Delete Space 
#' search_spaces Search Spaces 
#' space Get Space 
#' space_ancestors Get Space Ancestors 
#' space_children Get Space Children 
#' space_children_search Search Space Children 
#' space_dashboards Get Space Dashboards 
#' space_looks Get Space Looks 
#' space_parent Get Space Parent 
#' update_space Update Space 
#' }
#' @export
SpaceApi <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    userAgent = "Swagger-Codegen/1.0.0/r",
    apiClient = NULL,
    initialize = function(apiClient){
      if (!missing(apiClient)) {
        self$apiClient <- apiClient
      else {
        self$apiClient <- ApiClient$new()
    all_spaces = function(fields, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`fields`)) {
        queryParams['fields'] <- fields

      urlPath <- "/spaces"
      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "GET",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- SpaceBase$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    create_space = function(body, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`body`)) {
        body <- `body`$toJSONString()
      } else {
        body <- NULL

      urlPath <- "/spaces"
      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "POST",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Space$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    delete_space = function(space_id, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      urlPath <- "/spaces/{space_id}"
      if (!missing(`space_id`)) {
        urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "space_id", "\\}"), `space_id`, urlPath)

      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "DELETE",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Character$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    search_spaces = function(fields, page, per_page, limit, offset, sorts, name, id, parent_id, creator_id, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`fields`)) {
        queryParams['fields'] <- fields

      if (!missing(`page`)) {
        queryParams['page'] <- page

      if (!missing(`per_page`)) {
        queryParams['per_page'] <- per_page

      if (!missing(`limit`)) {
        queryParams['limit'] <- limit

      if (!missing(`offset`)) {
        queryParams['offset'] <- offset

      if (!missing(`sorts`)) {
        queryParams['sorts'] <- sorts

      if (!missing(`name`)) {
        queryParams['name'] <- name

      if (!missing(`id`)) {
        queryParams['id'] <- id

      if (!missing(`parent_id`)) {
        queryParams['parent_id'] <- parent_id

      if (!missing(`creator_id`)) {
        queryParams['creator_id'] <- creator_id

      urlPath <- "/spaces/search"
      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "GET",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Space$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    space = function(space_id, fields, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`fields`)) {
        queryParams['fields'] <- fields

      urlPath <- "/spaces/{space_id}"
      if (!missing(`space_id`)) {
        urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "space_id", "\\}"), `space_id`, urlPath)

      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "GET",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Space$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    space_ancestors = function(space_id, fields, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`fields`)) {
        queryParams['fields'] <- fields

      urlPath <- "/spaces/{space_id}/ancestors"
      if (!missing(`space_id`)) {
        urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "space_id", "\\}"), `space_id`, urlPath)

      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "GET",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Space$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    space_children = function(space_id, fields, page, per_page, sorts, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`fields`)) {
        queryParams['fields'] <- fields

      if (!missing(`page`)) {
        queryParams['page'] <- page

      if (!missing(`per_page`)) {
        queryParams['per_page'] <- per_page

      if (!missing(`sorts`)) {
        queryParams['sorts'] <- sorts

      urlPath <- "/spaces/{space_id}/children"
      if (!missing(`space_id`)) {
        urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "space_id", "\\}"), `space_id`, urlPath)

      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "GET",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Space$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    space_children_search = function(space_id, fields, sorts, name, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`fields`)) {
        queryParams['fields'] <- fields

      if (!missing(`sorts`)) {
        queryParams['sorts'] <- sorts

      if (!missing(`name`)) {
        queryParams['name'] <- name

      urlPath <- "/spaces/{space_id}/children/search"
      if (!missing(`space_id`)) {
        urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "space_id", "\\}"), `space_id`, urlPath)

      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "GET",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Space$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    space_dashboards = function(space_id, fields, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`fields`)) {
        queryParams['fields'] <- fields

      urlPath <- "/spaces/{space_id}/dashboards"
      if (!missing(`space_id`)) {
        urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "space_id", "\\}"), `space_id`, urlPath)

      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "GET",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Dashboard$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    space_looks = function(space_id, fields, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`fields`)) {
        queryParams['fields'] <- fields

      urlPath <- "/spaces/{space_id}/looks"
      if (!missing(`space_id`)) {
        urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "space_id", "\\}"), `space_id`, urlPath)

      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "GET",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- LookWithQuery$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    space_parent = function(space_id, fields, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`fields`)) {
        queryParams['fields'] <- fields

      urlPath <- "/spaces/{space_id}/parent"
      if (!missing(`space_id`)) {
        urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "space_id", "\\}"), `space_id`, urlPath)

      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "GET",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Space$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

    update_space = function(space_id, body, ...){
      args <- list(...)
      queryParams <- list()
      headerParams <- character()

      if (!missing(`body`)) {
        body <- `body`$toJSONString()
      } else {
        body <- NULL

      urlPath <- "/spaces/{space_id}"
      if (!missing(`space_id`)) {
        urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "space_id", "\\}"), `space_id`, urlPath)

      resp <- self$apiClient$callApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
                                 method = "PATCH",
                                 queryParams = queryParams,
                                 headerParams = headerParams,
                                 body = body, 
      if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
        returnObject <- Space$new()
        result <- returnObject$fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
        Response$new(returnObject, resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
        Response$new("API client error", resp)
      } else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
        Response$new("API server error", resp)

haarthi/R_sdk documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:28 p.m.