Defines functions FAM

Documented in FAM

#' Functional Additive Models
#' Functional additive models with a single predictor process
#' @param Y An \emph{n}-dimensional vector whose elements consist of scalar responses.
#' @param Lx A list of \emph{n} vectors containing the observed values for each individual. See \code{FPCA} for detail.
#' @param Lt A list of \emph{n} vectors containing the observation time points for each individual. Each vector should be sorted in ascending order. See \code{FPCA} for detail.
#' @param nEval The number of evaluation grid points for kernel smoothing (default is 51. If it is specified as 0, then estimated FPC scores in the training set are used for evaluation grid instead of equal grid).
#' @param newLx A list of the observed values for test set. See \code{predict.FPCA} for detail.
#' @param newLt A list of the observed time points for test set. See \code{predict.FPCA} for detail.
#' @param bwMethod The method of bandwidth selection for kernel smoothing, a positive value for designating K-fold cross-validtaion and zero for GCV (default is 50)
#' @param alpha The shrinkage factor (positive number) for bandwidth selection. See Han et al. (2016) (default is 0.7).
#' @param supp The lower and upper limits of kernel smoothing domain for studentized FPC scores, which FPC scores are divided by the square roots of eigenvalues (default is [-2,2]).
#' @param optns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value). See \code{FPCA}.
#' @details \code{FAM} fits functional additive models for a scalar response and single predictor process proposed by Müller and Yao (2007) that \deqn{E(Y | \mathbf{X}) = \sum_{k=1}^K g_{k}(\xi_{k}),} where \eqn{\xi_{k}} stand for the k-th FPC score of the the predictor process.
#' @return A list containing the following fields:
#' \item{mu}{Mean estimator of \eqn{EY}}
#' \item{fam}{A \emph{N} by \emph{K} matrix whose column vectors consist of the component function estimators at the given estimation points.}
#' \item{xi}{An \emph{N} by \emph{K} matrix whose column vectors consist of \emph{N} vectors of estimation points for each component function.}
#' \item{bw}{A \emph{K}-dimensional bandwidth vector.}
#' \item{lambda}{A \emph{K}-dimensional vector containing eigenvalues.}
#' \item{phi}{An \emph{nWorkGrid} by \emph{K} matrix containing eigenfunctions, supported by \code{WorkGrid}. See \code{FPCA}.}
#' \item{workGrid}{An \emph{nWorkGrid} by \emph{K_j} working grid, the internal regular grid on which the eigen analysis is carried on. See \code{FPCA}.}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1000)
#' library(MASS)
#' f1 <- function(t) 0.5*t
#' f2 <- function(t) 2*cos(2*pi*t/4)
#' f3 <- function(t) 1.5*sin(2*pi*t/4)
#' f4 <- function(t) 2*atan(2*pi*t/4)
#' n <- 100
#' N <- 100
#' sig <- diag(c(4.0,2.0,1.5,1.2))
#' scoreX <- mvrnorm(n,mu=rep(0,4),Sigma=sig)
#' scoreXTest <- mvrnorm(N,mu=rep(0,4),Sigma=sig)
#' Y <- f1(scoreX[,1]) + f2(scoreX[,2]) + f3(scoreX[,3]) + f4(scoreX[,4]) + rnorm(n,0,0.1)
#' YTest <- f1(scoreXTest[,1]) + f2(scoreXTest[,2]) + 
#'   f3(scoreXTest[,3]) + f4(scoreXTest[,4]) + rnorm(N,0,0.1)
#' phi1 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*sin(2*pi*t)
#' phi2 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*sin(4*pi*t)
#' phi3 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi*t)
#' phi4 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*cos(4*pi*t)
#' grid <- seq(0,1,length.out=21)
#' Lt <- Lx <- list()
#' for (i in 1:n) {
#'   Lt[[i]] <- grid
#'   Lx[[i]] <- scoreX[i,1]*phi1(grid) + scoreX[i,2]*phi2(grid) + 
#'     scoreX[i,3]*phi3(grid) + scoreX[i,4]*phi4(grid) + rnorm(1,0,0.01)
#' }
#' LtTest <- LxTest <- list()
#' for (i in 1:N) {
#'   LtTest[[i]] <- grid
#'   LxTest[[i]] <- scoreXTest[i,1]*phi1(grid) + scoreXTest[i,2]*phi2(grid) + 
#'     scoreXTest[i,3]*phi3(grid) + scoreXTest[i,4]*phi4(grid) + rnorm(1,0,0.01)
#' }
#' # estimation
#' fit <- FAM(Y=Y,Lx=Lx,Lt=Lt)
#' xi <- fit$xi
#' op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#' j <- 1
#' g1 <- f1(sort(xi[,j]))
#' tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g1*fit$fam[,j]))
#' plot(sort(xi[,j]),g1,type='l',col=2,ylim=c(-2.5,2.5),xlab='xi1')
#' points(sort(xi[,j]),tmpSgn*fit$fam[order(xi[,j]),j],type='l')
#' j <- 2
#' g2 <- f2(sort(xi[,j]))
#' tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g2*fit$fam[,j]))
#' plot(sort(xi[,j]),g2,type='l',col=2,ylim=c(-2.5,2.5),xlab='xi2')
#' points(sort(xi[,j]),tmpSgn*fit$fam[order(xi[,j]),j],type='l')
#' j <- 3
#' g3 <- f3(sort(xi[,j]))
#' tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g3*fit$fam[,j]))
#' plot(sort(xi[,j]),g3,type='l',col=2,ylim=c(-2.5,2.5),xlab='xi3')
#' points(sort(xi[,j]),tmpSgn*fit$fam[order(xi[,j]),j],type='l')
#' j <- 4
#' g4 <- f4(sort(xi[,j]))
#' tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g4*fit$fam[,j]))
#' plot(sort(xi[,j]),g4,type='l',col=2,ylim=c(-2.5,2.5),xlab='xi4')
#' points(sort(xi[,j]),tmpSgn*fit$fam[order(xi[,j]),j],type='l')
#' par(op)
#' # fitting
#' fit <- FAM(Y=Y,Lx=Lx,Lt=Lt,nEval=0)
#' yHat <- fit$mu+apply(fit$fam,1,'sum')
#' plot(yHat,Y)
#' abline(coef=c(0,1),col=2)
#' # R^2
#' R2 <- 1-sum((Y-yHat)^2)/sum((Y-mean(Y))^2)
#' R2
#' # prediction
#' fit <- FAM(Y=Y,Lx=Lx,Lt=Lt,newLx=LxTest,newLt=LtTest)
#' yHat <- fit$mu+apply(fit$fam,1,'sum')
#' plot(yHat,YTest,xlim=c(-10,10))
#' abline(coef=c(0,1),col=2)
#' @references
#' \cite{Müller, H.-G. and Yao, F. (2005), "Functional additive models", JASA, Vol.103, No.484, p.1534-1544.}
#' @export

FAM <- function(Y,Lx,Lt,nEval=51,newLx=NULL,newLt=NULL,bwMethod=0,alpha=0.7,supp=c(-2,2),optns=NULL){
  if (is.null(optns)==TRUE) {
      optns <- list() 
  n <- length(Y)
  tmpFPCA <- FPCA(Ly=Lx, Lt=Lt, optns=optns)
  XiStd <- t(t(tmpFPCA$xiEst)/sqrt(tmpFPCA$lambda))
  d <- length(tmpFPCA$lambda)
  estLambda <- tmpFPCA$lambda
  estEigen <- tmpFPCA$phi
  workGrid <- tmpFPCA$workGrid
  N <- xiStdGrid <- c()
  if (is.null(newLx)==TRUE | is.null(newLt)==TRUE) {
    if (nEval==0) {
      N <- nrow(XiStd)
      xiStdGrid <- XiStd
    } else {
      N <- nEval
      xiStdGrid <- matrix(rep(seq(supp[1],supp[2],length.out=N),d),nrow=N,ncol=d)
  } else {
    predobj <- predict.FPCA(object = tmpFPCA,newLy=newLx,newLt=newLt,K=d)
    xiStdGrid <- predobj$scores%*%diag(1/sqrt(tmpFPCA$lambda))
    N <- nrow(xiStdGrid)
  h <- c()
  for (j in 1:d) {
    if (bwMethod>0) {
      h[j] <- suppressWarnings(CVLwls1D(y=(Y-mean(Y)),t=XiStd[,j],kernel='epan',npoly=1,nder=0,dataType='Sparse',kFolds=bwMethod))
    } else {
      h[j] <- suppressWarnings(GCVLwls1D1(yy=(Y-mean(Y)),tt=XiStd[,j],kernel='epan',npoly=1,nder=0,dataType='Sparse')$bOpt)
  h <- alpha*h
  fam <- matrix(nrow=N,ncol=d)
  for (j in 1:d) {
    xiTmp <- sort(xiStdGrid[,j])
    fitTmp <- Lwls1D(bw=h[j],kernel_type='epan',xin=sort(XiStd[,j]),yin=(Y[order(XiStd[,j])]-mean(Y)),xout=xiTmp,npoly=1,nder=0)
    fam[,j] <- fitTmp[match(xiStdGrid[,j],xiTmp)]
    fam[,j] <- fam[,j] - mean(fam[,j])
  yMean <- mean(Y)
  xiGrid <- xiStdGrid%*%diag(sqrt(estLambda))
  bw <- h*sqrt(estLambda)
  phi <- estEigen
  fit <- list(mu=yMean, fam=fam, xi=xiGrid, bw=bw, lambda=estLambda, phi=phi, workGrid=workGrid)
hadjipantelis/tPACE documentation built on July 4, 2024, 8:10 a.m.