
Defines functions rows_get_or_execute rows_auto_copy rows_insert_prep rows_prep target_table tick commas err_vars rows_check_returning rows_check_ummatched rows_check_conflict rows_check_in_place rows_check_key rows_check_containment rows_check_by sql_coalesce has_returned_rows get_returned_rows set_returned_rows rows_delete.tbl_lazy rows_upsert.tbl_lazy rows_patch.tbl_lazy rows_update.tbl_lazy rows_append.tbl_lazy rows_insert.tbl_lazy

Documented in get_returned_rows has_returned_rows rows_append.tbl_lazy rows_delete.tbl_lazy rows_insert.tbl_lazy rows_patch.tbl_lazy rows_update.tbl_lazy rows_upsert.tbl_lazy

#' Edit individual rows in the underlying database table
#' @description
#' These are methods for the dplyr [rows_insert()], [`rows_append()`],
#' [`rows_update()`], [`rows_patch()`], [`rows_upsert()`], and [`rows_delete()`]
#' generics.
#' When `in_place = TRUE` these verbs do not generate `SELECT` queries, but
#' instead directly modify the underlying data using `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, or
#' `DELETE` operators. This will require that you have write access to
#' the database: the connection needs permission to insert, modify or delete
#' rows, but not to alter the structure of the table.
#' The default, `in_place = FALSE`, generates equivalent lazy tables (using
#' `SELECT` queries) that allow previewing the result without actually
#' modifying the underlying table on the database.
#' @export
#' @param x A lazy table.
#'   For `in_place = TRUE`, this must be a table instantiated with [tbl()] or
#'   [compute()], not to a lazy query. The [remote_name()] function is used to
#'   determine the name of the table to be updated.
#' @param y A lazy table, data frame, or data frame extensions (e.g. a tibble).
#' @inheritParams dplyr::rows_insert
#' @param conflict For `rows_insert()`, how should keys in `y` that conflict
#'   with keys in `x` be handled? A conflict arises if there is a key in `y`
#'   that already exists in `x`.
#'   One of:
#'   - `"error"`, the default, is not supported for database tables. To get the
#'     same behaviour add a unique index on the `by` columns and use
#'     `rows_append()`.
#'   - `"ignore"` will ignore rows in `y` with keys that conflict with keys in
#'     `x`.
#' @param unmatched For `rows_update()`, `rows_patch()`, and `rows_delete()`,
#'   how should keys in `y` that are unmatched by the keys in `x` be handled?
#'   One of:
#'   - `"error"`, the default, is not supported for database tables. Add a
#'     foreign key constraint on the `by` columns of `y` to let the database
#'     check this behaviour for you.
#'   - `"ignore"` will ignore rows in `y` with keys that are unmatched by the
#'     keys in `x`.
#' @param in_place  Should `x` be modified in place? If `FALSE` will
#'   generate a `SELECT` query that returns the modified table; if `TRUE`
#'   will modify the underlying table using a DML operation (`INSERT`, `UPDATE`,
#'   `DELETE` or similar).
#' @param returning Columns to return. See [get_returned_rows()] for details.
#' @param method A string specifying the method to use. This is only relevant for
#'   `in_place = TRUE`.
#' @importFrom dplyr rows_insert
#' @returns A new `tbl_lazy` of the modified data.
#'   With `in_place = FALSE`, the result is a lazy query that prints visibly,
#'   because the purpose of this operation is to preview the results.
#'   With `in_place = TRUE`, `x` is returned invisibly,
#'   because the purpose of this operation is the side effect of modifying rows
#'   in the table behind `x`.
#' @rdname rows-db
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
#' DBI::dbExecute(con, "CREATE TABLE Ponies (
#'    name TEXT,
#'    cutie_mark TEXT
#' )")
#' ponies <- tbl(con, "Ponies")
#' applejack <- copy_inline(con, data.frame(
#'   name = "Apple Jack",
#'   cutie_mark = "three apples"
#' ))
#' # The default behavior is to generate a SELECT query
#' rows_insert(ponies, applejack, conflict = "ignore")
#' # And the original table is left unchanged:
#' ponies
#' # You can also choose to modify the table with in_place = TRUE:
#' rows_insert(ponies, applejack, conflict = "ignore", in_place = TRUE)
#' # In this case `rows_insert()` returns nothing and the underlying
#' # data is modified
#' ponies
rows_insert.tbl_lazy <- function(x,
                                 by = NULL,
                                 conflict = c("error", "ignore"),
                                 copy = FALSE,
                                 in_place = FALSE,
                                 returning = NULL,
                                 method = NULL) {
  rows_check_in_place(x, in_place)
  table <- target_table(x, in_place)

  conflict <- rows_check_conflict(conflict)

  rows_check_containment(x, y)
  y <- rows_auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)

  by <- rows_check_by(by, y)

  rows_check_key(x, by, "x")
  rows_check_key(y, by, "y", unique = TRUE)

  new_columns <- setdiff(colnames(y), by)

  returning_cols <- rows_check_returning(x, returning, enexpr(returning))

  if (!is_null(table)) {
    sql <- sql_query_insert(
      con = remote_con(x),
      table = table,
      from = sql_render(y, remote_con(x), lvl = 1),
      insert_cols = colnames(y),
      by = by,
      conflict = conflict,
      returning_cols = returning_cols,
      method = method

    rows_get_or_execute(x, sql, returning_cols)
  } else {
    out <- union_all(x, anti_join(y, x, by = by))

    if (!is_empty(returning_cols)) {
      # Need to `union_all()` with `x` so that all columns of `x` exist in the result
      returned_rows <- anti_join(y, x, by = by) %>%
        union_all(x %>% filter(0 == 1)) %>%
        select(!!!returning_cols) %>%
      out <- set_returned_rows(out, returned_rows)


#' @inheritParams dplyr::rows_append
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr rows_append
#' @rdname rows-db
rows_append.tbl_lazy <- function(x,
                                 copy = FALSE,
                                 in_place = FALSE,
                                 returning = NULL) {
  rows_check_in_place(x, in_place)
  table <- target_table(x, in_place)

  rows_check_containment(x, y)
  y <- rows_auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)

  returning_cols <- rows_check_returning(x, returning, enexpr(returning))

  if (!is_null(table)) {
    sql <- sql_query_append(
      con = remote_con(x),
      table = table,
      from = sql_render(y, remote_con(x), lvl = 1),
      insert_cols = colnames(y),
      returning_cols = returning_cols

    rows_get_or_execute(x, sql, returning_cols)
  } else {
    out <- union_all(x, y)

    if (!is_empty(returning_cols)) {
      # Need to `union_all()` with `x` so that all columns of `x` exist in the result
      returned_rows <- union_all(y, x %>% filter(0 == 1)) %>%
        select(!!!returning_cols) %>%
      out <- set_returned_rows(out, returned_rows)


#' @inheritParams dplyr::rows_update
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr rows_update
#' @rdname rows-db
rows_update.tbl_lazy <- function(x,
                                 by = NULL,
                                 unmatched = c("error", "ignore"),
                                 copy = FALSE,
                                 in_place = FALSE,
                                 returning = NULL) {
  rows_check_in_place(x, in_place)
  table <- target_table(x, in_place)

  rows_check_containment(x, y)
  y <- rows_auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)

  by <- rows_check_by(by, y)

  rows_check_key(x, by, "x")
  rows_check_key(y, by, "y", unique = TRUE)

  unmatched <- rows_check_ummatched(unmatched)

  new_columns <- setdiff(colnames(y), by)

  returning_cols <- rows_check_returning(x, returning, enexpr(returning))

  if (!is_null(table)) {
    # TODO handle `returning_cols` here
    if (is_empty(new_columns)) {

    con <- remote_con(x)
    update_cols <- setdiff(colnames(y), by)
    update_values <- set_names(
      sql_table_prefix(con, update_cols, "...y"),

    sql <- sql_query_update_from(
      con = con,
      table = table,
      from = sql_render(y, remote_con(y), lvl = 1),
      by = by,
      update_values = update_values,
      returning_cols = returning_cols

    rows_get_or_execute(x, sql, returning_cols)
  } else {
    existing_columns <- setdiff(colnames(x), new_columns)
    updated <- x %>%
      select(!!!existing_columns) %>%
      inner_join(y, by = by)

    if (is_empty(new_columns)) {
      out <- x
    } else {
      unchanged <- anti_join(x, y, by = by)
      out <- union_all(unchanged, updated)

    if (!is_empty(returning_cols)) {
      returned_rows <- updated %>%
        select(!!!returning_cols) %>%
      out <- set_returned_rows(out, returned_rows)


#' @inheritParams dplyr::rows_patch
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr rows_patch
#' @rdname rows-db
rows_patch.tbl_lazy <- function(x,
                                by = NULL,
                                unmatched = c("error", "ignore"),
                                copy = FALSE,
                                in_place = FALSE,
                                returning = NULL) {
  rows_check_in_place(x, in_place)
  table <- target_table(x, in_place)

  rows_check_containment(x, y)
  y <- rows_auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)

  by <- rows_check_by(by, y)

  rows_check_key(x, by, "x")
  rows_check_key(y, by, "y", unique = TRUE)

  unmatched <- rows_check_ummatched(unmatched)

  new_columns <- setdiff(colnames(y), by)

  returning_cols <- rows_check_returning(x, returning, enexpr(returning))

  if (!is_null(table)) {
    # TODO handle `returning_cols` here
    if (is_empty(new_columns)) {

    con <- remote_con(x)

    update_cols <- setdiff(colnames(y), by)
    update_values <- sql_coalesce(
      sql_table_prefix(con, update_cols, table),
      sql_table_prefix(con, update_cols, "...y")
    update_values <- set_names(update_values, update_cols)

    sql <- sql_query_update_from(
      con = con,
      table = table,
      from = sql_render(y, remote_con(y), lvl = 1),
      by = by,
      update_values = update_values,
      returning_cols = returning_cols

    rows_get_or_execute(x, sql, returning_cols)
  } else {
    to_patch <- inner_join(
      x, y,
      by = by,
      suffix = c("", "...y")

    patch_columns_y <- paste0(new_columns, "...y")
    patch_quos <-
        function(.x) quo(coalesce(!!sym(new_columns[.x]), !!sym(patch_columns_y[.x])))
      ) %>%
    if (is_empty(new_columns)) {
      patched <- to_patch
      out <- x
    } else {
      patched <- to_patch %>%
        mutate(!!!patch_quos) %>%
      unchanged <- anti_join(x, y, by = by)
      out <- union_all(unchanged, patched)

    if (!is_empty(returning_cols)) {
      returned_rows <- patched %>%
        select(!!!returning_cols) %>%
      out <- set_returned_rows(out, returned_rows)


#' @export
#' @inheritParams dplyr::rows_upsert
#' @importFrom dplyr rows_upsert
#' @rdname rows-db
rows_upsert.tbl_lazy <- function(x,
                                 by = NULL,
                                 copy = FALSE,
                                 in_place = FALSE,
                                 returning = NULL,
                                 method = NULL) {
  rows_check_in_place(x, in_place)
  table <- target_table(x, in_place)

  rows_check_containment(x, y)
  y <- rows_auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)

  by <- rows_check_by(by, y)

  rows_check_key(x, by, "x")
  rows_check_key(y, by, "y", unique = TRUE)

  returning_cols <- rows_check_returning(x, returning, enexpr(returning))

  new_columns <- setdiff(colnames(y), by)

  if (!is_null(table)) {
    # TODO use `rows_insert()` here
    if (is_empty(new_columns)) {

    sql <- sql_query_upsert(
      con = remote_con(x),
      table = table,
      from = sql_render(y, remote_con(x), lvl = 1),
      by = by,
      update_cols = setdiff(colnames(y), by),
      returning_cols = returning_cols,
      method = method

    rows_get_or_execute(x, sql, returning_cols)
  } else {
    inserted <- anti_join(y, x, by = by)

    if (is_empty(new_columns)) {
      unchanged <- x
      upserted <- inserted
    } else {
      unchanged <- anti_join(x, y, by = by)
      existing_columns <- setdiff(colnames(x), new_columns)
      updated <- x %>%
        select(!!!existing_columns) %>%
        inner_join(y, by = by)
      upserted <- union_all(updated, inserted)

    out <- union_all(unchanged, upserted)

    if (!is_empty(returning_cols)) {
      returned_rows <- upserted %>%
        select(!!!returning_cols) %>%
      out <- set_returned_rows(out, returned_rows)


#' @export
#' @inheritParams dplyr::rows_delete
#' @importFrom dplyr rows_delete
#' @rdname rows-db
rows_delete.tbl_lazy <- function(x,
                                 by = NULL,
                                 unmatched = c("error", "ignore"),
                                 copy = FALSE,
                                 in_place = FALSE,
                                 returning = NULL) {
  rows_check_in_place(x, in_place)
  table <- target_table(x, in_place)

  rows_check_containment(x, y)
  y <- rows_auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)

  by <- rows_check_by(by, y)

  rows_check_key(x, by, "x")
  rows_check_key(y, by, "y")

  unmatched <- rows_check_ummatched(unmatched)

  returning_cols <- rows_check_returning(x, returning, enexpr(returning))

  extra <- setdiff(colnames(y), by)
  if (!is_empty(extra)) {
    message <- glue("Ignoring extra `y` columns: ", commas(tick(extra)))
    inform(message, class = c("dplyr_message_delete_extra_cols", "dplyr_message"))

  if (!is_null(table)) {
    sql <- sql_query_delete(
      con = remote_con(x),
      table = table,
      from = sql_render(y, remote_con(x), lvl = 2),
      by = by,
      returning_cols = returning_cols

    rows_get_or_execute(x, sql, returning_cols)
  } else {
    out <- anti_join(x, y, by = by)

    if (!is_empty(returning_cols)) {
      returned_rows <- semi_join(x, y, by = by) %>%
        select(!!!returning_cols) %>%
      out <- set_returned_rows(out, returned_rows)


set_returned_rows <- function(x, returned_rows) {
  attr(x, "returned_rows") <- as_tibble(returned_rows)

#' Extract and check the `RETURNING` rows
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' `get_returned_rows()` extracts the `RETURNING` rows produced by
#' [rows_insert()], [rows_append()], [rows_update()], [rows_upsert()],
#' or [rows_delete()] if these are called with the `returning` argument.
#' An error is raised if this information is not available.
#' @param x A lazy tbl.
#' @return For `get_returned_rows()`, a tibble.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
#' DBI::dbExecute(con, "CREATE TABLE Info (
#'    number INTEGER
#' )")
#' info <- tbl(con, "Info")
#' rows1 <- copy_inline(con, data.frame(number = c(1, 5)))
#' rows_insert(info, rows1, conflict = "ignore", in_place = TRUE)
#' info
#' # If the table has an auto incrementing primary key, you can use
#' # the returning argument + `get_returned_rows()` its value
#' rows2 <- copy_inline(con, data.frame(number = c(13, 27)))
#' info <- rows_insert(
#'   info,
#'   rows2,
#'   conflict = "ignore",
#'   in_place = TRUE,
#'   returning = id
#' )
#' info
#' get_returned_rows(info)
get_returned_rows <- function(x) {
  out <- attr(x, "returned_rows", TRUE)
  if (is.null(out)) {
    cli_abort("No returned rows available.")

#' has_returned_rows()
#' `has_returned_rows()` checks if `x` has stored RETURNING rows produced by
#' [rows_insert()], [rows_append()], [rows_update()], [rows_upsert()],
#' or [rows_delete()].
#' @param x A lazy tbl.
#' @return For `has_returned_rows()`, a scalar logical.
#' @rdname get_returned_rows
#' @export
has_returned_rows <- function(x) {
  !identical(attr(x, "returned_rows"), NULL)

sql_coalesce <- function(x, y) {
  sql(paste0("COALESCE(", x, ", ", y, ")"))

# check helpers -----------------------------------------------------------

rows_check_by <- function(by, y, ..., error_call = caller_env()) {

  if (is.null(by)) {
    if (ncol(y) == 0L) {
      cli_abort("{.arg y} must have at least one column.", call = error_call)

    by <- colnames(y)[[1]]

      message = glue("Matching, by = \"{by}\""),
      class = c("dplyr_message_matching_by", "dplyr_message")

  if (!is.character(by)) {
    cli_abort("{.arg by} must be a character vector.", call = error_call)
  if (is_empty(by)) {
    cli_abort("{.arg by} must specify at least 1 column.", call = error_call)
  if (!all(names2(by) == "")) {
    cli_abort("{.arg by} must be unnamed.", call = error_call)


rows_check_containment <- function(x, y, ..., error_call = caller_env()) {

  bad <- setdiff(colnames(y), colnames(x))

  if (!is_empty(bad)) {
    bad <- err_vars(bad)

    message <- c(
      "All columns in {.arg y} must exist in {.arg x}.",
      i = "The following columns only exist in {.arg y}: {.field {bad}}."

    cli_abort(message, call = error_call)


rows_check_key <- function(x,
                           unique = FALSE,
                           error_call = caller_env()) {

  missing <- setdiff(by, colnames(x))

  if (!is_empty(missing)) {
    missing <- err_vars(missing)

    message <- c(
      "All columns specified through {.arg by} must exist in {.arg x} and {.arg y}.",
      i = "The following columns are missing from {.arg {arg}}: {.field {missing}}."

    cli_abort(message, call = error_call)

rows_check_in_place <- function(df, in_place, call = caller_env()) {
  check_bool(in_place, call = call)

  if (!in_place) return()

  if (inherits(df, "tbl_TestConnection")) {
    cli_abort("{.code in_place = TRUE} does not work for simulated connections.", call = call)

rows_check_conflict <- function(conflict, error_call = caller_env()) {
  conflict <- arg_match(
    arg = conflict,
    values = c("error", "ignore"),
    error_arg = "conflict",
    error_call = error_call

  check_unsupported_arg(conflict, "ignore", call = error_call)

rows_check_ummatched <- function(unmatched, error_call = caller_env()) {
  unmatched <- arg_match(
    arg = unmatched,
    values = c("error", "ignore"),
    error_arg = "ummatched",
    error_call = error_call

  check_unsupported_arg(unmatched, "ignore", call = error_call)


rows_check_returning <- function(df, returning, returning_expr, error_call = caller_env()) {
  locs <- tidyselect::eval_select(returning_expr, df, error_call = error_call)
  returning_cols <- set_names(colnames(df)[locs], names(locs))

  if (is_empty(returning_cols)) return(returning_cols)

  if (inherits(df, "tbl_TestConnection")) {
    cli_abort("{.arg returning} does not work for simulated connections.", call = error_call)


err_vars <- function(x) {
  if (is.logical(x)) {
    x <- which(x)
  if (is.character(x)) {
    x <- encodeString(x, quote = "`")

  glue::glue_collapse(x, sep = ", ", last = if (length(x) <= 2) " and " else ", and ")

commas <- function(...) paste0(..., collapse = ", ")

tick <- function(x) {
  ifelse(is.na(x), "NA", encodeString(x, quote = "`"))

# other helpers -----------------------------------------------------------

target_table <- function(x, in_place) {
  # Never touch target table with `in_place = FALSE`
  if (!is_true(in_place)) {

  table <- remote_table(x)
  if (is_null(table)) {
    cli_abort("Can't determine name for target table. Set {.code in_place = FALSE} to return a lazy table.")


rows_prep <- function(con, table, from, by, lvl = 0) {
  y_name <- "...y"
  join_by <- list(x = by, y = by, x_as = y_name, y_as = table, condition = "=")
  where <- sql_join_tbls(con, by = join_by, na_matches = "never")

    from = sql_query_wrap(con, from, y_name, lvl = lvl),
    where = where

rows_insert_prep <- function(con, table, from, cols, by, lvl = 0) {
  out <- rows_prep(con, table, from, by, lvl = lvl)

  join_by <- list(x = by, y = by, x_as = table, y_as = "...y", condition = "=")
  where <- sql_join_tbls(con, by = join_by, na_matches = "never")
  out$conflict_clauses <- sql_clause_where_exists(table, where, not = TRUE)

  insert_cols <- escape(ident(cols), collapse = ", ", parens = TRUE, con = con)
  out$insert_clause <- sql_clause_insert(con, insert_cols, table)


rows_auto_copy <- function(x, y, copy, call = caller_env()) {
  if (same_src(x, y)) {

  table <- remote_table(x)
  x_types <- db_col_types(remote_con(x), table, call)

  if (!is_null(x_types)) {
    rows_check_containment(x, y, error_call = call)
    x_types <- x_types[colnames(y)]

  auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy, types = x_types)

rows_get_or_execute <- function(x, sql, returning_cols, call = caller_env()) {
  error <- "Can't modify database table {.val {remote_name(x)}}."
  con <- remote_con(x)

  if (is_empty(returning_cols)) {
    db_execute(con, sql, error, call = call)
  } else {
    returned_rows <- db_get_query(con, sql, error, call = call)
    x <- set_returned_rows(x, returned_rows)

hadley/dbplyr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 3:04 a.m.