
Defines functions case_when switch ifelse if_else `if` coth tanh sinh cosh round log bitwNot xor `%in%` `[` `[[` sql_translation.DBIConnection

#' @include translate-sql-conditional.R
#' @include translate-sql-window.R
#' @include translate-sql-helpers.R
#' @include translate-sql-paste.R
#' @include translate-sql-string.R
#' @include translate-sql-quantile.R
#' @include translate-sql-cut.R
#' @include escape.R
#' @include sql.R
#' @include utils.R
#' @include import-standalone-obj-type.R
#' @include import-standalone-types-check.R
#' @include utils-check.R
#' @include db-sql.R

#' @export
sql_translation.DBIConnection <- function(con) {

#' @export
#' @rdname sql_variant
#' @format NULL
base_scalar <- sql_translator(
  `+`    = function(x, y = NULL) {
    x <- escape_infix_expr(enexpr(x), x, escape_unary_minus = TRUE)
    if (is.null(y)) {
      if (is.numeric(x)) {
      } else {
    } else {
      y <- escape_infix_expr(enexpr(y), y)

      sql_expr(!!x + !!y)
  `*`    = sql_infix("*"),
  `/`    = sql_infix("/"),
  `%/%`  = sql_not_supported("%/%"),
  `%%`   = sql_infix("%"),
  `^`    = sql_prefix("POWER", 2),
  `-`    = function(x, y = NULL) {
    x <- escape_infix_expr(enexpr(x), x, escape_unary_minus = TRUE)
    if (is.null(y)) {
      if (is.numeric(x)) {
      } else {
    } else {
      y <- escape_infix_expr(enexpr(y), y)

      sql_expr(!!x - !!y)

  `$`   = function(x, name) {
    if (is.sql(x)) {
      glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "{x}.{.col name}")
    } else {
      eval(bquote(`$`(x, .(substitute(name)))))

  `[[`   = function(x, i) {
    # `x` can be a table, column or even an expression (e.g. for json)
    i <- enexpr(i)
    if (is.character(i)) {
      glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "{x}.{.col i}")
    } else if (is.numeric(i)) {
      i <- as.integer(i)
      glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "{x}[{.val i}]")
    } else {
      cli_abort("Can only index with strings and numbers")
  `[` = function(x, i) {
    glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "CASE WHEN ({i}) THEN ({x}) END")

  `!=`    = sql_infix("!="),
  `==`    = sql_infix("="),
  `<`     = sql_infix("<"),
  `<=`    = sql_infix("<="),
  `>`     = sql_infix(">"),
  `>=`    = sql_infix(">="),

  `%in%` = function(x, table) {
    if (is.sql(table) || length(table) > 1) {
      sql_expr(!!x %in% !!table)
    } else if (length(table) == 0) {
    } else {
      sql_expr(!!x %in% ((!!table)))

  `!`     = sql_prefix("NOT"),
  `&`     = sql_infix("AND"),
  `&&`    = sql_infix("AND"),
  `|`     = sql_infix("OR"),
  `||`    = sql_infix("OR"),
  xor     = function(x, y) {
    sql_expr(!!x %OR% !!y %AND NOT% (!!x %AND% !!y))

  # bitwise operators
  # SQL Syntax reference links:
  #   Hive: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+UDF#LanguageManualUDF-ArithmeticOperators
  #   Impala: https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/5-9-x/topics/impala_bit_functions.html
  #   PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/functions-math.html
  #   MS SQL: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/language-elements/bitwise-operators-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017
  #   MySQL https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html
  #   Oracle: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19253-01/817-6223/chp-typeopexpr-7/index.html
  #   SQLite: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sqlite/sqlite_bitwise_operators.htm
  #   Teradata: https://docs.teradata.com/reader/1DcoER_KpnGTfgPinRAFUw/h3CS4MuKL1LCMQmnubeSRQ
  bitwNot    = function(x) sql_expr(~ ((!!x))),
  bitwAnd    = sql_infix("&"),
  bitwOr     = sql_infix("|"),
  bitwXor    = sql_infix("^"),
  bitwShiftL = sql_infix("<<"),
  bitwShiftR = sql_infix(">>"),

  abs     = sql_prefix("ABS", 1),
  acos    = sql_prefix("ACOS", 1),
  asin    = sql_prefix("ASIN", 1),
  atan    = sql_prefix("ATAN", 1),
  atan2   = sql_prefix("ATAN2", 2),
  ceil    = sql_prefix("CEIL", 1),
  ceiling = sql_prefix("CEIL", 1),
  cos     = sql_prefix("COS", 1),
  cot     = sql_prefix("COT", 1),
  exp     = sql_prefix("EXP", 1),
  floor   = sql_prefix("FLOOR", 1),
  log     = function(x, base = exp(1)) {
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(base, exp(1)))) {
    } else {
      sql_expr(log(!!base, !!x))
  log10   = sql_prefix("LOG10", 1),
  round = function(x, digits = 0L) {
    sql_expr(ROUND(!!x, !!as.integer(digits)))
  sign    = sql_prefix("SIGN", 1),
  sin     = sql_prefix("SIN", 1),
  sqrt    = sql_prefix("SQRT", 1),
  tan     = sql_prefix("TAN", 1),
  # cosh, sinh, coth and tanh calculations are based on this article
  # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbolic_function
  cosh     = function(x) sql_expr((!!sql_exp(1, x) + !!sql_exp(-1, x)) / 2L),
  sinh     = function(x) sql_expr((!!sql_exp(1, x) - !!sql_exp(-1, x)) / 2L),
  tanh     = function(x) sql_expr((!!sql_exp(2, x) - 1L) / (!!sql_exp(2, x) + 1L)),
  coth     = function(x) sql_expr((!!sql_exp(2, x) + 1L) / (!!sql_exp(2, x) - 1L)),

  `if` = function(cond, if_true, if_false = NULL) {
    sql_if(enquo(cond), enquo(if_true), enquo(if_false))
  if_else = function(condition, true, false, missing = NULL) {
      enquo(condition), enquo(true), enquo(false), enquo(missing)
  ifelse = function(test, yes, no) sql_if(enquo(test), enquo(yes), enquo(no)),

  switch = function(x, ...) sql_switch(x, ...),
  case_when = function(..., .default = NULL, .ptype = NULL, .size = NULL) {
    sql_case_when(..., .default = .default, .ptype = .ptype, .size = .size)
  case_match = sql_case_match,

  `(` = function(x) {
  `{` = function(x) {
  desc = function(x) {
    glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "{x} DESC")

  is.null = sql_is_null,
  is.na = sql_is_null,
  na_if = sql_prefix("NULLIF", 2),
  coalesce = sql_prefix("COALESCE"),

  as.numeric = sql_cast("NUMERIC"),
  as.double = sql_cast("NUMERIC"),
  as.integer = sql_cast("INTEGER"),
  as.character = sql_cast("TEXT"),
  as.logical = sql_cast("BOOLEAN"),
  as.Date = sql_cast("DATE"),
  as.POSIXct = sql_cast("TIMESTAMP"),
  # MS SQL - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/data-types/int-bigint-smallint-and-tinyint-transact-sql
  # Hive - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+Types#LanguageManualTypes-IntegralTypes(TINYINT,SMALLINT,INT/INTEGER,BIGINT)
  # Postgres - https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/datatype-numeric.html
  # Impala - https://impala.apache.org/docs/build/html/topics/impala_bigint.html
  as.integer64  = sql_cast("BIGINT"),

  c = function(...) {
  `:` = function(from, to) from:to,

  between = function(x, left, right) {
    sql_expr(!!x %BETWEEN% !!left %AND% !!right)

  pmin = sql_aggregate_n("LEAST", "pmin"),
  pmax = sql_aggregate_n("GREATEST", "pmax"),

  # Copied onLoad
  `%>%` = NULL,

  # lubridate ---------------------------------------------------------------
  # https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SQL_Dialects_Reference/Functions_and_expressions/Date_and_time_functions
  as_date = sql_cast("DATE"),
  as_datetime = sql_cast("TIMESTAMP"),

  today = function() sql_expr(CURRENT_DATE),
  now = function() sql_expr(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),

  # https://modern-sql.com/feature/extract
  year = function(x) sql_expr(EXTRACT(year %from% !!x)),
  month = function(x) sql_expr(EXTRACT(month %from% !!x)),
  day = function(x) sql_expr(EXTRACT(day %from% !!x)),
  mday = function(x) sql_expr(EXTRACT(day %from% !!x)),
  yday = sql_not_supported("yday"),
  qday = sql_not_supported("qday"),
  wday = sql_not_supported("wday"),
  hour = function(x) sql_expr(EXTRACT(hour %from% !!x)),
  minute = function(x) sql_expr(EXTRACT(minute %from% !!x)),
  second = function(x) sql_expr(EXTRACT(second %from% !!x)),

  # String functions ------------------------------------------------------
  # SQL Syntax reference links:
  #   MySQL https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html
  #   Hive: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+UDF#LanguageManualUDF-StringFunctions
  #   Impala: https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/5-9-x/topics/impala_string_functions.html
  #   PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/functions-string.html
  #   MS SQL: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/string-functions-transact-sql
  #   Oracle: https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/functions002.htm#SQLRF51180

  # base R
  nchar = sql_prefix("LENGTH", 1),
  nzchar = function(x, keepNA = FALSE) {
    if (keepNA) {
      exp <- expr(!!x != "")
      translate_sql(!!exp, con = sql_current_con())
    } else {
      exp <- expr((is.na(!!x) | !!x != ""))
      translate_sql(!!exp, con = sql_current_con())
  tolower = sql_prefix("LOWER", 1),
  toupper = sql_prefix("UPPER", 1),
  trimws = function(x, which = "both") sql_str_trim(x, side = which),
  paste = sql_paste(" "),
  paste0 = sql_paste(""),
  substr = sql_substr("SUBSTR"),
  substring = sql_substr("SUBSTR"),
  cut = sql_cut,
  runif = function(n = n(), min = 0, max = 1) {
    sql_runif(RANDOM(), n = {{ n }}, min = min, max = max)

  # stringr functions
  str_length = sql_prefix("LENGTH", 1),
  str_to_lower = sql_prefix("LOWER", 1),
  str_to_upper = sql_prefix("UPPER", 1),
  str_to_title = sql_prefix("INITCAP", 1),
  str_trim = sql_str_trim,
  str_c = sql_paste(""),
  str_sub = sql_str_sub("SUBSTR"),
  str_like = function(string, pattern, ignore_case = TRUE) {
    if (isTRUE(ignore_case)) {
      sql_expr(!!string %LIKE% !!pattern)
    } else {
      cli::cli_abort("Backend only supports case insensitve {.fn str_like}.")

  str_conv = sql_not_supported("str_conv"),
  str_count = sql_not_supported("str_count"),

  fixed = function(pattern, ignore_case = FALSE) {
    check_unsupported_arg(ignore_case, allowed = FALSE)
  str_detect = function(string, pattern, negate = FALSE) {
      string = string,
      pattern = {{ pattern }},
      negate = negate,
      f_fixed = sql_str_detect_fixed_instr("detect")
  str_dup = sql_not_supported("str_dup"),
  str_ends = function(string, pattern, negate = FALSE) {
      string = string,
      pattern = {{ pattern }},
      negate = negate,
      f_fixed = sql_str_detect_fixed_instr("end")
  str_extract = sql_not_supported("str_extract"),
  str_extract_all = sql_not_supported("str_extract_all"),
  str_flatten = sql_not_supported("str_flatten"),
  str_glue = sql_not_supported("str_glue"),
  str_glue_data = sql_not_supported("str_glue_data"),
  str_interp = sql_not_supported("str_interp"),
  str_locate = sql_not_supported("str_locate"),
  str_locate_all = sql_not_supported("str_locate_all"),
  str_match = sql_not_supported("str_match"),
  str_match_all = sql_not_supported("str_match_all"),
  str_order = sql_not_supported("str_order"),
  str_pad = sql_not_supported("str_pad"),
  str_remove = sql_not_supported("str_remove"),
  str_remove_all = sql_not_supported("str_remove_all"),
  str_replace = sql_not_supported("str_replace"),
  str_replace_all = sql_not_supported("str_replace_all"),
  str_replace_na = sql_not_supported("str_replace_na"),
  str_sort = sql_not_supported("str_sort"),
  str_split = sql_not_supported("str_split"),
  str_split_fixed = sql_not_supported("str_split_fixed"),
  str_squish = sql_not_supported("str_squish"),
  str_starts = function(string, pattern, negate = FALSE) {
      string = string,
      pattern = {{ pattern }},
      negate = negate,
      f_fixed = sql_str_detect_fixed_instr("start")
  str_subset = sql_not_supported("str_subset"),
  str_trunc = sql_not_supported("str_trunc"),
  str_view = sql_not_supported("str_view"),
  str_view_all = sql_not_supported("str_view_all"),
  str_which = sql_not_supported("str_which"),
  str_wrap = sql_not_supported("str_wrap")

base_symbols <- sql_translator(
  pi = sql("PI()"),
  `*` = sql("*"),
  `NULL` = sql("NULL")
sql_exp <- function(a, x) {
  a <- as.integer(a)
  if (identical(a, 1L)) {
  } else if (identical(a, -1L)) {
  } else {
    sql_expr(EXP(!!a * ((!!x))))

#' @export
#' @rdname sql_variant
#' @format NULL
base_agg <- sql_translator(
  # SQL-92 aggregates
  # http://db.apache.org/derby/docs/10.7/ref/rrefsqlj33923.html
  n          = function() sql("COUNT(*)"),
  mean       = sql_aggregate("AVG", "mean"),
  sum        = sql_aggregate("SUM"),
  min        = sql_aggregate("MIN"),
  max        = sql_aggregate("MAX"),

  # https://blog.jooq.org/a-true-sql-gem-you-didnt-know-yet-the-every-aggregate-function/#comment-344695
  all        = sql_aggregate("MIN"),
  any        = sql_aggregate("MAX"),

  sd         = sql_not_supported("sd"),
  var        = sql_not_supported("var"),
  cor        = sql_not_supported("cor"),
  cov        = sql_not_supported("cov"),

  # Ordered set functions
  quantile = sql_quantile("PERCENTILE_CONT", "ordered"),
  median = sql_median("PERCENTILE_CONT", "ordered"),

  # `first()`, `last()` and `nth()` don't work as aggregate functions in SQL
  # b/c grouping takes places before sorting => it is undefined which value comes
  # first/last. See
  # https://stackoverflow.com/a/46805009/7529482
  # first = sql_prefix("FIRST_VALUE", 1),
  # last = sql_prefix("LAST_VALUE", 1),
  # nth = sql_prefix("NTH_VALUE", 2),

  n_distinct = function(x) {
    glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "COUNT(DISTINCT {x})")

#' @export
#' @rdname sql_variant
#' @format NULL
base_win <- sql_translator(
  # rank functions have a single order argument that overrides the default
  row_number   = win_rank("ROW_NUMBER"),
  min_rank     = win_rank("RANK"),
  rank         = win_rank("RANK"),
  dense_rank   = win_rank("DENSE_RANK"),
  percent_rank = win_rank("PERCENT_RANK"),
  cume_dist    = win_rank("CUME_DIST"),
  ntile        = function(x, n) {
      x %||% win_current_order()

  # Variants that take more arguments
  first = function(x, order_by = NULL, na_rm = FALSE) {
      x = x,
      n = 1L,
      order_by = order_by,
      na_rm = na_rm,
      ignore_nulls = "inside"
  last = function(x, order_by = NULL, na_rm = FALSE) {
      x = x,
      n = Inf,
      order_by = order_by,
      na_rm = na_rm,
      ignore_nulls = "inside"
  nth = function(x, n, order_by = NULL, na_rm = FALSE) {
      x = x,
      n = n,
      order_by = order_by,
      na_rm = na_rm,
      ignore_nulls = "inside"

  lead = function(x, n = 1L, default = NA, order_by = NULL) {
      sql_expr(LEAD(!!x, !!as.integer(n), !!default)),
      order_by %||% win_current_order(),
  lag = function(x, n = 1L, default = NA, order_by = NULL) {
      sql_expr(LAG(!!x, !!as.integer(n), !!default)),
      order_by %||% win_current_order(),
  # Recycled aggregate fuctions take single argument, don't need order and
  # include entire partition in frame.
  mean  = win_aggregate("AVG"),
  sum   = win_aggregate("SUM"),
  min   = win_aggregate("MIN"),
  max   = win_aggregate("MAX"),

  all   = win_aggregate("MIN"),
  any   = win_aggregate("MAX"),

  sd    = sql_not_supported("sd"),
  var   = sql_not_supported("var"),
  cor   = sql_not_supported("cor"),
  cov   = sql_not_supported("cov"),

  # Ordered set functions
  quantile = sql_quantile("PERCENTILE_CONT", "ordered", window = TRUE),
  median = sql_median("PERCENTILE_CONT", "ordered", window = TRUE),

  # Counts
  n     = function() {
    frame <- win_current_frame()
      partition = win_current_group(),
      order = if (!is.null(frame)) win_current_order(),
      frame = frame
  n_distinct = function(x) {
    win_over(glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "COUNT(DISTINCT {x})"), win_current_group())

  # Cumulative function are like recycled aggregates except that R names
  # have cum prefix, order_by is inherited and frame goes from -Inf to 0.
  cummean = win_cumulative("AVG"),
  cumsum  = win_cumulative("SUM"),
  cummin  = win_cumulative("MIN"),
  cummax  = win_cumulative("MAX"),

  # Manually override other parameters --------------------------------------
  order_by = function(order_by, expr) {
    old <- set_win_current_order(order_by)


#' @export
#' @rdname sql_variant
#' @format NULL
base_no_win <- sql_translator(
  row_number   = win_absent("row_number"),
  min_rank     = win_absent("min_rank"),
  rank         = win_absent("rank"),
  dense_rank   = win_absent("dense_rank"),
  percent_rank = win_absent("percent_rank"),
  cume_dist    = win_absent("cume_dist"),
  ntile        = win_absent("ntile"),
  mean         = win_absent("mean"),
  sd           = win_absent("sd"),
  var          = win_absent("var"),
  cov          = win_absent("cov"),
  cor          = win_absent("cor"),
  sum          = win_absent("sum"),
  min          = win_absent("min"),
  max          = win_absent("max"),
  all          = win_absent("all"),
  any          = win_absent("any"),
  median       = win_absent("median"),
  quantile     = win_absent("quantile"),
  n            = win_absent("n"),
  n_distinct   = win_absent("n_distinct"),
  cummean      = win_absent("cummean"),
  cumsum       = win_absent("cumsum"),
  cummin       = win_absent("cummin"),
  cummax       = win_absent("cummax"),
  nth          = win_absent("nth"),
  first        = win_absent("first"),
  last         = win_absent("last"),
  lead         = win_absent("lead"),
  lag          = win_absent("lad"),
  order_by     = win_absent("order_by"),
  str_flatten  = win_absent("str_flatten"),
  count        = win_absent("count")

utils::globalVariables(c("RANDOM", "%LIKE%"))
hadley/dbplyr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 3:04 a.m.