
Defines functions window_where translate_window_where_all translate_window_where common_window_funs is_aggregating uses_window_fun local_context sql_current_context set_current_context sql_current_con win_current_frame win_current_order win_current_group set_win_current_frame set_win_current_order set_win_current_group local_con set_current_con win_absent sql_nth win_cumulative win_aggregate_2 win_aggregate win_rank rows win_reset win_get win_register_names win_register win_register_deactivate win_register_activate win_over

Documented in win_absent win_aggregate win_aggregate_2 win_cumulative win_current_frame win_current_group win_current_order win_over win_rank

#' Generate SQL expression for window functions
#' `win_over()` makes it easy to generate the window function specification.
#' `win_absent()`, `win_rank()`, `win_aggregate()`, and `win_cumulative()`
#' provide helpers for constructing common types of window functions.
#' `win_current_group()` and `win_current_order()` allow you to access
#' the grouping and order context set up by [group_by()] and [arrange()].
#' @param expr The window expression
#' @param partition Variables to partition over
#' @param order Variables to order by
#' @param frame A numeric vector of length two defining the frame.
#' @param f The name of an sql function as a string
#' @param empty_order A logical value indicating whether to order by NULL if `order` is not specified
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' con <- simulate_dbi()
#' win_over(sql("avg(x)"), con = con)
#' win_over(sql("avg(x)"), "y", con = con)
#' win_over(sql("avg(x)"), order = "y", con = con)
#' win_over(sql("avg(x)"), order = c("x", "y"), con = con)
#' win_over(sql("avg(x)"), frame = c(-Inf, 0), order = "y", con = con)
win_over <- function(expr,
                     partition = NULL,
                     order = NULL,
                     frame = NULL,
                     con = sql_current_con()) {
  if (length(partition) > 0) {
    partition <- as.sql(partition, con = con)
    partition <- glue_sql2(con, "PARTITION BY {.val partition*}")

  if (length(order) > 0) {
    order <- as.sql(order, con = con)
    order <- glue_sql2(con, "ORDER BY {.val order*}")
  if (length(frame) > 0) {
    if (length(order) == 0) {
        "Windowed expression `{expr}` does not have explicit order.",
        i = "Please use {.fun arrange} or {.fun window_order} to make deterministic."

    if (is.numeric(frame)) frame <- rows(frame[1], frame[2])
    frame <- glue_sql2(con, "ROWS {frame}")

  over <- sql_vector(
    purrr::compact(list(partition, order, frame)),
    parens = TRUE,
    con = con

  if (sql_context$register_windows) {
  } else {
    over <- win_get(over, con)
  glue_sql2(con, "{.val expr} OVER {.val over}")

win_register_activate <- function() {
  sql_context$register_windows <- TRUE

win_register_deactivate <- function() {
  sql_context$register_windows <- FALSE

win_register <- function(over) {
  sql_context$windows <- append(sql_context$windows, over)

win_register_names <- function() {
  windows <- sql_context$windows %||% character()

  window_count <- vctrs::vec_count(windows, sort = "location")
  window_count <- vctrs::vec_slice(window_count, window_count$count > 1)
  if (nrow(window_count) > 0) {
    window_count$name <- ident(paste0("win", seq_along(window_count$key)))
  } else {
    window_count$name <- ident()
  window_count$key <- window_count$key

  sql_context$window_names <- window_count

win_get <- function(over, con) {
  windows <- sql_context$window_names

  if (vctrs::vec_in(over, windows$key)) {
    id <- vctrs::vec_match(over, windows$key)
  } else {

win_reset <- function() {
  sql_context$window_names <- NULL
  sql_context$windows <- list()

rows <- function(from = -Inf, to = 0) {
  if (from >= to) cli_abort("{.arg from} ({from}) must be less than {.arg to} ({to})")

  dir <- function(x) if (x < 0) "PRECEDING" else "FOLLOWING"
  val <- function(x) if (is.finite(x)) as.integer(abs(x)) else "UNBOUNDED"
  bound <- function(x) {
    if (x == 0) return("CURRENT ROW")
    paste(val(x), dir(x))

  if (to == 0) {
  } else {
    glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "BETWEEN {bound(from)} AND {bound(to)}")

#' @rdname win_over
#' @export
win_rank <- function(f, empty_order = FALSE) {

  function(order = NULL) {
    group <- win_current_group()
    order <- unwrap_order_expr({{ order }}, f = f)
    con <- sql_current_con()

    if (!is_null(order)) {
      order_over <- translate_sql_(order, con = con)

      order_symbols <- purrr::map_if(order, ~ quo_is_call(.x, "desc", n = 1L), ~ call_args(.x)[[1L]])

      is_na_exprs <- purrr::map(order_symbols, ~ expr(is.na(!!.x)))
      any_na_expr <- purrr::reduce(is_na_exprs, ~ call2("|", .x, .y))

      cond <- translate_sql((case_when(!!any_na_expr ~ 1L, TRUE ~ 0L)), con = con)
      group <- sql(group, cond)

      not_is_na_exprs <- purrr::map(order_symbols, ~ expr(!is.na(!!.x)))
      no_na_expr <- purrr::reduce(not_is_na_exprs, ~ call2("&", .x, .y))
    } else {
      order_over <- win_current_order()
      if (empty_order & is_empty(order_over)) {
        # For certain backends (e.g., Snowflake), need a subquery that returns
        # a constant to work if no ordering is specified
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44105691/row-number-without-order-by
        order_over <- sql("(SELECT NULL)")

    rank_sql <- win_over(
      partition = group,
      order = order_over,
      frame = win_current_frame()

    if (is_null(order)) {
    } else {
      translate_sql(case_when(!!no_na_expr ~ !!rank_sql), con = con)

#' @rdname win_over
#' @export
win_aggregate <- function(f) {
  function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
    frame <- win_current_frame()

      glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "{f}({.val x})"),
      partition = win_current_group(),
      order = if (!is.null(frame)) win_current_order(),
      frame = frame

#' @rdname win_over
#' @export
win_aggregate_2 <- function(f) {

  function(x, y) {
    frame <- win_current_frame()

      glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "{f}({.val x}, {.val y})"),
      partition = win_current_group(),
      order = if (!is.null(frame)) win_current_order(),
      frame = frame

#' @rdname win_over
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
win_recycled <- win_aggregate

#' @rdname win_over
#' @export
win_cumulative <- function(f) {
  function(x, order = NULL) {
      glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "{f}({.val x})"),
      partition = win_current_group(),
      order = order %||% win_current_order(),
      frame = c(-Inf, 0)

sql_nth <- function(x,
                    order_by = NULL,
                    na_rm = FALSE,
                    ignore_nulls = c("inside", "outside", "bool"),
                    error_call = caller_env()) {
  check_bool(na_rm, call = error_call)
  ignore_nulls <- arg_match(ignore_nulls, error_call = error_call)
  con <- sql_current_con()

  frame <- win_current_frame()
  args <- translate_sql(!!x, con = con)
  if (n == 1) {
    sql_f <- "FIRST_VALUE"
  } else if (is.infinite(n) && n > 0) {
    sql_f <- "LAST_VALUE"
    frame <- frame %||% c(-Inf, Inf)
  } else {
    sql_f <- "NTH_VALUE"
    if (is.numeric(n)) {
      n <- as.integer(n)
    args <- glue_sql2(con, "{args}, {.val n}")

  if (na_rm) {
    if (ignore_nulls == "inside") {
      sql_expr <- "{sql_f}({args} IGNORE NULLS)"
    } else if (ignore_nulls == "outside") {
      sql_expr <- "{sql_f}({args}) IGNORE NULLS"
    } else {
      sql_expr <- "{sql_f}({args}, TRUE)"
  } else {
    sql_expr <- "{sql_f}({args})"

    glue_sql2(con, sql_expr),
    order_by %||% win_current_order(),

#' @rdname win_over
#' @export
win_absent <- function(f) {

  function(...) {
    cli_abort("Window function {.fun {f}} is not supported by this database.")

# API to set default partitioning etc -------------------------------------

# Use a global variable to communicate state of partitioning between
# tbl and sql translator. This isn't the most amazing design, but it keeps
# things loosely coupled and is easy to understand.
sql_context <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
sql_context$group_by <- NULL
sql_context$order_by <- NULL
sql_context$con <- NULL
# Used to carry additional information needed for special cases
sql_context$context <- list()

sql_context$register_windows <- FALSE
sql_context$windows <- NULL
sql_context$window_names <- NULL

set_current_con <- function(con) {
  old <- sql_context$con
  sql_context$con <- con

local_con <- function(con, env = parent.frame()) {
  old <- set_current_con(con)
  withr::defer(set_current_con(old), envir = env)

set_win_current_group <- function(vars) {
  check_character(vars, allow_null = TRUE)

  old <- sql_context$group_by
  sql_context$group_by <- vars

set_win_current_order <- function(vars) {
  check_character(vars, allow_null = TRUE)

  old <- sql_context$order_by
  sql_context$order_by <- vars

set_win_current_frame <- function(frame) {

  old <- sql_context$frame
  sql_context$frame <- frame
#' @export
#' @rdname win_over
win_current_group <- function() sql_context$group_by

#' @export
#' @rdname win_over
win_current_order <- function() sql_context$order_by

#' @export
#' @rdname win_over
win_current_frame <- function() sql_context$frame

# Not exported, because you shouldn't need it
sql_current_con <- function() {

# Functions to manage information for special cases
set_current_context <- function(context) {
  old <- sql_context$context
  sql_context$context <- context

sql_current_context <- function() sql_context$context

local_context <- function(x, env = parent.frame()) {
  old <- set_current_context(x)
  withr::defer(set_current_context(old), envir = env)

# Where translation -------------------------------------------------------

uses_window_fun <- function(x, con, lq) {

  calls <- unlist(lapply(x, all_calls))
  win_f <- ls(envir = dbplyr_sql_translation(con)$window)
  any(calls %in% win_f)

is_aggregating <- function(x, non_group_cols, agg_f) {
  if (is_quosure(x)) {
    x <- quo_get_expr(x)

  if (is_symbol(x)) {
    xc <- as_name(x)
    return(!(xc %in% non_group_cols))

  if (is_call(x)) {
    fname <- as.character(x[[1]])
    if (fname %in% agg_f) {

    return(all(purrr::map_lgl(x[-1], is_aggregating, non_group_cols, agg_f)))


common_window_funs <- function() {
  ls(dbplyr_sql_translation(NULL)$window) # nocov

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' translate_window_where(quote(1))
#' translate_window_where(quote(x))
#' translate_window_where(quote(x == 1))
#' translate_window_where(quote(x == 1 && y == 2))
#' translate_window_where(quote(n() > 10))
#' translate_window_where(quote(rank() > cumsum(AB)))
translate_window_where <- function(expr, window_funs = common_window_funs()) {
    logical = ,
    integer = ,
    double = ,
    complex = ,
    character = ,
    string = ,
    symbol = window_where(expr, list()),
    language = {
      if (is_formula(expr)) {
        translate_window_where(f_rhs(expr), window_funs)
      } else if (is_call(expr, name = window_funs)) {
        name <- unique_column_name()
        window_where(sym(name), set_names(list(expr), name))
      } else {
        args <- lapply(expr[-1], translate_window_where, window_funs = window_funs)
        expr <- call2(node_car(expr), splice(lapply(args, "[[", "expr")))

          expr = expr,
          comp = unlist(lapply(args, "[[", "comp"), recursive = FALSE)

    cli_abort("Unknown type: {typeof(expr)}") # nocov

#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' translate_window_where_all(list(quote(x == 1), quote(n() > 2)))
#' translate_window_where_all(list(quote(cumsum(x) == 10), quote(n() > 2)))
translate_window_where_all <- function(x, window_funs = common_window_funs()) {
  out <- lapply(x, translate_window_where, window_funs = window_funs)

    expr = unlist(lapply(out, "[[", "expr"), recursive = FALSE),
    comp = unlist(lapply(out, "[[", "comp"), recursive = FALSE)

window_where <- function(expr, comp) {
  stopifnot(is.call(expr) || is.name(expr) || is.atomic(expr) || is.null(expr))

    expr = expr,
    comp = comp
hadley/dbplyr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 3:04 a.m.