#' Do anything
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")`
#' `do()` is superseded as of dplyr 1.0.0, because its syntax never really
#' felt like it belonged with the rest of dplyr. It's replaced by a combination
#' of [reframe()] (which can produce multiple rows and multiple columns),
#' [nest_by()] (which creates a [rowwise] tibble of nested data),
#' and [pick()] (which allows you to access the data for the "current" group).
#' @param .data a tbl
#' @param ... Expressions to apply to each group. If named, results will be
#' stored in a new column. If unnamed, must return a data frame. You can
#' use `.` to refer to the current group. You can not mix named and
#' unnamed arguments.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # do() with unnamed arguments becomes reframe() or summarise()
#' # . becomes pick()
#' by_cyl <- mtcars %>% group_by(cyl)
#' by_cyl %>% do(head(., 2))
#' # ->
#' by_cyl %>% reframe(head(pick(everything()), 2))
#' by_cyl %>% slice_head(n = 2)
#' # Can refer to variables directly
#' by_cyl %>% do(mean = mean(.$vs))
#' # ->
#' by_cyl %>% summarise(mean = mean(vs))
#' # do() with named arguments becomes nest_by() + mutate() & list()
#' models <- by_cyl %>% do(mod = lm(mpg ~ disp, data = .))
#' # ->
#' models <- mtcars %>%
#' nest_by(cyl) %>%
#' mutate(mod = list(lm(mpg ~ disp, data = data)))
#' models %>% summarise(rsq = summary(mod)$r.squared)
#' # use broom to turn models into data
#' models %>% do(data.frame(
#' var = names(coef(.$mod)),
#' coef(summary(.$mod)))
#' )
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("broom", quietly = TRUE)
#' # ->
#' models %>% reframe(broom::tidy(mod))
do <- function(.data, ...) {
lifecycle::signal_stage("superseded", "do()")
#' @export
do.NULL <- function(.data, ...) {
#' @export
do.grouped_df <- function(.data, ...) {
index <- group_rows(.data)
labels <- select(group_data(.data), -last_col())
attr(labels, ".drop") <- NULL
# Create ungroup version of data frame suitable for subsetting
group_data <- ungroup(.data)
args <- enquos(...)
named <- named_args(args)
mask <- new_data_mask(new_environment())
n <- length(index)
m <- length(args)
# Special case for zero-group/zero-row input
if (n == 0) {
if (named) {
out <- rep_len(list(list()), length(args))
out <- set_names(out, names(args))
out <- label_output_list(labels, out, groups(.data))
} else {
env_bind_do_pronouns(mask, group_data)
out <- eval_tidy(args[[1]], mask)
out <- out[0, , drop = FALSE]
out <- label_output_dataframe(labels, list(list(out)), group_vars(.data), group_by_drop_default(.data))
# Add pronouns with active bindings that resolve to the current
# subset. `_i` is found in environment of this function because of
# usual scoping rules.
group_slice <- function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
group_data[index[[`_i`]], , drop = FALSE]
} else {
group_data[index[[`_i`]], ] <<- value
env_bind_do_pronouns(mask, group_slice)
out <- replicate(m, vector("list", n), simplify = FALSE)
names(out) <- names(args)
p <- Progress$new(n * m, min_time = 2)
for (`_i` in seq_len(n)) {
for (j in seq_len(m)) {
out[[j]][`_i`] <- list(eval_tidy(args[[j]], mask))
if (!named) {
label_output_dataframe(labels, out, group_vars(.data), group_by_drop_default(.data))
} else {
label_output_list(labels, out, group_vars(.data))
#' @export
do.data.frame <- function(.data, ...) {
args <- enquos(...)
named <- named_args(args)
# Create custom data mask with `.` pronoun
mask <- new_data_mask(new_environment())
env_bind_do_pronouns(mask, .data)
if (!named) {
out <- eval_tidy(args[[1]], mask)
if (!inherits(out, "data.frame")) {
msg <- glue("Result must be a data frame, not {fmt_classes(out)}.")
} else {
out <- map(args, function(arg) list(eval_tidy(arg, mask)))
names(out) <- names(args)
out <- tibble::as_tibble(out, .name_repair = "minimal")
# Helper functions -------------------------------------------------------------
env_bind_do_pronouns <- function(env, data) {
if (is_function(data)) {
bind <- env_bind_active
} else {
bind <- env_bind
# Use `:=` for `.` to avoid partial matching with `.env`
bind(env, "." := data, .data = data)
label_output_dataframe <- function(labels, out, groups, .drop, error_call = caller_env()) {
data_frame <- vapply(out[[1]], is.data.frame, logical(1))
if (any(!data_frame)) {
msg <- glue(
"Results {bad} must be data frames, not {first_bad_class}.",
bad = fmt_comma(which(!data_frame)),
first_bad_class = fmt_classes(out[[1]][[which.min(data_frame)]])
abort(msg, call = error_call)
rows <- vapply(out[[1]], nrow, numeric(1))
out <- bind_rows(out[[1]])
if (!is.null(labels)) {
# Remove any common columns from labels
labels <- labels[setdiff(names(labels), names(out))]
# Repeat each row to match data
labels <- labels[rep(seq_len(nrow(labels)), rows), , drop = FALSE]
rownames(labels) <- NULL
grouped_df(bind_cols(labels, out), groups, .drop)
} else {
label_output_list <- function(labels, out, groups) {
if (!is.null(labels)) {
labels[names(out)] <- out
} else {
class(out) <- "data.frame"
attr(out, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(length(out[[1]]))
named_args <- function(args, error_call = caller_env()) {
# Arguments must either be all named or all unnamed.
named <- sum(names2(args) != "")
if (!(named == 0 || named == length(args))) {
msg <- "Arguments must either be all named or all unnamed."
abort(msg, call = error_call)
if (named == 0 && length(args) > 1) {
msg <- glue("Can only supply one unnamed argument, not {length(args)}.")
abort(msg, call = error_call)
named != 0
#' @export
do.rowwise_df <- function(.data, ...) {
# Create ungroup version of data frame suitable for subsetting
group_data <- ungroup(.data)
args <- enquos(...)
named <- named_args(args)
# Create new environment, inheriting from parent, with an active binding
# for . that resolves to the current subset. `_i` is found in environment
# of this function because of usual scoping rules.
mask <- new_data_mask(new_environment())
current_row <- function() lapply(group_data[`_i`, , drop = FALSE], "[[", 1)
env_bind_do_pronouns(mask, current_row)
n <- nrow(.data)
m <- length(args)
out <- replicate(m, vector("list", n), simplify = FALSE)
names(out) <- names(args)
p <- rlang::with_options(
lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet",
progress_estimated(n * m, min_time = 2)
for (`_i` in seq_len(n)) {
for (j in seq_len(m)) {
out[[j]][`_i`] <- list(eval_tidy(args[[j]], mask))
if (!named) {
label_output_dataframe(NULL, out, groups(.data), group_by_drop_default(.data))
} else {
label_output_list(NULL, out, groups(.data))
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