
Defines functions llply

Documented in llply

#' Split list, apply function, and return results in a list.
#' For each element of a list, apply function, keeping results as a list.
#' \code{llply} is equivalent to \code{\link{lapply}} except that it will
#' preserve labels and can display a progress bar.
#' @template ply
#' @template l-
#' @template -l
#' @export
#' @examples
#' llply(llply(mtcars, round), table)
#' llply(baseball, summary)
#' # Examples from ?lapply
#' x <- list(a = 1:10, beta = exp(-3:3), logic = c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE))
#' llply(x, mean)
#' llply(x, quantile, probs = 1:3/4)
llply <- function(.data, .fun = NULL, ..., .progress = "none", .inform = FALSE,
                  .parallel = FALSE, .paropts = NULL) {
  if (is.null(.fun)) return(as.list(.data))
  if (is.character(.fun) || is.list(.fun)) .fun <- each(.fun)
  if (!is.function(.fun)) stop(".fun is not a function.")

  if (!inherits(.data, "split")) {
    pieces <- as.list(.data)

    # This special case can be done much faster with lapply, so do it.
    fast_path <- identical(.progress, "none") && !.inform && !.parallel
    if (fast_path) {
      return(structure(lapply(pieces, .fun, ...), dim = dim(pieces)))

  } else {
    pieces <- .data

  n <- length(pieces)
  if (n == 0) return(list())

  if (.parallel && !identical(.progress, "none") && !identical(.progress, "progressr")) {
    message("Progress disabled when using parallel plyr")
    .progress <- "none"

  progress <- create_progress_bar(.progress)

  result <- vector("list", n)
  do.ply <- function(i) {
    piece <- pieces[[i]]

    # Display informative error messages, if desired
    if (.inform) {
      res <- try(.fun(piece, ...))
      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
        piece <- paste(utils::capture.output(print(piece)), collapse = "\n")
        stop("with piece ", i, ": \n", piece, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      res <- .fun(piece, ...)
  if (.parallel) {

    i <- seq_len(n)
    fe_call <- as.call(c(list(quote(foreach::foreach), i = i), .paropts))
    fe <- eval(fe_call)

    result <- foreach::`%dopar%`(fe, do.ply(i))
  } else {
    result <- loop_apply(n, do.ply)

  attributes(result)[c("split_type", "split_labels")] <-
    attributes(pieces)[c("split_type", "split_labels")]
  names(result) <- names(pieces)

  # Only set dimension if not null, otherwise names are removed
  if (!is.null(dim(pieces))) {
    dim(result) <- dim(pieces)

hadley/plyr documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 8:20 a.m.