
#' Map projections.
#' This coordinate system provides the full range of map projections available
#' in the mapproj package.
#' This is still experimental, and if you have any advice to offer regarding 
#' a better (or more correct) way to do this, please let me know
#' @name coord_map
#' @export
#' @param projection projection to use, see \code{\link{mapproject}} for
#'   list
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to \code{\link{mapproject}}
#' @param orientation projection orientation, which defaults to 
#'  \code{c(90, 0, mean(range(x)))}.  This is not optimal for many
#'  projections, so you will have to supply your own.
#' @param xlim manually specific x limits (in degrees of lontitude)
#' @param ylim manually specific y limits (in degrees of latitude)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require("ggplot2")
#' require("maps")
#' # Create a lat-long dataframe from the maps package
#' nz <- data.frame(map("nz", plot=FALSE)[c("x","y")])
#' (nzmap <- qplot(x, y, data=nz, geom="path"))
#' nzmap + coord_map()
#' nzmap + coord_map(project="cylindrical")
#' nzmap + coord_map(project='azequalarea',orientation=c(-36.92,174.6,0))
#' states <- data.frame(map("state", plot=FALSE)[c("x","y")])
#' (usamap <- qplot(x, y, data=states, geom="path"))
#' usamap + coord_map()
#' # See ?mapproject for coordinate systems and their parameters
#' usamap + coord_map(project="gilbert")
#' usamap + coord_map(project="lagrange")
#' # For most projections, you'll need to set the orientation yourself
#' # as the automatic selection done by mapproject is not available to
#' # ggplot
#' usamap + coord_map(project="orthographic")
#' usamap + coord_map(project="stereographic")
#' usamap + coord_map(project="conic", lat0 = 30)
#' usamap + coord_map(project="bonne", lat0 = 50)
CoordMap <- proto(Coord, {  
  objname <- "map"

  new <- function(., projection="mercator", ..., orientation = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {    
      projection = projection, 
      orientation = orientation,
      xlim = xlim,
      ylim = ylim,
      params = list(...)
  muncher <- function(.) TRUE
  transform <- function(., data, details) {
    trans <- .$mproject(data$x, data$y, details$orientation)
    out <- cunion(trans[c("x", "y")], data)
    out$x <- rescale(out$x, 0:1, details$x.range)
    out$y <- rescale(out$y, 0:1, details$y.range)
  distance <- function(., x, y, details) {
    max_dist <- dist_central_angle(details$x.raw, details$y.raw)
    dist_central_angle(x, y) / max_dist
  compute_aspect <- function(., ranges) {
    diff(ranges$y.range) / diff(ranges$x.range)
  mproject <- function(., x, y, orientation) {    
    suppressWarnings(do.call("mapproject",  list(
      data.frame(x = x, y = y), 
      projection = .$projection, 
      parameters  = .$params, 
      orientation = orientation

  compute_ranges <- function(., scales) {
    x.raw <- .$xlim %||% scale_dimension(scales$x)
    y.raw <- .$ylim %||% scale_dimension(scales$y)
    orientation <- .$orientation %||% c(90, 0, mean(x.raw))
    # Increase chances of creating valid boundary region
    grid <- expand.grid(
      x = seq(x.raw[1], x.raw[2], length = 50),
      y = seq(y.raw[1], y.raw[2], length = 50)
    range <- .$mproject(grid$x, grid$y, orientation)$range
    x.range <- range[1:2]
    x.major <- scale_breaks(scales$x)
    x.minor <- scale_breaks_minor(scales$x)
    x.labels <- scale_labels(scales$x, x.major)

    y.range <- range[3:4]
    y.major <- scale_breaks(scales$y)
    y.minor <- scale_breaks_minor(scales$y)
    y.labels <- scale_labels(scales$y, y.major)
      x.raw = x.raw, y.raw = y.raw, orientation = orientation,
      x.range = x.range, y.range = y.range, 
      x.major = x.major, x.minor = x.minor, x.labels = x.labels,
      y.major = y.major, y.minor = y.minor, y.labels = y.labels
  guide_background <- function(., details, theme) {    
    xrange <- expand_range(details$x.raw, 0.2)
    yrange <- expand_range(details$y.raw, 0.2)
    xgrid <- with(details, expand.grid(
      y = c(seq(yrange[1], yrange[2], len = 50), NA),
      x = x.major
    ygrid <- with(details, expand.grid(
      x = c(seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], len = 50), NA), 
      y = y.major
    xlines <- .$transform(xgrid, details)
    ylines <- .$transform(ygrid, details)

    ggname("grill", grobTree(
      theme_render(theme, "panel.background"),
        theme, "panel.grid.major", name = "x", 
        xlines$x, xlines$y, default.units = "native"
        theme, "panel.grid.major", name = "y", 
        ylines$x, ylines$y, default.units = "native"

  guide_axis_h <- function(., details, theme) {
    x_intercept <- with(details, data.frame(
      x = x.major,
      y = y.raw[1]
    pos <- .$transform(x_intercept, details)
    guide_axis(pos$x, details$x.labels, "bottom", theme)
  guide_axis_v <- function(., details, theme) {
    x_intercept <- with(details, data.frame(
      x = x.raw[1],
      y = y.major
    pos <- .$transform(x_intercept, details)
    guide_axis(pos$y, details$y.labels, "left", theme)

  # Documentation -----------------------------------------------
  icon <- function(.) {
    nz <- data.frame(map("nz", plot=FALSE)[c("x","y")])
    nz$x <- nz$x - min(nz$x, na.rm=TRUE)
    nz$y <- nz$y - min(nz$y, na.rm=TRUE)
    nz <- nz / max(nz, na.rm=TRUE)
    linesGrob(nz$x, nz$y, default.units="npc")

coord_map <- function (projection = "mercator", orientation = NULL, xlim = NULL,  ylim = NULL, ...) {
  CoordMap$new(projection = projection, orientation = orientation, 
      xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)  
hadley/spatialVis documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:47 p.m.