
Defines functions getArchRGenome addArchRGenome getArchRThreads addArchRThreads getArchRChrPrefix addArchRChrPrefix installExtraPackages .checkJupyter .onAttach

Documented in addArchRChrPrefix addArchRGenome addArchRThreads getArchRChrPrefix getArchRGenome getArchRThreads installExtraPackages

#' @include GgplotUtils.R

# On Load / Attach
ArchRDefaults <- list(
  ArchR.threads = 1,
  ArchR.logging = TRUE,
  ArchR.genome = NA,
  ArchR.chrPrefix = TRUE,
  ArchR.debugging = FALSE,
  ArchR.verbose = TRUE

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){
  if(!interactive()) return()
  v <- packageVersion("ArchR")
  packageStartupMessage("ArchR : Version ", v, "\nFor more information see our website : www.ArchRProject.com\nIf you encounter a bug please report : https://github.com/GreenleafLab/ArchR/issues")
  op <- options()
  toset <- !(names(ArchRDefaults) %in% names(op))
  if (any(toset)) options(ArchRDefaults[toset])
  }else if(options()[["ArchR.threads"]] == 1){
    packageStartupMessage("WARNING : Cairo check shows Cairo is not functional.\n          ggplot2 rasterization will not be available without Cario.\n          This may cause issues editing plots with many thousands of points from single cells.")
    packageStartupMessage("Detected Jupyer Notebook session. Disabling Log Messages!\n\tIf this is undesired use `addArchRVerbose(TRUE)`")
    addArchRVerbose(verbose = FALSE)

#Check Jupyer Status
.checkJupyter <- function(){
    sysID <- Sys.getenv("JPY_PARENT_PID")
    if(sysID == ""){
  },error= function(e){

#' Install extra packages used in ArchR that are not installed by default
#' This function will install extra packages used in ArchR that are not installed by default.
#' @param force If you want to force a reinstall of these pacakges.
#' @export
installExtraPackages <- function(force = FALSE){

  n <- 0
  f <- 0
  fp <- c()

  # Seurat
  if(!requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE) || force){
    o <- tryCatch({
      message("Installing Seurat..")
      if(!requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)){
      n <- n + 1
    }, error = function(e){
      f <- f + 1
      fp <- c(fp, "Seurat")
      message("Error With Seurat Installation")
      message("Try install.packages('Seurat')")

  # Cairo
  if(!requireNamespace("Cairo", quietly = TRUE) || force){
    o <- tryCatch({
      message("Installing Cairo..")
      if(!requireNamespace("Cairo", quietly = TRUE)){
      n <- n + 1
    }, error = function(e){
      f <- f + 1
      fp <- c(fp, "Cairo")
      message("Error With Cairo Installation")
      message("Try install.packages('Cairo')")

  # ggrastr plots
  # if(!requireNamespace("ggrastr", quietly = TRUE) || force){
  #   o <- tryCatch({
  #     message("Installing ggrastr..")
  #     devtools::install_github('VPetukhov/ggrastr')
  #     if(!requireNamespace("ggrastr", quietly = TRUE)){
  #       stop()
  #     }
  #     n <- n + 1
  #   }, error = function(e){
  #     message("Error With ggrastr Installation")
  #     message("Try devtools::install_github('VPetukhov/ggrastr')")
  #   })
  # }

  # harmony is a package that can correct batch effects
  if(!requireNamespace("harmony", quietly = TRUE) || force){
    o <- tryCatch({
      message("Installing harmony..")
      devtools::install_github('immunogenomics/harmony', repos = BiocManager::repositories())
      if(!requireNamespace("harmony", quietly = TRUE)){
      n <- n + 1
    }, error = function(e){
      f <- f + 1
      fp <- c(fp, "harmony")
      message("Error With harmony Installation")
      message("Try devtools::install_github('immunogenomics/harmony', repos = BiocManager::repositories())")

  # presto is a package that has efficient tools for wilcoxon tests on sparseMatrices
  if(!requireNamespace("presto", quietly = TRUE) || force){
    o <- tryCatch({
      message("Installing presto..")
      devtools::install_github('immunogenomics/presto', repos = BiocManager::repositories())
      if(!requireNamespace("presto", quietly = TRUE)){
      n <- n + 1
    }, error = function(e){
      f <- f + 1
      fp <- c(fp, "presto")
      message("Error With presto Installation")
      message("Try devtools::install_github('immunogenomics/presto', repos = BiocManager::repositories())")

  # shiny
  if(!requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE) || force){
    o <- tryCatch({
      message("Installing shiny..")
      if(!requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE)){
      n <- n + 1
    }, error = function(e){
      f <- f + 1
      fp <- c(fp, "shiny")
      message("Error With shiny Installation")
      message("Try install.packages('shiny')")

  # rhandsontable
  if(!requireNamespace("rhandsontable", quietly = TRUE) || force){
    o <- tryCatch({
      message("Installing rhandsontable..")
      if(!requireNamespace("rhandsontable", quietly = TRUE)){
      n <- n + 1
    }, error = function(e){
      f <- f + 1
      fp <- c(fp, "rhandsontable")
      message("Error With rhandsontable Installation")
      message("Try install.packages('rhandsontable')")

  # shinythemes
  if(!requireNamespace("shinythemes", quietly = TRUE) || force){
    o <- tryCatch({
      message("Installing shinythemes..")
      if(!requireNamespace("shinythemes", quietly = TRUE)){
      n <- n + 1
    }, error = function(e){
      f <- f + 1
      fp <- c(fp, "rhandsontable")
      message("Error With shinythemes Installation")
      message("Try install.packages('shinythemes')")

  message("Successfully installed ", n, " packages. ", f, " packages failed installation.")

  if(f > 0){
    message("Failed packages : ", paste0(fp, collapse=", "))



# Chr Prefix

#' Add a globally-applied requirement for chromosome prefix
#' This function will set the default requirement of chromosomes to have a "chr" prefix.
#' @param chrPrefix A boolean describing the requirement of chromosomes to have a "chr" prefix.
#' @export
addArchRChrPrefix <- function(chrPrefix = TRUE){
  .validInput(input = chrPrefix, name = "chrPrefix", valid = "boolean")

    message("ArchR is now requiring chromosome prefix = 'chr'")
    message("ArchR is now disabling the requirement of chromosome prefix = 'chr'")

  options(ArchR.chrPrefix = chrPrefix)


#' Get a globally-applied requirement for chromosome prefix
#' This function will get the default requirement of chromosomes to have a "chr" prefix.
#' @export
getArchRChrPrefix <- function(){
  .ArchRChrPrefix <- options()[["ArchR.chrPrefix"]]


# Parallel Information

#' Add a globally-applied number of threads to use for parallel computing.
#' This function will set the number of threads to be used for parallel computing across all ArchR functions.
#' @param threads The default number of threads to be used for parallel execution across all ArchR functions.
#' This value is stored as a global environment variable, not part of the `ArchRProject`.
#' This can be overwritten on a per-function basis using the given function's `threads` parameter.
#' @param force If you request more than the total number of CPUs minus 2, ArchR will set `threads` to `(nCPU - 2)`.
#' To bypass this, setting `force = TRUE` will use the number provided to `threads`.
#' @export
addArchRThreads <- function(threads = floor(parallel::detectCores()/ 2), force = FALSE){
  .validInput(input = threads, name = "threads", valid = "integer")
  .validInput(input = force, name = "force", valid = "boolean")

  if(tolower(.Platform$OS.type) == "windows"){
    message("Detected windows OS, setting threads to 1.")
    threads <- 1

  if(threads >= parallel::detectCores() - 1){
      message("Input threads is equal to or greater than ncores minus 1 (",parallel::detectCores()-1,")\nOverriding since force = TRUE.")
      message("Input threads is equal to or greater than ncores minus 1 (",parallel::detectCores()-1,")\nSetting cores to ncores minus 2. Set force = TRUE to set above this number!")
      threads <- parallel::detectCores()-2
  message("Setting default number of Parallel threads to ", threads, ".")
  options(ArchR.threads = as.integer(round(threads)))


#' Get globally-applied number of threads to use for parallel computing.
#' This function will get the number of threads to be used for parallel execution across all ArchR functions.
#' @export
getArchRThreads <- function(){
  .ArchRThreads <- options()[["ArchR.threads"]]
      message("option(ArchR.threads) : ", .ArchRThreads, " is not an integer. \nDid you mistakenly set this to a value without addArchRThreads? Reseting to default!")

# Create Gene/Genome Annotation

#' Add a globally defined genome to all ArchR functions.
#' This function will set the genome across all ArchR functions.
#' @param genome A string indicating the default genome to be used for all ArchR functions.
#' Currently supported values include "hg19","hg38","mm9", and "mm10".
#' This value is stored as a global environment variable, not part of the `ArchRProject`.
#' This can be overwritten on a per-function basis using the given function's `geneAnnotation`and `genomeAnnotation` parameter.
#' For something other than one of the currently supported, see `createGeneAnnnotation()` and `createGenomeAnnnotation()`.
#' @param install  A boolean value indicating whether the `BSgenome` object associated with the provided `genome` should be
#' automatically installed if it is not currently installed. This is useful for helping reduce user download requirements.
#' @export
addArchRGenome <- function(genome = NULL, install = TRUE){
  .validInput(input = genome, name = "genome", valid = "character")
  .validInput(input = install, name = "install", valid = c("boolean"))

  supportedGenomes <- c("hg19","hg38","mm9","mm10","hg19test")
  if(tolower(genome) %ni% supportedGenomes){
    message("Genome : ", genome, " is not currently supported by ArchR.")
    message("Currently supported genomes : ", paste0(supportedGenomes, collapse = ","))
    message("To continue try building a custom geneAnnotation with createGeneAnnnotation(),\nand genomeAnnotation with createGenomeAnnotation()!")

    #Check if BSgenome exists!
      if(!requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", quietly = TRUE)){
          message("BSgenome for hg19 not installed! Now installing by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19\")")
          stop("BSgenome for hg19 not installed! Please install by setting install = TRUE or by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19\")")
    }else if(tolower(genome)=="hg19test"){
      if(!requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", quietly = TRUE)){
          message("BSgenome for hg19 not installed! Now installing by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19\")")
          stop("BSgenome for hg19 not installed! Please install by setting install = TRUE or by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19\")")
    }else if(tolower(genome)=="hg38"){
      if(!requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38", quietly = TRUE)){
          message("BSgenome for hg38 not installed! Now installing by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38\")")
          stop("BSgenome for hg38 not installed! Please install by setting install = TRUE or by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38\")")
    }else if(tolower(genome)=="mm9"){
      if(!requireNamespace("BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9", quietly = TRUE)){
          message("BSgenome for mm9 not installed! Now installing by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9\")")
          stop("BSgenome for mm9 not installed! Please install by setting install = TRUE or by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9\")")
    }else if(tolower(genome)=="mm10"){
      if(!requireNamespace("BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10", quietly = TRUE)){
          message("BSgenome for mm10 not installed! Now installing by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10\")")
          stop("BSgenome for mm10 not installed! Please install by setting install = TRUE or by the following:\n\tBiocManager::install(\"BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10\")")

    genome <- paste(toupper(substr(genome, 1, 1)), substr(genome, 2, nchar(genome)), sep="")
    message("Setting default genome to ", genome, ".")
    #assign(".ArchRGenome", genome, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    options(ArchR.genome = genome)




#' Get the globally defined genome, the geneAnnotation, or genomeAnnotation objects associated with the globally defined genome.
#' This function will retrieve the genome that is currently in use by ArchR. Alternatively, this function can return either the `geneAnnotation`
#' or the `genomeAnnotation` associated with the globally defined genome if desired.
#' @param geneAnnotation A boolean value indicating whether the `geneAnnotation` associated with the ArchRGenome should be returned
#' instead of the globally defined genome. The `geneAnnotation` is used downstream to calculate things like TSS Enrichment Scores.
#'This function is not meant to be run with both `geneAnnotation` and `genomeAnnotation` set to `TRUE` (it is an either/or return value).
#' @param genomeAnnotation A boolean value indicating whether the `genomeAnnotation` associated with the ArchRGenome should be returned
#' instead of the globally defined genome. The `genomeAnnotation` is used downstream to determine things like chromosome sizes and nucleotide content.
#' This function is not meant to be run with both `geneAnnotation` and `genomeAnnotation` set to `TRUE` (it is an either/or return value).
#' @export
getArchRGenome <- function(

  .validInput(input = geneAnnotation, name = "geneAnnotation", valid = "boolean")
  .validInput(input = genomeAnnotation, name = "genomeAnnotation", valid = "boolean")

  supportedGenomes <- c("hg19","hg38","mm9","mm10","hg19test")
  .ArchRGenome <- options()[["ArchR.genome"]]


    ag <- .ArchRGenome
      if(tolower(ag) %in% supportedGenomes){
        genome <- paste(toupper(substr(ag, 1, 1)), substr(ag, 2, nchar(ag)), sep="")

        if(geneAnnotation & genomeAnnotation){
          stop("Please request either geneAnnotation or genomeAnnotation, not both!")


          message("Using GeneAnnotation set by addArchRGenome(",ag,")!")

          geneAnno <- paste0("geneAnno", genome)
        }else if(genomeAnnotation){

          message("Using GeneAnnotation set by addArchRGenome(",ag,")!")

          genomeAnno <- paste0("genomeAnno", genome)




        stop("option(ArchR.genome) : ", ag, " is not currently supported by ArchR. \nDid you mistakenly set this to a value without addArchRGenome?")



haibol2016/ArchR documentation built on June 15, 2022, 5:41 p.m.