InPAS: A package for identifying novel Alternative PolyAdenylation...

InPASR Documentation

A package for identifying novel Alternative PolyAdenylation Sites (PAS) based on RNA-seq data


The InPAS package provides three categories of important functions: parse_TxDb, extract_UTR3Anno, get_ssRleCov, assemble_allCov, get_UTR3eSet, test_dPDUI, run_singleSampleAnalysis, run_singleGroupAnalysis, run_limmaAnalysis, filter_testOut, get_usage4plot, setup_GSEA, run_coverageQC

functions for retrieving 3' UTR annotation

parse_TxDb, extract_UTR3Anno, get_lastCDSUTR3

functions for processing read coverage data

assemble_allCov, get_ssRleCov, run_coverageQC, setup_parCPsSearch

functions for alternative polyadenylation site analysis

test_dPDUI, run_singleSampleAnalysis, run_singleGroupAnalysis, run_limmaAnalysis, filter_testOut, get_usage4plot

haibol2016/InPAS documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 6:26 p.m.