get_lastCDSUTR3: Extract the last unspliced region of each transcript

View source: R/00.get_lastCDSUTR3.R

get_lastCDSUTR3R Documentation

Extract the last unspliced region of each transcript


Extract the last unspliced region of each transcript from a TxDb. These regions could be the last 3'UTR exon for transcripts whose 3' UTRs are composed of multiple exons or last CDS regions and 3'UTRs for transcripts whose 3'UTRs and last CDS regions are on the same single exon.


  TxDb = getInPASTxDb(),
  genome = getInPASGenome(),
  chr2exclude = getChr2Exclude(),
  outdir = getInPASOutputDirectory(),
  MAX_EXONS_GAP = 10000



An object of GenomicFeatures::TxDb


An object of BSgenome::BSgenome


A character vector, NA or NULL, specifying chromosomes or scaffolds to be excluded for InPAS analysis. chrM and alternative scaffolds representing different haplotypes should be excluded.


A character(1) vector, a path with write permission for storing InPAS analysis results. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.


An integer(1) vector, maximal gap sizes between the last known CP sites to a nearest downstream exon. Default is 10 kb for mammalian genomes. For other species, user need to adjust this parameter.


A BED file with 6 columns: chr, chrStart, chrEnd, name, score, and strand.

haibol2016/InPAS documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 6:26 p.m.