
Defines functions inverseDistanceLogit inverseDistanceRaking inverseDistanceLinear calibAlgorithm calib

# copyright (C) 2014-2016 A.Rebecq and M.Chevalier
#### All functions in this file are private methods used by the
#### "calibration" function

# Function Wrapper
calib <- function(Xs, d, total, q=NULL, method=NULL, bounds = NULL,
                  alpha = NULL,
                  maxIter=500, calibTolerance=1e-06) {

  if(!is.null(method)) {
            inverseDistance <- inverseDistanceLinear
            params <- NULL
            updateParameters <- identity
            inverseDistance <- inverseDistanceRaking
            params <- NULL
            updateParameters <- identity
            inverseDistance <- inverseDistanceLogit
            params <- bounds
            updateParameters <- identity
#            truncated={
#              inverseDistance <- inverseDistanceTruncated
#              params <- bounds
#              updateParameters <- identity
#            },
#           curlingHat={
#             inverseDistance <- distanceCurlingHat
#             # TODO : check params in list are correctly entered
#             params <- c(0.5,1.5) # For tests only
#             updateParameters <- updateParametersCurlingHat
#           },
            warning('Method not implemented, raking method selected by default')
            params <- NULL
            inverseDistance <- inverseDistanceRaking
            updateParameters <- identity
  } else {
    warning('Method not specified, raking method selected by default')
    params <- NULL
    inverseDistance <- inverseDistanceRaking
    updateParameters <- identity
  # TODO : additional checks ?

  return(calibAlgorithm(Xs, d, total, q, inverseDistance,
                        updateParameters, params, maxIter, calibTolerance))


calibAlgorithm <- function(Xs, d, total, q=NULL,
                            inverseDistance, updateParameters, params,
                            maxIter=500, calibTolerance=1e-06) {

  if(is.null(q)) {
    q <- rep(1,length(d))

  g <- NULL
  toleranceGInv = .Machine$double.eps # Tolerance when we compute ginv

  ## Linear optimization algorithm
  lambda = as.matrix(rep(0, ncol(Xs)))
  wTemp = as.vector(d * inverseDistance(Xs %*% lambda * q, params)[[1]])
  wUpdate <- d

  cont <- TRUE
  l <- 1

  while (cont) {

    phi = t(Xs) %*% wTemp - total
    T1 = t(Xs * wUpdate)
    phiprim = T1 %*% Xs
    wTemp <- NA
      lambda = lambda - ginv(phiprim, tol = toleranceGInv) %*% phi
      wTemp = as.vector(d * inverseDistance(Xs %*% lambda * q, params)[[1]])
	wUpdate <- as.vector(d * inverseDistance(Xs %*% lambda * q, params)[[2]])

    if (any(is.na(wTemp)) | any(is.infinite(wTemp))) {
      # warning("No convergence")

    tHat = t(Xs) %*% wTemp
    if (max(abs(tHat - total)/total) < calibTolerance) {
      cont <- FALSE

    if(l >= maxIter) {
      cont <- FALSE
      # warning(paste("No convergence in ", maxIter, " iterations."))

    l <- l+1
    # update Parameters before going back into loop


  ## Return solution if found
  if(l <= maxIter) {
  	g = wTemp/d
  } else {
    warning(paste("No convergence in ", maxIter, " iterations."))


##### Inverse distance functions
##### Each of these functions returns a list of the closed
##### form of the inverse functions of the distance used AND
##### its derivative.
inverseDistanceLinear <- function(x, params=NULL) {

inverseDistanceRaking <- function(x, params=NULL) {

# Params are bounds
inverseDistanceLogit <- function(x, bounds) {

  if(length(bounds) != 2) {
    stop("Must enter LO and UP bounds in a vector.
          Example : bounds=c(0.5,1.5) for LO = 0.5 and UP=1.5")

  L = bounds[1]
  U = bounds[2]
  A = (U - L) / ((1-L)*(U-1))
  distance = ( L*(U-1) + U*(1-L)*exp(A*x) ) / ( (U-1) + (1-L)*exp(A*x))

  fprim <- ( ( (U-L)**2 )*exp(A*x) ) / (((U-1)+(1-L)*exp(A*x))**2)

# TODO : hyperbolic sine
# TODO : maybe truncated method ?
haroine/gaston documentation built on June 4, 2023, 8:24 p.m.