
Defines functions samplesize.bin

Documented in samplesize.bin

## Rick Chappell <> Asst. Professor, Depts. of Statistics and Human Oncology
## <> University of Wisconsin at Madison <> chappell@stat.wisc.edu
## (608) 263-5572 / 262-2733 <> take logs

samplesize.bin <- function(alpha, beta, pit, pic, rho=.5)

  ## alpha is the scalar ONE-SIDED test size, or two-sided size/2
  ## beta is a scalar or vector of powers
  ## pit is the hypothesized treatment probability of success
  ## pic is the hypothesized control probability of success
  ## returns required TOTAL sample size, using arcsin transformation
  ## rho is the proportion of the sample devoted to treated group (0 <rho < 1) 

  as <- function(x)
  invas <- function(x) {

  Zalpha <- qnorm(1-alpha)
  Zbeta  <- qnorm(beta)
  n <- Zalpha + Zbeta
  n <- n/(as(pit) - as(pic))
  n <- (n**2)/(4*rho*(1-rho))
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.