
Defines functions simBaseline_sumfun as.data.frame.margarita.sim.baseline.rl as.data.frame.margarita.sim.baseline.prob simulate.margarita.baseline.prob simulate.margarita.baseline.rl getLMrange

#' Get range of baseline values and their predicted values
#' @param object An object of class 'margarita'.
#' @param n Number of points in the sequence over baseline.
#' @details The sequence of baseline values is taken on the transformed scale. You
#'   might want to add the option to do it on the observed scale. The sequence of
#'   expected values is on whatever scale was used to fit the regression model.
#'   So baseline and expected might be on different scales.
getLMrange <- function(object, n, range = NULL){

  ## Get baseline data grid, expected values on trans scale
  od <- object[[1]]$data
  baseline <- object$rawBaseline
  newdata <- object$newdata
  if (is.null(range)){
    range <- object$trans(range(od[, baseline], na.rm = TRUE))
  } else {
    range <- object$trans(range)
  b <- object$invtrans(seq(range[1], range[2], length.out = n))

  newdata <- expand.grid(b, newdata[, 1])
  names(newdata) <- c(baseline, names(object$newdata))

  p <- suppressWarnings(predict.lm(object[[1]], newdata = newdata))

  cbind(newdata, expected = p)

#' Get return levels over observed range of baseline values
#' @param object An object of class 'margarita'.
#' @param M A vector of return levels of interest.
#' @param nsim,seed,... Not used.
#' @param grid.n An integer giving the number of poitns over the range of baseline
#'   values. Defaults to \code{grid.n = 25}.
#' @param baseline String identifying the baseline variable.
simulate.margarita.baseline.rl <- function(object, M, nsim = 1, seed = NULL,
                                           baseline.range = NULL, grid.n = 25, ...){

  ## Get contents of (), if they exist
  ##if (substring(wh, nchar(wh)) == ")"){
  ##  baseline <- stringr::str_extract_all(object$baseline, "(?<=\\().+?(?=\\))")[[1]]
  baseline <- object$rawBaseline

  alpha <- object$alpha
  rlm <- object[[1]]
  evmSim <- object[[2]]
  trans <- object$trans
  itrans <- object$invtrans

  out <- getLMrange(object, n = grid.n, range = baseline.range)
  out <- out[order(out[, baseline]), ]

  p <- predict(evmSim, M = M, ci.fit = TRUE, alpha = alpha, newdata = object$newdata)$obj
  p <- do.call("rbind", p) %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>%
    mutate(M = rep(M, each = nrow(object$newdata)))

  res <- list()
  for (m in M){
    om <- apply(p[p$M == m, !(names(p) %in% c(colnames(object$newdata), "M"))], 2,
                function(X) itrans(X + out$expected)) %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      bind_cols(out) %>%
      mutate(M = paste0(m, "-subject return level"))

    res[[paste("M =", m)]] <- om

  res <- bind_rows(res) %>%
    mutate(M = factor(M, levels = unique(M)))
  names(res) <- ifelse(substring(names(res), nchar(names(res))) == "%",
                       paste0("Q", substring(names(res), 1, nchar(names(res)) - 1)),
  res[, colnames(object$newdata)] <- factor(res[, colnames(object$newdata)], levels = object$newdata[, 1])

simulate.margarita.baseline.prob <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, M,
                                             Mlabels = NULL, grid.n = 25,
                                             baseline.range = NULL, ...){
  rlm <- object[[1]]
  evmSim <- object[[2]]
  baseline <- object$rawBaseline
  trans <- object$trans
  itrans <- object$invtrans
  summary_alpha <- object$alpha
  newdata <- object$newdata

  if (is.null(Mlabels)){
    Mlabels <- M

  summary_alpha <- sort(c(summary_alpha / 2, .5, 1 - summary_alpha / 2))
  family <- evmSim$map$family
  m <- trans(M)

  d <- getLMrange(object, n = grid.n, range = baseline.range)
  par <- predict(evmSim, newdata = d, type = "lp", all = TRUE)$obj$link

  rate <- evmSim$map$rate
  u <- d$expected + evmSim$map$threshold

  r <- resid(rlm)
  out <- list()
  for (i in 1:grid.n){ ## Loop over baseline grid
    out[[i]] <- list()
    for (j in 1:length(m)){ ## Loop over thresholds of interest
      out[[i]][[j]] <- list()
      for (k in 1:length(par)){ ## Loop over groups (usually arms)
        ui <- u[i]
        mj <- m[j]
        park <- par[[k]]
        if (mj > ui){
          o <- rate * (1 - family$prob(mj, park, list(threshold = ui)))
        } else {
          rr <- r[r <= quantile(r, 1 - rate)]
          ## P(above regression line) = rate
          o <- rate + (1 - rate) * mean(rr + ui > mj)

        o <- simBaseline_sumfun(o, probs = summary_alpha)
        out[[i]][[j]][[k]] <- o
      } ## Close k

      out[[i]][[j]] <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", out[[i]][[j]]))
      out[[i]][[j]]$..group.. <- newdata[, 1]
    out[[i]] <- bind_rows(out[[i]]) %>% 
      mutate(threshold = rep(Mlabels, each = nrow(newdata)))
  out <- bind_rows(out) %>% 
    mutate(baseline = rep(d[1:grid.n, object$rawBaseline], each = nrow(newdata) * length(m)),
           ..group.. = factor(..group.., levels = newdata[, 1]),
           threshold = factor(threshold, levels = Mlabels))
  names(out)[names(out) == "..group.."] <- object$arm
  names(out)[names(out) == "baseline"] <- object$rawBaseline
  ##rownames(out) <- 1:nrow(out)


#' @method as.data.frame margarita.sim.baseline.prob
#' @export
as.data.frame.margarita.sim.baseline.prob <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...){

#' @method as.data.frame margarita.sim.baseline.rl
#' @export
as.data.frame.margarita.sim.baseline.rl <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...){

# The function below is ripped off from margarita:::margarita.getProbs and
# margarita:::rp because those functions require par to be a list, expects
# multiple treatment groups and we need to be able to debug
simBaseline_getProbs <- function (X, par, u, p, r, m, family, th){
  ##lapply(1:ncol(m), rp, u = u[X], par = par, p = p,
  lapply(1:length(m), simBaseline_rp, u = u[X], par = par, p = p,
         r = r, xm = m, family = family, th = th)

simBaseline_rp <- function (X, xm, u, par, p, r, family, th){
  xm <- xm[X]
  res <- sapply(1:length(par), function(ZZ){
    o <- p * (1 - family$prob(xm, par[[ZZ]], list(threshold = u)))
    wh <- u > xm

    if (any(wh)) {
      r <- r[r < quantile(r, 1 - p)]
      o[wh] <- mean((r + u) > xm)
      o[wh] <- p + (1 - p) * o[wh]

  # res is a matrix with length(par), with unique(sapply(par, nrow))
  # estimated probabilities in each column

simBaseline_sumfun <- function(x, probs){
  res <- c(mean(x), quantile(x, probs = probs))
  names(res) <- c("Mean", paste0("Q", 100 * probs))
harrysouthworth/margarita documentation built on Aug. 19, 2021, 5 a.m.