
Defines functions .onAttach .onLoad

#Copyright 2011 Heewon Jeon(madjakarta@gmail.com)
#This file is part of KoNLP.
#KoNLP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

#KoNLP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with KoNLP.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

.KoNLPEnv <- new.env()

.DicPkgName <- "Sejong"

.ScalaVer <- '2.11.8'

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  #scala runtime install on-the-fly 
  scala_path <- file.path(system.file(package="KoNLP"),"java", 
                  sprintf("scala-library-%s.jar", .ScalaVer))
  if(file.exists(scala_path) == FALSE | file.size(scala_path) <= 3072){
  initopt <- c("-Xmx768m", "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8")
  jopt <- getOption("java.parameters")
    options(java.parameters = initopt)
    if(rJava::.jniInitialized & !any(grepl("-Dfile\\.encoding=UTF-8", jopt, ignore.case=TRUE))){
      stop("You cann't parse resource files based on UTF-8 on rJava. Please reload KoNLP first than any other packages connected with rJava.")
    memjopt <- jopt[which(grepl("^-Xmx",jopt))]
    if(length(memjopt) > 0){
      memsize <- tolower(gsub("^-Xmx", "", memjopt))
      memunit <- gsub("[[:digit:]]","",memsize)
      memnum <-  gsub("[m|g]$","",memsize)
      if(memunit == 'g'){
        memsizemega <- as.numeric(memnum) * 1024
        memsizemega <- as.numeric(memnum)
      if(memsizemega < 768){
        options(java.parameters=c(initopt[1], initopt[2]))
        options(java.parameters=c(memjopt, initopt[2])) 
      options(java.parameters=c(jopt, initopt))

  .jpackage(pkgname, lib.loc = libname)

#' @importFrom utils localeToCharset
#' @import Sejong
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){
  DicConfPath <- file.path(system.file(package=.DicPkgName),"dics")
  dics <- file.path(DicConfPath,"handic.zip")
  DicUser <- "dic_user.txt"
  UserDic <- file.path("data","kE", DicUser)

  CurrentUserDicPath <- file.path(system.file(package=pkgname), "..","KoNLP_dic","current")
  backupUserDicPath <- file.path(system.file(package=pkgname), "..","KoNLP_dic","backup")
  currentUserDic <- file.path(CurrentUserDicPath,DicUser)
  #checking process for user defined dictionary
    packageStartupMessage("Building dictionary structures.\n")
    ret <- TRUE
    ret2 <- TRUE
      ret <- dir.create(CurrentUserDicPath,recursive = TRUE)
      ret2 <- dir.create(backupUserDicPath,recursive = TRUE)
    write.table(readZipDic(dics, UserDic), 
                file=currentUserDic, quote=F, sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=F, fileEncoding="UTF-8")

    if(ret != T && ret2 != T){
      warning(sprintf("Could not create %s\n", DicUser))
      assign("CopyedUserDic", FALSE, .KoNLPEnv)
    assign("CopyedUserDic", TRUE, .KoNLPEnv)
    packageStartupMessage("Checking user defined dictionary!\n")
    assign("CopyedUserDic", TRUE, .KoNLPEnv)
  assign("DicRelPath", UserDic, .KoNLPEnv)
  assign("SejongDicPath", DicConfPath, .KoNLPEnv)
  assign("UserDicPathinSejongZip", UserDic, .KoNLPEnv)
  assign("CurrentUserDic", currentUserDic, .KoNLPEnv)
  assign("CurrentUserDicPath", CurrentUserDicPath, .KoNLPEnv)
  assign("SejongDicsZip", dics, .KoNLPEnv)
  assign("backupUserDicPath", backupUserDicPath, .KoNLPEnv)
  assign("backupUserDic", file.path(backupUserDicPath,DicUser), .KoNLPEnv)
  assign("ScalaVer", .ScalaVer, .KoNLPEnv)

  if(is.na(localeToCharset()) != TRUE) {
    if(all((localeToCharset()[1] == c("UTF-8", "CP949", "EUC-KR")) == FALSE)){
      packageStartupMessage("This R shell doesn't contain any Hangul encoding.\nFor fully use, any of 'UTF-8', 'CP949', 'EUC-KR' needs to be used for R shell encoding.")
  } else {
    packageStartupMessage("This R shell doesn't contain any Hangul encoding.\nFor fully use, any of 'UTF-8', 'CP949', 'EUC-KR' needs to be used for R shell encoding.")
haven-jeon/KoNLP documentation built on July 8, 2021, 12:26 a.m.