
Defines functions iprobit iprobit.default iprobit.formula iprobit.ipriorKernel iprobit.iprobitMod update.iprobitMod

Documented in iprobit

#   iprobit: Binary and Multinomial Probit Regression with I-priors
#   Copyright (C) 2017  Haziq Jamil
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @export
iprobit <- function(...) UseMethod("iprobit")

#' @export
iprobit.default <- function(y, ..., kernel = "linear", interactions = NULL,
                            est.hurst = FALSE, est.lengthscale = FALSE,
                            est.offset = FALSE, method = c("vb", "laplace"),
                            # nystrom = FALSE, nys.seed = NULL,
                            train.samp, control = list()) {
  # Load the I-prior model -----------------------------------------------------
  if (iprior::is.ipriorKernel(y)) {
    mod <- remove_psi(y)  # remove psi from estimation procedure if not already
  } else {
    mod <- iprior::kernL(y, ..., kernel = kernel, interactions = interactions,
                         est.lambda = TRUE, est.psi = FALSE, psi = 1,
                         est.hurst = est.hurst,  est.offset = est.offset,
                         est.lengthscale = est.lengthscale,
                         # nystrom = nystrom, nys.seed = nys.seed,
                         train.samp = train.samp)

  # Set up controls ------------------------------------------------------------
  control_ <- list(
    maxit          = 100,
    stop.crit      = 1e-5,
    silent         = FALSE,
    int.only       = FALSE,  #intercept only model
    alpha0         = NULL,    # if NULL, parameters
    # lambda0        = NULL,  # are initialised
    w0             = NULL,    # in
    theta0         = NULL,    # VB routine
    n.samp         = 100,  # settings for
    sd.samp        = 0.15, # the
    thin.samp      = 2,    # metropolis
    seed           = NULL, # sampler
    restarts       = 0,
    no.cores       = parallel::detectCores(),
    par.method     = c("lower.bound", "train.error", "train.brier", "test.error",
    par.maxit      = 10,
    w.only         = FALSE  # to obtain log-likelihood
  control <- iprior::.update_control(control, control_)
  list2env(control, environment())

  # Checks ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!iprior::.is.categorical(mod)) stop("y values must be factors.")
  if (mod$no.int.3plus > 0)
    stop("Can't fit more than three-way interactions yet.")
  mod$m <- m <- length(mod$y.levels)  # no. of classes

  # Pass to the correct VB routine ---------------------------------------------
  if (as.numeric(control$restarts) >= 1) {
    res <- iprobit_parallel(mod, method = method, control = control)
    res$est.method <- paste0(
      gsub("\\.", "", res$est.method), " with random restarts."
  } else {
    # Method checker (VB closed-form, VB Metropolis or Laplace) ----------------
    method <- tolower(method)
    method <- match.arg(method, c("vb", "laplace"))
    if (method == "vb") method <- "em"
    if (method == "laplace") method <- "direct"
    est.method <- iprior::.iprior_method_checker(mod, method)

    if (m == 2) {
      # Binary models ----------------------------------------------------------
      if (est.method["direct"]) {  # LAPLACE METHOD
        res <- iprobit_bin_laplace(mod, silent, maxit, alpha0, theta0, w0, seed,
        res$est.method <- "Laplace approximation."
      } else if (est.method["em.closed"]) {  # VB CLOSED-FORM
        res <- iprobit_bin(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, theta0, w0,
                           w.only = w.only, int.only = int.only)
        res$est.method <- "Closed-form VB-EM algorithm."
      } else {
        res <- iprobit_bin_metr(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, theta0,
                                w0, n.samp, sd.samp, thin.samp, seed)
        res$est.method <- paste0("VB-EM with Metropolis sampler (",
                                 iprior::dec_plac(mean(res$acc.rate) * 100, 1),
                                 "% acc.).")
      class(res) <- c("iprobitMod", "iprobitMod_bin")
    } else {
      # Multinomial models -----------------------------------------------------
      if (est.method["em.closed"]) {  # VB CLOSED-FORM
        res <- iprobit_mult(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, theta0, w0,
                            int.only = int.only)
        res$est.method <- "Closed-form VB-EM algorithm."
      } else {
        res <- iprobit_mult_metr(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, theta0,
                                 w0, n.samp, sd.samp, thin.samp, seed)
        res$est.method <- paste0("VB-EM with Metropolis sampler (",
                                 iprior::dec_plac(mean(res$acc.rate) * 100, 1),
                                 "% acc.).")
      class(res) <- c("iprobitMod", "iprobitMod_mult")
    if (res$conv == 0)
      res$est.conv <- paste("Converged to within", control$stop.crit,
    else if (res$conv == 1)
      res$est.conv <- "Convergence criterion not met."
      res$est.conv <- res$message
    res$ipriorKernel <- mod
  # res$coefficients <- res$param.full
  res$coefficients <- param.full_to_coef(res$param.full, mod)
  # rownames(res$coefficients) <- get_names(mod, expand = FALSE)

  # Change the call to "iprobit" -----------------------------------------------
  res$call <- iprior::.fix_call_default(match.call(), "iprobit")
  res$ipriorKernel$call <- iprior::.fix_call_default(match.call(), "kernL")

  # Include these also in the iprobitMod object --------------------------------
  res$control <- control
  res$common <- list(intercept  = ifelse(m == 2, TRUE, FALSE),  # remove this eventually
                     RKHS.param = ifelse(m == 2, TRUE, TRUE))


#' @export
iprobit.formula <- function(formula, data, kernel = "linear", one.lam = FALSE,
                            est.hurst = FALSE, est.lengthscale = FALSE,
                            est.offset = FALSE, lambda = 1, method = c("vb", "laplace"),
                            # nystrom = FALSE, nys.seed = NULL,
                            train.samp, control = list(), ...) {
  # Simply load the kernel and pass to iprobit.default() ------------------------
  mod <- iprior::kernL(formula, data, kernel = kernel, one.lam = one.lam,
                       est.lambda = TRUE, est.hurst = est.hurst,
                       est.lengthscale = est.lengthscale,
                       est.offset = est.offset, est.psi = FALSE,
                       lambda = lambda, psi = 1,
                       # nystrom = nystrom, nys.seed = nys.seed,
                       train.samp = train.samp, ...)
  res <- iprobit.default(y = mod, control = control, method = method)
  res$call <- iprior::.fix_call_formula(match.call(), "iprobit")
  res$ipriorKernel$call <- iprior::.fix_call_formula(match.call(), "kernL")

#' @export
iprobit.ipriorKernel <- function(object, method = c("vb", "laplace"),
                                 control = list(), ...) {
  res <- iprobit.default(y = object, method = method, control = control)

  # Fix call -------------------------------------------------------------------
  res$object$call <- ipriorKernel.call <- object$call
  if (is.null(object$formula)) {
    res$call <- iprior::.fix_call_default(ipriorKernel.call, "iprobit")
  } else {
    res$call <- iprior::.fix_call_formula(ipriorKernel.call, "iprobit")


#' @export
iprobit.iprobitMod <- function(object, maxit = NULL, stop.crit = NULL,
                               silent = NULL, ...) {
  ipriorKernel <- object$ipriorKernel
  con          <- object$control
  con$w0       <- object$w
  con$lambda0  <- object$lambda
  con$alpha0   <- object$alpha
  con$restarts <- 0
  if (!is.null(maxit)) con$maxit <- maxit
  else {
    con$maxit <- 100
    message("Updating iprobit model with 100 iterations.")
  if (!is.null(stop.crit)) con$stop.crit <- stop.crit
  if (!is.null(silent)) con$silent <- silent

  # Pass to iprobit.default ----------------------------------------------------
  res <- iprobit.default(y = ipriorKernel, control = con)

  # Update time, call, maxit, niter, lb, error, brier --------------------------
  new.time.diff <- res$end.time - res$start.time
  old.time.diff <- object$end.time - object$start.time
  res$time <- iprior::as.time(new.time.diff + old.time.diff)
  res$end.time <- object$end.time + new.time.diff
  res$call <- object$call
  res$control$maxit <- res$maxit <- res$maxit + object$maxit
  res$niter <- res$niter + object$niter
  res$lower.bound <- c(object$lower.bound, res$lower.bound)
  res$error <- c(object$error, res$error)
  res$brier <- c(object$brier, res$brier)


#' @export
update.iprobitMod <- function(object, maxit = NULL, stop.crit = NULL,
                              silent = NULL, ...) {
  res <- iprobit.iprobitMod(object, maxit, stop.crit, silent, ...)
  assign(deparse(substitute(object)), res, envir = parent.frame())
haziqj/iprobit documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:05 a.m.