

barcodeplot <- function (statistics, index = NULL, index2 = NULL, gene.weights = NULL, weights.label = "Weight", labels = c("Down", "Up"), quantiles = c(-1,1)*sqrt(2), col.bars = NULL, alpha = 0.4, worm = TRUE, span.worm = 0.45, xlab = "Statistic", ...)
#	Barcode plot of one or two gene sets.
#	Gordon Smyth, Di Wu and Yifang Hu
#	20 October 2008.  Last revised 25 Oct 2019.
#	Check statistics
	if(!is.vector(statistics, mode = "numeric")) stop("statistics should be a numeric vector")
	nstat <- length(statistics)

#	Check index
	if(is.null(index)) {
		if(is.null(gene.weights)) {
			stop("Must specify at least one of index or gene.weights")
		} else {
			if(length(gene.weights) == nstat) {
				index <- rep_len(TRUE, nstat)
				index2 <- NULL
			} else {
				stop("No index and length(gene.weights) doesn't equal length(statistics)")
	} else {
		if(anyNA(index)) stop("Need to provide index without NAs")
		if(is.logical(index)) if(length(index) != nstat) stop("Length of index disagrees with statistics")
		if(length(index) > nstat) stop("Length of index disagrees with statistics")

#	Check index2
	if(!is.null(index2)) {
		if(!is.null(gene.weights)) warning("gene.weights ignored")
		gene.weights <- statistics
		gene.weights[] <- 0
		gene.weights[index] <- 1
		gene.weights[index2] <- -1
		index <- rep_len(TRUE, nstat)
		index2 <- NULL

#	Check gene.weights

		if(!is.vector(gene.weights, mode = "numeric")) stop("gene.weights should be a numeric vector")
		if(anyNA(gene.weights)) stop("Need to provide gene.weights without NAs")
		if(all(gene.weights == 0)) stop("gene.weights equal to zero: no selected genes to plot")
		if(length(gene.weights) != length(statistics[index])) stop("Length of gene.weights disagrees with size of set")

		one <- all(gene.weights >= 0) | all(gene.weights <= 0)


			index2 <- NULL
			gene.weights1 <- rep_len(0, nstat)
			names(gene.weights1) <- names(statistics)
			gene.weights1[index] <- gene.weights

			index <- rep_len(FALSE, nstat)
			names(index) <- names(statistics)
			index[gene.weights1 != 0] <- TRUE

			gene.weights1 <- gene.weights1[gene.weights1 != 0]
			gene.weights <- gene.weights1

		} else {

			gene.weights12 <- rep_len(0, nstat)
			names(gene.weights12) <- names(statistics)
			gene.weights12[index] <- gene.weights

			index <- index2 <- rep_len(FALSE, nstat)
			names(index) <- names(index2) <- names(statistics)
			index[gene.weights12 > 0] <- TRUE
			index2[gene.weights12 < 0] <- TRUE

			gene.weights1 <- gene.weights12[gene.weights12 > 0]
			gene.weights2 <- gene.weights12[gene.weights12 < 0]

			gene.weights <- gene.weights1



#	Are there up and down sets?
	TWO <- !is.null(index2)

#	Convert indexes to logical and add weights
		idx <- index
	else {
		idx <- rep_len(FALSE,nstat)
		names(idx) <- names(statistics)
		idx[index] <- TRUE
	set1 <- data.frame(idx = idx, weight = NA, wt = NA)

	if(TWO) {
			idx2 <- index2
		else {
			idx2 <- rep_len(FALSE,nstat)
			names(idx2) <- names(statistics)
			idx2[index2] <- TRUE
		set2 <- data.frame(idx = idx2, weight = NA, wt = NA)

	if(length(gene.weights)) {

		set1$weight <- 0
		set1$weight[index] <- gene.weights
		set1$wt <- abs(set1$weight)/sum(abs(set1$weight))

		if(TWO) {

			set2$weight <- 0
			set2$weight[index2] <- gene.weights2

			SUM <- sum(abs(set1$weight), abs(set2$weight))
			set1$wt <- abs(set1$weight)/SUM
			set2$wt <- abs(set2$weight)/SUM


#	Sort statistics and indexes
	ostat <- order(statistics, na.last = TRUE, decreasing=FALSE)
	statistics <- statistics[ostat]
	set1 <- set1[ostat,]
	if(TWO) set2 <- set2[ostat,]

#	Trim off missing values
	n <- sum(!is.na(statistics))
	if(n==0L) {
		message("No valid statistics")
	if (n < nstat) {
		statistics <- statistics[1:n]
		set1 <- set1[1:n,]
		if (TWO) set2 <- set2[1:n,]

#	Convert indexes to integer
	r <- which(set1$idx)

	if (TWO) {
		r2 <- which(set2$idx)
		if(!length(r2)) TWO <- FALSE

#	Check there is something to plot
		if(TWO) {
			r <- r2
			set1 <- set2

		} else {
			message("No selected genes to plot")

#	Are there unequal weights?
	wt1 <- set1$wt[r]
	len.up <- 1

	if(!anyNA(wt1)) {

		len.up <- set1$weight[r]/max(abs(set1$weight[r]))

		anydifferent <- function(x) {
			if(length(x) < 2) return(FALSE)
			r <- range(x)
			(r[2] > r[1])

		if(!TWO) if(anydifferent(wt1)) WTS <- TRUE

			wt12 <- c(set1$wt[r], abs(set2$wt[r2]))
			if(anydifferent(wt12)) WTS <- TRUE

			max.wt <- max(set1$wt[r], set2$wt[r2])
			len.up <- set1$wt[r]/max.wt
			len.down <- set2$wt[r2]/max.wt


	pos.dir <- all(len.up > 0)

#	Plot setting
	if(WTS) shift <- 0.1 else shift <- 0

#	Check other arguments
	quantiles <- sort(quantiles)

#	check transparency settting for vertical bars
	ALP <- alpha
	ALP <- min(ALP,1)
	ALP <- max(ALP,0.1)

	if (is.null(col.bars)) {

		if (TWO) {

			col.bars <- c("red", "blue")
			if(WTS) col.bars.alpha <- c(rgb(1,0,0,alpha=ALP), rgb(0,0,1,alpha=ALP))
			else col.bars.alpha <- col.bars

		} else {

			col.bars <- "black"
			if(WTS) col.bars.alpha <- rgb(0,0,0,alpha=ALP)
			else col.bars.alpha <- col.bars


	} else {

		if(TWO) {

			if(length(col.bars) == 1) col.bars <- rep(col.bars, 2)
			RGB <- col2rgb(col.bars)/255
			red <- RGB[1,1]
			green <- RGB[2,1]
			blue <- RGB[3,1]
			red2 <- RGB[1,2]
			green2 <- RGB[2,2]
			blue2 <- RGB[3,2]
			if(WTS) col.bars.alpha <- c(rgb(red, green, blue, alpha=ALP), rgb(red2, green2, blue2, alpha=ALP))
			else col.bars.alpha <- col.bars

		} else {

			RGB <- col2rgb(col.bars)/255
			red <- RGB[1,1]
			green <- RGB[2,1]
			blue <- RGB[3,1]
			if(WTS) col.bars.alpha <- rgb(red, green, blue, alpha=ALP)
			else col.bars.alpha <- col.bars



	# worm plot setting
	ylim.worm <- ylim <- c(-1, 1)
	ylab.worm <- ""
	xlab.worm <- xlab

	if(!TWO) ylim.worm <- c(0, 1)

	if(worm) {
		ylim.worm <- c(-2.1, 2.1)
		if(!TWO) ylim.worm <- c(0, 2.1)

	ylim[2] <- ylim[2] + 0.5
	if (TWO) ylim[1] <- ylim[1] - 0.5

	if(TWO) plot(1:n, xlim=c(0,n), ylim=c(ylim.worm[1]-shift, ylim.worm[2]+shift), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab=xlab.worm, ylab=ylab.worm, ...)
	if(!TWO) plot(1:n, xlim=c(0,n), ylim=c(ylim.worm[1]-shift*(!pos.dir), ylim.worm[2]+shift*pos.dir), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab=xlab.worm,ylab=ylab.worm, ...)

	npos <- sum(statistics > quantiles[2])
	nneg <- sum(statistics < quantiles[1])

	lwd <- 50/length(r)
	lwd <- min(1.9, lwd)
	lwd <- max(0.2, lwd)

		lwd2 <- 50/length(r2)
		lwd2 <- min(1.9, lwd2)
		lwd2 <- max(0.2, lwd2)

		lwd <- lwd2 <- min(lwd, lwd2)

	barlim <- ylim[2] - c(1.5, 0.5)

	if(!pos.dir) {

		rect.yb <- 0.5
		rect.yt <- 1

		rect(nneg + 0.5, rect.yb, n - npos + 0.5, rect.yt, col = "lightgray", border = NA)
		if (nneg) rect(0.5, rect.yb, nneg + 0.5, rect.yt, col = "lightblue", border = NA)
		if (npos) rect(n - npos + 0.5, rect.yb, n + 0.5, rect.yt, col = "pink", border = NA)
		segments(r, barlim[2]/2, r, barlim[2], lwd = lwd, col = col.bars.alpha[1])
		segments(r, barlim[2]/2-shift, r, barlim[2]/2*(1+len.up)-shift, lwd = lwd, col = col.bars[1])

	if(pos.dir) {

		rect.yb <- -0.5
		if(!TWO) rect.yb <- 0
		rect.yt <- 0.5
		rect(nneg + 0.5, rect.yb, n - npos + 0.5, rect.yt, col = "lightgray", border = NA)
		if (nneg) rect(0.5, rect.yb, nneg + 0.5, rect.yt, col = "lightblue", border = NA)
		if (npos) rect(n - npos + 0.5, rect.yb, n + 0.5, rect.yt, col = "pink", border = NA)

		segments(r, barlim[1], r, barlim[2]/2, lwd = lwd, col = col.bars.alpha[1])
		segments(r, barlim[2]/2+shift, r, barlim[2]/2*(1+len.up)+shift, lwd = lwd, col = col.bars[1])

	if(TWO) {

		barlim2 <- ylim[1] + c(0.5, 1.5)

		segments(r2, barlim2[1]/2, r2, barlim2[2], lwd = lwd2, col = col.bars.alpha[2])
		segments(r2, barlim2[1]/2*(1+len.down)-shift, r2, barlim2[1]/2-shift, lwd = lwd2, col = col.bars[2])

	lab.at <- 0
	if(!TWO) lab.at <- 0.5
	axis(side = 2, at = lab.at, padj = 3.8, cex.axis = 0.85, labels = labels[1], tick = FALSE)
	axis(side = 4, at = lab.at, padj = -3.8, cex.axis = 0.85, labels = labels[2], tick = FALSE)

	# label statistics on x axis
	prob <- (0:10)/10
	axis(at = seq(1,n,len=11), side = 1, cex.axis = 0.7, las = 2, labels = format(quantile(statistics, p = prob), digits = 1))

	# create worm
	if(worm) {

		# rescale x to new range
		rescale <- function(x, newrange, oldrange=range(x)) {
			newrange[1] + (x-oldrange[1]) / (oldrange[2]-oldrange[1]) * (newrange[2] - newrange[1])

		# calculate enrichment

			ave.enrich1 <- length(r)/n
			worm1 <- tricubeMovingAverage(set1$idx, span = span.worm)/ave.enrich1
			if(TWO) {
				ave.enrich2 <- length(r2)/n
				worm2 <- tricubeMovingAverage(-set2$idx, span = span.worm)/ave.enrich2

		# calculate weighted enrichment

			ave.enrich1 <- mean(set1$wt)
			worm1 <- tricubeMovingAverage(set1$wt, span = span.worm)/ave.enrich1

			if(TWO) {
				ave.enrich2 <- mean(set2$wt)
				worm2 <- tricubeMovingAverage(-set2$wt, span = span.worm)/ave.enrich2

		# rescale worm
		max.worm1 <- max(worm1)
		r.worm1 <- c(0,max.worm1)
		worm1.scale <- rescale(worm1, newrange=c(1.1+shift*pos.dir,2.1+shift*pos.dir), oldrange=r.worm1)

		if(TWO) {
			min.worm2 <- min(worm2)
			r.worm2 <- c(min.worm2,0)
			worm2.scale <- rescale(worm2, newrange=c(-2.1-shift,-1.1-shift), oldrange=r.worm2)

		# plot worms
		if(!TWO) {
			lines(x = 1:n, y = worm1.scale, col = col.bars[1], lwd = 2)
			abline(h = rescale(1,newrange=c(1.1+shift*pos.dir,2.1+shift*pos.dir),oldrange=r.worm1), lty=2)
			axis(side = 2, at = c(1.1+shift*pos.dir, 2.1+shift*pos.dir), cex.axis = 0.8, labels = c(0, format(max.worm1, digits = 2)))
			axis(side = 2, labels = "Enrichment", at = 1.6+shift*pos.dir, padj = -0.6, tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 0.8)

		if(TWO) {

			lines(x = 1:n, y = worm1.scale, col = col.bars[1], lwd = 2)
			abline(h = rescale(1,newrange=c(1.1+shift,2.1+shift),oldrange=r.worm1), lty=2)

			lines(x = 1:n, y = worm2.scale, col = col.bars[2], lwd = 2)
			abline(h = rescale(-1,newrange=c(-2.1-shift,-1.1-shift),oldrange=r.worm2), lty=2)

			axis(side = 2, at = c(1.1+shift, 2.1+shift), cex.axis = 0.7, labels = c(0, format(max.worm1, digits = 2)))
			axis(side = 2, at = c(-1.1-shift, -2.1-shift), cex.axis = 0.7, labels =  c(0, format(-min.worm2, digits = 2)))

			axis(side = 2, labels = "Enrichment", at = 1.6+shift, tick = FALSE, padj = -0.6, cex.axis = 0.7)
			axis(side = 2, labels = "Enrichment", at = -1.6-shift, tick = FALSE, padj = -0.6, cex.axis = 0.7)

	# add gene.weights axis



				axis(side = 2, at = c(0.5+shift, 1+shift), cex.axis = 0.48, padj = 1.6, labels = c(0, format(max(set1$weight[r]), digits = 2)))
				axis(side = 2, labels = weights.label[1], at = 0.75+shift, padj = 1, tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 0.5)



				axis(side = 2, at = c(0-shift, 0.5-shift), cex.axis = 0.48, padj = 1.6, labels = c(format(min(set1$weight[r]), digits = 2), 0))
				axis(side = 2, labels = weights.label[1], at = 0.25-shift, padj = 1, tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 0.5)



			max.weight <- max(set1$weight[r], abs(set2$weight[r2]))
			axis(side = 2, at = c(0.5+shift, 1+shift), cex.axis = 0.43, labels = c(0, format(max.weight, digits = 2, scientific = FALSE)), padj = 1.6)
			axis(side = 2, labels = weights.label[1], at = 0.75+shift, padj = 1, tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 0.46)
			axis(side = 2, at = c(-0.5-shift, -1-shift), cex.axis = 0.43, labels = c(0, format(-max.weight, digits = 2, scientific = FALSE)), padj = 1.6)
			axis(side = 2, labels = weights.label[1], at = -0.75-shift, padj = 1, tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 0.46)


hdeberg/limma documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 3:43 p.m.