
#' Use bootstrap resampling of survey to find best weighting indicators
#' @param inputfile A file containing the input survey data (a survey data 
#' frame, such as that created by \code{simulate_survey}). Either a path to a 
#' file, a connection, or literal data (either a single string or a raw vector). 
#' Files starting with \code{http://}, \code{https://}, \code{ftp://}, or 
#' \code{ftps://} will be automatically downloaded, and zipped files wll be 
#' uncompressed. 
#' @param outputpath Path to write a csv file of the output weighted results. 
#' The new file will contain the original survey data with 2 columns added, 
#' \code{weight_best}, the post-stratification weight for each row in the 
#' survey using the best indicators, and \code{weight_all}, the 
#' post-stratification weight for each row using all the indicators available.
#' Default will write a csv to the working directory.
#' @param n Number of bootstrap resamplings to generate in order to find the
#' best weighting indicators
#' @param response A column in \code{mysurvey} that contains the quantity to be
#' weighted, such as the response to a yes/no question as in 
#' \code{simulate_survey}
#' @param response_col Response column as string
#' @param ... Weighting indicator(s) to be tested for post-stratification.
#' One or more of \code{sex}, \code{raceethnicity}, \code{age}, and/or 
#' \code{education} which must be columns in the survey data frame. Both 
#' \code{age} and \code{education} cannot be used for post-stratification at the
#' same time because of how the ACS tables are organized.
#' @param dots List of weighting indicator(s) as string(s)
#' @return A list of the best indicators. This function also saves a csv file 
#' of the output weighted results
#' @details \code{choose_best_weighting} is given bare names while 
#' \code{choose_best_weighting_} is given strings and is therefore suitable for 
#' programming with. One column of the survey data in \code{inputfile} must be 
#' \code{geography}, to indicate what ACS data to use for post-stratification 
#' weighting.
#' @import dplyr
#' @name choose_best_weighting
#' @examples
#' tmp <- tempfile() 
#' choose_best_weighting(system.file("extdata/examplesurvey.csv", package = "WWC"), 
#'                       tmp, 5, response, sex, raceethnicity)
#' @export
choose_best_weighting <- function(inputfile, outputpath, n, response, ...) {
        # NSE magic
        dots <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
        dots <- purrr::map(dots, col_name)
        response_col <- col_name(substitute(response))
        choose_best_weighting_(inputfile, outputpath, n, response_col, dots)

#' @rdname choose_best_weighting
#' @export
choose_best_weighting_ <- function(inputfile, outputpath = "./wwc_weighted.csv", 
                                   n, response_col, dots) {
        .debug <- F
        mysurvey <- readr::read_csv(inputfile)
        # error handling for weighting indicator
        force_edu <- FALSE
        test_indicators(dots, force_edu)
        ###### added by GM to debug  'contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 ...' -------
        # Restore leading 0s for geography
        geog <- as.character(mysurvey$geography)
        nc <- nchar(geog)
        if(any(bad <- !(nc %in% c(2,4,5)))) {
                stop("Bad number of characters in geography\n")
        geog <- ifelse(nchar(geog)==4, paste0('0',geog), geog)
        mysurvey$geography <- geog
        # Temporary fix to problem with categorical responses
        resp <- mysurvey[[response_col]]
        if(length( unique(resp)) == 1) stop('response is a constant')
        if(!is.numeric(resp)) {
                resp <- as.numeric(as.factor(resp))
        # use mean imputation for NAs
        resp[is.na(resp)] <- mean(resp, na.rm = T)
        mysurvey[[response_col]] <- resp
        ###### end of code added by GM
        # exclude rows/observations/respondents who have NA for geography
        mysurvey <- mysurvey[!is.na(mysurvey$geography),]

        all_weights <- weight_wwc_(mysurvey, dots, force_edu = FALSE) %>%
                rename(weight_all = weight)
        weight_and_process <- function(dots, mysurvey, n, response_col) {
                boot <- modelr::bootstrap(mysurvey, n)
                boot <- purrr::map(boot$strap, weight_wwc_, dots)
                ret <- purrr::map(boot, summarize_survey_, response_col)
                ret <- purrr::map_df(ret, bind_rows)
                ret <- ret %>% 
                        filter(result == "Weighted") %>% 
                        group_by(result, answer) %>% 
                        summarise(mean = mean(value), 
                                  stddev = stats::sd(value)) %>%
        if (length(dots) == 1) {
                ret <- weight_wwc_(mysurvey, dots, force_edu = FALSE)
                best_dots <- dots
        } else if (length(dots) == 2) {

                list_of_dots <- c(dots, 
                results <- data_frame(dots = list_of_dots) %>%
                        mutate(results = purrr::map(list_of_dots, 
                                                    mysurvey, n, response_col)) %>%
                        tidyr::unnest(results, .drop = FALSE)
                dots <- results %>% 
                        top_n(-1, stddev) 
                best_dots <- dots$dots %>%
                        purrr::transpose() %>%
                ########## added by GM to fix dot list problem ------------
                best_dots <- unique(unlist(best_dots))
                if(.debug) browser()
                ########## end of code added by GM                
                ret <- weight_wwc_(mysurvey, best_dots, force_edu = FALSE)

        } else if (length(dots) == 3) {

                list_of_dots <- c(dots, 
                                  utils::combn(dots, 2, FUN = as.character, 
                                               simplify = FALSE), 
                results <- data_frame(dots = list_of_dots) %>%
                        mutate(results = purrr::map(list_of_dots, 
                                                    mysurvey, n, response_col)) %>%
                        tidyr::unnest(results, .drop = FALSE)
                dots <- results %>% 
                        top_n(-1, stddev) %>%
                best_dots <- dots$dots %>%
                        purrr::transpose() %>%
                ########## added by GM to fix dot list problem ------------
                best_dots <- unique(unlist(best_dots))
                if(.debug) browser()
                ########## end of code added by GM                
                ret <- weight_wwc_(mysurvey, best_dots, force_edu = FALSE)

        } else {
                stop("indicators can only include three of sex, raceethnicity, age, and education")
        ret <- ret %>%
                rename(weight_best = weight) %>%

        readr::write_csv(ret, outputpath)
        message("The set of indicators best suited to this survey is")
        message(cat(unlist(best_dots), sep = " "))

heathermkrause/WWC documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:20 p.m.