
# Some examples...
# unitedstates <- geo.make(us = TRUE)
# usDF <- process_acs_age(unitedstates)
# texas <- geo.make(state = "TX")
# txDF <- process_acs_age(texas)
# Cook County (Chicago) is populous enough that it has 1-year estimates
# cookcounty <- geo.make(state = "IL", county = 31)
# cookDF <- process_acs_age(cookcounty)
# Daggett County in rural Utah has only 5-year estimates
# daggettcounty <- geo.make(state = "UT", county = 9)
# daggettDF <- process_acs_age(daggettcounty, yearspan = 5)

# Fetch and process educational tables B01001 and B01001B/D/H/I
# Binning for race/ethnicity in this data frame is the same as in ACS tables 
# B01001B/D/H/I; the data from table B01001 is rebinned and used to find the 
# "other" population

process_acs_age <- function(geographyfetch, yearspan = 1) {
        # get age for male/female population, not broken
        # down by race/ethnicity
        totalagefetch <- acs::acs.fetch(geography = geographyfetch, 
                                        endyear = 2014,
                                        span = yearspan, 
                                        table.number = "B01001",
                                        col.names = "pretty")
        totalage <- reshape2::melt(acs::estimate(totalagefetch))
        totalage$age <- str_extract(as.character(totalage$Var2), 
                                    "(\\d+ (to|and) \\d+ years|\\d+ years and over|\\d+ years|Under \\d+ years)")
        totalage$sex <- str_extract(totalage$Var2, "(Female|Male)")
        totalage$age[$age)] <- "Total"
        totalage$age <- factor(totalage$age, levels = unique(totalage$age))
        geototal <- totalage$value[$sex)]
        totalage <- totalage %>% 
                select(sex, age, population = value) %>%
                filter(! %>%
                mutate(age = as.character(age))
        # this data frame above has sex by age for total population
        # get age for male/female population broken down
        # by race/ethnicity
        tablenames <- paste0("B01001", c("B","D","H", "I"))
        agefetch <- purrr::map(tablenames, function(x) {
                acs::acs.fetch(geography = geographyfetch, 
                               endyear = 2014, 
                               span = yearspan,
                               table.number = x, 
                               col.names = "pretty")
        process_fetch <- function(fetch) {
                sexbyage <- acs::estimate(fetch)
                sexbyage <- reshape2::melt(sexbyage)
                sexbyage$raceethnicity <- str_extract(str_extract(as.character(sexbyage$Var2), "\\(.+\\):{1}"),
                sexbyage$age <- str_extract(as.character(sexbyage$Var2), 
                                            "(\\d+ (to|and) \\d+ years|\\d+ years and over|\\d+ years|Under \\d+ years)")
                sexbyage$sex <- str_extract(sexbyage$Var2, "(Female|Male)")
                sexbyage$age[$age)] <- "Total"
                sexbyage$age <- factor(sexbyage$age, levels = unique(sexbyage$age))
                sexbyage <- sexbyage %>% select(sex, age, raceethnicity, population = value)
        # this data frame has sex by age for four
        # racial/ethnic groups but NOT total or other
        age <- purrr::map_df(agefetch, function(x) {process_fetch(x)})
        age <- age[!$sex),] %>%
                mutate(age = as.character(age))
        # now we will rebin BOTH data frames to 5 age bins
        totalage <- bind_rows(totalage %>% group_by(sex) %>% 
                                      filter(age == "Under 5 years" |
                                                     age == "5 to 9 years" |
                                                     age == "10 to 14 years" |
                                                     age == "15 to 17 years") %>% 
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "Under 18 years"),
                              totalage %>% group_by(sex) %>% 
                                      filter(age == "18 and 19 years" | 
                                                     age == "20 years" |
                                                     age == "21 years" |
                                                     age == "22 to 24 years") %>% 
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "18 to 24 years"),
                              totalage %>% group_by(sex) %>%
                                      filter(age == "25 to 29 years" |
                                                     age == "30 to 34 years" |
                                                     age == "35 to 39 years" |
                                                     age == "40 to 44 years") %>%
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "25 to 44 years"),
                              totalage %>% group_by(sex) %>% 
                                      filter(age == "45 to 49 years" |
                                                     age == "50 to 54 years" |
                                                     age == "55 to 59 years" | 
                                                     age == "60 and 61 years" |
                                                     age == "62 to 64 years") %>% 
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "45 to 64 years"),
                              totalage %>% group_by(sex) %>% 
                                      filter(age == "65 and 66 years" |
                                                     age == "67 to 69 years" |
                                                     age == "70 to 74 years" |
                                                     age == "75 to 79 years" |
                                                     age == "80 to 84 years" |
                                                     age == "85 years and over") %>% 
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "65 years and over")) %>%
                ungroup %>%
                select(sex, age, sextotal = population) %>%
                mutate(geototal = geototal)
        age <- bind_rows(age %>% group_by(sex, raceethnicity) %>% 
                                      filter(age == "Under 5 years" |
                                                     age == "5 to 9 years" |
                                                     age == "10 to 14 years" |
                                                     age == "15 to 17 years") %>% 
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "Under 18 years"),
                              age %>% group_by(sex, raceethnicity) %>% 
                                      filter(age == "18 and 19 years" | 
                                                     age == "20 to 24 years") %>% 
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "18 to 24 years"),
                              age %>% group_by(sex, raceethnicity) %>%
                                      filter(age == "25 to 29 years" |
                                                     age == "30 to 34 years" |
                                                     age == "35 to 44 years") %>%
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "25 to 44 years"),
                              age %>% group_by(sex, raceethnicity) %>% 
                                      filter(age == "45 to 54 years" | 
                                                     age == "55 to 64 years") %>% 
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "45 to 64 years"),
                              age %>% group_by(sex, raceethnicity) %>% 
                                      filter(age == "65 to 74 years" |
                                                     age == "75 to 84 years" |
                                                     age == "85 years and over") %>% 
                                      summarize(population = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                      mutate(age = "65 years and over")) %>%
                ungroup %>%
                select(sex, raceethnicity, age, population)

        # now both age and totalage have the same 5 bins
        # what about "other" as a racial/ethnic group?
        ageother <- age %>% group_by(sex, age) %>% 
                summarise(notother = sum(population)) %>% 
                mutate(age = as.character(age)) %>%
                left_join(totalage, by = c("sex", "age")) %>% 
                mutate(raceethnicity = "Other", 
                       population = sextotal - notother) %>% 
                select(sex, age, raceethnicity, population)
        age <- bind_rows(age, ageother)
        age <- left_join(age, totalage, by = c("sex", "age")) %>% 
                mutate(prob = population/geototal) %>%
                filter(age != "Total")
        age$raceethnicity <- toupper(age$raceethnicity)

# Fetch and process educational tables B15002 and C15002B/D/H/I
# Binning in this data frame is the same as in ACS tables 
# C15002B/D/H/I; the data from table B15002 is rebinned and used to find the 
# "other" population

process_acs_education <- function(geographyfetch, yearspan = 1) {
        # get education attainment for male/female population, not broken
        # down by race/ethnicity
        totaleducationfetch <- acs::acs.fetch(geography = geographyfetch, 
                                              endyear = 2014,
                                              span = yearspan, 
                                              table.number = "B15002",
                                              col.names = "pretty")
        totaleducation <- reshape2::melt(acs::estimate(totaleducationfetch))
        totaleducation$Var2 <- str_extract(as.character(totaleducation$Var2), 
        totaleducation$sex <- str_extract(totaleducation$Var2, "(Female|Male)")
        totaleducation$education <- str_extract(str_extract(totaleducation$Var2, ":.+$"), "\\b.+$")
        totaleducation$education[$education)] <- "Total"
        totaleducation$education <- factor(totaleducation$education, levels = unique(totaleducation$education))
        totaleducation <- totaleducation %>% 
                select(sex, education, population = value) %>%
        # this data frame above has sex by educational attainment for total population
        # get educational attainment for male/female population broken down
        # by race/ethnicity
        tablenames <- paste0("C15002", c("B","D","H", "I"))
        educationfetch <- purrr::map(tablenames, function(x) {
                acs::acs.fetch(geography = geographyfetch, 
                               endyear = 2014, 
                               span = yearspan,
                               table.number = x, 
                               col.names = "pretty")
        process_fetch <- function(fetch) {
                education <- acs::estimate(fetch)
                education <- reshape2::melt(education)
                education$raceethnicity <- str_extract(str_extract(as.character(education$Var2), "\\(.+\\):{1}"),
                education$Var2 <- str_extract(as.character(education$Var2), "(Female:.+$|Female:|Male:.+$|Male:)")
                education$sex <- str_extract(education$Var2, "(Female|Male)")
                education$education <- str_extract(str_extract(education$Var2, ":.+$"), "\\b.+$")
                education$education[$education)] <- "Total"
                education$education <- factor(education$education, levels = unique(education$education))
                education <- education %>% select(sex, education, raceethnicity, population = value)
        # this data frame has sex by educational attainment for four
        # racial/ethnic groups but NOT total or other
        education <- purrr::map_df(educationfetch, function(x) {process_fetch(x)})
        education <- education[!$sex),] %>%
                mutate(education = as.character(education))
        # unfortunately, it is not the same education bins as the
        # total education data frame above
        totaleducation <- bind_rows(totaleducation %>% group_by(sex) %>% 
                                            filter(education == "Total") %>% 
                                            summarize(sextotal = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                            mutate(education = "Total"),
                                    totaleducation %>% group_by(sex) %>% 
                                            filter(education == "No schooling completed" | 
                                                           education == "Nursery to 4th grade" |
                                                           education == "5th and 6th grade" |
                                                           education == "7th and 8th grade" |
                                                           education == "9th grade" |
                                                           education == "10th grade" |
                                                           education == "11th grade" | 
                                                           education == "12th grade, no diploma") %>% 
                                            summarize(sextotal = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                            mutate(education = "Less than high school diploma"),
                                    totaleducation %>% group_by(sex) %>% 
                                            filter(education == "High school graduate (includes equivalency)") %>% 
                                            summarize(sextotal = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                            mutate(education = "High school graduate (includes equivalency)"),
                                    totaleducation %>% group_by(sex) %>% 
                                            filter(education == "Some college, less than 1 year" | 
                                                           education == "Some college, 1 or more years, no degree" |
                                                           education == "Associate's degree") %>% 
                                            summarize(sextotal = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                            mutate(education = "Some college or associate's degree"),
                                    totaleducation %>% group_by(sex) %>% 
                                            filter(education == "Bachelor's degree" | 
                                                           education == "Master's degree" |
                                                           education == "Professional school degree" |
                                                           education == "Doctorate degree") %>% 
                                            summarize(sextotal = sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
                                            mutate(education = "Bachelor's degree or higher"))
        geototal <- totaleducation %>% filter(education == "Total") %>% 
                summarise(geototal = sum(sextotal))
        totaleducation <- totaleducation %>% mutate(geototal = geototal[[1]])
        # now both education and total education have the same bins
        # what about "other" as a racial/ethnic group?
        educationother <- education %>% group_by(sex, education) %>% 
                summarise(notother = sum(population)) %>% 
                left_join(totaleducation, by = c("sex", "education")) %>% 
                mutate(raceethnicity = "Other", 
                       population = sextotal - notother) %>% 
                select(sex, education, raceethnicity, population)
        education <- bind_rows(education, educationother)
        education <- left_join(education, totaleducation, 
                               by = c("sex", "education")) %>% 
                mutate(prob = population/geototal) %>%
                filter(education != "Total")
        education$raceethnicity <- toupper(education$raceethnicity)
heathermkrause/WWC documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:20 p.m.