
Defines functions check_ccdata x3p_crosscut switch_xy x3p_crosscut_optimize check_x3p land_cc

Documented in check_ccdata check_x3p land_cc switch_xy x3p_crosscut x3p_crosscut_optimize

#' Get a specified cross section
#' @param y y coordinate of cross section
#' @param land x3p file with land data
#' @return cross cut data frame
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
land_cc <- function(y, land) {
  value <- x <- NULL
  assert_that(has_name(land, "y"), has_name(land, "x"))

  # get cross cut, and smooth it
  ys <- unique(land$y)
  picky <- ys[which.min(abs(y - ys))]
  this_land <- land[land$y == picky, ]
  this_groove <- quantile(this_land$x, probs = c(0.15, 0.85))
  this_land_filtered <- subset(this_land, !is.na(value) &
    x > this_groove[1] & x < this_groove[2])
  if (nrow(this_land_filtered) > 5) {
    this_cc_df <- cc_fit_loess(this_land_filtered, span = 0.75)
    # if (is.null(this_cc_df$raw_sig)) browser()
    this_cc_df$resid <- this_cc_df$raw_sig # where are we still using resid?
  } else {
    this_cc_df <- this_land_filtered

#' Check whether an x3p argument is character or filename, return an x3p object
#' @param x3p if character, path to an x3p file. Otherwise a scan in x3p
#'          format is expected.
#' @importFrom x3ptools read_x3p
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
check_x3p <- function(x3p) {
  x3pdata <- NULL
  if (is.character(x3p)) x3pdata <- read_x3p(x3p)
  if ("x3p" %in% class(x3p)) x3pdata <- x3p


#' Identify a reliable cross section
#' Identifies a "representative" cross section for a bullet land engraved area.
#' Striation marks on a bullet land are best expressed at the heel (bottom) of
#' a bullet where break-off is still problematic.
#' Using cross-correlation we identify a cross section that is
#' the closest to the bottom of the bullet but does not suffer from break-off.
#' If the resulting cross section is equal to the maximum of the search area
#' (defined in xlimits), there should be some investigation to determine
#' whether this cross section is usable, due to the risk of tank rash.
#' TODO: are missing values only on the right hand side (leading shoulder)?
#' @param x3p if character, path to an x3p file. Otherwise a scan in x3p
#'          format is expected. The assumption is that the scan is taken across
#'          the bullet land, with an upright bullet, i.e. bullet tip points upward. (0,0) defines the bottom left corner of the scan.
#' @param distance positive numeric value indicating the distance between cross
#'          sections to use for a comparison
#' @param ylimits vector of values between which to check for cross sections in
#'          a stable region. In case the upper limit is not specified
#'          explicitly, it is determined by the scan itself.
#' @param minccf minimal value of cross correlation to indicate a stable region
#' @param span The span for the loess smooth function
#' @param percent_missing maximum percent missing values allowed on the crosscut
#'          to be picked
#' @return dataframe of crosscut
#' @importFrom x3ptools x3p_to_df
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[3])),
#'   stop_at_step = "clean",
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' x3p_crosscut_optimize(example_data$x3p[[1]])
#' x3p_crosscut(example_data$x3p[[1]], 75) %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = value)) + geom_line()
#' }
x3p_crosscut_optimize <- function(x3p, distance = 25, ylimits = c(50, NA),
                                  minccf = 0.9, span = 0.03,
                                  percent_missing = 50) {
  x3pdat <- check_x3p(x3p)

  x3p_df <- x3ptools::x3p_to_df(x3pdat)

  if (max(x3p_df$y) < min(ylimits, na.rm = T)) {
    warning("Maximum y value is less than minimum ylimit value. Are units correct?")

  if (is.na(ylimits[2])) {
    ylimits[2] <- max(x3p_df$y)

  done <- FALSE
  # make sure the first y picked is above the missing value threshold.
  rowMiss <- rev(apply(x3p$surface.matrix, function(x) sum(is.na(x)), MARGIN=2))
  ys <- sort(unique(x3p_df$y))
  ys <- ys[ys > ylimits[1]] # respect the lower limit
  idx <- which(rowMiss/x3pdat$header.info$sizeX*100 < percent_missing)
  if (length(idx) == 0)
    stop("Too many missing values, increase the value of allowed percent missing values from percent_missing = %d", percent_missing)

 # y <- min(ylimits)
  y <- ys[idx[1]]
  first_cc <- land_cc(y, land = x3p_df)

  # This loop only entered when there is too much missingness - too hard to test
  # 0.7 because land_cc is removing the most extreme 30% of the data
#  while ((dim(first_cc)[1] < 0.7*x3pdat$header.info$sizeX * (100 - percent_missing) / 100) &
#    (y < x3pdat$header.info$sizeY)) {
#    y <- y + distance
#    first_cc <- land_cc(y, land = x3p_df)
#  }

  while (!done) {
    y <- y + distance
    # TODO: need to check that we have enough data
    second_cc <- land_cc(y, land = x3p_df)
    #    res <- ccf(first_cc$resid, second_cc$resid, lag.max = .5*min(nrow(first_cc), nrow(second_cc)), plot=FALSE)
    #    ccf <- max(res$acf)

    # smooth raw signatures, then align and compare:
    first_cc$rssmooth <- raw_sig_smooth(first_cc$raw_sig, span = span)
    second_cc$rssmooth <- raw_sig_smooth(second_cc$raw_sig, span = span)
    ccf <- sig_align(first_cc$rssmooth, second_cc$rssmooth)$ccf

    if (ccf > minccf) {
      done <- TRUE
      return(y - distance)
    first_cc <- second_cc
    if (y + distance > max(ylimits)) done <- TRUE

#' Switch x and y in a data frame
#' Used to relable x3ps
#' @param dataframe a data frame with columns x and y
#' @return dataframe
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
switch_xy <- function(dataframe) {
    has_name(dataframe, "x"),
    has_name(dataframe, "y")
  # switch x and y
  xidx <- grep("x", names(dataframe))
  yidx <- grep("y", names(dataframe))
  names(dataframe)[c(yidx, xidx)] <- c("x", "y")

#' Read a crosscut from a 3d surface file
#' @param x3p  if character, path to an x3p file. Otherwise a scan in x3p
#'          format is expected.
#' @param y level of the crosscut to be taken. If this level does not exist,
#'          the crosscut along the middle of the land is returned.
#' @param range numeric specifying a range of (y, y + range) to be extracted
#' @return data frame
#' @importFrom x3ptools read_x3p
#' @importFrom x3ptools x3p_to_df
#' @importFrom zoo na.trim
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[3])),
#'   stop_at_step = "clean",
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' x3p_crosscut_optimize(example_data$x3p[[1]])
  #' x3p_crosscut(example_data$x3p[[1]], 75) %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = value)) + geom_line()
#' }
x3p_crosscut <- function(x3p, y = NULL, range = 1e-5) {
  x3pdat <- check_x3p(x3p)

  # TODO: check into how na.trim is used here
  x3p_df <- na.trim(x3p_to_df(x3pdat))
  ys <- unique(x3p_df$y)
  if (is.null(y)) y <- median(ys)

  picky <- ys[which.min(abs(y - ys))]
  x3p_df_fix <- x3p_df[x3p_df$y >= picky & x3p_df$y <= picky + range, ]

  df <- na.omit(x3p_df_fix)
  # we only want to keep attributes "names" "class" and "row.names"

  delete_attrs <- setdiff(names(attributes(df)), c("names", "class", "row.names"))
  lapply(delete_attrs, function(x){
    attr(df, x) <<- NULL

#' Check object returned by x3p_crosscut_optimize
#' @param x data frame from x3p_crosscut_optimize
#' @return TRUE if everything is ok, error otherwise
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
check_ccdata <- function(x) {
  assert_that(!is.null(x), msg = "crosscut data must not be null")
  assert_that(has_name(x, "x"), has_name(x, "value"))
  assert_that(nrow(x) > 0, msg = "crosscut data must have > 0 rows")
heike/bulletxtrctr documentation built on June 3, 2024, 12:08 a.m.