#' Interactively select a line on the active rgl device
#' In the active rgl device select a line on the 3d surface by clicking on start and end-point (order matters). These points define the beginning and end of a line segment.
#' The line segment is drawn on the mask of the x3p object.
#' The line object is returned as part of the x3p object, if `line_result` is set to `TRUE`
#' @param x3p x3p file
#' @param col character value of the selection color
#' @param update boolean value, whether the rgl window should be updated to show the selected circle
#' @param line_result enhance result by a data frame of the line: NULL for no, "raw" for data frame of original x and y (in the mask) and
#' projected x onto the line, "equi-spaced" (default) returns a data frame with equispaced x values after fitting a loess smooth to the raw values.
#' Note that variable x indicates the direction from first click (x=0) to
#' the second click (max x).
#' @param scale_to numeric value of the resolution in the returned line. Only applies to equi-spaced `line_result`.
#' @param multiply integer value, factor to multiply surface values. Only applied if update is true. Defaults to 5,
#' @param linewidth line width of the extracted line. Defaults to 1.
#' @return x3p file with identified line in the mask. Depending on the setting of `line_result`
#' additional information on the line is attached as a data frame.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange between filter mutate rename
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive) {
#' x3p <- x3p_read(system.file("sample-land.x3p", package="x3ptools"))
#' x3p %>% image_x3p(size=dim(x3p$surface.matrix), multiply=1, zoom=.3)
#' x3p <- x3p_extract_profile(x3p, update=TRUE, col="#FFFFFF")
#' x3p$line_df %>%
#' ggplot(aes(x = x, y = value)) + geom_line()
#' x3p$line_df$y <- 1
#' sigs <- bulletxtrctr::cc_get_signature(ccdata = x3p$line_df,
#' grooves = list(groove=range(x3p$line_df$x)), span1 = 0.75, span2 = 0.03)
#' sigs %>%
#' ggplot(aes(x = x)) +
#' geom_line(aes(y = raw_sig), colour = "grey50") +
#' geom_line(aes(y = sig), size = 1) +
#' theme_bw()
#' }}
x3p_extract_profile <- function(x3p, col = "#FF0000", update=TRUE, line_result= "equi-spaced", scale_to = NA, multiply = 5, linewidth = 1) {
cat("Select start point and endpoint on the surface ...\n")
stopifnot("x3p" %in% class(x3p))
ids <- rgl::ids3d()
if (nrow(ids) == 0) {
size <- dim(x3p$surface.matrix)
size[2] <- round(500/size[1]*size[2])
size[1] <- 500
x3p %>% x3p_image(size = size, zoom=0.8)
# initialize values
orig_x <- orig_y <- `p-x.m` <- `p-x.n` <- value <- NULL
multiply <- multiply
if (is.na(scale_to)) scale_to = x3p %>% x3p_get_scale()
surface <- x3p$surface.matrix
z <- multiply * surface
yidx <- ncol(z):1
y <- x3p$header.info$incrementY * yidx
x <- x3p$header.info$incrementX * (1:nrow(x3p$surface.matrix))
xidx <- rep(x, length(y))
yidx <- rep(y, each=length(x))
selected <- identify3d(xidx, yidx ,z, n=2, buttons=c("left", "middle"))
# browser()
coord1 <- xidx[selected]
coord2 <- yidx[selected]
X <- c(coord1[1], coord2[1])
Y <- c(coord1[2], coord2[2])
m <- Y-X
dm <- sqrt(sum(m^2)) # length of Y-X
m <- m/dm
n <- c(m[2],-m[1]) # normal vector to m
if (is.null(x3p$mask)) x3p <- x3p %>% x3p_add_mask()
x3p_df <- x3p_to_df(x3p)
x3p_df <- x3p_df %>% mutate(
`p-x.n` = (x - X[1])*n[1] + (y - X[2])*n[2],
`p-x.m` = (x - X[1])*m[1] + (y - X[2])*m[2]
eps <- x3p %>% x3p_get_scale() * linewidth/2
on_line <- abs(x3p_df$`p-x.n`)< eps & dplyr::between(x3p_df$`p-x.m`, 0, dm)
x3p_df$mask[on_line] <- col
tmp <- x3p_df %>% df_to_x3p()
# if (is.null(x3p$mask)) x3p <- x3p %>% x3p_add_mask()
# browser()
x3p$mask <- tmp$mask
# browser()
if (update) {
clear3d() # remove the active scene
surface3d(x, y, z, col = as.vector(x3p$mask), back = "fill")
# x3p %>% image_x3p(update=TRUE)
if (!is.null(line_result)) {
line_df <- x3p_df %>%
filter(abs(`p-x.n`)<eps, between(`p-x.m`, 0, dm)) %>%
orig_x = x,
orig_y = y,
x = `p-x.m`,
y = `p-x.n`
) %>%
select(x, y, orig_x, orig_y, value) %>%
if (line_result == "raw") {
line <- line_df
if (line_result == "equi-spaced") {
# browser()
#ps <- sequence_points(0, Y-X, by=x3p %>% x3p_get_scale())
line_df <- line_df %>% mutate(
x = round(x/scale_to),
y = round(y/scale_to)
line <- line_df %>% group_by(x) %>%
value = median(value, na.rm=TRUE),
orig_x = median(orig_x),
orig_y = median(orig_y),
y = 0,
n = n()) %>%
mutate(x = x*scale_to)
attributes(line)$click <- list(start=X, end=Y)
x3p$line <- line
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